One-Cycle-Controlled Bidirectional AC-to-DC Converter With Constant Power Factor
One-Cycle-Controlled Bidirectional AC-to-DC Converter With Constant Power Factor
One-Cycle-Controlled Bidirectional AC-to-DC Converter With Constant Power Factor
cycles is small, and using (7) and (8), the durations of t1 and
t2 from Fig. 3(a) are
VM − RS IN + (RS IN + VM ) K
t1 = (10)
K3 + K1
(RS IN + VM )
t2 = . (11)
K3 + K1
The change in current ΔiS from the N th to (N + 1)th cycle in
time TS (= t1 + t2 ) is
ΔiS = IN +1 − IN = (t1 + t2 ) + (t1 − t2 ). (12)
Substituting K1 , K2 , and K3 from (1), (2) and (9) in (10)–(12)
νS = L + . (13)
Considering the switching time period to be small, (13) can be
approximated as
diS RS iS VO
νS = L + . (14)
dt VM
Considering νs to be a sinusoidal forcing function and neglect-
ing the harmonics in is , the steady state phasor form of (14) can
be approximated as
Fig. 3. (a) Generation of switching logic for single-phase B-OCC-based
converter presented in [3]. (b) Phasor model of single-phase B-OCC-based νS
converter presented in [3].
iS = RS VO
. (15)
VM + jωL
for low power factor operation of B-OCC-based converters Based on (15), the steady state model of the system is shown in
while negotiating high power loads, an effort has been made Fig. 3(b). It can be inferred that, if ωL is small compared to the
to develop large signal models of these converters. Using these ratio of VO and VM , the system operates close to unity power
models, the trajectory of the peak value of source current drawn factor. However, VM is proportional to the operating power
by the converter in each switching cycle can be determined. level, as depicted in (4). As a result, the power factor of the
When the switches S2 and S4 are on for the duration of t1 , converter decreases as the power negotiated by the converter
inductor current rises with the slope K1 (1), while for the increases. The problem of operation with low power factor gets
duration t2 , current falls with the slope of K2 (2). more prominent if the converter is designed to operate at low
The inductor current waveform, which is also the source switching frequency with higher value of boost inductor, which
current at the N th and (N + 1)th switching cycles, along with is generally the case in medium and high power levels.
the sawtooth waveform, is shown in Fig. 3(a). The peak value
of current in N th switching cycle is IN , and IN denotes the
B. B-OCC-Based Three-Phase Converter
magnitude of current at the end of N th switching cycle.
From Fig. 3(a), The sawtooth waveform, along with the three-phase currents
drawn at a particular switching cycle, wherein iA > iB > iC ,
∗ K2 K2 is shown in Fig. 4(a). The duration for which iA , iB , and
RS IN = RS IN 1− + VM (7)
K3 K3 iC are less than the sawtooth waveform is t1 , while t4 is the
duration for which iA , iB , and iC are greater than the sawtooth
IN +1 = IN + K1 t 1 = V M − K3 t 1 (8) waveform. The duration for which only iA is higher than the
sawtooth is t2 , while t3 is the duration for which only ic is less
where K3 is the slope of the falling edge of the sawtooth than the sawtooth waveform. The slopes of the source currents
waveform and is given by of each phase n (where n is a, b, or c) for the time durations t1 ,
t2 , t3 , and t4 are K1n , K2n , K3n , and K4n , respectively, and
VM 2VM 2VO RS are listed in Table III.
K3 = = = (9)
TI TS R e TS Since the utility considered is a three-phase three-wire
and Ts is the switching time period. Assuming that the change
in on time (t1 ) of the switch in two consecutive switching iA + iB + iC = 0 (16)
diA RS iA VO
νA = LA + . (20)
dt 2VM
iA = RS VO
. (21)
2VM + jωLA
in = RS VO
, n = A, B, C. (22)
2VM + jωLn
∗ ∗
source current IN is not equal to its instantaneous value IN +1
at the end of that switching cycle. This is due to the fact that
the magnitude of forcing function νs is also changing within a
switching cycle. If
∗ ∗
IN − IN +1 = Δi (46)
Δi = 0 (47)
Fig. 10. Schematic test setup for three-phase six-switch boost converter in rectifying and inverting modes of operations.
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pp. 3217–3224, Dec. 2007. by the Central Board of Irrigation and Power, India. He became an Assistant
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Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 1998, where he has been an Associate
Dharmraj V. Ghodke was born in Solapur, India, Professor since 2005. His current research interests are modern var compen-
on October 20, 1968. He received the B.E. degree in sators, active power filters, utility-friendly converter topologies, and induction
electrical engineering from Walchand College of En- motor drives.
gineering Sangli, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India,
in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in power electronics
from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Mumbai, India, in 2008.
After graduation, he joined the 35th batch of train-
ing school at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai. After train- B. G. Fernandes received the B.Tech. degree from
ing, since 1992, he has been a Scientific Officer with Mysore University, Mysore, India, in 1984, the
the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India, where he M.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technol-
demonstrated the first indigenous solid-state pulsed modulator for a copper ogy, Kharagpur, India, in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree
vapor laser to replace the Thyratron-based pulsed modulator. He also designed from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
and developed various circuits for low- and high-voltage isolated switch- Mumbai, India, in 1993.
mode power supplies, capacitor charging power supply of 1 W to 11 kW, He was with the Department of Electrical En-
and trigger and driver units for insulated-gate-bipolar-transistor- and thyratron- gineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
based pulsed modulators. These developments were made for different kinds India, as an Assistant Professor. Since 1997, he has
of lasers. He is specialized in the area of high-frequency high-power switch- been with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
mode and solid-state pulse power supply, auxiliary controllers, and circuits for Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, where he is
laser applications. His current research interests include simulation and digital currently Professor. His current research interests are permanent-magnet ma-
controllers of pulsewidth-modulation active unity-power-factor rectifiers, active chines, high-performance ac drives, quasi-resonant link converter topologies,
filters, ac-to-dc and dc-to-dc converters, etc., for high-power applications. and power electronic interfaces for nonconventional energy sources.