Adventist College of Nursing Seminar On Guidance and Counseling
Adventist College of Nursing Seminar On Guidance and Counseling
Adventist College of Nursing Seminar On Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and counseling is one of the major application of psychology in education. It enables
or assist the individual to solve educational, vocational and psychological problems. Guidance
and counseling helps to develop a set of goals for future behavior of an individual.It refers to
a process of helping the individual to discover himself and help him in achieving
maximum development of the individual & state.
To help in the total development of students.
To assist in leading a healthy life by sustaining from whatever is del eterious to health.
To help in the proper selection of educational programmes.
To help in selection of careers according to their interests and abilities.
To help the students in vocational development.
To minimize the mismatching between education and employment and help the
efficient use of manpower.
To help students to overcome the period of turmoil and confusion.
To identify and motivate the students from weaker sections of society.
To identify and render help of students who are in need of special help.
To motivate the youth for self employment.
Current issues in nursing:- All current issues in nursing are of sensitizing matter and they all
require counseling for overcoming. The issue can be classified under following headings:-
Current issues of counseling in nursing for practitioners include no proper job description, no
job satisfaction, long length of working hours, no less profession, less salary and harassment.
Current issues of counseling in nursing students are increased fee, higher education,
inadequate hostel facilities, no associated hospitals to nursing colleges, in-service education, no
separate principals and building for schools and colleges. All issues leads to no work satisfaction
which sensitize the emotional, physical, spiritual growth of nurse as well as patient towards
degeneration and will limit the efficiency in performing tasks related to nursing profession. On
analyzing all these issues it comes to be that counseling is done effectively.
Guidance means to guide, to direct or to lead Is concerned with the best development of the
students for ultimate development of the school or college.
Guidance is a special training in which an individual discovers his natural endowments so that
he makes a living to his own best advantage and that of society.
According to stoops and Wahlquist, guidance is a continuous process of helping the individual
development in the maximum of their capacity in the direction most beneficial to himself and
to society.
According to Crow and Crow, guidance is assistance made available by professionally qualified
and adequately trained men/women to an individual of any age to help him manage his own
life activities, develop his own points of view, make his own decisions and carry his own
The guidance is one of the major application of psychology in education. It enables or assist
the individual to solve educational, vocational and psychological problems. In the field of
psychology and education, the word guidance is having a specific meaning. It refers to a
process of helping the individual to discover himself which means his potentials and
capacities and capabilities, abilities and aptitudes, interest and natural endowments and to
help him in achieving maximum development and using all potentialities to the maximum
advantage of the individual and society.
Vocational need:- The vocational guidance is essential for helping the individual to know
himself, for knowing the world of work, adequate information about jobs, skills and
opportunities for making a right choice in the vocation according to his abilities, interest and
aptitudes and to obtain jobs in their chosen field.
Social need:- society is becoming complex because many changes have occurred in the
entire structure of our economic, social and political system.
Breaking joint family system:- is becoming rare and homes are getting disintegrated.
There is growing tendency:- on the part of the youth for selecting their own
Employment of women: women enter field occupations in large numbers and their
children are deprived of maternal care and satisfaction.
Lack of guidance at home:- in earlier times the vocational efficiency and training was
given at home. But this is not possible in modern times. Hence responsibility of the
schools gets increased to meet the need of guidance.
According to Crow and Crow there are 14 significant guidance principles.
The basis of guidance is individual difference; it is own fact that no two individuals are
Guidance is the basis of rigid code of ethics
The basis of guidance is on educational and vocational objectives.
Guidance is able to develop the insight to make his own decisions and choices.
Guidance regards most of the individual as average normal persons.
Guidance is slow but a continuous process.
Guidance is universal.
Guidance attempts to review the entire situation and gives plans for future in
educational, vocational and social fields.
Guidance is developmental as well as comprehensive:- guidance is dealing with the child
from month to month, year to year and stage to stage. It is comprehensive because it
involves all types of educational, vocational and psychological problems.
Guidance is considered as an organized service and not incidental ie, it is a service which
is having a specific purpose.
Guidance is specialized and generalized service because it is incorporating the school
counselor, school psychologist, school social workers, curriculum expert, placement
worker, school physician and coordinator of school activities.
According to Brewer there are ten kinds of guidance:
Guidance for home relationship
Guidance for citizenship
Guidance for leisure and recreation
Guidance for personal wellbeing
Guidance in right doing
Guidance in thoughtfulness and cooperation
Guidance in wholeness and cultural actions.
Educational guidance
Vocational guidance
Recreational guidance
Health guidance
Civic- socio- moral- guidance.
Educational guidance refer to the guidance of the students in all aspect of education. The
emphasis is on providing assistance to students to perform satisfactory in their academic
work, overcome learning difficulties, improve levels of motivation and use institutiona l
resources optimally such as library etc.
1. According to Myer, educational guidance refers to a process which is concerned with
bringing about an individual pupil with his distinctive characteristics on the one hand,
and differing group of opportunities and requirements on the other, a favorable
setting for the individuals development or education.
2. According to Arthur Jones, the educational guidance deals with assistance given to
pupils in their choices and adjustments with relation to schools , curriculum, courses
and school life.
1) At elementary stage:-
To help pupils to develop good habits, right attitudes and basic skills.
To help pupils to make a good beginning.
To help pupils to plan intelligently.
To help pupils to obtain the best out of education.
2) At secondary stage:-
Helping the child to know himself.
Helping the child to make right choices of subjects.
Helping the child to know about the college education.
3) At college level:-
Providing library facilities for broadening mental horizon of students.
Providing special guidance for certain subjects and preparation for
Guidance should be provided to all.
Standardized test should be employed.
Selection of curriculum should be done by considering tests results, degree of
achievement and pupils and parents interest.
Remedy should be given in beginning: immediate steps have to be taken to
change the programme of studies.
Relevant informations has to be obtained:- for the purpose of imparting
educational and vocational guidance.
Follow-up study must be there:- counselor should follow the pupils
achievement during each term or year in each subject.
Relationship between school and parents should be set up with pupils between
parents and schools.
A. Orientation task:- these would create a proper orientation for guidance. The
experts delivers lectures on the importance of guidance and thereby encourages
the student to collect information on the various aspects of educational guidance
proposed to be taken in a particular field.
B. Initial interview:- in this interview the guidance committee must collect
information regarding:
Family background
Leisure time activity
Educational and vocational plans of the pupil.
C. Use of tests:- the guidance worker can use the following test.
1. Intelligence test: it is the ability to think in terms of abstracting ideas. There are
four intelligence tests: verbal individual intelligence tests, non verbal individual
intelligence tests, verbal group intelligence tests, non verbal intelligence tests.
2. Aptitude test: inorder to provide education guidance to the pupils to know
about his aptitudes.
3. Interest inventories:- it is a behavior orientation towards certain situation,
activities, experiences and objects. Selection of curriculum is an important
element according to the individuals interest.
4. Scholastic attainment test:- attainment tests are held for securing more reliable
information on this point.
5. Personality tests:- personality traits play a vital role in adjustment and selection
of subjects for further study.
D. Social and economic status study:- should be made to collect information
concerning socio economic status of parents, other family members, friends and
neighbours etc.
E. Study of school life:- data should be collected regarding school life of the child
Subjects studied by the child
Marks scored in various subjects
Position of child in class.
His interest in co-curricular activities.
F. Medical examination:- data should be collected concerning diseases, illness and
weakness of the pupil.
G. Final interview:- the pupil should be interviewed with a view to find out his views
on the past, present and future.
H. Construction of profile:- this profile shows much light on all the aspects of the
I. Follow up work:- follow up study of the pupil should be made so as to know
whether the guidance given is in right direction.
One of the main aims of education is to give maximum help in one’s professional life. If
vocational aim of education is not fulfilled then education becomes worthless. So there
should be organized programme for providing vocational guidance in school.
According to national vocational guidance association(USA 1937), it is the
progress of assisting the individual to choose an occupation, prepare it, enter
upon and progressing in it.
According to Myer, vocational guidance is functionally an effort for conserving
the priceless native capacities of youth and costly training provided for youth in
the schools. It conserves these riches of all human resources by helping the
individual to invest and use them where they will bring greatest satisfaction and
success greatest satisfaction and success to him and greatest benefit to society.
1. At elementary stage:-
For developing the basic skills and attitudes.
For developing good interpersonal relationship.
For developing the spirit of co-operative work.
2. At secondary stage;-
To help pupils to prepare themselves for entering into the occupations of
their choice.
To make pupils to be familiar with various occupations and their
To help pupils to know the vocational assets and liabilities.
3. At college level:-
To help pupils for making a comprehensive study of the careers which
they would like to pursue.
To help the pupils to make contacts that would help in putting their plan
into successful operations.
To help pupils for making themselves with avenues for higher studies.
Personal guidance refers to the guidance offered to students for enabling them to adjust
themselves to their own environment so that they become efficient citizens. Emotional
instability is a characteristics of adolescents and this is often the cause of many of their
personal problems. Personal guidance will help them to solve these problems.
Help student to improve mental health.
Assist students to understand and resolve their emotional problems. Assist
students to deal with the difficulties of personal as well as academic life.
Help students to develop interpersonal skills.
Assist the students to overcome the times of turmoil and confusion.
social guidance enables the students to make substantial contributions to the society,
leadership, confirm to the social norms, work as team members, develop healthy and
positive attitudes, appreciate , appreciate the problem of society, respect the opinions the
sentiment and fellow human being and perseverance and friendships.
Its main purpose is to enable the student to become an efficient citizens.
Help the student to carryout their responsibility as a responsible health team
Assist them in acquiring desirable set of values and developing a positive life
Motivate students to become a responsible member of professional organizations.
Avocational guidance is the assistance to be provided to students to spend their available
leisure time profitably. Activities and program me outside the formal classrooms provide
many opportunities for the blossoming of talents of students.
Help students to prepare for the monthly educational and cultural programmes
conducted by SNA.
Assist students to conduct programmes related to world health day, nurses day
Assist students to participate in the activities of national service scheme, drug
bank, blood donors forum etc.
Health guidance implies the assistance rendered to students for maintaining sound
physical and mental health.
Conduct periodic health checkups of students and maintain the health records.
Motivate students to take food regularly.
Supervision of college facilities such as hostels and canteen to see that healthful
condition and maintained.
The function of financial guidance is to help the needy students in determining the
financial assistance they need in the light of the expected expenses and to get it from
financial organization after completing the formalities. Some students are hard pressed
for finances. They need to be guided regarding freeships, free concessions, scholarships,
stipends, etc available in the institution or offered by other welfare agencies and how and
when to apply.
Counseling refers to a process in which the pupil is made to approach to an individual level.
He gets help in educational, vocational or psychological field only at problem points.
1) According to Crow and Crow, counseling or assisting an individual in the solution of his
problems. The interview has an important place in guidance, but is only one stage in the
whole process of counseling.
2) According to wren, 1962, counseling is a dynamic and purposeful relationship between
two people, who approach a mutually defined problems with mutual considerations of
each other to the end that the troubled one or less mature is aided to a self determined
resolution of his problem.
3) According to Bermard and Fuller’s, basically counseling involves understanding and
working with the individual to discover his unique need motivations and potentialities
and help him appreciate them.
Emphasizes thinking with the individual.
Avoid dictatorial attitude.
Maintains relationship of trust and confidence with the client.
Client’s need is to be put first
The client’s family members and significant influencing personnel must be included in
counseling process.
Skills of warmth, friendliness, openness and empathy are the ingredients of successful
counseling process.
Counselor has to listen attentively answer questions objectively.
Maintain dignity of individual as individual is primary concern in counseling.
Tailor made to the requirement of an individual’s problem.
It is a purposeful learning experience for the counselee.
It is a purposeful oriented and private interview between the counselor and counselee.
Based on mutual confidence satisfactory relationship will be established.
Counselee process is structured around the felt needs of the counselee.
Main emphasis in the counseling process is on the counselee’s self direction and self
Counseling can be classified according to the nature of the problem, the complexity of
treatment and the competence of the counselor.
a) Surface level counseling:- is offered when the student wishes only some item of
information. The counseling given may be brief or casual.
b) Counseling at next level:- it requires a more prolonged contact because the counselee
needs more and complicated informations.
c) Therapeutic counseling:- this may be needed when the student is seriously disturbed. In
other way, we can classify counseling as:-
Developmental counseling:- aims the all round development of the individual by
helping him to achieve personal growth, formulate goals and to develop right
attitudes, values etc.
Preventive counseling:- has the individuals to face the untoward incidents like
failure in the examinations, not getting the desired job etc. in the future life.
Facilitative counseling:- is intended to correct or undesirable behaviour. It is also
known as remedial or adjustingcounseling.
Crisis counseling:- helps the individual to overcome the crisis situations with
minimum damage. Counselor helps the individual to get a realistic view
regarding the crisis situation.
Phases of counseling include:-
The purpose of counseling in education institution are to enable teachers to:-
To help adolescents with normal developmental problems.
To help individuals through temporary crisis.
To refer cases needing specialist treatment.
Friendly nature.
Gets along with others.
Sympathetic understanding.
Sensitivity to the attitudes of people.
Ability to maintain confidentiality.
Respects clients abilities ad needs.
Speaks in clients language.
Tolerance power, openness, empathy are ingredients of successful counseling.
Caring and meeting the needs of the individual based on humanistic philosophy.
Shows matured behavior, integrated personality.
Maintains emotional stability
Flexibility and adaptability.
Aware about one’s limitations.
Posses a sense of worth and sense of humor
Freedom from withdrawing tendency
Able to accept criticism
Shows self respect, self reliance, and self confidence.
Should posses relevant as well as broad knowledge and efficient skills.
Should be motivated and committed.
Intelligent to tackle the situations effectively.
Highly cultured social interests.
Positive interest, scholastic aptitude.
He will have master degree in the essential area of guidance programme.
Experience in teaching and follow up services.
Pleasing voice and appearance.
Freedom from annoying mannerisms.
Vitality and endurance
Ability to stimulate and lead others.
Reinforce important information.
Directs the counselee, the ways to solve problems.
Good character
Positive philosophy of life
Integrated personality
Faith in human values and human nature.
Possesses vocational interest and interest in guidance work.
Shows loyalty, enthusiasm to provide services for the student
Had strong sense of professional ethics and professional growth.
Maintains helping relationship.
Faith in the spiritual quality of the world respects in universal principles of
Show interest in research activities.
Uses psychotherapy in solving clients problems.
Provides free educational and vocational counseling for applicants at a social center or
community supported agency.
Selects and administers appropriate tests to applicants, score them, attends case
conference with other counselors.
Places applications desiring jobs within limits of agency or advice clients of other
agencies for placement.
Conducts group guidance for young people regarding problems of vocational
Organizes programmes with fellow workers.
Each individual case is different by virtue of the problems and the experiences on
individual brings to the counselor and thus providing the counselor with a variety of experience.
1. Resistance to counseling:- is faced from two angles. Firstly, the individuals facing a
problem feels that I do not need any counseling of special help and secondly, the
resistance come from the faculty itself ie, when the other tutors or the administration
do not see the worth of counseling process.
2. Counseling individual of different cultures:- there are some students that comes from
different cultural background. These students have different sets of values and
expectations. If we do not have full understanding of these values we may interpret
their behavior.
3. Counseling individuals with strong emotions:- in case of strong emotions we should first
acknowledge their feelings and remain calm.
4. Counselor burn out:- as beginner counselor may work excitedly but as member of
individual seeking counseling in a day becomes large, excitement may change to
discouragement and leads to feelings of burn out. This problem can be managed by
changing your work environment, changing your approach, taking care of yourself,
accepting other’s view on the counseling given to them by you.
a) Education: - master’s degree or bachelor’s degree in teaching and education.
b) Experience:- 2 years in teaching or counseling experience.
1year of cumulative work experience
3.5months of supervised experience in social activities to reveal interest in working with
others and to indicate leadership ability.
c) Personal fitness:- scholastic- aptitude- interest- activities- personality factors. He should
show positive interest and ability to work with people.
a) Self awareness and understanding:- a person who has awareness of her needs,
motivation for helping, feelings, personal strength and weakness acts as a good
b) Good physiological health:- a person with less problems or good psychological
health can be trained to be good counselor.
c) Sensitivity:- a person who is aware of resources, limitations and vulnerability of
other persons as well as is keenly perceptive to other’s feelings and needs are
considered to have sensitivity.
d) Open-mindedness:- a person who is free from fixed or pre occupied ideas it does not
mean that they have no person values or beliefs, but they are aware of their own
values and beliefs.
e) Objectivity:- all persons with the ability of not getting involved with the other person
and at the same time stand back and see accurately what is happening.
f) Trustworthiness:- a person who is reliable, honest and does not hurt other persons.
g) Approachability:- a person who has some resembles with other known pleasant and
friendly persons, who is friendly, has positive attitudes about others and can be
approached without a feeling of apprehension.
a) Interview setting and getting started:-
Physical arrangement: a skillful counselor can work in any setting but she
needs atleast two comfortable chairs and a table.
Greetings: A warm and friendly greeting facilitates the helping process.
Inviting the individual to participation: the counselor should start the
interview by asking the individuals why they have come for counseling.
Maintaining eye contact: making helps in building personal relationship.
Demonstrating proper body postures: a mobile posture allows in freedom to
movement and ability to use the body to assist in communication.
b) Problem focus:-
It is important that the counselor should assist the individuals to focus on important
topics of concern only and not to allow the individual to ramble.
c) Identifying an important theme:- counselor should try to identify the important
theme by observing the individual’s preoccupations and the emotional significance
attached to the topics.
d) Focusing on a theme:- the counselor hold direct the verbalizations of the individual
once the theme has been identified there focusing can be done by such statements
as you were telling me that your classmates do not understand you.
e) Directing the theme towards a goal:- once the theme has been identified and
exposed in sufficient depth to have an understanding of the individual’s self
perception and her environment, it is time for discussing counseling goals.
f) Managing interaction with the individuals:- to facilitate the discussion more skills are
needed. The following techniques are used to continue the interaction.
Restatement:- it involves putting the individuals statement into different
words to draw the attention to point out to the individual what she is finding
difficult to verbalize.
Maintaining tension to the interview:- the individual must be motivated to
work actively towards the achievement of the counseling goal.
Interpretation:- is used by the counselor while presenting tentative solutions
to the individual for mutual consideration.
Managing pauses and silence:- it is an important technique in counseling but
too long pauses and silence may give a feeling of avoidance or
embarrassment to the individual.
Guidance and counseling will assist nurses in developing proper attitude, commitment, in
dedication, and other qualities required for a successful nursing practice. Moreover emerging
and re-emerging diseases, technological advancement in patient care evolving a new specialties
especially in the clinical areas, changing role of nurses in healthcare sector impact of consumer
protection Act etc underlines the need of a viable guidance and counseling services in all
nursing institutes.
Guidance and counseling received much attention in the field of education. It has been
generally agreed by all that guidance and counseling must become an integral component of
educational process and the responsibility for implementing the rests, to a large extent or
teachers and educational institutions. Nursing teachers have the responsibility of training their
students to become efficient nurses by enabling them to acquire the necessary knowledge,
attitude and skills besides assisting them in their personality development.