NAT OPS Bulletin 2018 - 006
NAT OPS Bulletin 2018 - 006
NAT OPS Bulletin 2018 - 006
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1. Introduction
1.2 With the anticipated expansion of ADS-B availability into oceanic and remote areas, the
ICAO Separation and Airspace Safety Panel (SASP) was tasked to develop proposals for ADS-B separation
minima for implementation in oceanic and remote enroute airspace. The proposed minima (described below)
can be used between aircraft meeting the specifications for RNP 4 and RCP 240 where ADS-B service is
provided and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) is available.
1.3 On or soon after the 28 March 2019, Shanwick, Gander and Santa Maria Oceanic Control
Areas will commence a trial implementation of the following longitudinal separations. Application of the
ATS Surveillance based procedural longitudinal separation will be as per the PANS ATM, Doc 4444
proposal for amendment from the ICAO SASP, as paraphrased below:
b) 14 NM provided the relative angle between the tracks is less than 45 degrees.
1.4 A trial implementation of lateral ASEPS will commence no earlier than 6 months after the
commencement of the longitudinal separation operational trial. Operators will be advised via Aeronautical
Information Circular (AIC) a minimum two AIRAC cycles prior to the commencement of lateral ASEPS
implementation trial.
2. General
2.1 The space-based ADS-B system will consist of a constellation of LEO satellites hosting
ADS-B receivers. A satellite will receive ADS-B data including position, velocity and altitude from aircraft,
which is then routed through other satellites and down-linked to a satellite operations ground station from
where it is on-forwarded to Shanwick and Gander. Santa Maria will utilise the existing ground based ADS-B
2.2 There will be no change to non VHF direct controller-pilot communications infrastructure or
procedures using CPDLC, as contained in the Global Operations Data Link (GOLD) Manual (Doc 10037),
and Satellite Voice Operations Manual (Doc 10038).
2.3 Flight crews are expected to comply with normal non-surveillance procedures, which include
position reports via voice or ADS-C, and all other operator specific procedures currently used.
2.4 Application of the ATS surveillance based procedural separations will require that aircraft
meet the specifications for RNP 4, RCP 240 and RSP 180 as annotated by the appropriate designator in the
ICAO flight plan.
2.5 The existing FANS1/A infrastructure, including ADS-C waypoint change event contracts,
vertical and lateral event contracts and CPDLC confirm assigned route [UM137/DM40], will continue to be
utilised to extract intent data (NEXT and NEXT+1) from the flight’s FMS as part of conformance
3.1 Eligible flights are those that meet the following requirements:
a) RVSM/HLA approval
3.2 ATS systems use Field 10 (Equipment) of the standard ICAO flight plan to identify an
aircraft’s data link and navigation capabilities. The operator should insert the following items into the ICAO
flight plan (as per the 2012 flight plan format) for FANS 1/A or equivalent aircraft:
a) Field 10a (Radio communication, navigation and approach aid equipment and capabilities);
c) Field 18 (Other Information); insert the characters “PBN/” followed by “L1” for RNP4 and
3.3 Operators do not have to apply to be part of the trial. As long as they meet the qualifications
above, they will be participants in the trial.
4.1 The Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP), implemented as a standard operating
procedure in the NAT Region since 2004, remain unchanged.
5. Contingency Procedures
5.1 There are significant revisions to the current ICAO Doc 4444 Contingency Procedures.
Coincident with the separations listed above, SASP has proposed changes to ICAO Doc 4444 Contingency
Procedures. These procedures along with the revised weather deviation procedures will be included in a
revised version of NAT Doc 007 Operations and Airspace Manual for the duration of the trial and until such
time as they are published in ICAO Doc 4444. The following are the significant changes to the contingency
a) a reduction in the offset distance to 9.3km (5NM) (also included for weather deviation);
b) a strong recommendation for pilots to consider a descent below the predominant flow of
traffic in a parallel track system where the aircraft’s diversion path will likely cross adjacent
tracks or routes. A descent below FL 290 can decrease the likelihood of: conflict with other
aircraft, ACAS RA events and delays in obtaining a revised ATC clearance.
6. Trial Period
6.1 The trial will run until November 2020 or when PANS ATM, Doc 4444 proposal for
amendment from the ICAO SASP is published, whichever is the later. It is anticipated that the amendments
will become effective on 5 November 2020.
6.2 A review will take place and a decision will be made to implement ASEPS on a permanent
operational basis.
7. Websites
7.1 The ICAO EUR/NAT Office Website is at: Click on EUR & NAT
Documents >> NAT Documents to obtain NAT Operations and NAT Region Update Bulletins and related
project documents.
8. Contacts
8.1 The following individuals may be contacted for information or to provide feedback on this
operation trial:
Colin Houston
GM Prestwick Operations
Fresson Avenue
E-mail: [email protected]
Gander Area Control Centre
P.O. Box 328
Gander, NL A1V 1W7 Attn:
Jeffrey Edison
Manager, ACC Operations
Direct line: +1 709-651-5223
E-mail: [email protected]
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