Effect of Baffle Spacing On The Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Effect of Baffle Spacing On The Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Effect of Baffle Spacing On The Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
To cite this article: Bassel A. Abdelkader & Syed M. Zubair (2017): The Effect of a Number of
Baffles on the Performance of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers, Heat Transfer Engineering, DOI:
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, VOL. , NO. , –
The number of baffles has an impact on the thermal-hydraulic performance of a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger (STHX), thus a model was developed using Engineering Equations Solver software to
solve the governing equations. The program uses Kern, Bell-Delaware, and flow-stream analysis (Wills
Johnston) methods to predict both the heat-transfer coefficient and pressure drop on the shell side
of an STHX. It was found that Bell-Delaware method is the most accurate method when compared
with the experimental results. The effect of a number of baffles, mass flow rate, tube layout, fluid
properties and baffle cut were investigated. The analysis revealed that an increase in the number of
baffles increases both the heat-transfer coefficient and pressure drop on the shell-side. Increasing
the mass flow rate, the heat transfer coefficient increases; however, the pressure drop increases at a
higher rate. For a large number of baffles, the pressure drop decreases with an increase in the baffle
cut. It also shows that the heat transfer coefficient increases at a higher rate with the square tube
layout, whereas the rotated square and triangular layouts have approximately the same behavior.
be between 0.4 and 0.6 of the shell diameter. Shah and
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers (STHXs) are commonly Pignotti [5] concluded that through each baffle spacing,
used in several industrial applications. This is primarily the temperature change is very small compared to the
due to the feasible construction features that comply with total temperature difference of the fluid on the shell side
the international standards, high heat transfer capability, of an STHX. Therefore, the fluid on the shell side can
ease of maintenance, and possible upgrades [1]. These be considered as uniform at every cross-section. Than
type of heat exchangers have been developed over the et al. [6] developed a model to calculate the highest heat
years and several improved configurations were proposed transfer capability of an STHX without surpassing the
for enhancing the heat transfer capability and maintain- allowable pressure drop. It was concluded that increasing
ing the allowable pressure [2]. The baffles in STHX are the baffle spacing decreases the pressure drop on the shell
primarily used to force the shell-side fluid to move in a side. However, on the tube side, if the pressure drop is not
crossflow arrangement, thus enhancing the shell-side heat within the allowable limits, increasing the total number
transfer coefficient. The secondary purpose of baffles is to of tubes or decreasing the number of passes, results in a
support the tube bundles. Therefore, the overall impact desired pressure drop on the tube side.
of the baffles is to improve the heat transfer capability but Mohammadi et al. [7] studied numerically the heat
with an increase in pressure drop [3]. transfer and pressure drop with changing baffle orien-
Chit et al. [4] studied the effect of baffle spacing on the tation in an STHX. The results showed that the baffle
shell-side flow using theoretical and numerical methods; orientation has a significant effect on the heat transfer
it was concluded that the pressure drop increases at a coefficient and pressure drop on the shell side. They
higher rate than heat transfer coefficient with a decreas- found that the vertical baffle orientation is more effec-
ing baffle spacing. They found that there is an optimal tive than the horizontal orientation with the leakage
value for baffle spacing to shell diameter ratio which flow paths. However, without leakage, the simulation
results in the highest heat transfer for a specified pressure results showed that the horizontal baffle orientation is
drop on the shell side. The optimum ratio is found to more effective than the vertical one, mainly in the inlet
CONTACT Professor Syed M. Zubair [email protected] Department of Mechanical Engineering, KFUPM Box # , King Fahd University of Petroleum
& Minerals, Dhahran , Saudi Arabia.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/uhte.
© Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
and outlet regions. Jozaei et al. [8] investigated the heat tube layout. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to
transfer and pressure drop with a number of baffles in a investigate the performance of an STHX using three dif-
segmental baffled STHX for a specified heat duty. It was ferent design approaches. In this regard, first, the results
concluded that at low baffle spacing, pressure drop and are compared with the experimental data available in the
heat transfer coefficient are high; however, U/P ratio is literature. This is followed by investigating in detail the
low. This is primarily due to the fact that effect of baffle effect of mass flow rate, a number of baffles, baffle cut,
spacing has a higher impact on pressure drop compared various hydrocarbon fluid properties and tube layout on
to the shell-side heat transfer coefficient. As baffle spacing the heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop as well as the
increases, the pressure drop decreases at a higher rate heat transfer coefficient to the pressure drop ratio.
than the overall heat transfer coefficient; therefore, U/P
ratio increases. Jozaei et al. [9] in another study inves-
Design approach
tigated the effect of baffle spacing on the heat transfer,
pressure drop, and cost of STHX. They concluded that It is worth mentioning that while designing STHXs, the
Downloaded by [UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE LIBRARIES] at 08:37 28 December 2017
the optimal baffle spacing ranges between 43 to 63% of design specifications must be identified as completely as
inside shell diameter for the required heat duty. possible. Besides, the fluid flow rates, inlet and outlet
Li and Kottke [10] investigated the effect of baffle temperatures, and pressure constraints, the exact require-
spacing on the heat transfer and pressure drop in an ments of the process engineer as well as the past experi-
STHX for different tube arrangements. It was shown that ence needed for the design engineer must be discussed
heat transfer and pressure drop increase with the baffle in detail. For example, predicting the overall heat trans-
spacing for a fixed Reynolds number since the leakage is fer coefficient requires calculation of the tube-side and
reduced through the baffle-shell clearance. Gaddis and shell-side heat transfer coefficients. For tube-side flow in
Gnielinski [11] developed a model for calculating the an STHX, Nusselt number and friction factor correlations
pressure drop on the shell side with the segmental baffles. from the available literature can be used depending on the
The results showed that the expected deviations between flow conditions, as is typically done in a thermal design
the experimental and theoretical predictions are within problem. The shell-side analysis for both heat transfer and
35%. Petinrin and Dare [12] studied the effect of tube pressure drop analysis is normally studied using three dif-
layout on the performance of STHX using continuity, ferent approaches.
momentum, and energy equations. The results showed
that the bulk of heat transfer and pressure drop occur
Kern method
during the crossflow of shell-fluid fluid over the tube bun-
dle. For a given shell-side pressure drop, the triangular Kern method [1] is mostly used for a preliminary design
layout (30°) is found to be the most suitable followed by for an STHX. It typically provides conservative results. If
the combined (mix between 30° and 60°), and the rotated there are no baffles, the flow will be along the tubes that
triangular (60°), respectively, Deshpande and Hinge [13] are inside the shell. Thus, the heat transfer coefficient can
developed a model to design a single segmental STHX be calculated from the equivalent diameter. However, the
with a vertical cut arrangement and compared it with a baffles increase the shell-side heat transfer coefficient sig-
horizontal cut orientation. Using Kern method [1], they nificantly due to an increase in the turbulence. In a baffled
concluded that changing the flow pattern to a vertical cut STHX, the velocity of the fluid varies because of the con-
does not improve the shell-side heat transfer coefficient. fined area between the tubes across the tube bundle. The
Vukić et al. [14] investigated experimentally the effect correlations obtained for flow in tubes are not applicable
of a number of segmental baffles on the performance for flow over the tube bundles with segmental baffles.
of STHXs in a laboratory experimental unit. The results McAdams [15] suggested the following correlations for
showed that the heat transfer depends on the shell-side heat transfer coefficient on the shell side:
geometry (number of segmental baffles, baffle cut size, 0.14
baffle distance, the first and last baffle position to the μb
Nu = 0.36Re0.55 Pr1/3 (1)
inlet and outlet nozzle, the size of constructive clear- μw
ances). Increasing the hot fluid flow rate decreases the
temperature drop across the baffle. They also found that for
an increase in the number of baffles has a higher influ-
ence on the STHX effectiveness than the increase in the 2 × 103 < Re < 1 × 106
hot fluid flow rate. Pr > 0.6
It is obvious from the above discussion that the per-
formance of an STHX depends on the mass flow rate, For calculating the pressure drop due to fluid fric-
number of baffles, baffle cut, fluid properties, and the tion, excluding the nozzle losses, is computed using the
f G2 Ds (Nb + 1)
Ps = (2)
7.5 × 1012 De μμwb
f = 0.4137Re−0.2585 (3)
Bell-Delaware method
Bell-Delaware method [2] recognizes that there is only a
portion of the fluid on the shell side in a baffled STHX
flows across the tubes in a pure crossflow arrangement;
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that is, normal to the axis of the tubes. While the remain-
ing fluid flows through the bypass areas. This is due to Figure . Schematic of tube bundle bypass stream [].
the fact that the fluid seeks a path of least resistance from
the inlet to the outlet. In a typical design, the non-ideal Shell-side heat transfer coefficient
flow streams represent up to 40% of the total flow rate
The heat transfer coefficient on the shell side, hs , is
and hence is important to account for these effects on the
obtained by multiplying ideal crossflow heat transfer coef-
heat transfer and pressure drop [2]. It should be noted that
ficient, hc , by correction factors for the nonideal cross flow
the total flow is divided into several streams, as shown in
in a baffled heat exchanger [2],
Figures 1 to 3. These flow streams include the tube hole
leakage stream, crossflow stream, the tube bundle bypass
hs = hc JC JL JB JR JS Jμ (4)
stream, the shell-to-baffle bypass stream, and the pass par-
tition bypass stream.
Baffle window flow correction factor
The baffle window correction factor accounts for the
nonideal crossflow effects through the window zone
because the velocity of these streams is different. It
mainly depends on the baffle spacing and a baffle cut.
The baffle cut correction factor is calculated from the
following expressions [2],
Figure . Diagram of leakage streams; (a) hole leakage, and (b) shell-to-baffle bypass [].
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Ssb Ssb the distance between shell wall and tube bundle, and Nss
JL = 0.44 1 − + 1 − 0.44 1 −
Ssb + Stb Ssb + Stb is the number of pairs of sealing strips.
Ssb + Stb
× exp −2.2 (8)
Unequal baffle spacing correction factor
Ssb = 0.00436Ds Lsb (360 − θds ) (9)
Stb = [(Dt + Ltb )2 ] Nt (1 − Fw ) (10) The effect of inlet and outlet baffle spacing larger than
4 the central baffle spacing is accounted in the unequal baf-
Dctl fle spacing correction factor. When the inlet and outlet
Sm = Lbc Lbb + (Lt p − Dt ) (11)
Lt p,e f f spacing is larger than central baffle spacing, the velocity is
BC lower which has an adverse effect on heat transfer. When
θds = 2cos−1 1 − 2 (12)
100 the inlet and outlet spacing is equal to central spacing
JS = 1. Otherwise, it is calculated from [2],
where Ssb is the shell-to-baffle leakage area, Stb is the
tube-to-baffle leakage area, Sm is the crossflow area at the (Nb − 1) + (Lbi /Lbc )1−n + (Lbo/Lbc )1−n
center line, θ ds is the baffle cut angle in degrees, Lsb is JS = (17)
(Nb − 1) + (Lbi /Lbc ) + (Lbo/Lbc )
the shell-to-baffle clearance, Lbc is the baffle spacing, and
Ltp,eff is the tube pitch for 30° and 90° layouts while for For laminar flow n = 1/3 while for transition and tur-
45° is equal to 0.707 of the tube pitch. bulent flow n = 0.6.
For laminar flow, Cbh is equal to 1.35 while for tran- Here Nc is the total number of tube rows crossed by the
sition and turbulent, Cbh is equal to 1.25. In the above flow, Ntcw is the number of tube rows in the window area,
equations, Sb represents the bypass area, Lpl represents and Ntcc is the number of tube rows between the baffle tips.
° – . − . . . . − . . .
– . − . . − .
– . − . . − .
– . − . . − .
< . − . . − .
° – . − . . . . − . . .
– . − . . − .
– . − . . − .
– . − . . − .
< . − . . − .
° – . − . . . . − . . .
– . − . . +.
– . − . . − .
– . − . . − .
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ji = a1 Rea2 (23)
Lt p/Dt
a= (24)
1 + 0.14Rea4
where Reynolds number is based on tube diameter and
the values of constants a1 , a2 , a3 , and a4 are listed in
Table 1.
Pressure drop in central baffle spaces Pressure drop in the entrance and exit baffle spaces
The pressure drop across tube bundle between the baffles The pressure drop in the entrance and exit baffle is calcu-
is based on ideal tube bundle pressure drop (PbI ) for one lated from Eq. 40, while the pressure drop correction fac-
baffle section [2], tor for unequal baffle spacing is calculated from Eq. 41.
These are [2],
Pcb = PbI (Nb − 1)RB RL (26)
G2 Pe = PbI 1 + RB RS (40)
PbI = 0.002 fi Ntcc Rμ (27) Ntcc
ρ 2−nc 2−nc
d Lbc Lbc
1.33 RS = + (41)
fi = d1 Red2 (28) Lbo Lbi
Lt p/Dt
d= (29) Flow stream analysis
1 + 0.14Red4
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P = n p ṁtot
(44) co(Ds − 2Lc )/PT P + Nss
nb = (60)
Pc = Pb = ncb ṁ2w (45) 2ρSb2
Re Re2
ṁtot = ṁb + ṁc + ṁs + ṁt (48)
0.286 × 10 3
− for 3 < Re < 2 × 103 (63)
In this method, it is assumed that the flow coefficients Re3
ns , nt, nw , and nb are constants independent of flow rate 0.249 × 104 0.927 × 107
and are dependent only on geometry, thus Fcr and nc are K f = 0.267 + −
Re Re2
calculated from Eqs. 47 and 54. Here ns is shell-to-baffle 0.10 × 10 11
leakage resistance coefficient, nt is tube-to-baffle resis- + for 2 × 103 < Re < 2 × 106
tance coefficient, nw is window flow resistance coefficient, (64)
and nb is bypass flow resistance coefficient. These are cal-
culated by the following expressions [1], The flow-stream analysis method does not specifically
deal with the heat transfer; however, a reasonable estimate
ṁc Dt
Re = (49) of the shell-side heat transfer coefficient can be made by
μbSm assuming that it corresponds to that calculated by using
ṁc = Fc ṁs (50) ṁc rather than ṁs in a standard crossflow correlation,
np 0.14
na 0.651 0.34 μb
Fc = 0.5 (51) Nu = 0.211Re Pr (65)
1 + nnbc
na = nw + ncb (52)
2 3 × 102 < Re < 2 × 105 , Pr < 600
ncb = 1/ n−0.5
c + n−0.5
b (53)
2 while the pressure drop across the shell by neglecting
n p = 1/ n−0.5
a + n−0.5
s + nt−0.5 (54)
the inlet and exit nozzles is calculated by,
The values of flow coefficients ns , nt , nw , and nb are
P = n pṁtot
(Nb + 1) (66)
considered constant for a given flow configuration and are
given by [1],
Calculation procedure
0.036(tb/δsb ) + 2.3(tb/δsb )−0.177
ns = (55)
2ρSs 2 To study the performance of STHXs, the fluid flow rates,
inlet and outlet temperatures, and geometry must be
known. With this information, the performance of STHX
Ss = π (Ds − δsb )δsb (56) can be investigated by three different methods discussed
0.036(tb/δtb ) + 2.3(tb/δsb )−0.177 in the previous section (Kern – Eqs. 1 to 3, Bell-Delaware
nt = (57) – Eqs. 4 to 41, and flow-stream analysis – Eqs. 42 to 66).
2ρSt 2
Thus, the following results can be calculated from these
St = Nt π (Ds + δtb )δtb (58) 1. heat transfer coefficients on the shell side and tube
The window and bypass flow coefficients are, respec-
2. shell side and tube side pressure drop
tively, given as
An Engineering Equation Solver (EES) based model
1.9 exp(0.6856Sw /Sm ) was developed for flow through a segmental baffled STHX
nw = (59)
2ρSw 2 to investigate the effect of a number of baffles on shell-side
Figure . Effect of mass flow rate and a number of baffles; (a)
Figure . Variation of unequal baffle spacing, baffle leakage, and on shell-side heat transfer coefficient, (b) on shell-side pressure
the ideal crossflow heat transfer coefficient with a number of drop, and (c) on the heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure drop
baffles. (h/P).
on the shell-side, while it decreases the value of correc- ji heat transfer factor in Eq. 22, given by Eq. 23
tion factor due to unequal baffle spacing. The pressure Kf parameter in Eq. 62
drop increases at a higher rate with the number of baf- Lbb bypass channel diametric gap, m
Lbc central baffle spacing, m
fles. It should be noted that increasing mass flow rate Lbi inlet baffle spacing, m
increases velocity which enhances the heat transfer rate, Lbo outlet baffle spacing, m
but it also increases the pressure drop. However, the shell- Lc baffle cut distance, m
side heat transfer coefficient decreases with baffle cut. For Lpl width of the bypass lane between the tubes, m
a large number of baffles, pressure drop decreases with Lpp horizontal tube pitch, m
Lsb shell-to-baffle clearance, m
the baffle cut at a higher rate than for a small number of
Ltp tube pitch, m
baffles. Ltp,eff effective tube pitch, m
Six fluids were compared; it is found that propylene ṁ flow rate, kg/s
has the least heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop, m exponent in Eqs. 21 and 30, for heating and cooling of
while methane has the highest heat transfer coefficient liquid, m = 0.14
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and pressure drop. However, ammonia has the smallest Nb number of baffles
Nc total number of tube rows in cross flow
h/P ratio. For a small number of baffles, the triangular Nss number of sealing strips
layout has the highest heat transfer coefficient while the Nt number of tubes
square layout has the lowest; however, for a large number Ntcc number of tube rows crossed between baffle tips in one
of baffles, the square layout has the highest heat transfer baffle section
coefficient. The triangular layout has the highest pressure Ntcw number of tube rows in the window
Ntt total number of tubes
drop while the rotated square has the least pressure drop.
Ntw number of tubes in the window
Nevertheless, rotated square has the highest h/P ratio Nu Nusselt number
for a small number of baffles, whereas, for a large number n exponent in Eq. 17, for laminar flow n = 1/3 while for
of baffles, the square layout has the highest h/P ratio. transition and turbulent flow n = 0.6.
nc exponent in Eq. 41, for laminar flow n = 1 while for
transition and turbulent flow n = 0.2.
Nomenclature na combined flow coefficient in Eq. 43, given by Eq. 52 in
kg−1 .m−1
A tube hole leakage stream, refer to Figure 1 nb bypass flow resistance coefficient, kg−1 .m−1
a exponent in Eq. 23, given by Eq. 24 nc crossflow resistance coefficient, kg−1 .m−1
B crossflow stream, refer to Figure 1 ncb combined flow coefficient in Eq. 45, given by Eq. (53)
BC baffle cut in kg−1 .m−1
b flow bypasses the tube bundle ni flow coefficient, kg−1 .m−1
C bundle by pass stream, refer to Figure 1 np combined flow coefficient in Eq. 44, given by Eq. 54 in
Cbh empirical factor in Eq. 13 kg−1 .m−1
Cbp empirical factor in Eq. 31 ns shell-to-baffle leakage resistance coefficient, kg−1 .m−1
c flow passes over the tubes in a cross flow nt tube-to-baffle clearance resistance coefficient,
co constant in Eq. 60, co = 0.266 for square tube lay- kg−1 .m−1
out and 0.133 for triangular, rotated triangular, and nw window flow resistance coefficient, kg−1 .m−1
rotated square layouts Pr Prandtl number
cp specific heat capacity, J.kg−1 .K−1 PTP spacing between tube rows in the flow direction
D diameter, m P pressure drop, Pa
Dotl outer tube limit diameter, m PAB pressure drop from point A to point B, Pa
Dt tube diameter, m Pcb pressure drop in central baffle spaces, Pa
Dw hydraulic diameter of the baffle window, m Pe pressure drop in entrance and exit baffle spaces, Pa
d exponent in Eq. 28, given by Eq. 29 Pw pressure drop in baffle windows, Pa
E shell to baffle bypass stream, refer to Figure 1 p parameter in Eq. 33
F pass partition bypass stream, refer to Figure 1 R correction factor for pressure drop
f friction factor Re Reynolds number
fi friction factor for ideal bundle pressure drop rlm shell-and-tube to baffle leakage area to crossflow area
Fc fraction of total flow over the tube bundle in a cross at the bundle center line
flow rs shell-to-baffle leakage area to shell-and-tube to baffle
Fsbp bypass to crossflow area ratio leakage area ratio
Fw fraction of the cross-sectional area occupied by the rss number of sealing strips to a number of tube rows
window crossed between baffle tips
G mass flux, kg.s−1 .m−2 S leakage area, m2
Gw mass flux in the window area, kg.s−1 .m−2 Sb bypass area, m2
h heat transfer coefficient, W.m−2 .K−1 Sm crossflow area at the center line, m2
J correction factor for heat transfer coefficient Ss shell-to-baffle leakage area, m2
Greek symbols
θ angle, in degrees
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