Personal Protective Equipment Knowledge and Practices Among Nurses Working at Albaha King Fahad Hospital Saudi Arabia
Personal Protective Equipment Knowledge and Practices Among Nurses Working at Albaha King Fahad Hospital Saudi Arabia
Personal Protective Equipment Knowledge and Practices Among Nurses Working at Albaha King Fahad Hospital Saudi Arabia
DOI: 10.4172/2472-1654.100152
*Corresponding author:
Abuobaida E.E. Abukhelaif
Abstract [email protected]
Received: March 11, 2019; Accepted: March 25, 2019; Published: April 05, 2019
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License | This article is available in: 1
Journal of Healthcare DE MEDICINA
Communications 2019
ISSN 1698-9465
2472-1654 Vol.4 No.1:2
microorganisms [4-6]. being invasive in nature. Some of these activities include, vaginal
examination, handling of second and third stage of labour,
Despite the adoption of these guidelines by healthcare worker
suturing of episiotomies, and removal of retained placenta.
in several countries, compliance with aseptic precautions is
Paediatric ward admits patients with both medical and surgical
known to be “poor and lacking” [7-10]. Numerous studies shown
that factors that contribute to non-compliance with standard
precautions include lack of understanding and knowledge among Sampling procedure
health care workers on how to properly use protective barriers,
lack of time, lack of resources, and lack of proper training. Purposive sampling was used for selecting the wards and in each
Other reported that better knowledge of universal precautions selected ward a list of names for the nurses was obtained from
among health care workers was one of the predictors of better the team leader. Simple random sampling was then applied to
compliance [11-20]. obtain eligible participants. All the eligible participants were
selected and those who consented to participate were recruited
Nurses at King Fahad Hospital-Al-Baha (KFH – Baha) are responsible into the study.
for directing and coordinating nursing care in all departments in
line with the nursing clinical application standards. This cover Data collection
observing and reporting patient condition, providing nursing Data was collected using self- administered semi structured
care, recording pulse and temperature, administering drugs and questionnaire that composed of information about demographic
other medicines and providing support to patients and relatives. and occupational characteristics of the respondents like:
In King Saudi Arabia (KSA), as in several other countries, each (gender, age, education and years of experience), as well as
hospital has a multidisciplinary Infection Control Committee, their knowledge and practices regarding compliance with usage
which provides advice on the issues of control of infection, of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The questionnaire was
defines standards, and recommends policies. Several studies have developed grounded on the associated literatures and statistical
evaluated disinfection and sterilization procedures in hospitals, experts in our college assess its validity and reliability. The
knowledge and practices of hospital staff, and compliance with subjects were asked to rate their believe, awareness and practices
universal precautions, but similar data are few if not available about PPE using rating as "Excellent", "Good" or "Ok". Knowledge
in KSA. Information on this topic is necessary to assess whether questions using rating as " Disagree, "Ok", "Agree" and "Strongly
nurses are prepared to assume their responsibilities in preventing agree". These questionnaires were checked for completeness
hospital infections. Studies on standard precautions are increasing and consistency upon collection.
over the world [3,6,7,10], studies from Saudi Arabia that assessed
nurse knowledge and compliance towards SPs are scarce. Hence
Data analysis
this study was conducted, with the objective to determine with Statistical Package on Social Science (SPSS) version 16 was used
usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) among nurses to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse
working at Al-Baha King Fahad Hospital, KSA. characteristics of participants. Chi-square and correlation was
used to establish significance and relationship between variables.
This was a cross sectional descriptive study aimed at determining
Presentation of Results
the knowledge, practice and factors that influence compliance The results have been presented in form of frequency tables and
with usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) among nurses bar graphs and a narrative explanation accompanying each form
working at Al-Baha King Fahad Hospital, KSA. of presentation.
engineering control in the care of the infective patients. demographic characters of respondent nurse groups regarding
age, sex, education and work experience years being more in
The overall awareness amongst the entire questionnaire
females, ages less than 40 years, bachelor and post-graduation
respondents was 172 (93%) as shown in Table 2 below.
and more than 3 years experiences, (P value <0.005).
Regarding the correlation of PPE with the demographic
characteristics of respondent nurses as shown in Table 3 there Wearing gloves
is strong evidence of positive relationship [p – value of (0.024, Routine use of disposable gloves has been recommended for all
0.043, 0.001, 0.030)] between awareness of the respondents patient contacts. Gloves ideally should be removed after seeing
with PPE as an effective barrier for infection control and their a patient and the hands washed thoroughly before re-gloving to
gender, age, education and work experience respectively. see a new patient. Out of the total staff, 86 per cent claimed to
wear fresh gloves before patient examination and procedures
Hand mediated transmission but only 57 per cent of the staff actually did it during observations
Hands are the most common vehicle of transmission of organisms. (Figure 2). Out of 185 nurses staff 126 (68.1%) claimed that they
And 91.6 per cent of the nurse staff agreed that hand mediated always wore gloves before patient examination (Table 5).
transmission is one of the major sources of cross infection. As
shown in Figure 1 the majority (85.4%) of the studied sample Discussion
were agreed that hands mediated transmission (spread) of
To our knowledge, this is the first research study contracted in Al-
infection is a main contributory factor to the infection risks for
Baha king Fahad hospital among any group of health care workers,
hospital in-patients.
investigating the issue of compliance with Standard Precautions
Table 4 shows that there was an evidence of significant to avoid occupational exposure to pathogens. Present study was
difference between hand mediated transmission of infection and carried out to assess the knowledge, practice and attitude of
nursing staff related to infection control measures [21-24].
Table 1 Demographic characteristics.
Infection control is a key factor of practice for all healthcare
Character Components Frequency Percent
professionals, not only for their health but also to reduce
Male 40 21.6 nosocomial infections and thus improve the patient safety [25].
Gender Standard precautions are a set of basic infection prevention
Female 145 78.4
20 - 30 year 66 35.7
31-40 years 84 45.4
Over 40 years 35 18.9
Diploma or less 47 25.4
Bachelor and
Education 138 74.6
Less than 3 years 71 38.4
Work experience More than 3
114 61.6
Table 3 Statistical Relation between the respondent Awareness of using PPE and their Demographic Characteristics.
Excellent Good Ok
Character P value
141 (76.2%) 31(16.8%) 13 (7%)
Male 24 (17.0 %) 11 (35.5%) 5 (38.5%)
Female 117 (83.0%) 20 (64.5%) 8 (61.5%) 0.024
20 - 30 year 55(39.0%) 6 (19.4%) 5 (38.5%)
31-40 years 57 (40.4%) 22 (71.0%) 5 (38.5%)
Age 0.043
Over 40 years 29 (20.6%) 3 (9.7%) 3 (23.1%)
Diploma or less 28 (19.9%) 15 (48.4%) 4 (30.8.0%)
Education 0.001
Bachelor and post 113 (80.1%) 16 (51.6%) 9 (69.2%)
Less than 3 year 51 (36.2%) 14 (45.2%) 6 (46.2%)
Work experience 0.030
More than 3 years 90 (63.8%) 17 (54.8%) 7 (53.8%)
Table 4 Statistical Relation between the respondent Knowledge of Hand Mediated Transmission and their Demographic Characteristics.
Disagree Agree
Character P value
27 (14.6%) 158 (85.4%)
Male 15 (55.6 %) 25 (15.8%)
Gender Female 12 (44.4%) 133 (84.2%) 0.000
20 - 30 year 3(11.1%) 63 (39.9%)
31-40 years 15 (55.6%) 69 (43.7%)
Age 0.001
Over 40 years 9 (33.3%) 26 (16.3%)
Diploma or less 11 (40.7%) 36 (22.8%)
Education 0.000
Bachelor and post 16 (59.3%) 122 (77.4%)
Less than 3 year 9 (33.3%) 62 (39.2%)
Work experience 0.000
More than 3 years 18(66.7%) 96 (60.8%)
Conclusion Recommendation
Our study concluded that nurses had excellent knowledge with Continuous monitoring of nurses' practice parallel with providing
and appropriate use of PPE as vital in safeguarding the HCWs and adequate resources, decrease of work load by increasing the
spread of infection. However, practice was unsatisfactory about number of nursing staff and emphasizing training courses is
infection control standard precautions. crucial issues that improve the compliance with infection control
standard precautions.
precautions at outpatient clinics of Urology and Nephrology Center protective devices among health care workers in a teaching hospital
- Mansur University. IOSR J Nurs Health Sci 7: 54-59. in Cairo, Egypt. Egypt J Occup Med 40: 287-300.
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