Factors That Influence Attitudes of Computer Science Students Towards Mathematics and Related Courses at The Tertiary Level of Education
Factors That Influence Attitudes of Computer Science Students Towards Mathematics and Related Courses at The Tertiary Level of Education
Factors That Influence Attitudes of Computer Science Students Towards Mathematics and Related Courses at The Tertiary Level of Education
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The main purpose of this study was to strong background knowledge in mathematics is not only
examine the factors that influence the attitudes of important in learning how to code mathematics expressions
computer science students towards the teaching and in a programming language, or in converting to and from
learning of mathematics and related courses in a public hexadecimal or binary number systems but also needful at
university situated in the Cape Coast Metropolis of the advanced level in the computer science programme
Ghana. To achieve this, a descriptive survey design was (Beaubouef, 2002). Mathematics is embedded in most
adopted. In addition, a quantitative approach to data computer science courses. Even research has revealed that
collection and analysis was employed for the study. The having a strong mathematical understanding is significant
target population for the study were all Bachelor of to computer science education. “…mathematics is a mind-
Education (Computer Science) and Bachelor of Science set that fundamentally improves one’s ability to devise and
(Computer Science) students in the said university. In implement algorithms. Mathematics is used to model the
all, 150 students were randomly sampled and used as problem domain, to specify and design high quality
the respondents for the study. The main instrument software, develop correct and efficient algorithms”
used for data collection process was a structured (Paulson, 2002). Weaknesses in mathematical knowledge
questionnaire. The study found that instructor or may hinder students’ achievement in computer science
lecturer-student relationship have an influence on the courses.
students’ attitudes towards the teaching and learning of
mathematics and related courses. Also, the mathematics Even though, mathematics is one of the necessary
curricula used at the university have influence on courses most students must take in order to major in
students’ attitude towards the teaching and learning of various programmes from tertiary institutions, mathematics
mathematics and related courses. In addition, is seen as huge hurdle to cross instead of an appreciated
institutional factors such as time allocation on time learning experience (Ali, Ali & Farag, 2014). Attitude
table and the adequacy of teaching and learning significantly affects learning (Fadali, Valasquez &
resources has some form of influence on students’ Robinsoon, 2004). Attitudes cannot be observed directly
attitude. Implications of the findings are further but seen to be defined in numerous ways. Kislenko,
discussed in the study. Grevholm, and Lepik (2007), defined attitude as “thoughts,
feelings, and behaviours”. Another researcher, Kutto (2012)
Keywords:- Factors, Attitude, Computer Science, states that attitude is central to the education process and
Mathematics. either promote or inhibits behaviour, influences choices to
attend, respond value, participate or make commitment to
I. INTRODUCTION educational activities. Attitudes of computer science
students towards mathematics plays an important role in the
Mathematics is an essential foundation necessary in teaching and learning processes of computer science and its
order to study computer science (Beaubouef, 2002). effects on students’ achievement in mathematics. In
Computer science students obviously need to use mathematics education, Tezer and Karasel (2010) assert
mathematics because it encourages logical reasoning, that generally the relationship between students’ attitude
critical thinking, abstract thinking, problem-solving as well towards mathematics and their achievement in mathematics
as creativity which has a positive effect on their learning of has been established that attitude towards mathematics
their courses in Computer Science. This means that those influences achievement in mathematics.
majoring in Computer Science and Computer Science
related programmes are required to have a deeper Paulson (2002) studied how effective a strong
knowledge in mathematics for them to become successful mathematical background is in terms of learning and
in their computer science career. The reason being that a understanding academic courses in computer science.. The
Computer science major students towards mathematics is 63(42.0) 59(39.3) 20(13.3) 8(5.3)
negatively affected when instructors pay attention to the
mathematics major students while lecturing
Instructors comments on students when they do poor 68(45.3) 52(34.7) 23(15.3) 7(4.7)
work negatively affect students’ attitude toward
Instructors using varied methods in teaching positively 59(39.3) 63(42.0) 18(12.0) 10(6.7)
affect student’s attitudes towards mathematics
The way instructors relate mathematics lessons to real 63(42.0) 60(40.0) 16(10.7) 11(7.3)
life situations positively affect students’ attitude towards
The way instructors show mastery of content and 56(37.3) 68(45.3) 22(14.7) 4(2.7)
confidence when teaching positively affect students’
attitude towards mathematics
Table 1:- Frequencies and Percentages on Instructor Related Factors That Affects Computer Science and Computer Science
Education Students’ Attitude towards Mathematics
A cursory look at Table 1 indicates that 82.6% of Again, 80.0% respondents generally agreed that
respondents generally agreed to the fact that lecturer’s lecturers’ bad comments on students when they do poor
friendliness positively affects students’ attitudes towards work negatively affects their attitude towards mathematics
mathematics while 17.4% disagreed. This gives an while 20.0% respondents generally disagreed. This result is
impression that most students want quality, friendly yet not surprising since students gets intimidated when being
respectful relationship with lecturers when giving badly criticized for asking a question and also performing
instructions in the classroom. Mathematics lecturers and badly in a quiz or exams. This means that students want
computer science and Computer Science Education lecturers to understand, listen respectfully and acknowledge
students are not close to have a healthy relationship which their point of view. Lecturers’ act of giving criticism is to
could positively affect computer science students’ attitude put students’ right and make them achieve their goal but
towards learning mathematics. Computer science students when it is to the extreme, students shy away from the
are afraid to approach a mathematics lecturer to seek for teaching and learning of mathematics. Furthermore, 81.3%
help when they are not doing well in the course. This tends respondents agreed to it that lecturers using varied methods
to make most of the computer science students fail at the in teaching positively affects students’ attitude towards
end of the semester. Also 81.0% of the respondents agreed mathematics and 18.7% disagreed to that fact. This study,
that when lecturers pay much attention to the mathematics however, confirms the importance of using varied methods
major students than the Bachelor of Education [B.Ed.] and of teaching, which as a matter of fact go a long way to
Bachelor of Computer Science [B.Sc.] major students, this catch the attention of the learner. Furthermore, 82.0%
negatively affect B.Ed. and B.Sc. Computer Science respondents agreed that when lecturers relate mathematics
students’ attitude towards learning mathematics. This lessons to real life situations positively it affect students’
percentage imply that these category of students want to be attitude towards mathematics while 18.0% disagreed. There
treated equally and also want to be given a chance to take is a caution of course that students’ misconception can
responsibility for their own learning and express interfere with new learning so this makes students
themselves. Collaboration and equality can promote not understand that exposure to the application of content in
only team work but also healthy competition and self- real life situations may help to correct such misconceptions.
confidence when paired with students from mathematics Without relevance, important concepts may seem
major whiles 18.6% of the respondents disagreed. unnecessary. Students gets demotivated when they could
Table 2:- Curriculum Factors That Affect B.Ed. And B.Sc. Computer Science Students’ Attitude towards Learning Mathematics.
In general, it can be observed that curricula related important for teachers to place emphasis on instructional
factors have impacts on students’ academic work. Most of objectives and topics, the learning expectations, time
the respondents representing 78.6% responded that the allocation for particular topics, the kinds of tasks they pose.
mathematics curriculum used at the university negatively These are necessary and play a vital role in teaching
affect their attitude towards mathematics whereas 21.4% (Thompson & Usiskin, 2014). When the curriculum is
disagreed. From these expositions, very important teaching acceptable it assists in effective teaching and learning in
and learning issues arise. These are methods of teaching Mathematics. There should be more emphasis on clearer
and learning, teaching-learning materials, lesson plans, concepts in Mathematics and involve more activities for
timetable for teaching and lessons to be taught from all the students.
subjects in the curriculum. Moreover, 81.4% respondents
agreed that when curriculum covers the entire theoretical Research Question Three: What institutional related
and application of the mathematics it positively affects their factors influence computer science students’ attitude
attitude towards mathematics whereas 18.6% disagreed. towards the teaching and learning mathematics at the
Also, most 77.3% of the respondents agreed that teaching tertiary level of education?
strategies stipulated in the mathematics curriculum have a This research question sought to find out how the
positive effect on students’ attitudes to mathematics institution contribute in influencing students’ attitudes
whereas 22.7% disagreed. Instructional strategies is towards the teaching and learning of mathematics.
supposed to show the approach that a teacher applies to Specifically, items 11-15 on the questionnaire are the
attain their instructional objectives (NTCM, 2000). What responses gathered from students in the computer science
students learn does not solely depend on what they are and computer science education departments and are
taught but also how they are taught, their development presented in Table 3.
level, and their interests as well as experiences. It is
Small mathematics class size affect students’ 46(30.7) 62(41.3) 28(18.7) 14(9.3)
attitudes towards mathematics positively
Table 3:- Influence of institutional factors that affect B.Ed. and B.Sc. computer science students’ attitude towards learning
Table 3 indicates that 56.0% respondents agreed to it planning and delivery which helps students to understand
that mathematics lecture periods for computer science the mathematics concept. The TLMS used to teach the
students on the timetable negatively affects students’ mathematics course in the University of Cape Coast do not
attitude towards mathematics whereas 44.0% disagreed. In increase computer science students’ achievement. The
view of this, respondents are not good with the lecture finding is in line with Entwistle and Entwistle, (2003) who
period, since lecture periods that last long makes them discovered that students’ attitudes toward learning were
wander and tired of listening to instructions in the lecture closely linked to the classroom environment. In agreement
theatre. This makes students less attentive during the long with the finding, Tailab (2013) who reported that students
therefore affecting they are not able to get or understand the in Al-Gharbi University found mathematics courses
concepts discussed in class. Consequently, reduces them difficult because modern textbooks and access to functional
applying it to computer science courses. library materials are limited.
Also, 72.0% respondents agreed that the small Implications of the research findings for teaching,
mathematics class size positively affects student’s attitude learning and policy implementation
towards mathematics whiles 28.0% disagreed. This gives The findings from the study have several implications
an impression that students achieve better and great to both policy and practice since teacher factors, curriculum
opportunity for individual interaction between teacher and factors, and institutional factors all play a major role in
student when the class size is small. Students, generally determining the attitudes computer science and computer
have better morale in a small class and less likely to feel science education students develop towards the teaching
overwhelmed by asking a question or giving a suggestion. and learning of mathematics. Lecturers should counsel and
Lecture halls for studying mathematics in the University of guide students with low performances on what to do to
Cape Coast are large and they also combine many students yield better grades and encourage or motivate students with
from other programs in one lecture to study mathematics. weak performance so that they can make it with constant
This intimidates computer science students to ask questions practice and not just criticize them. Another implication of
or express themselves well when they do not understand the the findings is that instructors should also show concrete
concepts. The large class size affects computer science examples and real life experiences through their teaching so
students’ attitude towards mathematics. that students would behold the relevance of the courses
they do to their field of study, related areas and life in
Again, 83.3% respondents agreed that inadequate general to their computer science courses. There is the need
mathematics teaching and learning resources in the school for equal and fair treatment for both pure mathematics and
negatively affects students’ attitude towards mathematics computer science and computer science education students.
whereas 16.7% respondents disagreed. This percentage Curricula used to teach students should be revised annually
point to the fact that teaching learning materials so as to meet the needs of the students and students should
significantly increase students’ achievement by supporting also be given an opportunity to give their input concerning
students learning. It also adds important structure to lesson the development of the curriculum. The institution should