CT Sigma Delta WhitePaper
CT Sigma Delta WhitePaper
CT Sigma Delta WhitePaper
ontinuous-time sigma-delta (CT∑Δ) analog-to-digital Furthermore, the ability of CT∑Δ ADCs to scale with technol-
(A/D) conversion technology shatters the conventional ogy will allow such designs to take full advantage of future
wisdom that pipeline analog-to-digital converters CMOS processes.
(ADCs) are the only conversion technique available for high
dynamic performance, sub-100 MSPS (mega-samples per National’s CT∑Δ technology supports high-resolution ADCs up
second) applications. Besides providing more power-efficient to 16 bits and beyond with data output rates up to 100 MHz.
operation, CT∑Δ technology also offers unique features that This paper will first review the ADC landscape and explain
greatly reduce the challenges of deploying such ADCs in how CT∑Δ technology is positioned within that space.
high-speed, high-performance systems. In short, CT∑Δ Next, the details and benefits of CT∑Δ technology as applied
technology means: to ADCs will be presented, focusing on the advantages and
• An inherently power-efficient architecture that eliminates benefits of National’s new ADC12EU050 versus competing
the high-speed gain stages required for sampled-input ADC technologies for high-resolution, sub-100 MSPS appli-
ADCs, such as pipeline or traditional discrete-time (DT) ∑Δ cations. Finally, the paper concludes with a summary of the
(DT∑Δ) ADCs. potential of CT∑Δ ADCs.
• An essentially alias-free Nyquist band that is made avail-
able by exploiting inherent over-sampling, an internal Data Conversion Fundamentals
lowpass CT loop filter, and on-chip digital filtering. ADCs perform two basic, fundamental operations: discretization
• A purely resistive input with no switching, which is easier in time and discretization in amplitude. The two functions are
to drive and couples less noise to the overall system than shown conceptually in Figure 1, though the actual ADC may not
the switching input capacitors of a sampled-input ADC, be structured as such.
such as a pipeline or DT∑Δ ADC.
x(t) fs xs(kT) n
• An on-chip clock conditioning circuit to provide the xD[k]
over-sampling clock to the internal modulator. This circuit
increases the frequency and the quality of the input clock, x(t) xs(t) xD[k] 11 11
+Vref +Vref
yielding a low-jitter sampling edge and achieving 2 2 10
high-resolution performance without an expensive, 4T 5T 6T 4T 5T 6T 4 5 6
T 2T 3T T 2T 3T 1 2 3
high-performance input clock.
01 01
• Easier migration to future CMOS process technologies. -Vref
2 2 00
In a CT∑Δ ADC, the impact of noise and nonlinearity
Figure 1: Analog-to-digital conversion
associated with the sampling process is significantly
reduced, allowing for the reduced supply voltages
The first operation of the ADC is to discretize in time, or
required for future CMOS processes.
sample, the continually time-varying input analog signal. The
input signal is typically sampled at uniformly spaced times at
Taken together, the inherent benefits of CT∑Δ technology and
a frequency of fS, and the samples are thus separated by a
the opportunity to implement an on-chip clock conditioner
period TS = 1/fS. Once the input signal is sampled, the resultant
greatly simplify the signal path design by:
exists only as impulses at the sampling interval, kTS. However,
• Reducing power requirements. this sampled signal is still able to assume an infinite range of
• Eliminating the need (or reducing the requirements) for an values, and therefore cannot be represented precisely in a
external anti-aliasing filter. digital form.
• Reducing the input driver requirements.
• Mitigating the need for high-quality clock sources without
sacrificing performance.
The second function of the ADC is to discretize the sampled sig- adjacent comparators to distinguish between inputs that differ
nal in amplitude. That is, the ADC approximates the amplitude by at least one LSB. The outputs of all the comparators form a
of each sample with one of a finite number of possible values. thermometer code, which is typically converted into a binary-
Because the output of the ADC can take on only a finite num- weighted digital output.
ber of possible values, the amplitude of each sample can be
represented by a digital code whose bit length determines the For N-bit resolution, 2N-1 comparators are required for a flash
total number of possible converter outputs. The finite number ADC, which limits their applicability to low-resolution ap-
of output values in a converter introduces error into the digital plications since every additional bit of resolution doubles the
representation of the analog input. This so-called quantization required number and hence, power and area, of compara-
error limits the resolution of the converter. tors [ 1 ]. Increased bits also increase the required accuracy
of each comparator. For these reasons, flash converters are
ADC Architectures typically limited to 8-bit resolution. Most design effort in flash
In general, ADCs are divided into two broad categories: ADCs seeks to reduce their power in high-speed conversion
Nyquist-rate converters and over-sampling converters. by minimizing the number of comparators applied, for example
These different converter classes typically offer different com- by interpolating and folding designs. National has employed
promises between ADC resolution and output sampling rate. such strategies to realize its industry-leading very low power,
gigahertz-rate sampling 8-bit ADCs.
Nyquist-Rate Converters Pipeline ADCs
Nyquist-rate converters are those that operate at the minimum
Pipeline ADCs have become the standard in data conversion
sampling frequency necessary to capture all the information
applications at 8-bit and higher resolutions for sampling rates
about the entire input bandwidth, and therefore the output data
from 5 MHz to 100 MHz or more. Indeed, National offers
rate of a Nyquist-rate converter can be very high. Three of the
high-speed 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-bit ADCs based on pipeline
most popular Nyquist-rate converters are SAR (successive
architectures that achieve sampling rates up to 200 MSPS
approximation register), flash, and pipeline ADCs.
and offer very large input sampling bandwidths.
SAR ADCs Rather than providing enough comparators to check the input
A successive approximation register (SAR) ADC essentially against every possible input value as in a flash ADC, the
performs a binary search on the input signal using only a single pipeline architecture employs multiple low-resolution flash
comparator [ 1 ]. That is, the ADC first determines whether the conversion stages cascaded in series to form the pipeline.
input is greater or less than the midpoint between the reference At each stage in the pipeline, the previous stage’s quantized
voltages and the result of that determination is the most sig- output is subtracted from the original input signal and the
nificant bit (MSB) in the digital output. The half of the possible remainder is sent to the next stage for ever finer quantization
values in which the input was not found are then discarded and [ 1 ]. This process is repeated several times as the signal pro-
the ADC next determines whether the input is greater or less gresses through the pipeline until the LSBs are determined and
than the midpoint of the remaining possible values; the result of the output of all the stages in the pipeline are then combined to
that operation is the next bit in the digital word. form the overall digital approximation to the input sample value.
This operation continues, approximating the input value with finer Because the pipeline is able to operate concurrently on many
resolution each successive cycle, reusing the same comparator samples, the ADC outputs a complete digital word every clock
each cycle until the least significant bit (LSB) is determined and cycle. This parallel processing allows the pipeline to offer
the digital word is complete. Because the SAR requires N cycles high resolution at the full Nyquist rate of the converter. But the
to produce an N-bit resolution output, the speed of state-of-the- tradeoff for the high output rate is a delay from when the input is
art SARs is often limited to several MSPS; however, the accuracy first sampled to when its digital approximation is made available.
can be high at low power since a single high-resolution (possibly This delay is known as the latency of the pipe, which is typically
calibrated) comparator can be reused each cycle. National’s on the order of ten sample clock cycles. Fortunately for many
low-power ADCs employ SAR architectures and achieve up to applications, the latency of a pipeline ADC is acceptable.
14-bit resolution and 1-MSPS operation.
Challenges of the Pipeline ADC
Flash ADCs As National’s high-speed ADC products demonstrate, the
A flash ADC features a cascade of parallel comparators con- pipeline ADC is clearly capable of providing high dynamic
nected to a resistor-ladder driven by the most positive and most performance at sampling rates up to 200 MSPS. Although the
negative ADC reference voltages [ 1 ]. Each resistor-ladder tap pipeline architecture can achieve very high frequency opera-
is designed to be one LSB away from its neighbors, allowing
tion at moderate-to-high resolution, it compromises in other The sampling clock provided to the ADC is another important
design parameters. determinant of the overall dynamic performance of a sampled-
input ADC, especially for high-resolution, high-input frequency
High-Speed Circuits applications [ 2 ]. The phase noise of a clock source will
Because each stage in the pipeline must process the previous appear as increased noise at the ADC output and therefore,
stage’s output, a constant input during the conversion process care must be taken by the system designer to ensure the
is provided in each stage by a sample-and-hold (SHA) circuit overall system resolution is not limited by their clock source.
[ 1 ]. The first-stage SHA must maintain the accuracy of the Clock quality is especially important for high-speed high-
overall ADC at the full sampling rate, requiring the switched- resolution ADCs because the demands on the purity of the
capacitor circuit to settle within a single clock period [ 1 ]. clock increase with increasing input frequency and increasing
Similarly, the first-stage adder and DAC must be able to settle ADC resolution.
their outputs within a single period. These speed require-
ments for the first stage (and to a lesser extent for subsequent It is apparent from the preceding discussion that although
stages) typically require large-bandwidth amplifiers and other they are excellent candidates for high-speed, high-perfor-
circuits, which can lead to high power dissipation. mance applications, pipeline and other sampled-input ADCs
do present design challenges for both the ADC designer
Thermal Noise and the system designer using the ADC. In contrast to these
sampled-input ADCs, CT∑Δ ADCs do not require fast-settling
The maximum dynamic range of the pipeline ADC is
circuits or switched capacitors at their inputs and thus avoid
determined at least partly by the thermal noise at the input of
the increased ADC power and need for high-performance
the converter, including the kT/C noise of the input sampling
drivers in high-resolution applications. CT∑Δ ADCs also
capacitor. To reduce kT/C noise, a larger capacitor can be
include significant anti-aliasing filtering, reducing or eliminat-
used, but at the cost of increased switching noise at the input
ing the need for an external AAF and preventing the need to
and a more difficult-to-drive input, requiring a higher-perfor-
waste ADC bandwidth. Finally, CT∑Δ technology is well-suited
mance, higher-power ADC driver.
for migration to future CMOS processes. The advantages of
CT∑Δ technology for high-resolution, sub-100 MSPS applica-
Migration to Future CMOS Processes
tions, where both CT∑Δ and pipeline architectures are appli-
As for all sampled-input ADCs, pipeline ADCs are also chal- cable, is further developed starting on page 5.
lenging to migrate to future CMOS processes. This challenge
arises from the switched-capacitor input, as a boosted CMOS Over-Sampling ADCs
switch is often used to sample the input signal onto the sam-
Whereas Nyquist-rate converters are generally well suited
pling capacitor. As CMOS processes and their supply voltages
to achieving moderate resolution at high input bandwidths,
shrink, the overdrive voltage available for the CMOS switches
over-sampling converters traditionally provided the opposite
also shrinks, greatly reducing the range of input voltages that
tradeoff. Over-sampling converters are those for which the
can be sampled with high resolution. Furthermore, designing
sampling frequency is greater than the Nyquist-rate of the input
switches with reduced threshold voltages that work well in
signal bandwidth and therefore, for a given converter sampling
deep sub-micron processes can be difficult.
rate, the output rate of an over-sampling converter will be lower
than that for a Nyquist-rate converter. However, in exchange
Input Filtering and Sampling Clock Requirements
for Nyquist bandwidth, over-sampling converters can achieve
A final challenge in using any sampled-input ADC, including (without calibration) higher resolution than Nyquist-rate
pipelines, concerns the external circuitry necessary to drive converters, regardless of the inherent resolution of the CMOS
the converter [ 2 ], specifically the input filtering network circuits composing the converter. Two types of such ADCs are
and the sampling clock. With any sampled-input converter, over-sampling ADCs and ∑Δ ADCs.
signals that can be aliased into the band of interest by the
sampling operation must be eliminated using an anti-aliasing Over-Sampling A/D Converters
filter (AAF). Steep filter attenuation characteristics are hard to
Over-sampling an ADC can perhaps best be understood
achieve, leading designers to over-sample the signal of inter-
beginning with a review of an N-bit flash ADC whose positive
est. Although over-sampling reduces the range of frequencies
reference voltage is +VREF/2 and whose negative reference
that can alias down in-band and hence, lowers demands on
voltage is –VREF/2. The full input range of [-VREF/2, +VREF/2] is
the AAF roll-off, over-sampling the ADC wastes the Nyquist
subdivided into 2N smaller regions of width one LSB, or
bandwidth, which increases system power. In addition, over-
sampling increases the processing demands on subsequent
digital circuitry.
Because the output of the flash ADC assigns only one of a finite Figure 3 shows the transfer function, known as the noise
set of outputs to an infinite range of inputs, the output digital transfer function (NTF), from the quantization noise, ei, to the
representation of an input is the sum of the original amplitude modulator output for various loop orders, L [ 3 ].
plus an error signal due to the digital approximation; this error
signal is referred to as the quantization error. Typically, it is as-
sumed that the quantization error power has a white frequency L=3
spectrum, distributed equally between all frequencies from 0 to
the sampling frequency, fS. The noise power in the ADC output
is found by integrating this constant quantization noise density L=2
from 0 to fS /2, the Nyquist bandwidth. It can be shown that the L=1
SNR in dB of a flash ADC is SNR = 01.76 + 6N, where N is the
number of bits in the output [ 3 ].
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
The preceding discussion concerning the white noise nature of Frequency (normalized to fs)
quantization error distributed between DC and fS /2 suggests a
simple way to reduce noise in the ADC output signal. Because Figure 3: Quantization noise shaping in a ∑Δ modulator
the finite-power quantization noise is distributed equally across
all frequencies, by restricting the allowable bandwidth of a From this figure, it is apparent that the modulator emphasizes
converter, the total integrated noise in the output can be re- the quantization noise at higher frequencies, while suppressing
duced and hence, the SNR of signals in that bandwidth will be the lower-frequency inband noise. In effect, the quantization
increased. That is, if the input bandwidth is limited to fS/2M, the noise is shifted to higher frequencies where it can be filtered
total integrated noise will be reduced by a factor of M, known out later, significantly reducing the total inband quantization
as the over-sampling ratio. Therefore, the achievable SNR in dB noise power in the modulator output. Notice that for higher or-
of an over-sampling ADC is der modulators, more quantization noise is shaped out of band,
SNR = 1.76 + 6N + 10log10 (M) [ 3 ]. leaving less quantization noise inband. However, the loop filter
With over-sampling, the SNR increases by one bit (6 dB) for order can not be increased without bound due to the increased
every fourfold increase in M. difficulty of stabilizing higher-order loops [ 5 ].
Sigma-Delta Modulator ADCs It can be shown that for a ∑Δ modulator, the achievable SNR in dB is
The efficiency of the bandwidth/resolution tradeoff in over- SNR = 1.76 + 6N + (2L + 1) 10 log10 (M)
[ 3 ].
sampling can be extended by shaping the spectrum of either + 10 log10 (2L + 1) - (2L)10 log10 (π)
the input signal or the quantization noise. The former is typi-
cally accomplished using a delta modulator, while the latter is Compared to the SNR of a simple over-sampling ADC then,
accomplished with a ∑Δ modulator [ 4 ]. Because ∑Δ modulators the SNR for a ∑Δ modulator is greater if M>π, which is usually
are much more robust to circuit non-idealities than delta modu- the case. As the over-sampling ratio increases, ∑Δ modula-
lators, they are usually the preferred architecture [ 4 ]. tors yield increasingly higher resolution than simple over-
sampling. This equation shows that the SNR increase due to
The basic principle of operation for a ∑Δ modulator is to enclose the over-sampling ratio is multiplied by (2L+1), and therefore
a simple quantizer in a feedback loop to shape the quantiza- the bandwidth/resolution tradeoff is much more efficient for
∑Δ modulators than for over-sampling alone, especially as the
tion noise such that most of the noise is shifted out of the band
of interest, where it can later be suppressed by filtering. An modulator order increases. ∑Δ modulators attain this improved
example of a simple ∑Δ modulator is shown in Figure 2, where resolution because of the quantization error noise shaping
the quantizer has been modeled by the additive white noise provided by feedback in the ∑Δ loop.
source, ei.
The signal at the output of the quantizer in the ∑Δ modulator con-
ei[k] tains the input signal and other noise and distortion components
in addition to the shaped quantization noise; furthermore, the loop
H(f) output data rate is M times higher than desired [ 4 ]. The final step
+ + y[k] of the ∑Δ A/D conversion process is to remove the out-of-band
quantization noise and downsample the output to the desired data
quantizer rate: this function is performed by the decimation filter.
Figure 2: ∑Δ Modulator
Decimation Filter Challenges of the CT∑Δ ADC
The digital filter at the output of the ∑Δ modulator must lowpass Of course, as pipeline ADCs offer high speed operation while
filter the out-of-band quantization noise and resample the digital compromising other design parameters, the benefits of CT∑Δ
data from the loop sample rate, MfS, to fS, the desired ADC output operation also come at the cost of some design challenges for
rate [ 4 ]. To reduce implementation complexity, the decimation both the ADC designer and the system architect. A sampled-
filter is usually designed in multiple stages [ 4 ]. input, SC ADC can often operate over a wide range of sampling
frequencies from near-zero to its maximum rate. However, the
One simple implementation uses a simple accumulate-and-dump dynamics of the CT∑Δ are set by the RC or C/gm product of its
or sinc filter as a first stage that is generally limited to a low- component integrators; therefore, the integrator time constants
order decimation to prevent significant in-band droop; the sinc must be tunable to allow for process variation [ 2 ]. In addition,
transfer function prevents signals at multiples of the resampled the loop dynamics will not scale with sampling frequency, limit-
rate from aliasing down in-band. Such a configuration is then ing the allowable sampling rate operating range.
often followed by a lowpass filter that decimates the signal from
the intermediate output rate of the sinc-filter to the desired rate The input bandwidth of a ∑Δ is also limited to the ADC’s first
of fS/M. This lowpass filter can also be designed to compensate Nyquist band. In a Nyquist-rate ADC wherein full-rate sampling
for the remaining in-band droop of the sinc filter [ 6 ]. The decima- occurs at the system input, the input bandwidth can be many
tion filtering in a ∑Δ ADC typically results in longer latencies than times larger than the Nyquist rate of the converter, allowing for
those found in a pipeline ADC but many applications can tolerate IF-sampling. Conversely in a ∑Δ ADC, because of the lowpass
this increased latency. decimation filtering, signals outside the first Nyquist zone will
be removed from the output spectrum. In addition, although a
Continuous-Time ∑Δ Modulators DT∑Δ would allow signals around its loop sampling rate, MfS, to
The first recognizable ∑Δ modulator, introduced in 1962, was fold down inband, the inherent anti-aliasing filtering in a CT∑Δ
actually implemented as a CT circuit [ 7 ]. Indeed, CT implemen- ADC precludes this from happening. Therefore, input signals
tations of ∑Δ modulators have appeared regularly since then, must be mixed down into the first Nyquist zone to be digitized
but when switched-capacitor (SC) circuits were introduced, by a CT∑Δ ADC.
most ∑Δ modulators were implemented with DT loop filters. SC
circuits remain popular because of their insensitivity to signal Finally, because of its over-sampling operation, the output rates
waveform characteristics. In addition, the time constants of SC of CT∑Δ ADCs are currently limited to less than 100 MSPS while
integrators scale with sampling frequency, allowing for greater pipeline ADCs are capable of operation up to 500 MSPS and
system flexibility [ 8 ]. However, interest in CT∑Δ modulators beyond. Indeed, for a given technology, Nyquist-rate converters
has been renewed because of some of the benefits, such as will always be able to operate faster than ∑Δ ADCs because of
employing lower-power integrator amplifiers and including the over-sampling necessary in a ∑Δ design.
inherent anti-aliasing filtering versus sampled-input ADCs [ 7 ].
Fortunately, the benefits of CT∑Δ technology outweigh the
CT∑Δ ADCs differ from sampled-input ADCs, such as pipeline drawbacks for high-resolution applications at sampling rates
and DT∑Δ ADCs, in two important ways: below 100 MSPS. The next section focuses on National’s CT∑Δ
• A CT∑Δ modulator uses CT integrators rather than DT ADCs, highlighting the performance enhancement achieved
integrators or circuits. That is, rather than SC circuits, the versus sampled-input ADCs, such as pipeline and DT∑Δ ADCs.
CT∑Δ modulator employs continuous-time circuits, often RC
or C/gm integrators. Advantages of National’s CT∑Δ ADCs
• The sampling operation in a CT∑Δ modulator occurs at the National’s new ADC12EU050 is the industry’s first production-
output of the forward loop filter, before the quantizer. In ready CT∑Δ ADC. The product offers performance improve-
contrast, for a sampled-input ADC, the sampling occurs at ment both because of the inherent advantages of CT∑Δ
the input of the ADC. technology versus sampled-input ADCs and also because of
additional circuitry that National has integrated on-chip.
These differences between CT∑Δ ADCs and sampled-input
ADCs give rise to significant performance differentiation Lower Power
between the two. Specifically, CT∑Δ ADCs operate at lower The most significant benefit of the CT∑Δ architecture is its low
power, include significant anti-aliasing filtering, and present a power consumption relative to comparable sampled-input
much quieter input stage. All of these benefits of CT∑Δ ADCs in the high-resolution, sub-100 MSPS application space.
technology are realized in National’s new ADC12EU050, as A common way to compare the performance of ADCs is an en-
explained in the next section. ergy figure of merit (FOM) which typically measures the ratio of
the overall power of the ADC to the resolution and bandwidth of
its output. Aided by the inherent efficiency advantage of CT∑Δ sampling, which attenuates signals around the modulator loop
technology, the ADC12EU050 provides excellent performance at sampling rate (MfS) that can alias down in-band. Furthermore,
extremely low power, yielding an outstanding FOM. because these aliased signals are then injected at the input of
the internal quantizer, they are noise-shaped by the loop in the
The power advantage of a CT∑Δ implementation arises because same manner quantization noise is shaped. These two effects
of the internal circuitry. In any sampled-input SC circuit – in- enable the CT∑Δ to offer significant anti-aliasing filtering versus
cluding both pipeline and traditional DT∑Δ ADCs – the internal the DT∑Δ in addition to the benefits of over-sampling and digital
amplifiers must settle within some target resolution each filtering versus a pipeline design. Figure 4 summarizes the anti-
period. This places significant speed constraints on the internal aliasing performance of CT∑Δ ADCs versus pipeline ADCs.
amplifiers, increasing the power consumption [ 7 ] and limiting Interferer Aliasing
constraints are relaxed [ 7 ]. Although an exact comparison is Brickwall Filter Eliminates Aliasing
difficult, the SC nature of a sampled-input ADC does necessi- f IN Includes
tate higher-speed amplifiers than does a CT∑Δ implementation, Anti-Aliasing Filter
Low power, high energy efficiency operation is obviously im- This significant inherent anti-aliasing filtering greatly reduces the
portant for any system but portable devices especially benefit requirements on or may reduce the need for an external AAF.
since reduced power extends battery life and reduces heat dis-
sipation, which is particularly important for handheld applica- The benefit of the anti-aliasing performance of the CT∑Δ
tions including handheld ultrasound systems. The 1.2-V power cannot be over-stated; the anti-aliasing requirements are
supply of the ADC12EU050 also positions the converter well for dependent upon the application and can be a significant
single battery-powered operation. system challenge both in terms of design complexity and
overall system form factor and cost. As previously discussed,
Anti-Aliasing Filtering the anti-aliasing requirements can be relaxed in a pipeline or
The CT∑Δ ADC architecture eliminates the need for stringent other Nyquist-rate ADC system by increasing the sampling
input filtering because of its inherent anti-aliasing filtering. In rate beyond twice the desired input bandwidth but this wastes
the ADC12EU050, many of the performance characteristics of bandwidth and drives down the overall power efficiency of
the anti-aliasing filter are set in the digital domain, allowing for the system. The design of an analog anti-aliasing filter pos-
a very high level of passband flatness and steep roll-off (high sessing a steep cut-off characteristic and a very flat pass-
effective order). band is a challenging task demanding high-order, potentially
high insertion-loss filter networks, which may necessitate
The anti-aliasing performance of the CT∑Δ is a result of its imple- additional gain in the signal path to compensate for that loss.
mentation as both a ∑Δ modulator and a CT circuit. As is the case
for any ∑Δ ADC (CT or DT), the over-sampling and subsequent By eliminating the need for additional over-sampling as with
decimation filtering of the modulator output results in a very a sampled-input ADC, the CT∑Δ allows the system designer
sharp roll-off lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency at half the to use almost the entire Nyquist bandwidth of the converter,
ADC output rate. In contrast, a Nyquist-rate ADC without over- greatly improving power efficiency. Furthermore, by eliminat-
sampling must employ a high-order external lowpass filter before ing the need for expensive, lossy external anti-aliasing filters,
the ADC to prevent signals around multiples of the output sam- the ADC12EU050 also reduces the demands on the ADC driver,
pling rate from aliasing down in-band, as discussed for pipelines further reducing system design complexity, cost, and power.
in Input Filtering and Sampling Clock Requirements on page 3.
Quiet, Easy-to-Drive Input
However, in addition to the inherent benefit of ∑Δ architec- The CT∑Δ ADC also offers a much quieter input than a sampled-
tures, the CT offers an additional benefit even over DT∑Δ ADCs. input ADC because of the CT nature of the internal circuitry.
Because the CT∑Δ ADC samples at the output of the forward In a sampled-input ADC, such as a pipeline or traditional DT∑Δ
loop filter, the signal is first lowpass filtered by the loop before ADC, the input stage consists of a switched capacitor that is
usually large to reduce the overall thermal noise of the ADC. Instant Overload Recovery
Driving this large switching capacitor is difficult, especially in
Because the ∑Δ modulator is a feedback loop, it is susceptible
a DT∑Δ whose internal modulator is sampling at several times
to overloading in the presence of large input signals. In a typical
the output data rate. In addition, the large switching noise ∑Δ modulator, such overloading may require the loop to be reset,
from such inputs can couple to a system, reducing the overall
losing data previously stored in the loop and causing a large
system performance. The input voltages that can be applied
glitch in the ADC output. Instead of resetting the loop, the modu-
to a switched-capacitor input are also limited because of the
lator can be allowed to continue operation, allowing the overload
gate-source voltage of the input sampling switches.
condition to simply work its way out of the loop—but waiting to
As opposed to a SC sampled input, CT∑Δ technology instead
clear the overload condition can require several clock cycles,
presents a constant, resistive input, as illustrated in Figure 5.
during which time the ADC output data is corrupted.
The ADC12EU050 includes circuitry that recovers immediately
from an overload condition. When this instant overload recov-
+ – ery (IOR) circuitry is enabled, the ADC maintains signal integ-
VIN OPAMP 1 rity in the event of an input overload condition, allowing it to
– + recover faster than even a pipeline ADC.
Technology Scaling
C1 Finally, CT∑Δ technology is capable of scaling well with future
Figure 5: Model of the CT∑Δ ADC input technologies, ensuring a lengthy presence in the ADC market-
place. As discussed above, because the sampling operation in
Because the input of a CT∑Δ is not sampled, there are no a CT∑Δ occurs at the output of the loop filter, the performance
switching capacitors and it is easier to drive the input, allowing impact due to errors in the sampling operation will be greatly
for the use of cheaper, lower-power driving circuits. In addition, reduced. In sampled-input ADCs such as pipeline or DT∑Δ
the lack of input switching noise will reduce noise coupling to ADCs, the sampling occurs at the ADC input and therefore, any
the system, improving its overall performance. Finally, without sampling errors are significant. It is for this reason that CT∑Δ
any switches at the input to restrict the input voltage swing, ADCs are more amenable to future, scaled CMOS processes.
the allowable input voltage range can be higher than for a SC Non-idealities in the sampling circuit caused by reduced over-
sampled-input ADC; indeed, the input voltage can even exceed drive, leakage, or other effects in future processes will impact
the supply rails. pipeline, DT∑Δ, and other sampling-input ADCs much more than
Low-Jitter PLL Provides an Accurate
Sample Clock National’s New CT∑Δ ADC
The ADC12EU050 12-bit, ultra-low-power, octal CT∑Δ ADC offers
A low-jitter sampling clock is crucial in all high-speed, high-
an alias-free sample bandwidth of 20 to 25 MHz and a conver-
resolution data conversion systems to realize the full resolution
sion rate of 40 MSPS to 50 MSPS. The device features 68 dB
of an ADC. The modulator over-sampling clock in National’s AD-
of signal-to-noise and distortion (SINAD) and a signal-to-noise
C12EU050 drives the quantizer of the internal ∑Δ loop. This clock
ratio (SNR) of 70 dB full scale (dBFS). Operating from a 1.2V
is provided by an on-chip clock conditioner, comprising a PLL
supply, it consumes 44 mW per channel at 50 MSPS for a total
and VCO. The high-performance PLL uses an on-chip LC-tuned
power consumption of only 350 mW, 30% lower than currently
circuit to create a high-Q resonator. This on-chip clock circuit
available competitive pipeline products (see Figure 6).
multiplies up the frequency and provides low-jitter sampling
edges to the modulator loop, allowing for the benefits of CT
∑Δ ADCs to be realized without requiring a high-performance,
ADC Power (mW/channel)
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