Balutan - Chapter 1. Lecture
Balutan - Chapter 1. Lecture
Balutan - Chapter 1. Lecture
I. SURFACE ANATOMY: Match each of the numbered descriptions with the related term in
the key, and record the key letter or term in front of the description.
1. Nasal
4. Sternal
5. Coxal
6. Lumbar
7. Femoral
8. Crural
9. Tarsal
10. Plantar
1. brachail
2. antecubital
3. antebrachial
4. carpal
5. palmar
6. digital
3. Complete these sentences using the terms anterior or posterior. Assume the individual is in
anatomical position.
a. The heel is __________ to the toes.
b. The biceps are __________to the triceps.
c. The hamstrings are __________to the quadriceps.
4. Complete these sentences using the terms lateral or medial. Assume the individual is in
anatomical position.
a. The arms are _lateral_________ to the midline.
b. The neck is __media________ to the arms.
c. The shoulders are _lateral_________ to the midline.
5. Complete these sentences using the terms superficial or deep. Assume the individual is in
anatomical position.
a. The skin is___superficial_______ to the muscles.
b. The heart is __deep________to the ribs.
7. What is the importance of having the anatomical position and how do we apply this in our
clinical practice?
Rubric: This will be applied per question.
10 5 0
Correctness The student was able There was an error in The student was not
to correctly answer the answer given. able to answer the
what was asked. question.
Multiple Choice: More than one choice may apply. Encircle the choice of your answer/s.
1. Which of the following would you expect to find in or on cells whose main function
a. Microvilli
b. Cilia
c. Gap junctions
d. Secretory vesicles
2. Adult cell types you might expect to have gap junctions include
a. skeletal muscle.
b. bone.
c. heart muscle.
d. smooth muscle.
3. Which of the following are possible functions of the glycoproteins in the plasmamembrane?
a. Determination of blood groups
b. Binding sites for toxins or bacteria
c. Aiding the binding of sperm to egg
d. Increasing the efficiency of absorption
9. What kind of connective tissue acts as a sponge, soaking up fluid when edemaoccurs?
a. Areolar connective
b. Adipose connective
c. Dense irregular connective
d. Reticular connective
e. Vascular
10. What type of connective tissue prevents muscles from pulling away from bonesduring
a. Dense connective
b. Areolar
c. Elastic connective
d. Hyaline cartilage
1. Define tissue. List the four major types of tissue. Which of these types is most widely distributed
in the body?
2. Tell where each of the three types of muscle tissue would be found in the body. What ismeant
by the statement, “Smooth muscles are involuntary in action”?
____________________________________________________ Rubric: This will be applied per question.
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1. John has severely injured his knee during football practice. He is told that he has a torn knee
cartilage and to expect that recovery and repair will take a long time. Why will it take a long time?
2. Michael had a nervous habit of chewing on the inner lining of his lip with his front teeth. The lip
grew thicker and thicker from years of continual irritation. Michael’s dentist noticed his greatly
thickened lip, then told him to have it checked to see if the thickening was a tumor. A biopsy revealed
hyperplasia, but no evidence of neoplasia. What do these terms mean? Did Michael have mouth cancer
of the mouth?