Groundwater For Sustainable Development
Groundwater For Sustainable Development
Groundwater For Sustainable Development
Research paper
Keywords: The goal of the present study is to identify the groundwater regime of Morappur area at Dharmapuri district,
Remote sensing India. The study area covers an area of 410 sqkm. The area belongs to a hard rock terrain where the primary
GIS porosity is feeble and the secondary porosity offered by fracture, joints and shear zones etc, contributes to the
Groundwater regime
groundwater regime. The availability of surface water resources is sparse and hence the groundwater repositories
Hard rock terrain
are intensely utilized. In the current study area, the availability of groundwater is limited due to scanty rainfall
and poor recharge. The entire study area underlain by hard crystalline rocks of Archaean age, Charnokite and
Hornblende epidote gneiss are the main rock types encountered in the area. The over exploitation of these re
sources more than the adequate recharge has resulted to decrease in the groundwater level. In this context, it is
very much important to identify and understand the groundwater regime of this area for the better groundwater
monitoring and conservation of this precious resource. Remote Sensing and GIS are playing a vital role in the
advancement of hydro-geological studies. The use of conventional methods alone has its own limitations in
comprehending the groundwater regime of the area. The integrated study using remote sensing, field studies
together with GIS has helped to understand the role of structural, lithological and geomorphic units in con
trolling the groundwater occurrence and movement in the present study area. Various thematic maps were
prepared from the satellite images and they were integrated and incorporated in a GIS platform along with
collateral information to study the groundwater regime of Morappur area. The outcome of this study clearly
shows the importance of the geospatial studies in identifying the role of satellite imageries and geospatial
techniques to understand the groundwater regime of a hard rock terrain.
1. Introduction future. Due to the tremendous growth of human population, the natural
resources suffer severe pressure to produce sufficient food and raw
The concept of the groundwater environment and regime is mainly materials (Sitender, 2015). Hence, the study of the groundwater regime
based on the combination of physical factors such as climate, topog is significant in this area. The conventional methods alone will not be
raphy and geology (PAEL, 1993). These factors and their components sufficient to carry out the current studies and also it will be
play a significant role in deciding the characters of the hydrogeological time-consuming. The remote sensing and GIS techniques are widely used
regime of an area. The present study area is a hard rock terrain with in hydro geological studies. But the geospatial approach will reduce the
limited groundwater resource and the recharge is also poor due to the cost and time of the study. Many of the previous studies proved the
scanty rainfall and poor replenishment. The study of the groundwater importance and acceptance of the use of geospatial approaches in
regime of an area is important for groundwater monitoring and man groundwater studies in hard rock terrain (Das et al., 2007; Vijith, 2007;
agement. Agriculture is the primary occupation of the residents in this Singh et al., 2013, Politi et al 2016) and most of the conventional field
area. The irrational and intense use of precious groundwater is a threat methods are typically site-specific (Kishel and Gerla, 2002). (see Fig. 1)
to the agriculture occupation and for other indispensable needs in Groundwater accounts for about 30% of the earth’s freshwater
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (P. Gopinathan).
Received 6 June 2019; Received in revised form 23 September 2019; Accepted 6 December 2019
Available online 6 December 2019
2352-801X/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
(Shiklomanov, 1993). The over-exploitation of groundwater resources regime (topographical, hydrological, geological, landuse/landcover)
will lead to ecological problems such as fall off groundwater levels, which primarily governs the subsurface water conditions can be studied
water exhaustion, water pollution, deterioration of water quality and and mapped using remotely sensed image data. In the context of such
sea water intrusion (Yeh et al., 2014). The occurrence and movement of remote sensing for groundwater exploration, the various surface fea
groundwater resource mainly depend on the aquifer characteristics of tures or indicators can be grouped into two categories viz. 1) first-order
the region which is directly or indirectly influenced by geology, or direct indicators and 2) Second-order or indirect indicators. The
geological structures, lithology, geomorphology, soil texture, drainage first-order indicators are directly related to the groundwater regime (viz.
patterns, lineament, land use/land cover, climate, extent of fractures, recharge zones, soil moisture and vegetation). The second order in
depth of weathering, topography, primary porosity, secondary porosity, dicators are those hydro geological parameters which regionally indi
slope, rate of precipitation and infiltration rate (Mukherjee, 1996; cate the groundwater regime for e.g., rock/soil types, structures, rock
Jaiswal et al., 2003; Shekhar and Pandey, 2014; Selvam et al., 2015; fractures, landforms, drainage characteristics etc (Anbazhagan et al.,
Sathish and Elango 2016). The groundwater occurrence in the hard rock 2005). Therefore, Remote Sensing plays a vital role and an efficient tool
region is dominantly controlled by secondary porosity such as fault, fold, for regional and local groundwater exploration (Elbeih, 2015). The
joints, etc. (Das, 2017), The distribution and migration of groundwater geospatial techniques can provide quick and cost-effective outputs with
in hard rock terrains are variable and are dependent on the character, different spatial and temporal resolution. The conventional methods
origin and size of secondary porosity either formed by weathering or demand a lot of money and energy but the geospatial studies are quick
tectonic activity. Irrelevant to the availability of secondary porosity and and cost effective. Remote sensing studies have been used as a major
its dimension, the groundwater replenishment in the hard rock terrain geospatial tool to map the various thematic maps of the Morappur re
takes place by rainfall as well. Geomorphic controls are also a deciding gion. Geographical information system gives a platform for the inte
factor of the groundwater occurrence. Geological structures such as gration of these thematic maps and other collateral data for this study.
fault, fold, joints in shear zones have a major bearing on the ground In a drought-prone area such as Dharmapuri district, Tamilnadu
water aspects of any area (Elhag and Elzien, 2013; Mohamed, 2015), State of South India has poor groundwater resources due to the excess
especially in hard rock terrain. This is due to lack of primary porosity in use and poor recharge. This hard rock terrain is mostly fed by the sec
these rocks, except in the top most weathered horizon. Most of the parts ondary porosity offered by the faults, fractures, joints etc., in such a
of South India are characterized by crystalline and metamorphic rocks scenario, it is essential to have a detailed understanding of the struc
which are not rich in groundwater (Pullare, 2006). In such instance, they tural, lithological and geomorphic detailsof the area, to have a better
are the only secondary porosity which offered by joints, fractures and picture of the groundwater regime. The present study deals with map
shear zones that contribute to the groundwater regime. ping of structural, lithological and geomorphic elements of the drought-
The Remote Sensing satellite data can provide information regarding prone hard rock terrain in Dharmapuri district.
numerous factors which directly and indirectly controlling the occur
rence and movement of groundwater in the aquifer (Engman& Gurney, 2. Study area and data
1991; Meijerink, 1996; Jha et al., 2007; Machiwal et al., 2010). The GIS
provides a quick and efficient platform for managing the large database The study area (Fig. 1) lies between the latitude 11� 59ʹ32ʺ to
and complex spatial data and non spatial data for the sustainable natural 12� 15ʹ54ʺ North and longitude 78� 10ʹ 53ʺ to 78� 24ʹ 42ʺ East, covering
resource management (Machiwal et al., 2010; Stafford, 1991). The an area of 410 sqkm in the Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu. The study
Remote Sensing data alone cannot be sufficient to provide the infor area is an undulating terrain with elevations between 344 m in the East
mation of the groundwater regime of the area. However, the surface 470 m above mean sea level in the West. It is a drought prone semi-arid
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
region with hottest summer and cool winters. The area experiences good employed for the comparison of topography with other DEMs. The
rainfall during the southwest monsoon (June–August) and northeast SRTM DEM has also been utilized for the study. The Shuttle Radar
monsoon (October–December) seasons. Temperature of the area varies Topography Mission (SRTM) is an international research effort that
from 20 � C to 38 � C and attains the maximum in the summer seasons. obtained digital elevation models on a near-global scale from 56 � S to 60
The economy of the study area mainly depends on the agricultural ac �
N to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic
tivities. The main crop types are paddy, sugarcane, groundnut, and database of Earth to date. The digital elevation model of SRTM is also
vegetables. The Ponnaiyar river and its tributaries play a major role in used in this study. SRTM consists of a specially modified radar system
the drainage system of the study area. The entire Study area is underlain that flew onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during the 11-day STS-
by hard crystalline rocks of Archaean age comprising of various rock 99 mission in February 2000. SRTM is an international project spear
types such as Gneiss, Charnockite, etc. headed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the
In the present study, various satellite data has been used for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The survey of
preparation of various thematic maps. ASTER (Advanced Space borne India toposheet of 1: 50,000 scales and Geology map of 1:250,000 scales
Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) is an imaging instrument were also used in the study. The secondary data such as water level
flying on Terra, a satellite launched in December 1999 as part of NASA’s information and well location details had been collected from CGWB.
Earth Observing System (EOS), which is collected on 15th Feb 2010. In The field investigations have been carried out mapped the dykes and
this study ASTER-FCC (False Color Composite) has been used to generate verified the well locations.
various thematic maps. ASTER captures high spatial resolution data in
14 bands from the visible to the thermal infrared wave lengths and 3. Methodology
provides stereo viewing capability for digital elevation model creation.
ASTER obtains high spatial resolution (15–90 m) images of the Earth in The present study is an updation of a master project which has been
the visible near-infrared (VNIR), shortwave-infrared (SWIR) and ther carried out in the year 2010. In the current work all the maps and data
mal infrared (TIR) regions of the spectrum. The Landsat TM image was were updated using the recently available satellite images and collateral
also used to prepare the landuse/landcover map. The ASTER DEM has data. The methodology adopted in this study includes two major
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
� Traversing along and across the strike of formation in the study area
Fig. 3. Geology map.
� Mapping, location and extent of the dykes in the study area
� Observing different strike of the formation
� Examining sample of the rocks and noting down the co-ordinates
� Examining/noting down the position of the well location, ground
water level and other detail in the entire study area
� Observing and noting down various geomorphic land use and land
cover in the study area
� Photography of geological features in the study area
The different thematic maps were prepared using the visual inter
pretation/analysis of satellite images along with the hydrogeological
field investigations and available ancillary data for the study area. The
various thematic maps derived from the integrated data set include
Geology map, Geomorphology map, Structural map, Land use and Land
cover map, Drainge and Drainage density map, Water level contour
maps and the well location map. The geospatial techniques serve as an
effective and efficient tool for the better understanding of the ground
Fig. 4. Satellite image of study area - ASTER.
water potential zones (Muralitharan and palanivel, 2015) of hard rock
Charnockite, etc. The gneissic type of crystalline formation is found in
the north and north-eastern part of the District. Dharmapuri, Harur,
4.1. The various thematic maps and inferences
Gopinathampatti and Morappur areas are covered by epidote-
hornblende gneiss. Kadathur and kambainallur areas covered by char
4.1.1. Geology map
nockite and gabbro-pyroxinite. Dolerite dyke varying from few feet to
The entire study area is underlain by hard crystalline rocks of
few miles in length and cuts across the country rock in this study area
Archaean age comprising of various rock types such as Gneiss,
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
(see Fig. 3). geomorphometric properties like local slope angle and drainage density.
Geological map (Fig. 3) has prepared with help of published district From the groundwater point of view, the integration of geological,
resource map prepared by GSI on 1:250,000 scale, and has been updated structural and hydrogeological data with hydrogeomorphological data
using satellite data. The contact of the litho units can be accurately is very much useful to understand the better information about
marked and extended using the tonal characteristic in satellite imagery groundwater regime with fruitful results. Satellite remote sensing has
with limited ground checking. The structures like dyke, faults and the been found very useful in delineating geomorphic landform because of
extension can also be mapped from imagery because of the advantage of its synoptic view, quick and inexpensive techniques for getting infor
synoptic view. However, this data is reliable only if it is used in mation. Various enhancement techniques also helped to identify the
conjunction with ground truth and other information to get the best different landforms.
output for geological information. Accordingly, adequate ground truth
verification was also done by carrying out field work. This study area Residual hills. These are isolated low relief and irregular out
consists of mainly charnockite and epidote/hornblende gneiss which lines standing out predominantly and appear as isolated hills or
have been intruded by dykes of varying composition. Epidote horn continuous chains of hillocks due to differential erosion. Thus, more
blende gneiss is the second dominant rocks in the study area. The gneiss resistance formation of rocks stands as residue like hills usually marked
which shows light yellowish green colour on the FCC image (Fig. 4) with structures such as joints and fractures etc. These are poor for
mainly consists of plagioclase and potash feldspar. Gneisses are the ground water prospecting due to steep gradient and the rain water is
oldest country rock in India (see Fig. 5). washed off immediately without much infiltration. On standard FCC
image, it shows brownish tone due to exposed outcrops and varied
4.1.2. Geomorphology map reddish tone in some area due to partial growth of vegetation.
The science of geomorphology is the study of topographic forms/
geomorphic units/landforms Fig. 5. The geomorphic characters of a Pediments. Pediment is gently sloping area with erosional
region have a very strong control on the groundwater regime of the area. bedrocks situated between hills and plains consisting of a veneer of
The study area includes structural, denudational and fluvial landforms. detritus and broad undulating rock floor. These units generally act as run
The major geomorphic units seen in the study area are structural hills, off zones and as well as recharge zone whenever fracture and their
bajada, moderate and shallow buried pediments, valley fills and tanks. intersection are present. The groundwater potential in pediments is poor
Each geomorphic unit has varying effects on the groundwater regime. except along with the fractures where limited quantity of ground water
Applications of the principle of geomorphology provide information, can be obtained for the domestic purpose.
which will be of value in predicting the geometry of the aquifers. On the
weathering and erosion, many geological formations develop land forms Shallow buried pediments. Flat and smooth buried pediment
that are distinctive in respect of slope continuity of outcrops. The surface with moderately thick (0–5 m) over burden. The groundwater potential
topographic features of bedrock can be sometimes extrapolated to in these geomorphic units is poor.
reasonable depths to predict the thickness of alluvium or aeolian sands
occurring as valley field deposits and by treating slope profile, those can Moderately buried pediments. Flat and smooth buried pediment
be found. It is well known that hydrologic processes are influenced by
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
Table 1
Score for attributes of various themes in the study area.
Geomorphic Characteristics No. of Hydrogeology Ground Remarks
Units Wells Water
Structural Hills: Valleys traversed by structural features 0 Run off zone. Poor SW of the study area
Linear Ridges/ Composed of composite ridges 15 Run off zone. Little infiltration along Poor Central part of the study area
Dykes secondary features.
Inselberg Very deep cervical hill 0 Run off zone. Poor Very few
Bazada Alluvial cones and fans, formed after 68 More infiltration Very good Bottom of the hills in WESTERN
composite slopes boundary Recharge zone composed of alluvial side
Pediments It forms outcrops with or without soil cover 37 Run off zone. Little infiltration along Moderate SE of the study area
secondary features.
Pediplain Sloping area with erosional bedrocks 171 More infiltration Very good Major part of the study area
Pediplain- Sloping area with erosional bedrock 146 More infiltration Very good Major part of the study area
Weathered weathered
Flood Plain It is a gentle plain adjacent to river and 0 High infiltration Very good Adjacent to the Ponnaiyar river,
comprises of river alluviam Recharge mainly from river and other hence no well
hydrogeological features
Valley fill Low lying depressions 144 High infiltration Very good Adjacent to dykes.
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
Table 3 Agricultural land. It is defined as the land primarily used for
Image characteristics of landuse/landcover category of the study. farming and for production of food, fiber and other commercial and
Landuse/ Tone/ Size Shape Texture Pattern horticultural crops. It includes crops fallow lands and plantations.
landcover Colour
Category Croplands. It includes those lands with standing crops as on the
Built-up Dark Small to Irregular Coarse Clustered to date of satellite imagery. The area under crops have been identified and
land bluish big scattered mapped.
Crop land Bright Varying Regular to Medium Contiguous
red to red in size irregular to to non Fallow land. It is described as agricultural land which is taken
smooth contiguous for cultivation but is temporarily allowed to rest, uncropped for one
Fallow Yellow to Small to Regular to Medium Contiguous more season but less than one year. At the time of the imagery taken of
land greenish big irregular to to non
both seasons these lands are seen particularly devoid of crops. On the
blue smooth contiguous
Plantation Dark red Small to Regular to Coarse Dispersed FCC, fallow land shows yellow to greenish blue tone, irregular shape
to red large irregular to contiguous with varying size associated with crop land or harvested agriculture
medium field.
Forest Dark red Varying Irregular Smooth Contiguous
in size discontinuous to to non
medium contiguous Forest. It is an area baring an association predominantly of tree
Scrub Light red Varying Irregular Coarse Contiguous and other vegetation types, capable of producing timer and other forest
forest to brown in size discontinuous to to non produce. Satellite data has been used for mapping different forest types
mottled contiguous and density classes with reliable accuracy through visual as well as
Gullied Light Varying Regular Very Dentritic to
land yellow to in size broken coarse to sub-
digital techniques. Forest exerts influence on climate and water regime
light coarse dentritic and also provides shelter for wildlife and livestock.
Land with Light Varying Irregular Coarse Contiguous Land with scrub. Scrublands are seen along with the ridge and
scrub yellow to in size discontinuous to dispersed
brown to mottled
valley complex, linear ridges and deep slope areas. Most of these areas
greenish are identified by the presence of thorny scrub and herb species; many
blue hillocks of steep and dumbbell shaped are associated with poor vegetal
Land Light Varying Irregular Coarse Dispersed cover. As a consequence, severe soil erosion frequently occurs during
without yellow to in size discontinuous to contiguous
rainy seasons, resulting most of the hilltops become barren/rocky.
scrub brown mottled
Stony Greenish Varying Irregular Coarse Linear to
waster blue to in size discontinuous to contiguous, Land without scrub. Land under these classes is generally prone
brownish medium dispersed to degradation/deterioration. It is confined to the higher topography
Water Light Small Irregular Smooth Non-
like uplands or high ground etc., and excludes hills and mountain ter
bodies blue to medium discontinuous to contiguous
dark blue large mottled dispersed rains. On FCC, it shows light yellow to brown to greenish blue, varying
in size associated with gentle relief and moderate slope in plain and
surrounded by agriculture lands.
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316 Barren rock/stony waste. These are the lands characterized by network of tributaries of various orders and magnitudes joints the
exposed massive rocks, sheet rocks, stony pavements or land with master stream and resembles like the branches of a tree. The develop
excessive surface accumulation of stones that render them unsuitable for ment of dentritic drainage is associated with the areas of homogenous
production of any green biomass. Such lands are easily discriminated lithology and gently sloping to almost horizontal or flat topographical
from other categories of wastelands because of their characteristic surface having extremely low relief. Sub-dentritic patterns differ from
spectral responds. On FCC it shows greenish blue to yellow to brownish the dentritic only in the lack of perfection of development of streams.
in tone with varying size association with steep isolated hillocks hill Dentritic and sub-dentritic patterns are governed by regional slope,
slopes and eroded plains. homogenous lithology and relief (Babar and Kaplay, 1999). Trellis
drainage pattern tends to develop where there is strong structural con
4.1.5. Drainage and drainage density map trol upon streams exist because of geology. In such situations, channels
The drainage system of the study area belongs to the Ponnaiyar River align themselves parallel to structures in the bedrock with minor trib
basin and its tributaries. From the study, it is seen that the drainage is utaries coming at right angles. Fig. 8 deals with the drainage and
mostly of dentritic and sub dentritic pattern. The spatial arrangement of drainage density map of the study area.
streams giving rise to a particular design is called as drainage pattern.
The drainage pattern reflects original slope, structures like folds, faults, 4.1.6. Water level contour map
joints and wrapping. In the study area, dentritic, sub-dentritic and trellis The understanding of spatial and seasonal changes in the ground
type of drainage patterns are observed. In dentritic drainage pattern, the water level is significant in the understanding of groundwater regime of
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
wells in the area of south of the dykes, compared to the area of north of
the dykes. Since there is no sedimentary litho unit in the study area, it
may be concluded that the structural, geomorphic and Lithological as
pects play a major role in groundwater regime of the area.
From the Table-1 it is evident that the fluvial geomorphic units are
the most promising groundwater regions followed by denudational
landforms (Bajada, deep pediments, peniplain). These units are followed
by structural landforms (structural hills, linear ridges). The above
inference is a result of analyzing the number of wells present in each
landforms. It should be noted that the absence of wells in the NNE part of
the study area doesn’t indicate poor groundwater condition, but only
suggests that the agriculture fields and villagers derive the water
requirement from the Ponnaiyar river and not from the subsurface.
In general, the area can be divided into three units with regard to its
groundwater occurrence. They are.
P. Gopinathan et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 10 (2020) 100316
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