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In a nonlinear Fabry–Perot resonator indices of reflec- We study the potential of multilayer Fabry–Perot
tion and absorption of a medium put between the mirrors resonators in the capacity of quick-response one-
depend on light intensity. Such resonators have been well wavelength optical limiters. Such limiters can be useful
studied since the second half of the 1970s. Theoretically in a variety of laser systems; for example, in a laser range-
predicted effects of optical bistability, differential gain, finder to protect the detector from intensive reflected
and limiting have been experimentally observed for res- (backscattered) radiation. Currently, there is a lack of ex-
onators containing Na vapor [1], nonlinear liquids (liquid perimental works realizing the suggested approach,
crystals, nitrobenzene, CS2 ) [2], solid plates of GaAs [3], whereas interest in optical power limiting is very active.
and InSb [4]. A detailed review of these works have been Husaini et al. [14] have experimentally observed for a
presented in [5]. nonresonant multilayer structure a decrease in the limit-
However, those resonators were laboratory devices ing threshold. The decrease results from an interference
consisting of separate mirrors and a nonlinear medium several-fold increase of optical-field intensity inside the
between them. Multilayer thin-film structures seem to layers with metal nanoparticles. In this case, sharp spec-
be more applicable for creation of low-threshold nonlin- tral characteristics of the structure do not contribute to
ear optical devices because of their small thickness the nonlinear T characteristic, since the operating wave-
(comparable with a light wavelength) and wholeness. length is much above the upper bandgap edge, whereas
Linear multilayer coatings have been well studied and application of a Fabry–Perot resonator enables it to in-
widely used in optical systems for years. A variety of crease field intensity within its middle layer by several
works have dealt with nonlinear properties of both single orders of magnitude.
and multilayer films [6–13]; however, multilayer optical In this Letter, we present the results of an experimental
and numerical study of nonlinear characteristics of a
coatings are still not in use as nonlinear devices.
multilayer resonator at 532 nm. The resonator is made
In general, application of a Fabry–Perot resonator for
creation of a low-threshold nonlinear optical device is as an optical coating composed of 25 alternating layers
promising for two reasons. Firstly, the resonator is a nar- of Nb2 O5 and SiO2 [Fig. 1]. The middle Nb2 O5 layer is
rowband optical filter, for which spectral position of the the thickest and forms the resonator cavity. The formula
line of transparency depends on the optical distance be- of the structure is
tween the mirrors not on the medium resonant proper-
ties. With it a small change in the refractive index of a HL6 H 2 LH6 ; (1)
medium contained between the mirrors results in a sig-
nificant spectral shift of the line. A small change in the where H and L indicate layers with high and low refrac-
absorption index results in a significant transmittance tive indices, respectively. Both are of λ0 ∕4 optical thick-
(T) change at the peak of the line (however, in this case ness, with λ0 532 nm being the nominal resonant
a decrease in T results more from an increase in reflec- wavelength. The substrate is a 30 mm diameter, 3 mm
tance (R) than from an increase in absorbance (A) of the thickness-fused silica plate. The root-mean-squared
whole structure). Secondly, light intensity at the resonant roughness of the substrate, measured by an optical pro-
wavelength increases many-fold in the space between the filer, is about 0.5 nm.
mirrors by interference, which leads to a corresponding A set of the thin-film resonators was fabricated at the
decrease in the nonlinear threshold. Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics CAS by
0146-9592/14/164847-04$15.00/0 © 2014 Optical Society of America
4848 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 39, No. 16 / August 15, 2014
Six pairs of
λ/4 layers
D3 F2
wedge flat
532 nm
F1 sample
Fig. 4. Experimental setup for synchronous measurements of
Fig. 2. Transmittance spectrum of the sample in the vicinity of T and R nonlinear dependencies. D1, D2, D3—pulse energy
the transparency line at low-level radiation. detectors; F1, F2—calibrated sets of filters.
August 15, 2014 / Vol. 39, No. 16 / OPTICS LETTERS 4849