United States Patent: Hayashi (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 12, 2006

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,146,836 B2

Hayashi (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 12, 2006
(54) PIERCING METHOD FOR 5,699,690 A * 12/1997 Furugen et al. ................ 7269
MANUFACTURING OF SEAMILESS PIPE 5,713,234. A 2/1998 Yamakawa et al.
(75) Inventor: Chihiro Hayashi, Sendai (JP)
JP 5-23842 4f1993
(73) Assignee: Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., JP 8-4811 1, 1996
Osaka (JP) WO WO96/21526 T 1996

(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * cited by examiner
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner Ed Tolan
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Clark & Brody
(21) Appl. No.: 11/331,100 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed: Jan. 13, 2006 A piercing method for manufacturing a seamless pipe
(65) Prior Publication Data capable of Suppressing the rotary forging effects and Sup
pressing the redundant shear strain without excessive nar
US 2006/0174670 A1 Aug. 10, 2006 rowing of the roll diameter is provided. This method is
characterized by holding a feed angle B and a cross angle Y
Related U.S. Application Data of main rolls in a range satisfying the following expressions
(63) Continuation of application No. 10/559,264, filed as (1) to (3), setting the relationship between outer diameter
application No. PCT/JP04/07698 on Jun. 3, 2004. “do” of the solid billet and the outer diameter “d” and
thickness “t of a hollow piece after piercing so as to satisfy
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data the following expression (4), and further setting the rela
tionship between inlet diameter D, and outlet diameter D, of
Jun. 6, 2003 (JP) ............................. 2003-1624 16 the main roll with the above-mentioned “do”, “d' and Y so
as to satisfy the following expression (5)
(51) Int. Cl.
B2IB 9/04 (2006.01) 80s Bs200 (1)
(52) U.S. Cl. .......................................... 72/97; 72/366.2 5°sys35° (2)
(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 72/96,
72/97, 100,365.2,366.2, 209, 235 15°sp+ys50° (3)
See application file for complete search history.
1.5S-'fles 4.5 (4)
(56) References Cited
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (d/do)/(0.75+0.025Y)s D/D (5)
4,470.282 A * 9/1984 Hayashi......................... 72/97 In the expression (4), p. 1n(2t/do) and poln{2(d-t)/do.
4,827,750 A 5/1989 Hayashi
5,636,542 A * 6/1997 Yamakawa et al. ............ 72/97 4 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets

l- 3

ZáE ea Y
azzazzazatz -
U.S. Patent Dec. 12, 2006 Sheet 1 of 6 US 7,146,836 B2

Fig. 1


l-O- 3

Z. ZZaza
Aa2 42
G3%2C C - - - d.
U.S. Patent Dec. 12, 2006 Sheet 2 of 6 US 7,146,836 B2

Z Reduction of area of
the material steel

(a )


Feed angle (B)

U.S. Patent US 7,146,836 B2

Feed angle (B)

U.S. Patent US 7,146,836 B2

DgF400 mm

2. O

| | | E.


2.. O
Pipe expansion ratio (d/d)
U.S. Patent Dec. 12, 2006 Sheet 5 of 6 US 7,146,836 B2


Cross angle (r)

U.S. Patent Dec. 12, 2006 Sheet 6 of 6 US 7,146,836 B2

(4 7 0.75-0.025r

/ /A

1.00- 0.027
O' 5
Cross angle (r)
US 7,146,836 B2
1. 2
PERCING METHOD FOR which dominantly occur in the piercing process, particularly
MANUFACTURING OF SEAMILESS PIPE in the thin-walled piercing process with a high working
ratio, as much as possible by holding the feed angle B and
CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED the cross angle Y of the rolls in the proper ranges, whereby
APPLICATIONS the inner Surface flaw or lamination at the thickness center,
which occurs in a pipe made of stainless steel or high-alloy
This is a continuation of U.S. Application No. 10/559,264 steel, is prevented. This method is also adapted to reduce
filed Dec. 2, 2005, which is a National Phase Entry of operational trouble such as flaring or peeling of a pipe wall
PCT/JP2004/007698 filed Jun. 3, 2004. or tail clogging, by making the distribution of circumferen
10 tial Strain le and radial strain up, appropriately in order to
satisfy the relationship of the above-mentioned expression
The present invention relates to a method for piercing a (4).
billet in the manufacturing process of a seamless pipe. More The first prior invention made it possible to produce a pipe
specifically, it relates to a piercing method, capable of of a difficult-to-work material, which used to be produced by
manufacturing a thin-walled hollow piece from a billet, at a 15 the Ugine-Sejournet extrusion process, by the Mannesmann
high working ratio. pipe making process. In addition to that, the first prior
invention provided a process for thin-walled piercing with a
TECHNICAL BACKGROUND high working ratio, and also skipping or shortening the
Succeeding elongating process and reducing process.
The most commonly adapted methods for manufacturing Accordingly, this invention significantly contributed to
seamless pipes are the Mannesmann-plug mill method and streamlining the manufacturing process of the seamless
Mannesmann-mandrel mill method. These methods com pipes.
prise processes of piercing a solid billet, which is heated to For example, a Mannesmann piercer and a rotary elon
a predetermined temperature in a furnace, by a piercer in gator, used in the Mannesmann-plug mill system, were
order to form a bar-like hollow piece, working the hollow 25 replaced by one cross piercing mill, which made it possible
piece into a hollow piece by reducing mainly the wall to reduce the so-called “double piercing method to a
thickness thereof by an elongator Such as a plug mill or a “single piecing method”. The Mannesmann-plug mill sys
mandrel mill, and then working the hollow piece into a tem is the system that includes the processing by the
seamless pipe of a predetermined size by reducing mainly Mannesmann piercer, a rotary enlogator, a plug mill, a reeler
the outer diameter thereof by a reducing mill such as a sizer 30 and a sizer.
or stretch reducer. The present invention relates to the first In the Mannesmann-mandrel mill system, the number of
process, that is the piercing process among the above roll-stands of the mandrel mill can be reduced by replacing
First of all, inventions that have been proposed by the the Mannesmann piercer by the cross piercing mill. The
present inventor in the following patent documents 1 and 2 Mannesmann-mandrel mill system is a system includes the
will be described as related arts. 35 processing by the Mannesmann piercer, a mandrel mill and
Patent Document 1: a stretch reducer.
Publication of Examined Patent Application Hei 5-23842 Further, in reference to the Mannesmann-Assel mill sys
Patent Document 2: tem, which includes processing by the Mannesmann piercer,
Publication of Examined Patent Application Hei 8-4811 the Assel mill and the stretch reducer, the cross piercing mill
The invention of the patent document 1 (hereinafter 40 was also introduced one after another. The use of the cross
referred to as the first prior invention) relates to a method for piercing mill has definite operational advantages such as
manufacturing a seamless pipe, characterized by keeping the integration of the billet size and the shortening of prepara
relationship between a feed angle f of both-ends-supported tion time, since the so-called "size-free rolling for manu
cone-type main rolls installed so they are opposed laterally facturing many sizes of hollow pieces from a single size
or vertically across a pass line for passing a billet and a 45 billet can be carried out only by replacing the plug.
hollow piece, and a cross angle Y of the main rolls within the The invention of Patent Document 2 (hereinafter referred
range of the following expressions (1) to (3); by setting the to as the second prior invention) was attained with the
relationship of the diameter “do” of a solid billet with the intention of optimizing the relationship between the diam
outer diameter 'd' and thickness “t of the hollow piece eter of a cone-type main roll and the diameter of a solid
after piercing, so as to satisfy the following expression (4):
and by setting the piercing ratio to 4.0 or more, and the pipe 50 billet. In this invention, in order to suppress the rotary
expansion ratio to 1.15 or more or the “wall thickness/outer forging effects and the redundant shear strain as much as
diameter' ratio to 6.5 or less. possible, the diameter of the gorge part of the cone-type
The feed angle B is an angle of the axial line of the rolls main roll, i.e. the roll gorge diameter, D and the billet
to a horizontal plane or a vertical plane of the pass line. The diameter do are set so as to satisfy the following expression
cross angle Y is an angle of the axial line of the rolls to a 55 (a).
vertical plane or a horizontal plane of the pass line. 2.5s D/dos 4.5 (a)
8°sfs20° (1)
In the second prior invention, it is explained that in order
Soys 350 (2) to stabilize the piercing of the difficult-to-work material,
60 Such as stainless steel or high-alloy steel, without inner
Surface flaws or lamination, it is necessary to minimize the
roll gorge diameter as much as possible relative to the billet
1.5s-, S4.5 (4) diameter. However, in order to minimize the roll gorge
diameter, the inlet-side and the outlet-side roll shaft diam
wherein , 1 n(2t/do) and poln{2(d-t)/do 65 eters should be minimized due to the roll structure. This
The method of the first prior invention is adapted to causes lack of strength in the bearings which Support the roll
Suppress rotary forging effects and an redundant shear Strain, shaft. In case of the cone-type roll, particularly, the fatigue
US 7,146,836 B2
3 4
strength of the inlet-side bearing becomes insufficient, caus as those in the above-mentioned inventions of Patent Docu
ing a problem of durability. Accordingly, excessive minimi ments 1 and 2. These ranges were determined from the
Zation of the roll gorge diameter cannot be recommended in viewpoint of diminishing the rotary forging effects and
practical operation. Suppressing the redundant shear Strain as much as possible.
The range of the ratio of radial logarithmic strain , to
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION circumferential logarithmic strain le i.e., '-' ?upe” is the
same as in the invention of said Patent Document 1. This is
Subject to be Solved by the Invention based on the principle of how the rolling reduction in
It is an objective of the present invention to provide a piercing is distributed in the longitudinal direction and the
piercing method capable of Suppressing the rotary forging 10 circumferential direction, and the deviation from the prin
effects as much as possible and also suppressing the redun ciple causes flaring Gapping phenomenon) or peeling of the
dant shear strain as much as possible without excessively pipe wall or tail clogging, which may stop the piercing
minimizing the roll gorge diameter. operation itself.
A main characteristic of the present invention is based on
Means for Solving the Problems 15 a fact wherein the roll shape relative to the billet diameter
As a result of the earnest studies to attain the above has significant influence mainly on the rotary forging effects.
objective, the present inventor has developed this invention This was found by the present inventor and will be described
relating to the following piercing method. The explanations below.
of reference numerals in the following description are shown In a corn-type roll, the relationships of the ratio of the inlet
in FIG. 1. diameter D to the outlet diameter D. between a pipe
A piercing method for manufacturing a seamless pipe that material and the main roll of a cone-type roll, i.e., a diameter
comprises; expansion ratio “D/D'; the ratio of the hollow piece outer
holding a feed angle f3 and a cross angle Y of both-ends diameter “d” to the billet outer diameter “do”, i.e., a pipe
Supported cone-type main rolls installed to be opposed expansion ratio of the pipe material "d/do'; and the cross
laterally or vertically across a pass line in a range 25 angle Y were investigated from the point of Suppressing the
satisfying the following expressions (1) to (3), rotary forging effects and the redundant shear strain.
setting the relationship of the outer diameter “do” of a Prior to the experiments, a selection of an index showing
solid billet with the outer diameter 'd', and wall the roll shape was performed. A study of whether or not
thickness “t of a hollow piece after piercing, so as to various possible indexes could be indexes, which show the
satisfy the following expression (4), and 30 relationship with the rotary forging effects or the redundant
setting the relationship of inlet diameter D and outlet shear strain, was made. Consequently, the ratio of the pipe
diameter D. of the main rolls with the above-mentioned expansion ratio of the pipe material “d/do” to the diameter
“do”, “d” and Y so as to satisfy the following expression expansion ratio "D/D of the cone-type roll, that is to say
(5). (d/do)/(D/D), was taken as the index.
8°sfs20° (1) 35 A barrel width ratio "L/L may also be regarded as an
index. Li is the inlet-side barrel width across the gorge
5°sys35° (2) position of the roll shown in FIG. 1, i.e., the distance from
a roll biting start point of the pipe material to the roll gorge.
15°sp+ys50 (3) L is the outlet-side barrel width. However, this ratio has no
40 direct relationship with the rotary forging effects or the
1.5s-, S4.5 (4) redundant shear deformation, and the proper range thereof
was determined from another viewpoint. It is a general
practice to add an unnecessary margin to the barrel width,
In the expression (4), p, ln(2t/do), and poln{2(d-t)/ and therefore it is difficult to define the barrel width ratio per
do 45 SC.
The feed angle f is an angle of the axial line of the roll In general, the roll diameter expansion ratio "D/D
to a horizontal plane or vertical plane of the pass line. The becomes larger as the roll cross angle Y becomes larger, it
cross angle Y is an angle of the axial line of the roll to a results in a further sharpened cone shape. However, on
vertical plane or horizontal plane of the pass line. condition that the roll cross angle is the same and the
In the method of the present invention, the relationship of 50 outlet-side barrel width L is the same, the roll diameter
the inlet diameter D and the outlet diameter D of the main expansion ratio “D/D inevitably becomes smaller as the
rolls with the above do, d and Y desirably satisfies the pipe expansion ratio “d/do’ of the pipe material is larger.
following expression (6). Thus, roll design must be performed so as to give a proper
D/Ds (d/do)/(1.00-0.027Y) (6)
“D/D,”, considering “d/d, and the difficulty of the roll
55 design depends on this point.
The effect of the method of the present invention can be The roll design must be made from the point of dimin
Sufficiently obtained in a piercing with a piercing ratio of 4.0 ishing the rotary forging effects in front of a plug in piercing
or more, a pipe expansion ratio of 1.15 or more or a “wall and also minimizing the redundant shear deformation typi
thickness/outer diameter ratio” of a hollow piece of 6.5 or fied by the circumferential shear strain Y, after piercing,
less, where the rotary forging effects and the redundant 60 since the embitterment of the pipe material by the rotary
deformation become noticeable. forging effects causes inner Surface flaw on the pipe, and the
redundant shear deformation is a factor of propagating the
BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE inner surface flaw.
INVENTION The present inventor made experiments of piercing a
65 carbon Steel billet as a sample using an experimental cross
The ranges of values of the feed angle B and the cross piercing mill while variously changing the roll shape in
angle Y in the method of the present invention are the same order to examine the influence of the roll shape on the rotary
US 7,146,836 B2
5 6
“D/D, and the pipe expansion ratio “d/d on the redun
forging effects and the redundant shear Strain in detail. The
experimental conditions are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The dant shear strain is shown in FIGS. 3(a) and (b).
wall thickness t of the hollow piece after piercing was set so The influence of the roll shape on the rotary forging
as to have a “wall thickness/outer diameter' ratio, i.e., effects was evaluated by stopping the main rolls and the disk
(t/d)x100, of 2.5 to 3%. roll in the middle of piercing in order to form “intermediate
stop material, and then collecting a sheet-like Small tensile
TABLE 1. test piece with parallel length of 25 mm and a thickness of
Dg D D2 D2. do d dido Evalu
3 mm in the diameter direction (the direction of a guide),
Y (mm) (mm) (mm) D (mm) (mm) d/do D.D. ation right-angled to the axial direction from the tip of the plug.
O Then perform a tensile test at room temperature in order to
O 400 380 380 OO
37O O.97
70 70
examine the influence of the roll shape on the reduction of
355 O.93 05 SO 62 O
area (%). The rotary forging effects appear more clearly in
325 O.86 40 2.OO 2.33 O the reduction of area (%) than in elongation (%) of the
S 400 360 430 19 70 70 OO O.84 O tensile test.
410 .14 84 2O OS O 15
390 O8 05 SO 39 O A measurement of the circumferential shear strain Ye for
370 O3 40 2.OO 92 O the redundant shear strain was carried out by a pinburying
10° 400 340 485 43 70 70 OO O.70 O method. Namely, a plurality of pins were buried parallel to
the axis along the diameter of a solid billet, and the circum
395 16 40 2.OO 72 O ferential shear strain Ye of the hollow piece after piercing
15° 400 310 525 69 70 70 OO O.S9 O was measured across the hollow piece.
500 61 84 2O 0.75 O As is apparent from FIG. 2, for example, assuming that
475 53 05 SO O.98 O
450 45 40 2.OO 37 O
the roll cross angle Y is fixed, the reduction of area can be set
20° 400 280 S60 2.00 70 70 OO OSO O larger as the pipe expansion ratio "d/do is Smaller, or the
S4O .93 84 2O O.62 O
diameter expansion ratio “D/D is larger. Namely, the
520 86 05 SO O.81 O rotary forging effects can be diminished. In other words, the
490 .75 40 2.OO .14 O
25° 400 240 600 2.50 70 70 OO O4O O
range of the feed angle f3, where the reduction of area of the
575 2.40 84 2O OSO O pipe material in front of the plug is larger than that of the
550 2.29 05 SO O.65 O material steel, can be extended.
520 2.17 40 2.OO O.92 O As it is also apparent from FIG. 3, the circumferential
30° 400 200 6SO 3.25 70 70 OO O.31 O 30
630 3.15 84 2O O.38 O shear Strain can be minimized as the pipe expansion ratio is
600 3.00 O5 SO 0.50 O Smaller, or the diameter expansion ratio is larger. Namely,
570 2.85 40 2.OO O.70 O the redundant shear strain can be suppressed. Accordingly,
even with an increased pipe expansion ratio, the circumfer
35 ential shear Strain never becomes too large if the roll shape,
TABLE 2 with a sufficiently large roll cross angle Y, is ensured to
increase the diameter expansion ratio.
Dg D D2 D2. do d dido Evalu In case of an improper roll shape, or when the roll cross
Y (mm) (mm) (mm) D (mm) (mm) dido D2 D1 ation angle is Small compared with the pipe expansion ratio, the
O SOO 480 480 OO 70 70 OO OO O 40 roll outlet diameter D. gets close to the gorge diameter D,
470 0.98 84 2O 22 O due to an extremely minimized diameter expansion ratio for
ensuring the pipe expansion ratio. Therefore reduction in
So 500 460 530 1S 70 70 OO O.87 O outlet-side circumferential speed of the rolls at a pipe
510 .11 84 2O O8 O material separation point weakens an effect of drawing the
490 O7 05 SO 41 O 45 pipe material to the outlet side. This makes the slip phe
10° SOO 440
.33 70
nomenon between the roll and the pipe material noticeable.
550 25 84 2O O.96 O The slip phenomenon is also affected by the billet diameter,
525 19 05 SO 28 O in which the slip is also increased on the inlet side, and
495 13 40 2.OO .76 O therefore the rotary forging effects begin to appear due to an
15° SOO 410 625
70 70
50 increase in the rotary forging frequency, and the range of the
575 40 05 SO O8 O feed angle f3, which makes the pipe material in front of the
550 34 40 2.OO 49 O plug more brittle than the material steel, is extended. The
2O SOO 380 660 73 70 70 OO O.S8 O rotary forging frequency is the number of the revolutions of
the billet from the time when it is bitten by the rolls to the
590 55 40 2.OO 28 O 55 time when it is carried to the plug tip.
2S SOO 340 700 2.06 70 70 OO O49 O Needless to say, the redundant shear strain begins to
675 .98 84 2O O.61 O obviously appear. An extreme example of this is a case
6SO 91 05 SO O.78 O
62O 82 40 2.OO 1O O wherein the roll outlet diameter D. gets close to the inlet
30° 500 300 750 2.50 70 70 OO O4O O diameter D. The “redundant shear strain' is the generic
730 2.43 84 2O O49 O 60 name of circumferential shear strain Y, the shear strain due
to Surface twist Ye, and the longitudinal shear Strain Y.
The relationships between the pipe expansion ratio
“d/d”, the roll diameter expansion ratio "D/D, and the
An example of the influence of the diameter expansion roll cross angle Y are shown in FIGS. 4 and 5. The result of
ratio “D/D and the pipe expansion ratio “d/d on the 65 whether the roll shape is correct or not is also shown in these
rotary forging effects is shown in FIGS. 2(a) and (b). An drawings. Namely, a white circle shows a proper roll shape,
example of the influence of the diameter expansion ratio and a black circle shows an improper shape.
US 7,146,836 B2
7 8
It is necessary to determine the propriety of the roll shape D and D are respectively the inlet diameter and the
based on the rotary forging effects. Therefore, whether or not outlet diameter of a cone-type main roll with the condition
the ductility (reduction of area) of the pipe material in front that the pipe material is bitten at an inlet surface of the main
of the plug can be made larger than the reduction of area of roll and separated from the roll at an outlet surface. More
the material steel, i.e., the billet, was taken as the criterion. 5 precisely, the diameter of the main roll in a position where
Piercing was performed with a feed angle (B) of 12, and as the billet is bitten by the rolls is D, and the main roll
described above, a tensile test was carried out by use of a diameter in a position where the hollow piece is separated
sheet-like small tensile test piece with a parallel length of 25 from the rolls is D.
mm and a thickness of 3 mm collected from a cross section Finally, the barrel width of the roll will be described. The
of the pipe material in front of the plug in order to examine 10 barrel width L is a total of L and L in FIG. 1. Addition of
whether or not the reduction of area of the pipe material in a margin to the barrel width beyond necessity leads to
front of the plug is larger than the reduction of area of the excessive enlargement of the whole structure of the mill.
material steel. White circle show cases with a larger reduc Accordingly, the inlet-side barrel width L should be deter
tion of area and other cases are shown by black circles. It is mined within a range which never impairs the stability of
found from FIGS. 4 and 5 that the condition of a proper roll 15 biting. The outlet-side barrel width L should be determined
shape is as follows. in consideration of the reeling frequency of the finishing
process. The barrel width ratio “L/L is preferably set
within the following range.
1+0.03ys (D/D) 1.0SL2/LS 2.0
As described above, the relationship between “D/D.
“d/do” and Y can be clarified in the graphs by adapting EXAMPLE 1.
“D/D, as the roll shape index, but it becomes more
difficult to express the three variables collectively in math Abillet, having a diameter of 60 mm, made of 18% Cr-8%
ematical terms. In order to avoid this problem, the present 25 Ni austenitic stainless steel was used as a sample, and a high
inventor selected, as the roll shape index, the ratio of the working ratio and a thin wall piercing with a pipe expansion
pipe expansion ratio "d/d” of the pipe material to the ratio of 1.5 was carried out by use of a guide shoe. The
diameter expansion ratio “D/D of the roll, that is to say heating temperature of the billet was 1250° C. Needless to
“(d/do)/(D/D)'. say, the hot workability of the stainless steel is very poor
FIG. 6 is a graph showing the relationship between the 30 compared with that of carbon steel.
roll shape index “(d/do)/(D/D), the pipe expansion ratio 1. Condition of Roll
"d/do” and the cross angle Y. Although "d/d” remains as a Cross angle: Y=25°
parameter with "(d/dz/D) as the ordinate and Y as the Gorge diameter: D-400 mm
abscissa respectively, the condition giving a proper roll
shape can be expressed by the following one inequality. 35
Feed angle: B=12
Inlet diameter: D=240 mm
Outlet diameter: D=550 mm
The following expression (5) is derived therefrom. Roll diameter expansion ratio: D/D=2.29
Inlet-side barrel width: L=300 mm
40 Outlet-side barrel width: L 460 mm
In order to solve the problem in facilities, such as strength, Barrel width: L+L=760 mm
life or the like of the bearings, when the roll gorge diameter Barrel width ratio: L/L =1.53
D. is set 4.5 times or more of the billet diameter "d", so as 2. Piercing Condition
to provide an optimum roll shape without decreasing the Plug diameter: d=80 mm
inlet-side roll diameter excessively, the following inequality 45
Billet diameter: d=60 mm
is obtained:
Hollow piece diameter: d=90 mm
1.00-0.027 y <(d/do)/(D/D) Hollow piece wall thickness: t2.7 mm
The following expression (6) is derived therefrom. Pipe expansion ratio: d/do-1.50
50 Piercing rolling ratio: d/4t(d-t) 3.82
D/Ds (d/do)/(1.00-0.027Y) (6) “Wall thickness/outer diameter ratio: (t/d)x100-3.0%
The desirable roll shape condition is that satisfies the fol Roll shape index: (d/do)/(D/D)=0.655
lowing expression (7) derived from the expression (6) and Radial logarithmic strain: , 1 n(2t/d)=1 n0.09=-2.408
the above-mentioned expression (5). 55 Circumferential logarithmic strain:

Tables 1 and 2 show the cases in which the roll gorge Reduction distribution ratio: -p/tp2.255
diameter D-400 mm and D. 500 mm respectively, and in As described above, since the reduction distribution ratio
the graphs of FIGS. 2 to 6, (a) shows the case with roll gorge 60 of the circumferential direction to the radial direction, or the
diameter D-400 mm, and (b) shows the case with D. 500 radial distribution ratio of the longitudinal direction to the
mm. Accordingly, the comparison between (a) and (b) leads circumferential direction was made properly, the piercing
to the discussion of the content of the second prior invention could be performed without causing flaring or peeling. Since
disclosed in Patent Document 2. An upper limit of the above the roll shape was also made properly, inner Surface flaws or
inequality (expression (7)) can be easily obtained by per 65 lamination was not observed even if a high working ratio
forming the same calculation as in Tables 1 and 2 using and ultra-thin wall piercing of the difficult-to-work material
D=315 mm. were used.
US 7,146,836 B2
9 10
EXAMPLE 2 FIG. 2 is a view showing the influence of a diameter
expansion ratio (D/D) and a pipe expansion ratio (d/do) on
High-alloy steel is poorer in hot workability than stainless a rotary forging effects (reduction of area of a tensile test
steel, and frequently causes lamination at a piercing tem with a small test piece);
perature which exceeds 1275° C. In this example, a billet, FIG. 3 is a view showing the influence of the diameter
having diameter of 70 mm, made of 25% Cr-35% Ni-3Mo expansion ratio (D/D) and the pipe expansion ratio (d/do)
high-alloy steel was used as a sample, and the high working on a redundant shear Strain (circumferential shear strain);
ratio and thin wall piercing, with a pipe expansion ratio of FIG. 4 is a graph showing the relationship between the
2 was carried out at a temperature of 1200° C. by use of a diameter expansion ratio (D/D), the pipe expansion ratio
disk roll. 10 (d/do) and a roll feed angle
1. Condition of Roll FIG. 5 is a graph showing the relationship between the
Cross angle: Y=300 diameter expansion ratio (D/D), the pipe expansion ratio
Feed angle: B=12 (d/do) and a feed angle (Y); and
Gorge diameter: D. 500 mm FIG. 6 is a graph showing the relationship between a roll
Inlet diameter: D-300 mm 15
shape index or (d/do)/(D/D) and the roll cross angle (Y).
Outlet diameter: D=670 mm
Roll diameter expansion ratio: D/D=2.23 DESCRIPTION OF REFERENCE NUMERALS
Inlet-side barrel width: L=300 mm
Outlet-side barrel width: L 460 mm Y: Roll cross angle
Barrel width: L+L=760 mm D: Roll inlet diameter
Barrel width ratio: L/L =1.53 D: Roll outlet diameter
2. Piercing Condition D. Roll gorge diameter
Plug diameter: d=130 mm L: Inlet-side barrel width of roll
Billet diameter: d=70 mm L: Outlet-side barrel width of roll
Hollow piece diameter: d=140 mm do: Outer diameter of billet
Hollow piece wall thickness: t—3.5 mm 25 d: Outer diameter of hollow piece
Pipe expansion ratio: d/do-2.00 t: Wall thickness of hollow piece
Piercing rolling ratio: d/4t(d-t)=2.56 The invention claimed is:
“Wall thickness/outer diameter” ratio: (t/d)x100–2.5% 1. A piercing method for manufacturing a seamless pipe,
Roll shape index: (d/d)/(D/D)=0.897 comprising:
Radial logarithmic strain: , =ln(2t/d)=1 n0.10=-2.303 30 holding a feed angle B and a cross angle Y of both-ends
Circumferential logarithmic strain: Supported cone-type main rolls provided to be opposite
laterally or vertically across a pass line in a range
satisfying the following expressions (1) to (3):
Reduction distribution ratio: -, fue-1.692 setting the relationship between the outer diameter “do” of
As described above, since the reduction distribution to the a solid billet and the outer diameter 'd' and thickness
circumferential direction and the radial direction was cor 35
rectly accomplished, and also the roll shape was made “t of a hollow piece after piercing so as to satisfy the
appropriately, the piercing could be carried out without any following expression (4); and
problems, even in the high working ratio and the ultra-thin setting the relationship between inlet diameter D and
wall piercing of the difficult-to-work material. outlet diameter D of the main rolls with the above
40 mentioned “do”, “d' and Y so as to satisfy the following
8°sfs20° (1)
In the piercing method of the present invention, the
relationship between the pipe expansion ratio of the pipe 5°sys35° (2)
material and the diameter expansion ratio of the cone-type 45
main roll is correctly made. Accordingly, the rotary forging
effects in the piercing process can be noticeably suppressed
to definitely inhibit the inner surface flaws or lamination 1.5S-'fles 4.5 (4)
which is apt to occur in the high working ratio and thin wall
piercing rolling of a difficult-to-work material, such as 50
stainless steel or a high-alloy steel. According to the method In the expression (4), p.1n(2t/do) and poln{2(d-t)/do.
of the present invention, pipe expansion piercing can be 2. The piercing method according to claim 1, wherein the
performed up to a pipe expansion ratio of 2.0. relationship between the inlet diameter D and the outlet
As described above, the present inventor has proposed a diameter D of the main rolls with the above-mentioned
high-cross-angle piercing method in order to diminish the “do”, “d” and Y satisfies the following expression (6)
rotary forging effects and Suppress the redundant shear 55
strain, and further achieved some other inventions. The D/Ds (d/do)/(1.00-0.0027Y) (6).
higher cross angle is a necessary condition for diminishing 3. The piercing method according to claim 1, wherein
the rotary forging effects and Suppressing the redundant piercing is executed with a piercing ratio of 4.0 or more, and
shearing deformation, but not a Sufficient condition. The a pipe expansion ratio of 1.15 or more or a “wall thickness/
necessary and Sufficient condition is optimization of the roll 60
shape, and the higher cross angle is a necessary condition for outer diameter ratio of the hollow piece of 6.5 or less.
the optimization of the roll shape. 4. The piercing method according to claim 2, wherein
piercing is executed with a piercing ratio of 4.0 or more, and
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS a pipe expansion ratio of 1.15 or more or a “wall thickness/
outer diameter ratio of the hollow piece of 6.5 or less.
FIG. 1 is a view showing an embodiment of piercing
rolling; k k k k k

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