A) B) C) D) A) B) C)
A) B) C) D) A) B) C)
A) B) C) D) A) B) C)
b) To staff
c) Financial
d) Other
Board of Directors
Senior Management Team
Clinical Directors
General Managers/Heads of Department
Board Committee
Date of consultation at:
Infection Control Committee:
Health & Safety Committee 12th September 2007
Other (state name/s):
Strategic Direction:
Board Assurance:
Clinical Governance: 3rd October 2007
Date of Final Draft:
Date of Final Approval: Approved by:
Implementation Date:
Date of last review: Date of next review: 24th October 2011
Circulation Date:
Circulation: Yes Comment
Directors √
Non Executive Directors
Clinical Directors √
Medical Staff Committee/SMSF
April 2010
2.1 Legislation
2.2 Statutory Records
2.3 Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser
98.0 Emergencies
Anatomical waste –
Any Waste containing body parts or recognisable body parts including samples
taken for laboratory analysis
Cytotoxic/Cytostatic waste –
Any medicinal product that possesses one or more of the hazardous properties
-Toxic, Carcinogenic, Toxic for Reproduction, Mutagenic. This may include drugs
from a number of medicinal classes, for example Antineoplastic agents, antivirals,
immunosuppressant’s, a range of hormonal drugs and others.
February 2007
Date of Implementation
The Trust aims to ensure that the waste management processes of the Trust
enhance the care provided to patients and provide a pleasant environment do not
pose a risk to for patients, visitors, staff, refuse collectors or any other person. The
Trust is committed to waste minimisation and recycling wherever practicable.
This policy identifies the wide range of waste produced in the hospital setting. This
waste will be segregated, sorted, handled, transported and disposed of as safely
and efficiently as possible and in accordance with HTM 07-01 “Safe management of
healthcare waste”. Directorates and departments must ensure that their local
policies conform to this waste management policy.
The principles of this Waste Management Policy apply to all Trust premises
and sites.
This policy has been produced to enable the Trust to positively promote and
safeguard the management of waste and to develop a Pro - environmental aware
Culture within the organisation.
Approved by
Date of approval
Name and signature of accountable Executive Director of Trust
2.1 Legislation
2.2 Statutory Records
2.3 Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser
8.0 Emergencies
The Infection Control team will provide support, advice and guidance to
managers on all matters relating to infection controls, segregation and
the definition of appropriate waste categories, to assist them in making
the final decision on whether waste is Infectious or not.
1.3 Waste officer /DGSA
All managers will be responsible for ensuring that their work areas
comply with the requirements of this policy and that their staff are
appropriately trained and receive sufficient information to be able to
handle and dispose of waste correctly. This training can be accessed
All staff, volunteers and contractors will comply with the requirements
of this policy and report any hazards and incidents immediately to their
2.1 Legislation
2.2.1 CA central waste register will be kept within the Facilities department,
this register will contain the following documentation: -
2.3 Advice and support on all matters relating to the carriage of dangerous
materials can be obtained from the Trusts Contracts manager/Waste
officer/The Trust employs a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisoers
(DGSA). 2896 Mr G C Steedman, who will provide advice and
support on all matters relating to the carriage of dangerous materials.
Infectious waste
Fluorescent tubes
Laboratory chemicals
Cleaning chemicals
Waste electronics
Cytotoxic and Cytostatic waste
Domestic waste
Food waste
Offensive/hygiene waste
Prescription only Medicines not containing dangerous chemicals
or Cytotoxic or Cytostatic medicines
Packaging waste
General Construction waste
Confidential waste
.These materials will be pre treated prior to land fill or disposal, e.g
recovered, recycled or reused.
The Human Tissue Authority has now issued a code of practice on the
removal, storage and disposal of organs and tissue which includes
disposal of existing holdings prior to 1 st September 2006. [SOP-CP-
MORT-013 HTA Code of Practice 5 - The removal, storage and
disposal of human organs and tissue] – The trust has a protocol to
meet this requirement.
All healthcare waste must be clinically and specifically assessed by the producer, at
theAt the time of production for; medicinal properties, chemical properties and
propertiesProperties. In respect to chemical or COSHH related wastes the
Manufactures safety data sheet must be used. This assessment will assist in
determining the appropriate waste stream.
If YES, dispose of as Cytotoxic Waste and follow the Trust procedure or contact
Pharmacy for advice. A generic list of Cytotoxic and Cytostatic medicines can be
obtained from Pharmacy.
The Trust will choose the most appropriate waste receptacle for the waste
generated in a particular area.
Confidential waste will be placed in the special opaque bags provided for this
waste stream. The confidential waste label must be completed and the
department keep the waste secure until collection. Bulk confidential waste will
be kept in a secure fully enclosed confidential waste container until collection.
The Trust will offer immunisation to appropriate staff. (Advice can be sought
via the Occupational Health Department) (4939)
98.0 Emergencies
All infectious waste will be contained within sealed (Tie tag) ,and
labelledlabelled and Tie yellowtagged Yellowyellow clinical waste sacks are
and disposed of via incineration. These waste sacks will be stored and
transported to the incinerator plant in 770litre rigid plastic containers.
Any radioactive waste, electrical waste or waste for recovery will be collected
from the relevant work area and recycled or disposed of as required.
Chemical waste all chemical waste will be disposed of in accordance with the
data held in the Manufacturers safety data sheets. Each department will he
The trust will ensure that there are adequate contingency arrangements in
place for the collection, storage, transportation and disposal of all wastes, in
the event of an emergency that will delay the collection and disposal of waste.
Each Head of department must also carry out a duty of care audit, e.g., IT
department disposal of IT equipment..
All staff will be trained in waste handling and segregation procedures in line
Monitoring arrangements
This policy and its effectiveness will be monitored annually this will include -:
Type of Waste Appropriate Container Staff responsible for Method of Staff Action on Method of
Container available from sealing container sealing responsible for Spillage Disposal
All Infectious waste i.e. clinical Yellow Domestic Ward/Department Maximum ¾ full Portering Seal off area to Incineration
or 520kg Department prevent further
waste waste sack services staff
Fasten securely contamination.
with official
Department individually See Spillage
numbered Procedure
plastic tracer
DO NOT transfer
contents loose
from bag to bag
and handle by
neck ONLY.
All sharps including needles, Sharps box Materials Ward/Department Maximum ¾ full Portering Seal off area to Incineration
scalpel blades, giving sets etc management staff Lock/seal lid Department prevent further
Estates and contamination.
Departments See Spillage
Recycled waste - cardboard, outer N/A Portering All StaffN/A Break down until flat and Portering N/A Recycled
packaging DeptN/A place into Green 770 Department bailerCo
litre bin mpactor
Confidential Waste including Brown Portering Ward/Depart Maximum ¾ full or 520 Estates Replace Contrac
material, often patient or staff records, confidential DomesicEsta mental staff kg. Department paper tor
which requires shredding prior to bagBrown tes Securely fasten. into bag Recycle
ultimate disposal. The Departmental bag Department or new d
Manager or Head of Department will bag if bailer
decide whether waste is confidential. split.