Swimming Stroke Development Rubric: 1 2 3 4 5 Freestyle
Swimming Stroke Development Rubric: 1 2 3 4 5 Freestyle
Swimming Stroke Development Rubric: 1 2 3 4 5 Freestyle
1 2 3 4 5
Freestyle Does not attempt to Attempts to Is a able to Performs the Performs the
Arms alternate with demonstrate demonstrate but has somewhat perform the Freestyle stroke freestyle stroke
equal timing difficulty with 2 or more freestyle stroke. Has properly, and breathing
Arm fully extended components. difficulty with 1 or more breathing technique properly
Continual flutter components. technique always
kick could use
Head rotated to side
for breathing
Face to bottom of
pool when not
taking a breath
Backstroke Does not attempt to Attempts to Attempts to Performs the back stroke Performs back stroke
Proper rhythm demonstrate demonstrate but has demonstrate but has properly but swims off meeting all components
maintained difficulty with 2 or more difficulty with 1 or more course and swims in a strait line.
throughout (one arm components. components.
enters as other arm
exits), thumb exits
and pinky enters
Continual flutter
Body is horizontal
and hips are up
Breast Stroke Does not attempt to Attempts to Is able to Is able to use Is able to use
Arms extended fully demonstrate demonstrate somewhat The proper the proper
in coordination and but does not perform the breast stroke breast stroke
sequence. Pull know what the breast stroke technique technique
finishes at the proper technique almost always always
shoulders. Pull technique is
provides lots of
Elementary Does not attempt to Attempts to Is able to Is able to use Is able to use
demonstrate demonstrate somewhat the proper elem back the proper elem back
Backstroke but does not perform the technique technique
know what the elem back almost always always. (Monkey
proper technique Airplane Soldier
technique is