The Get Started Guide: The Easiest Guide To Getting Your Music Out There!
The Get Started Guide: The Easiest Guide To Getting Your Music Out There!
The Get Started Guide: The Easiest Guide To Getting Your Music Out There!
• Sell your music with the embeddable Music Player on your personal website and
receive play count analytics.
CD Baby Standard: includes Digital and Physical Distribution, and Sync Licensing
• Worldwide digital distribution to our digital partners (iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon,
Google Play, Spotify, etc.)
• Worldwide physical distribution for physical CDs, vinyl, and more!
• Sync Licensing – make money from YouTube monetization and licensing for TV,
movies, commercials, video games, etc.
CD Baby Pro Publishing: includes Digital and Physical Distribution, Sync Licensing,
AND Publishing Royalty Collection
• CD Baby Pro Publishing provides you with distribution to our digital partners
(iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Spotify, etc.), Sync Licensing, AND music
publishing administration for your original songs (cover songs not eligible).
• Song registration in 100+ countries – CD Baby will register your songs and
publishing information with collection societies around the world to make sure you’re capturing
maximum publishing revenue for your music. This means you do not have to go to each
individual collection society and register your tracks yourself. We will take care of that for you.
• Performing Rights Affiliation – In order to collect publishing royalties for your original music,
you must be affiliated with a Performance Rights Organization (P.R.O.). For certain countries,
CD Baby is able to affiliate you with the associated P.R.O., while other countries we will link you
to the P.R.O. in your territory so you can get affiliated.
Distribution Tiers:
CD Baby Only – Your music will Downloads + Streaming – We will
only be available on deliver music to all of our partners
who offer downloads, streaming, or
Downloads Only – We will deliver
music to our digital partners that Do it all, even unpaid – We will deliver
only offer downloads (streaming music to all of our partners, even the
is NOT included). digital partners who offer your tracks
for free promotional opportunities.
Audio specifications:
• Upload high quality audio files in either WAV or FLAC formats.
• Files must be stereo 44.1kHz sample rate, and 16-bit.
Step Six:
Finalize for FINALIZE FOR
That’s it! We’re ready to send your music out to the world.
Now’s a good time to make sure you’ve opted into all the beneficial programs that are included with
your distribution package. This may include Sync Licensing, YouTube Monetization, and more.
IMPORTANT: We cannot start collecting your publishing royalties until you have selected which
Performance Rights Organization you would like to be affiliated with, or – if you are already affiliated –
provide your IPI/CAE number for the corresponding Performance Rights Organization. Also known as
signing a Letter of Direction (LOD).
Album/Single Dark Side of the Moon, Single - Typically, a single is a It is important to title your
Title Californication song that is released separately album or single correctly
from an album, although it usually because this is how listeners
appears on the album as well. will find your content on
With CD Baby, a single is only ONE streaming and download
track. platforms. CrEaTiVe CaSiNg is
something the digital partners
Album - A collection of recordings will not allow, so be sure
that have been put together as a to keep that in mind when
single work. An album contains selecting your title. The more
multiple tracks and with CD Baby, unique the title of the album/
anything more than one track is single, the easier it will be for
considered an album. listeners to search for your
Depending on the Album
Language, you will need to provide
either title casing or sentence
Artist Name Ingrid Michaelson, Bruno Mars, The artist name is the persons or Artist Name is required
The Beatles group performing on the track. because this is another unique
identifier that allows listeners
Please be sure to only enter one to search for your music and
artist name per field. know who is performing which
Artist Role Maroon 5 (feat. Christina Aguilera) The artist role is where you can When we deliver your
select whether or not the artist metadata to our digital
primary featuring is the “Primary” or a “Featuring” partners, they need to know
artist artist artist. which artists are the primary
artists and which artists are
The “feat.” artist is specifically featured guests. This will
related to the Track Level determine how the artist
metadata. names are displayed.
Compilation “Greatest Hits of 2016” by Various If an album is a collection of songs Our digital partners (iTunes,
Album Artists performed by 4 or more primary Amazon, Spotify, etc.) require
artists, then the artist name that the artist name be listed
“BBC Radio 1’s Hits” by Various for the album must be “Various as “Various Artists” when
Artists Artists.” You must not list “Various your album is listed as a
Artists” on any tracks, as it should compilation album.
only be used for the album artist
name. This is required by our
digital partners (such as iTunes).
Copyright If you own the rights to your sound You will need to provide the name The copyright owner shows
Owner recording then you would be of the individual or company who who legally owns the right to
considered the Copyright Owner. is legally authorized to sell this distribute the music, so it is
Most of the time the artist’s name album. If you are not the copyright important that this is listed
is listed as the Copyright Owner. holder, you must have obtained correctly and kept consistent
Other times, a record label may a license from the rights holder with the tracks’ metadata.
own the rights to the music and in order to distribute their work.
will be listed as the Copyright This information may be displayed
Owner. publicly.
Explicit Lil Wayne - A Milli (Explicit) Explicit content is characterized Digital Partners’ guidelines
as anything that contains strong require all explicit content to
Lil Wayne - A Milli (Clean) language or depictions of violence, be marked accordingly, so
sex, or substance abuse to such customers are aware of the
Jay Z (feat. Alicia Keys) - Empire an extent as to merit parental explicit content.
State of Mind notification.
Inspector CD Baby Digital Inspector An Inspector is a person who is The Inspection process
reviewing all of your metadata and ensures that your content
artwork to ensure that it meets meets our digital partner’s
our digital partner’s guidelines. guidelines. If your content
does not meet the partner’s
guidelines, it will be pulled
from their site and you will be
asked to correct your info.
Live Recording Bruce Springsteen - Born in the A live recording is any recording Our digital partners require
U.S.A. (Live) of you performing in front of a live that live albums be designated
audience. as such so their customers
are not surprised if they were
expecting a studio recording.
Publisher Downtown Music Publishing, The publisher is the owner of the As a songwriter, having
Atlas Publishing, Disney Music copyright to a song (melody and a publisher or publishing
Publishing lyrics), meaning the underlying administrator is one of the
composition and NOT any most important things you can
particular sound recording of that do for your career. It’s a must-
song. If you create original music have if you want to maximize
and have not signed away your your earnings. Music
publishing rights, then you (the publishing administrators like
songwriter) ARE the publisher. CD Baby Pro Publishing are
experts in royalty collection
Don’t get the word confused and will collect all publishing
with a sheet music publisher or royalties that you are unable
CD manufacturer. In this case, to collect on your own (such
“publisher” means “copyright as mechanical royalties for
owner of the song itself”. global streams on services
like Spotify).
Release Date 01/26/2017 This date should correspond with This release date is important
11/29/1990 the past, present or future date because this date will decide
(MM/DD/YYYY) that your music became or will when your content will go live
become available for sale. on our digital partners’ sites.
If the album’s original release Any marketing/promotion that
date was in the past, enter that goes along with your release
date and we’ll activate the album will need to correspond with
page as soon as possible. the release date you have
If you’d like the album to be chosen to ensure the most
released on a specific date more successful release possible.
than two weeks in the future,
enter it here and the CD Baby If the single/album was
album page won’t be activated released in the past, you can
until the date you’ve chosen. provide the original release
Keep in mind when selecting a date and your content will
release date that it still takes up to go live as soon as it has
a few days to process your album been processed. If this is a
and our digital partners will need re-masted version, you can
to process it on their side as well. provide us with the re-release
You will want to consider this date.
when selecting a future release
date. Allow enough time for
Record Label Kill Rock Stars, EMI, etc. The record label is the Copyright Retail partners will typically
Owner and the one who is getting group releases by label and
paid for sales/royalties generated customers can browse by
by the release. label making it easier for
them to find related works.
You are not required to provide Falsifying this information can
a record label, but you can if result in your content being
applicable. If a record label is not pulled by the partner sites and
provided, the artist name will be a refund will not be issued by
auto-filled in this section. CD Baby.
Sync Licensing If the creators of a film decide they A “sync” is anytime audio has Sync licensing has grown
want to use your music in their been paired up with a visual. A into one of the most lucrative
movie, they would be required to sync license is a music license aspects of the music industry
purchase a sync license from you granted by the copyright owner of for many independent artists.
in order to use the song. a composition and the copyright CD Baby’s Sync Licensing
owner of the sound recording, program gives you the
The Black Keys song “I’ll Be Your allowing the licensee to sync opportunity to license your
Man” was used as the theme song music with some kind of visual music for film, TV, games,
for HBO series Hung and helped media. This includes film, YouTube, and more.
create exposure for them as an television shows, advertisements,
artist, which launched them into video games, movie trailers, etc..
where they are at in their music
careers today.
Track Title Below are examples of track titles “Track title” is the same thing Unique track titles make it
from AC/DC’s Back in Black Album: as a song name. You will need to easier for customers to find
provide a unique title for each one your songs. Track title can
Hells Bells, Back in Black, You of your tracks. You are not able to help denote remix versions or
Shook Me All Night Long, Shake have duplicate track titles. other alternate versions of a
a Leg song.