English Pedagogical Module 1: Where Are You From?

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English Where are you from?

Pedagogical Module 1
Curricular threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

Second Course BGU

Diphthongs 5 6 DNA and heritage

Family vocabulary 4 7 Family history


Time sequencers

The 8

History of piñatas




Present perfect 2 Behind

the 9
Latin American



Simple past


Socioemotional Handling Social

12 skills 11 emotions 10 relationships

Genealogy Is Family History

A family tree is an illustration that shows how who inherits any property. Sometimes people
a person is linked by blood or marriage to his try to falsify their family connections in order
or her relatives, whether living or dead. to inherit property or because they want the
Genealogy is the science of determining who status of being part of a distinguished family.
belongs to a particular family tree. It is the duty of the genealogist to make sure
that the family tree is drawn accurately: false
Genealogy is interesting in its own right: branches are unacceptable.
all of us want to know who our relatives are.
It is also important for certain legal matters. Genealogy is also important because
For example, genealogy plays an important role it allows families to understand themselves
in laws about inheritance. In cases where the line better. To climb your family tree, you must
of descent is not clear, a genealogist determines start with yourself.

• What do you know about your family? Have you gotten any information about
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your ancestors? Have you met your grandparents or great-grandparents?

• Is genealogy important to your family?

• What about your country? Is genealogy important in your community?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Where are you from? And your parents? And your grandparents?

“Where I’m From” by Melanie Poonai

Read the poem “Where I’m From” written by Melanie Poonai.
This writer was a winner of Foyle Young Poets.

I am a life filled with colour,

From the chocolate brown that is my skin.

I am from the sunshine yellow of my mother’s laugh,

From the red and white of my brother’s
favourite football shirt. I am from the crisp
new white pages of a book, From the miserable
grey of the street I live on. I am from green,
pink and yellow; My garden in summer
Aum symbol
filled with flowers, From the terrifying black
of the nightmares that haunt me.
Tip I am from the ginger orange of my buried cat,
Notice the spelling of the word From the blue and gold of my ever-shot school tie.
“colour” in this poem. This I am from the dark oak of my grandmother’s coffin,
is the British spelling. Many From the golden “Aum” pendant around my neck.
other words that end in -or in I am from every pink scar etched into my body,
American English end in -our From the red, orange and brown of the hot curry.
in British English, like flavour, I am from every identical colour of the twins I love,
neighbour, favour, labour. From the blue and green of a hospital ward.
I am from all that has happened,
And all that will be.

Answer the following questions from the poem considering that

Melanie Poonai is the main character. Then compare your answers
with a partner and share them with your class.

a. Where does she live?

b. What does she look like?

c. Is her cat alive?

d. What is her brother’s favorite sport?

e. Is her mother alive?

f. Can you deduce where she is from?

g. Write down all the family members she mentions in this poem.
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Oral Communication
Meeting an Old Friend

• Have you recently met

someone you hadn’t seen
for a long time?
• Why hadn’t you seen
this person?

Grammar Note
Past simple vs.
Present perfect
The present perfect
is used to talk about
a past action or experience
within a time frame that
includes the present.
I have watched six different
movies this year.

Have you ever been Two friends saying hi in the street
to Colombia?
The simple past is used Listen to the conversation between two old friends and answer
when there is a definitive the questions that follow.
beginning and end to an a. For how long has Steven not seen Selina?
action in the past.
I visited Riobamba for b. For how long has Selina been back in her hometown?
the first time in 2005.
Last Saturday, Jane
c. Mention two reasons why Selina returned to her hometown.
went to the movies
with her friends.

d. Has Steven gotten married?

e. How many kids does Steven have?

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f. How do they plan to keep in contact?



DNA: Fact or science fiction?

There are many common misconceptions about DNA testing. Let’s

• What is DNA? address them one by one so you can learn the truth about your genetic
genealogy testing options.
• What does your
DNA determine? Myth 1:  Geneticists use hair and blood samples to trace
a person’s ancestry.
Although scientists do utilize hair and blood samples for paternity
tests and forensic analysis, there’s no need to draw blood or collect
hairs for a genetic genealogy test. You can order a DNA test for yourself
or someone else.
Myth 2:  A DNA test can pinpoint precisely where your ancestors
lived or which tribe they belonged to.
If your ancestors stayed in one geographic region and never allowed

outsiders to enter, it would be relatively easy to distinguish their DNA

DNA structure
(and yours) from the DNA of people living in other regions. But most
of our ancestors didn’t stay in one place.
Myth 3:  To find out if you and another person descend from the
Tip same great-great-grandfather, you need to dig up his body
for a DNA sample to test.
When you read a scientific
No. There are easier ways to prove a genetic link that don’t involve
text, there will be words you
literally turning relatives over in their graves. To find out if you and
do not recognize. Remember
someone else descend from the same male ancestor, you should turn
you can use a dictionary
to Y-DNA testing, using the Y-chromosome passed down by males.
or the context to help you.
Sometimes you need to read Myth 4:  The results of ancestral DNA tests are 99.9% accurate,
a complex text many times just like the DNA tests on CSI.
to understand it.
Genetic genealogy isn’t an exact science it involves interpretation.
Remember that a genetic mutation can occur at any time, so even
a father’s and son’s results might not match exactly.
Myth 5:  If you take a DNA test, you can find out who your great-
Vocabulary grandmother’s parents were.
DNA. abbreviation for Your DNA test results won’t reveal your ancestors’ names, but you
Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
The chemical at the center can use them to do a little detective work online. Enter your Y-DNA
of the cells of living things marker values—or your relative’s—into a public DNA database.
that controls the structure
and purpose of each cell and
carries genetic information
during reproduction Discuss these questions with a partner.
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Y-DNA. the Y chromosome, • Which of these myths did you believe?

also called Y-DNA, is passed
virtually unchanged from • After reading this text, do you think DNA testing is valuable?
father to son Why or why not?

My Poem
After having enjoyed the poem “Where I’m 4. Final Version - My Poem
From” by Melanie Poonai, it’s your turn to create Title:
a piece of writing that represents specific moments
and memories in your life that contribute to who
you are now. This poem is about you.

1. Brainstorm some ideas of people, places, and

moments that are very special to you. You can use
their real names or imaginary names. Write some
ideas on the lines below.




2. Write a draft in your notebook.

Begin with: I am from

(Here fill in the blank with one of the items you
listed while brainstorming)

Continue on the next line with: From

(Fill in each blank with items from your list.)

3. Continue this format until you have completed

at least 8 lines of your poem.

End the poem with an explanation of memories,

symbols, items, pictures, or souvenirs that
represent some of the topics you wrote about
in your poem.

Reread your poem and edit it as necessary. This

poem can be rewritten over and over, adding
or deleting ideas to make it perfect!
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In the space on the right side, write the final version

of your poem.


Language Through the Arts
Social Studies

Do you know your family’s history?

My Family Tree

Step 1: Before you start building your family tree, it

is essential to interview your grandparents or older
relatives and ask them about your family ancestors.
Here are some topics you can ask them about:

a. Places where your family has lived and your

family’s religious history
b. Schools they went to
c. Their father, mother, brothers, and sisters
d. Your paternal grandfather and grandmother

e. Your maternal grandfather and grandmother
f. Great-grandparents and extended family
g. Any immigration in the family

If you don’t want to use your own family, you can

research information on a famous or fictional family
and do a tree for them. Step 3: Try to find some family photos you can
use to help illustrate your tree. If you don’t have
access to photos, clip pictures from a newspaper
or magazine that resemble your family members.
Step 2: After gathering information about your
family, review the following abbreviations and Illustrate your tree on poster board or any other
forms to explain connections on a family tree: material you like. Be sure to decorate it like a tree.

b. = Born bap. = Baptized m. = Married

c. = Circa d. = Dead ad. = Adopted
bd. = Buried dv. = Divorced Step 4: Share your family tree with the class.

The short horizontal line between a man Mother Father Stepmother Her husband
and a woman indicates a marriage.
The vertical lines indicate children. Brother Me Half sister Stepsister

First Great- Great- Great-great- Great- Great-

Generation grandmother grandfather uncle grandmother grandfather

Generation Grandmother Grandfather Grandmother Grandfather Great-aunt

Generation Uncle Aunt Mother Father Aunt Uncle Aunt

Fourth Cousin’s First Brother Me Sister Brother First

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Generation spouse cousin in law cousin

Fifth First cousin Nephew Niece

Generation once removed

Oral Communication
John and Mary's Family

1. In pairs, observe the picture and tell your partner what you see.
Focus on the relationships between the members of the family.

2. Work with a partner and answer the questions.
Have a conversation with your partner about
a. Who are John and Mary? John and Mary are his/her family tree.
Mike’s • Does it look like this one or do you have
other relationships?
b. Who is Ana? Ana is Mary’s
• Do you think that all families are the same?
c. Who are Tim, Mike, and Ana? They are Mark’s
• What is a traditional family like vs.
a modern family?
d. Who are Jane and Mark? They are Mike’s

e. Who is Mike? Mike is John’s

f. Who are Tim, Mike, Ana, Kate and Steve?

They are Mary’s
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g. Who is Steve? Steve is Jack’s

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Have you ever spent time with an indigenous family?

Living with an Indigenous Family

Jayson McNamara is an Australian journalist,
writer, and a TV production editor who lives Decide if the following statements are True (T)
in Buenos Aires. He is passionate about traveling or False (F) according to the reading.
and history. In his blog he shares his experience
True False
living with an indigenous family in Ecuador. He
says that South American indigenous communities 1. Indigenous families are only
are very distinct and provides some tips to keep one religion.
in mind when you live with an indigenous host
family in Ecuador. 2. The Pachamama is a god.

Faith 3. The Pachamama influences

In Ecuador, many types of mixed religious the harvest.
expressions are possible. They have their roots
4. Women have an important
in both history and nature, with the Spanish role in families.
having implanted their European religion and the
indigenous population having maintained a strong 5. In Otavalo, people believe
spiritual connection to the land. illness is caused by bacteria.

The Pachamama, otherwise known as Mother
Earth and also referred to as Mama Pacha,
is an Andean spiritual figure from ancient Incan Discuss the following questions with a partner.
society where she was considered the bearer of • Why do you think foreigners like to learn
fertility, as seen in her influence over the harvests. about Ecuadorian family culture?
Throughout the year in Ecuador, spiritual practices
• What do you know about indigenous
in indigenous communities see the Pachamama families in Ecuador?
help with good harvests.
• Would you like a foreigner to share time
Gender with your family for a couple of months?
Gender roles are different in indigenous • How do you think foreign families are
families, especially when it comes to the role different from families in Ecuador?
of women. Native women have important leadership
roles within indigenous families and communities,
taking charge of household finances, participating
actively in agriculture, and taking on the role
of curanderos, or spiritual healers.
In indigenous Ecuador, traditional and natural
medicine dominates. They rely on a variety of plants Vocabulary
to cure common illnesses. In the culture of Otavalo, bearer. person who has or holds something
for example, people believe that illness is caused
harvest. when a person collects fruits and
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by four things: fright, evil wind, evil spirits,

vegetables that are ready to eat from the plants
or foreign objects.
fright. fear
Adapted from https://bit.ly/38ZyHNE

Oral Communication

At this moment of your life, who is the most important person for you? Why?

Important People in Our Lives

Grammar Note

Are the important people in our lives always the same during We use the present perfect
every part of our lives? Why or why not? to talk about things that
are unfinished – unfinished
states and unfinished time
periods. The present perfect
acts as a bridge between the
past and the present.
I’ve known my boyfriend
since I was 15 years old.
(unfinished state)
My family and I have lived
in Guaranda since I was
a little boy.
Freepik She has been to the cinema
Happy girl with her grandmother and her baby sister
two times this month.
(unfinished time period)
1. Listen to teens talk about important people in their lives and We have already had three
answer the questions below.
holidays this year.
• Who do you think Girl A refers to?
I have eaten too much
bread today.
• Who do you think Boy B refers to?

• Who do you think Girl C refers to?

• Who do you think Boy D refers to?

2. Listen again and write down some traits about each of the people
they describe.
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Language Through the Arts
Social Studies

Have you ever played with a piñata?

The History of Piñatas

A piñata is a container that is decorated and filled with
sweets, toys, or fruit. It is often in the shape of a star, animal,
or popular character. The piñata has become a symbol
of Mexico and many countries in Latin America. However,
it actually has Chinese origins: the explorer Marco Polo
brought the Chinese tradition to Europe and a bishop named
Diego Soria brought the tradition to America. Towards
the end of the 1500s, Diego Soria gave Christian masses
during the eight days before Christmas, with the intention

of spreading the religion to the natives of Mexico. The piñata
was a part of this religious mass, often filled with fruits.
People would try to break it with a wooden stick, because
they were considered free of sin if they were able to break
it open. The piñatas were in the shape of a star back then.
Piñatas became very popular shortly after that. In the UK,
piñatas often take the form of a donkey that is filled with
sweets. Some believe this represents a cruel image and that
piñatas should take other forms different from animals.
In modern times, piñatas are an important part of many
children’s parties in Latin America.
Source: British Council (2017). The history of piñatas. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2QnZFZ0

• Have you ever hit a piñata? Where? When? Fix these incorrect sentences to make them
correct according to the reading.

• Piñatas first appeared in Latin America.

• The Jewish faith was the first to use piñatas.

• Imagine you could make your own piñata.
What shape and colors would you choose?
• Piñatas are often filled with money.

• In the US, piñatas are often shaped like donkeys.

• Now piñatas are an important part of parties

in China.
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Oral Communication
English is not always pronounced exactly how it is written.
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system of symbols that
help us to pronounce any language in the world. You will see some
of these symbols on this page. They represent vowel sounds.

1. Diphthongs are the combination of two vowel sounds. Here are some
written using the IPA. Pronounce these words slowly and pay attention
to the sounds.

[e ] as in: day [a ] as in: eye [ I] as in: boy

[a ] as in: mouth [o ] as in: boat

2. Can you think of more words that have each of these sounds in them?
Work in groups of two and work for 5 minutes. Your teacher will time
you. Write the words in the correct column in this box. The group that
has the most amount of correct words at the end of 5 minutes wins!

[e ] [a ] [ I] [a ] [o ]
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Value: Socioemotional skills

Are you a good friend?

You might think you are the perfect friend, but are
you really? Take this short test to find out. Read the • What is friendship?
questions and select one answer.
• Do you have a lot of friends or do you have
a small group of close friends?
1. You are at home a Saturday afternoon when your
friend calls you and says he/she is downtown and
has spent all his/her money and feels really ill. His/
her family is away for the day. You… Analyze the answers
a. go as quickly as you can to help your friend, Mostly As: You are a great friend, but don’t let
even though it will take a long time on the bus your friends take advantage of you.
to get into town.
Mostly Bs: You are a pretty good friend, but not
b. tell your friend to get a taxi and come to your reliable in a real emergency.
house. You think your parents will probably
pay, but it might be very hard to find a taxi. Mostly Cs: With friends like you, who needs
enemies? You need to treat your friends the way
c. recommend that your friend walk home. The you would like them to treat you.
fresh air will make your friend feel better.

2. Your friend has been having lots of problems with Reading comprehension
math, but you find it easy. Next week you have
a big math test and your friend has asked you for • Do you think these quiz results really show
some help. You… something about you? Why?
a. sit down with your friend and organize some
times for extra math classes together, even
though this means you have less time to study.

b. show your friend some online video that

explains the important points and some
questions with answers.

c. tell your friend that he/she can copy from you

on the math test; you will make sure he/she
can see your paper.

3. Your friend has just completely changed his/her

• What do you think about the statement,
image: a new red and blue hairstyle and new
“If a friendship lasts longer than 7 years, you are
clothes in terrible colors. Now he/she wants you
no longer just friends. You are family.”
to go with him/her to get some tattoos and
piercings done. You…

a. suggest that he/she think carefully before

having tattoos or piercings done- tattoos are
very hard to remove if you change your mind.

b. say that you will go with him/her for a laugh,

but you don’t want anything done yourself.

c. tell him/her what you think of his/her new look

(that it’s awful), and that he/she should get
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professional advice before doing anything else.

Informal Language and Abbreviations
Nowadays young people communicate with their family and friends Tip
through IM (Instant Messages) or SMS (Short Message Service).
Instant messages and short messages are written using another type of Important tips for writing
language. This text message language varies from Spanish to English. IM and SMS:
Let’s explore your knowledge about it.
1. You don’t need to
1. Match the phrases with the common abbreviations. write full sentences
or questions.
Phrases Abbreviations U home? (Are you home?)
a. Lisa’s house <3 <3 <3
2. Add extra punctuation
marks or vowels to add
b. you xxx
c. laughing out loud @ Reeeallyyy???

d. at lol 3. Use abbreviations.

lol = laughing out loud
e. kisses u
thx = thanks
f. (hearts) =love Lisa’s 4. Use letters or numbers
instead of words.
u = you
r = are
2 = to
c= see
5. Use symbols.
@ = at
<3= heart
x = a kiss
XO = hug and kiss
6. You should only write
in this way to family
and friends.

Texting a message

2. Now get in groups of two and write a text message exchange.

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Use some of the symbols you have seen here and also any others
you know. Your text message should have 10 lines per person.


Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

1 Read the text and choose the correct word Anna was on the phone with her aunt
for each space. For each question, circle the Antonia from Guadalupe. Antonia told her
correct option - A, B, C or D. that the restaurant (7) hosts weddings
every weekend but that the next weekend
We Are Getting Married in the Caribbean the celebration had been canceled so as a
Anna and Jay decided to get married. They joke she (8) Anna if they would like to
decided they were going to have a romantic finally get married because the restaurant
wedding (0) A at sunset. She bought a new was available. So Jay (9) it was a great
bikini and some sunblock. Jay (1) to the and magical place for their wedding and they
travel agency to book their plane tickets and (10) aunt Antonia’s offer.
a hotel room. They (2) their family and
friends and they are organizing a barbecue
to celebrate with them when they come
back. They (3) to get married on the
beach because Anna grew up on Guadalupe,
a French Caribbean island. She has some
relatives and childhood friends there. So
when they (4) to celebrate their wedding,

Freepik / rawpixel.com
all of them offered their help. Anna and Jay
(5) for more than 10 years now. They
got engaged three years ago but they (6)
yet when to get married until a week ago.

A. on the beach
0. B. on a mountain C. on a river D. on a bus

1. A. have just been B. has just been C. had just been D. were

2. A. has told B. had told C. have told D. told

3. A. have decided B. has decided C. had decided D. decided

4. A. had decided B. have been deciding C. has decided D. decided

5. A. had been together B. were together C. are together D. have been together

6. A. has decided B. had not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided

7. A. she manages B. she will manage C. she had managed D. she is going to manage

8. A. has asked B. were asked C. asked D. had asked

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9. A. think B. thought C. had thought D. will think

10. A. is accepted B. was accepted C. had accepted D. accepted

Assessment Where
are you from?

Achievement Level - Writing

Individual activity

2 Write a short paragraph of 50-70 words describing your definition

of the word “family”. Pay close attention to your tenses.

Achievement Level - Grammar

Grupal activity

3 In pairs, observe these pictures and answer the following questions using
the present perfect and simple past.
Flickr/Ministerio de Turismo Ecuador

Wikipedia /Aaronmormot
Wikipedia / Gerard Prins

a. Have you ever been a. Have you ever been a. Have you ever been
to a volcano? to a lagoon? to the beach?

b. Have you ever climbed b. Have you ever swum or b. Have you ever swum
a very high mountain? been in a boat in a lagoon? in the Pacific Ocean?

c. Have you been there c. Have you been there with c. Have you been there
with your family? your friends? with your classmates?

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Discuss Latin American traditions

Write a poem

Understand and use the simple past and present perfect

Project 1

Freepik / rawpixel.com
Someone Very Special

Tip Choose a member of your family who has lived a memorable life and write
his/her life story.
Remember to use time Step 1
sequencers to help your
Write down 10 questions to gather his/her life story and then interview
reader to follow your story. this person.
You can also use specific
years: “In 1975, my Step 2
grandfather moved from Record the interview or take notes and collect pictures and memories from
Ambato to Quito.” this person’s interesting life.

Step 3

Create a brochure where you have: a front page with this person’s photo
and name and five pages with this person’s life story (in chronological order)
including pictures. It should be 80-100 words. Pay attention to your tenses.
You should use present, simple past, and present perfect accordingly. Non-Commercial Licence

Let’s Review

Present Perfect Just / Yet / Already / Still

Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences by writing in the blank
the appropriate word
1. How many emails today?
a. yet b. just c. already d. still
a. have you lived b. have you sent
1. I haven’t found a house .
2. a whale in real life? Everything around Machala’s downtown
a. Have you ever seen b. Has stolen is very expensive.

3. Someone my cell phone! 2. Mario has bought a new car.

Oh no! All my contacts are there. I am going to see it.

a. have eaten b. has stolen 3. Have the house painters finished painting your
house ?
4. How long in Cuenca?
4. Mom! Have you finished cooking dinner
a. have you lived b. have played ?
5. This is the first time I 5. He has arrived, so you can start
a ceviche from Manabí. preparing lunch.
a. have eaten b. have read

Review vocabulary about family members

Family tree vocabulary
1 2



1. Your mother’s or father’s child.

2. Your grandparents’ parents.
3. Your mother’s or father’s brother.
6. Your mother’s or father’s sister.
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2. My sister’s husband.
3. Your mother’s new husband.
Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

What typical Latin American family traditions do you know?

The Quinceañera

Grammar Note
• Have you ever been to a fifteen-year-old party?
Past simple vs.
• Have you already turned 15? If you are a girl, did you have a party?
Present perfect
If you are a boy, have you participated in a fifteen-years-old party?
The simple past and present How was it?
perfect are both used to talk • Do you think the best gift for a quinceañera is a party?
about events in the past.
• Why is this celebration so important for some families in Ecuador?
The simple past is used for
events that began and ended
in the past, while the present One of Latin America’s traditions is called the quinceañera, which
perfect is used for events that means ‘fifteen-year-old birthday girl’. It is when a young girl turns 15
are still somehow related and she has a big party to celebrate. It is a fusion of local ancient culture
to the present. and Spanish Catholicism. In 16th-century Spain, a girl turning 15 had
Have you ever traveled to decide between dedicating her life to God or getting married. Back
to England? then, in line with the Catholic tradition, the girl would wear a white
dress; however, girls now wear dresses of any color, pink being the
Yes! I went two years ago. most traditional one. Finding the right dress for your quinceañera is
a big deal. The dresses have lots of fabric. The party costs a lot of money.
Yet and still are usually used
with the present perfect,
The first part of the celebration is the religious ceremony at the
usually for events that were
church. Then at the birthday party, there’s music, dancing, and lots
expected to finish earlier.
of food. Family and friends are invited to enjoy the special day. The
Notice where they appear
father dances with his daughter and there is a modern dance by the
in the sentence.
birthday girl. It is an incredible party that leaves fond memories for
I haven’t done my homework all those who attend!
for tomorrow yet. Source: The quinceañera – fifteen-year-old birthday girl!. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/2vSQEjF

I still haven’t done my

homework for tomorrow.


a big deal. something that

is very important

fond. beautiful, warm, positive

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Oral Communication
Spending Time with Friends

1. Fill in the blanks with already or yet. Then read the conversation out Grammar Note
loud with a partner.
Frank: Have you planned your weekend (a) ?
“Already” is used to say that
Simon: Oh, yes. I’m taking Paula to see the Avengers. something has happened
Frank: I (b) bought the tickets. early – or earlier than
it might have happened.
Simon: Oh, right, the new film. Have you invited her (c)

a. I’ve already used all my
cell phone minutes and
Frank: Well, I haven’t called her (d) it’s two weeks before the
But she said last week she wants to see it.
month ends.
Simon: It’s very good.
b. The bus has already left!
Frank: You saw it (e) ? That’s quick! What are you going to do?
Simon: Yes, I did. And Paula (f) saw it, too. “Already” usually comes
Frank: How do you know? between the subject and
the auxiliary verb have.
Simon: We went together last night.

2. Diphthongs sounds are the combination of two vowel sounds.

Remember the diphthongs in English are: [ei], [ai], [au], [oi], [ou] Role Play

Your teacher is going to read the following words out loud and you Get in pairs: one person
have to place them in the correct space: is student A and one is
student B.
baby - private - bacon - library - paper - final - April - minus
danger - crisis - angel - stranger - basis - lazy - crazy - climate Pretend you want to invite
bicycle - horizon item - idea - identity - biology your best friend to watch
a movie or to have ice cream
in the park. Student A invites
student B. But there is a
[e ] [a ] problem: student A’s parents
do not allow him/her to go
because he/she got bad
grades last month. Student
A and B try to find a solution
together to be able to go.
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[ei] as in: day [ai] as in: eye Friends watching a movie


Are you a good friend?

Contacting Friends

• Do you write letters

or emails?

Read the following emails between friends and answer • Do you write letters
the questions that follow. or emails often?
Who do you write them to?

• When was the last time you

From: Simon Garcia sent a letter or an email?
To: Frank Romero
Subject: How’s it going?
June 2, 2019 13h20

Hey Frank, • Why is Simon writing an

email to his friend Frank?
I haven’t heard from you since you arrived in Guayaquil.

How are you doing? Is the family you’re staying with nice?
Who is taking taekwondo with you?

Write soon! • Why has Frank not been

able to write Simon earlier?

• What is Frank doing

in Guayaquil?

From: Frank Romero

To: Simon Garcia
Subject: How’s it going? • Who is he living with?
June 3, 2019 20h00

Hi Simon, • Mention the places he

Sorry I haven’t written until now. Since I got here I’ve been has visited in Guayaquil.
really busy with the training and making new friends. I’m
doing taekwondo 8 hours a day and going out at night with
my taekwondo friends. We have visited Malecón 2000 and • Have you ever been
Parque de las Iguanas. We’re a real mix of Ecuadorians from to another city to train
all over the country: ambateños, quiteños, cuencanos, for a sport tournament?
otavaleños, there are also participants from Machala and
Loja. Besides training for the tournament, I am learning
about other cultures from my country.

My host family is really nice. The parents, Susan and Paul,

are very friendly and kind. The children are Lewis and Amy.
They’re both in high school and are very sweet; only Amy
takes taekwondo, Lewis plays soccer.

Take care,

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Informal greetings Informal closings

Hi Simon, Take care,
There are two types of
Hi Simon! Talk later, letters or emails: formal and
informal. Here we will focus
Hi Simon- See you! on the informal one.
Hi Simon. Love, The basic structure of an
informal letter or email is:
Hey Simon, Hugs and kisses,
Informal Greeting
Main body
(1 or 2 paragraphs)
Informal closing
Now you are going to read an email that your friend Pablo
sent you from Cuenca and you are going to write the response. When writing an informal
Your response should be between 60 and 75 words. letter or email to a friend
you can:
Sound “chatty” like when
From: Pablo
you are talking to a friend.
To: (your name)
Subject: How’s it going? Use an informal beginning
September 3, 2019 20h00 and an informal end.
Hi (your name)
Use contractions.
I’m really happy that we’ll see each other next weekend
in Tena! A friend of mine plays in a band and they’re going Use informal words and
to play a small concert on Friday evening. Would you like expressions.
to go and see my friend playing with her group?

We need to decide what to do on Saturday. We could either

go rafting in the Tena river ( I’m sure you’d love to see the
beauty of the river and experience the rafts) or we could
go to Puyo and visit the zoo there.

One more thing. What time does your bus arrive at the Tena
Bus Station?

See you soon!


Now in your notebook write a response email to Pablo.


From: (your name)

To: Pablo

Subject: How’s it going?

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September 7, 2019 15h30

Language Through the Arts

What is your favorite family tradition?

Making a Classic Birthday Cake

A birthday cake can make a birthday special.
Whether you’re celebrating kids or yourself,
everyone should have a cake on their birthday.
Homemade birthday cake is one of the best gifts
to give. The secret to making a homemade birthday
cake at any time is a one-bowl cake. Here’s how
to make a classic, kid-friendly birthday cake for any
birthday celebration.

Makes 1 (2-layer) 9-inch cake,
8 to 12 servings

1/2 cup unsalted butter,
at room temperature
Birthday cake
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 large eggs
2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour Now in the space provided write a recipe
of a cake, cookies, or any special birthday
1 teaspoon salt dish you like! Include a drawing or an image
of this dish.
3-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
My Recipe
1-1/4 cups whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Use room-temperature butter, butter that is not

cold or warm. It should be soft. Mix in the eggs
and milk.
2. Slowly add the flour. If you have an electric
mixer, use it. Mix for three minutes.
3. Put some butter on the bottom and sides of the
cake pans so that the cake does not stick. Put the
cake mix in the bottom of the cake pan.
4. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for
30 minutes or until the cake is golden.
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5. Cool the cake completely. Cover it with frosting

if you like and enjoy!

Oral Communication
Party Time!
Grammar Note

Simple past and

time markers
The simple past is used
to talk about a past action
that started in the past and
finished in the past. Time
markers help to differentiate
when an action happened
in the past or when an
action is unfinished.
Here are some useful time

markers used for actions
Girl blowing a candle
in the simple past: yesterday,
the other day, last week, last
Paula is preparing for her fifteen-year-old birthday party. Look at her list month, last year, just now, ago
and write sentences about what she has already done and what she hasn’t
and when.
done yet. Use already and yet.
Other common simple past
time markers are: in 2000,
in October, on Tuesday June
1. make a list of all her family and friends 11, on New Year’s Eve, on my
birthday, etc.
2. decide where to have the party

3. send invitations to family and friends

4. reserve a restaurant

5. plan the food

6. order the drinks

7. buy the dress


1. Paula already made a list of all her family and friends.



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Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Friendship around the world.

International Day of Friendship

The International Day of Friendship is an initiative relevance and importance of friendship as a noble
that follows on the proposal made by the UNESCO and valuable sentiment in the lives of human beings
and taken up by the UN General Assembly in 1997. around the world. The resolution involves young
In its resolution of 1998, the General Assembly people, as future leaders, in community activities that
recognized that enormous harm and suffering are include different cultures and promote international
caused to children through different forms of violence. understanding and respect for diversity.
It emphasized promoting a culture of peace and non-
violence in children through education. If children For the International Day of Friendship, the UN
learn to live together in peace and harmony, that will encourages governments, organizations, and civil
contribute to international peace and cooperation. society groups to do activities that contribute to
promoting dialogue among civilizations, solidarity,
The UN declared July 30 as the International Day mutual understanding, and reconciliation.
of Friendship. It is based on the recognition of the

Value: Social relations

After reading about the International Day
of Friendship, discuss these questions in pairs.
Then come together as a class to talk about your

• Did you know that the UN declared July 30

the International Day of Friendship?

• Do Ecuadorians celebrate July 30 as the

International Day of Friendship?

• Do Ecuadorians celebrate friendship?

• What is friendship for you?


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If you find just one TRUE FRIEND in your lifetime, you have been truly blessed

Oral Communication
Adventure Swimming Pool

2. You are going to listen to a conversation

between Martin and a receptionist. Complete
the registration form with Martin’s information.

Adventure Swimming Pool

Registration Form

Name: Martin

Last name:


Interested in (sport):

3. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

Circle the correct answer.
Swimming Pool
• There are four different age groups that
1. Your teacher is going to read the following play water polo.
words out loud and you have to place them
in the correct space:
• Martin wants to join the under-14 club.
how - road - load - cow - now - allow - owl
brown - boat - coat - oat - down - clown True
drown - oak - soak - goal - coal - crown
• The under-18 water polo team trains
crowd - powder - coach - approach - roast
three times a week.
browse - toast - boast - coast - browser
town - loud - proud - cloud - out - shout True
about - doubt - noun - house - soul
shoulder - though - although - dough • The under-18 team trains on Monday
mouse - mouth - south - couch and Thursday evenings.

[au] [ou]
• Water polo matches are played
on Sundays.


• You have to pay to join the water polo

classes for under-18.


• You need to bring a photo to register

at the swimming pool.


• Training for the water polo team

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starts this week.


Value: Handling emotions

What makes someone a “true friend”?

Discuss these questions in small groups.

• Do you have many friends?
• Is there a special person who you can call
your best friend?
• Do you celebrate friendship?

The Meaning of a True Friend

Once there was a young girl named Jennifer who
was very friendly and popular in her class. She was
friends with everyone in her class. She had so many
friends at school and in her neighborhood.
On Friendship Day, her class organized a party
in which everybody had to make presents and give
them to their best friends. Jennifer was expecting
Based on what you just read, answer
a lot of gifts from her friends on that day. However, the following questions.
when the day arrived, all the presents were shared
among her classmates. She was the only one who a. What is Friendship Day?
didn’t receive a single present. She felt terrible and
cried a lot because no one thought of her as one
of their best friends.
b. According to Jennifer’s mother, what does
On that day when she got home, Jennifer asked it mean to be a good friend?
her mother: “Mom, where can I find a true friend?”
Her mother was surprised, so Jennifer told her mom
about her day at school. She cried and hugged her
mom. Her mother said:
c. Why doesn’t Jennifer have friends?
“You cannot buy friends with a smile. If you really
want true friends, you will have to give them real
time and affection. You’re a great girl, but you can’t
be close friends with everybody. There just isn’t d. What is the difference between a classmate
enough time for everyone, so it’s only possible to and a true friend?
have a few true friends. Most will be your classmates.
Your close friends you can count on one hand”.

e. Who is Jennifer’s true friend?

f. In your personal opinion: is it difficult to find

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true friends?

An E-mail for Jennifer
It is essential to remember what you need to consider when writing
someone for the first time.
First, you need to greet the person you are writing to. Since Jennifer
is a young person like you, you can use an informal greeting.
Second, you need to know why you are writing this person an email.
Then, draft the questions you are going to ask.

Third, use an informal closing to say goodbye.

After reading Jennifer’s story, you decide to send her an email

because you want to share with her an experience you have
had related to friendship. In your email you must:

• Describe your experience. It can be a positive

or a negative experience.

• Say what you learned from this friendship.

• Tell Jennifer what you think about her experience

and ask her what she plans to do next.

• Write 60-75 words.




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Language Through the Arts

What is architecture?

Gaudi: "God's Architect"

Antoni Gaudí i Cornet was a Spanish architect. He was born
In groups of 5 students,
in Catalonia. He got ideas from neo-Gothic art, Art Deco and Oriental
prepare a presentation about
Gaudi and his work. Each techniques. Seven of his buildings were declared World Heritage
group should research: Sites by the UNESCO. Some of his most popular masterpieces are
pictured below.
1. Gaudí’s biography

2. Gaudí’s most important

works including a short

3. Choose one of Gaudí’s

works you like the most
and draw it. Present your

drawing to the class.

Sagrada Familia Cathedral Park Güell

Interesting Facts
Antoni Gaudí’s nickname was
“God’s architect” because
he built and dedicated his
masterpieces to God.

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Casa Milà Casa Vicens

Flickr / Peter Hourie

Antoni Gaudí


nickname. a name that is used

for fun usually based on a
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person’s characteristics

masterpiece. an artist’s most

incredible work of art
Casa Batlló

Oral Communication
Let's Party!

Role Play.

In pairs: Student A and Student B.

Situation: Pretend you are preparing a birthday party. Prepare

a role play where student A calls student B on the phone
to invite him/her to a birthday party. Each person should have
at least 6 lines. You can write the role play here. Then practice
it and perform it in front of the class.

[oi] as in: boy

Your teacher is going to read

the following words out loud.
Write only the words that contain
the sound [oi] in the box.

noise - voice - toast - boast

avoid - poison - join - coin
point - boil - foil - oil - joy - toy
boy - annoy - coast - employ
destroy - toying - soul - shoulder
employing - destroying
annoying - loyal - royal
voyage - annoyance - though
oyster - destroyer - although
dough - employer.

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Achievement Level - Listening

Individual activity

1 Listen to the short recordings. For each recording, choose

the best picture.

1. What will the weather be like on the weekend?

a. b. c.

2. What did the woman do on holiday?

a. b. c.

3. Where’s the man’s book?

a. b. c.

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

2 Look at the text in each question. What does it say?

Mark the correct letter: a, b or c.
1. After opening, keep in a refrigerator and use within two days.
a. This product doesn’t need to be kept cool.
b. This product can last for two days after you open it.
c. This product must be put in a refrigerator immediately.
2. The hotel dining room is available for private parties on Sundays.
a. You cannot eat here at weekends.
b. Hotel guests can have parties in their rooms.
c. It is possible to hire the dining room.
3. Summer swimming timetable has changed. Please ask at reception for details.
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a. Get information about new times from the receptionist.

b. Tell the receptionist about any change in your details.
c. The swimming pool is open at the usual times.

Assessment Where
are you from?

Achievement Level - Speaking

Individual activity

3 You are choosing a present for your friend’s fifteen-year-old birthday party.
Look at the picture below. Talk about what presents you can buy and decide
which one to get.


Chocolates Flowers Teddy bear

Achievement Level - Writing

Individual activity

4 You stayed with your friend, Frank, last weekend. Write an email to Frank.
In your email, you should: thank him for the visit, say what you enjoyed most,
invite him to stay with you. Write 35-45 words in the space provided.

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Discuss Latin American traditions, family and culture

Understand and use the simple past, present perfect,

and time sequencers

Identify diphthongs

Project 2

Friendship Day at School

You have learned that the UN declared July 30 Step 2

as International Friendship Day. Your English class
is going to visit other classes around your school, Show your artistic side. Each member of the team
sharing posters, presentations, poems, songs, should prepare: a poem, a song, a dance, a story,
and roles plays in English about the importance a poster, or a role play about what friends mean
of a friend. Complete the following steps: to you.

Step 1 Step 3 (Optional)

Get in groups of 4-5 students. Choose a team leader. With the help of your teacher and school, organize
Prepare a presentation where you will present a day where each team visits different classes around
the results of the research that you have done on school and presents their expositions, poems, songs,
International Friendship Day declared by the UN. dances, and art about friendship.

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