Terberg Brake System Luchtdruk Remkomponenten EN

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09 / 2002

O r a n je N a s s a u s tr a a t 1 0
3 4 0 5 X K B e n s c h o p
te l.: 0 3 4 8 - 4 5 9 2 1 1
fa x .:0 3 4 8 -4 5 1 3 1 6
1 Brake system


A. Air feed system-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

AA. Air feed system with compressor without E-type Unloader but with airdryer --- 4
AB. Air feed system with compressor with E-type Unloader and without airdryer -- 4
AC. Air feed system with compressor with E-type Unloader and with airdryer ------ 4
AD. Air feed system with compressor with E-type Unloader and without airdryer -- 4
AE. Air feed system with compressor without E-type Unloader and with airdryer -- 4
B. Front wheel brake circuit-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
BA. Front wheel brake circuit (YT-series)----------------------------------------------------- 6
BB. Front wheel brake circuit TT/RT series standard-------------------------------------- 6
BC. Front wheel brake circuit TT/RT series with rotating seat--------------------------- 6
C. Rear wheel brake circuit -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
CA. Rear wheel brake circuit without suspension on the rear axle--------------------- 8
CB. Rear wheel brake circuit with leafsuspension on the rear axle -------------------- 8
CC. Rear wheel brake circuit TT/RT series with airsuspension on the rear axle --- 8
D. Parking brake circuit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
DA. Parking brake circuit-------------------------------------------------------------------------10
DB. Parking brake circuit with spring brake cilinders front and rear YT-TT series-10
DC. Parking brake circuit YT/TT/RT series with elektrical parking brake function-10
E. Trailerbrake circuit---------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
EA. Trailerbrake circuit YT-series--------------------------------------------------------------12
EB. Trailerbrake circuit YT-series) with extra air tank ------------------------------------12
EC. Trailerbrake circuit TT/RT series (YT optional) ---------------------------------------12
ED. Trailerbrake circuit YT/TT/RT series with extra air tank and hand control trailer12
F. Airbrake components port marking. -----------------------------------------------------------13

1. Compressor -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

2. Single Chamber Air Dryer General ------------------------------------------------------------15

2.1 Single chamber air dryer with pressure regulator-------------------------------------17
1.2 Operation Dual chamber air dryer (Wabco 432 431) --------------------------------17
6. Four circuit protection valve (Knorr AE 4..) --------------------------------------------------20

9. Footbrake valve (Wabco 461 315)-------------------------------------------------------------21

2 Brake system
13. Relay valve ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23

17. Hand Brake Valve --------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

18A-2. Automatic Brake Pressure Control (Knorr BR) ---------------------------------------31

20. Trailer control valve (Wabco 973 009) ------------------------------------------------------34

27. Anti-Freeze Pump (Knorr LA41..) ------------------------------------------------------------36

33. Governer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37

3 Brake system

A. Air feed system

1 Compressor
2 Airdryer
5D Regeneration tank
6 Fourcircuit protection valve
7 Safety valve
15 Non return valve
16 Test nipple
27 Anti-icing reservoir
33 Governer
4 Brake system

AA. Air feed system with compressor without E-type Unloader but with airdryer
Air from the compressor flows via the cooler line E to the airdryer (2), as soon as the
airdryer regenerates this airflow is vented to the atmosphere via the exhaust of the
airdryer. When the airdryer is not regenerating, The air is being dried and airpressure
builds up against the overflowvalve (19) (till ±6 Bar). This assures that, even with an
empty air feed system, there is very quickly enough airpressure to stop the engine
pneumatically. The four circuit protection valve fills first the circuits 21 (front) and 22

AB. Air feed system with compressor with E-type Unloader and without
(See AA).
Please note: All the airflow from the compressor is flowing through the
governer (33). This is a different type than the governer
described further on in this document.

AC. Air feed system with compressor with E-type Unloader and with airdryer
Airflow from the compressor flows via the cooler line E to the Econvalve (36) and
than to the airdryer (2) and further on to the four circuit protection valve (6) and
governer (33).
When the governer (33) reaches the cut-out pressure, a pressure signal is being sent
from the governer (33) to the airdryer (which than regenerates), to the econvalve (36)
and the compressor.

AD. Air feed system with compressor with E-type Unloader and without
Airflow is flowing from the compressor via the anti-icing reservoir (27) to the four
circuit protection valve (6) and governer (33). When the governer (33) reaches the
cut-out pressure, a pressure signal is being sent from the governer (33) to the
compressor which than stops the airflow delivery.

AE. Air feed system with compressor without E-type Unloader and with
Airflow from the compressor flows via the cooler line E to the airdryer (2) and further
on to the four circuit protection valve (6) and governer (33).
When the governer (33) reaches the cut-out pressure, a pressure signal is being sent
from the governer (33) to the airdryer (which than regenerates) and to the
compressor which than stops the airflow delivery.
5 Brake system

B. Front wheel brake circuit

3A Brake cilinder
5B Airtank front wheel circuit
9 Footbrake valve
10A Brake light switch
12 Double check valve
13 Relais valve
29 Solenoid valve
6 Brake system

BA. Front wheel brake circuit (YT-series)

Airpressure is being directed via the footbrake valve proportionally to the front wheel
brake cilinders. Switch (10A) switches the brake lights on at ±0.1-0.5Bar. The brake
cilinders vent to air via the footbrake valve

BB. Front wheel brake circuit TT/RT series standard

See BA, only now the airpressure is being directed via the footbrake valve to the
Relais valve’s (13) control port. This makes that the brake applicationtime, even with
the longer airlines, is still OK.

BC. Front wheel brake circuit TT/RT series with rotating seat
See BB
As an optional can a solenoidvalve (29) be installed together with a nonreturn valve
(12). The solenoid valve is being activated when the rotating seat is unlocked and
makes that the front axle is being braked with maximum airpressure.
7 Brake system

C. Rear wheel brake circuit

4B Springbrake cilinder
5C Air tank rear wheel brake circuit
14 Brakepressure sensor
18A LSV: Load Sensing Valve
8 Brake system

CA. Rear wheel brake circuit without suspension on the rear axle
Airpressure from the footbrake valve flows towards the relais valve’s (13) control port.
The relais valve fills the brake cilinders quickly with a airpressure equal to the control
port pressure. As soon as the footbrake valve.is being released the relais valve will
be vented via the footbrake valve and the brake cilinders via the relais valve.

CB. Rear wheel brake circuit with leafsuspension on the rear axle
Airpressure from the Footbrake valve flows towards the LSV’s (18A) controlport. The
LSV reduces the airpressure towards the brake cilinders as a function of the actual
axle load (spring travel). The relais valve, which is integrated in the LSV, stears the
correct airpressure to the brake cilinders. As soon as the footbrake valve.is being
released the relais valve in the LSV will be vented via the footbrake valve and the
brake cilinders via the relais valve in the LSV.

CC. Rear wheel brake circuit TT/RT series with airsuspension on the rear axle
Airpressure from the Footbrake valve flows towards the LSV’s (18A) controlport. The
LSV reduces the airpressure towards the brake cilinders as a function of the actual
axle load (air bellow pressure). The relais valve, which is integrated in the LSV,
stears the correct airpressure to the brake cilinders. As soon as the footbrake valve.is
being released the relais valve in the LSV will be vented via the footbrake valve and
the brake cilinders via the relais valve in the LSV.
9 Brake system

D. Parking brake circuit

4A&4B SpringBrake cilinder

5A Air tank parking brake circuit
10B Controllight switch parking brake
17 Parking brakevalve
26 Quick release valve
10 Brake system

DA. Parking brake circuit

In driving position airpressure is being directed via the parking brake valve (17), the
double check valve (12) and the quick release valve (26) towards the springbrake
cilinders, which retracts the spring brake cilinders against the spring-force. When the
parking brake is being applied, the line towards the quick release valve is being
vented which causes the spring brake cilinders to be vented quickly via the quick
release valve. This means that the spring force is than braking the vehicle. If in this
situation the footbrake valve is applied, airpressure will be directed via the double
check valve to the spring brake cilinders to prevent double output force from the
spring brake cilinder

DB. Parking brake circuit with spring brake cilinders front and rear YT-TT
(Please note: on a TT-series with springbrake cilinders on the frontaxle is off course
the relais valve included in the front wheel brake circuit).
See DA, the parking brake valve controls front and rear parking brake circuit at the
same time.

DC. Parking brake circuit YT/TT/RT series with elektrical parking brake function
This is used as a standard on a TT/RT and as an optional on a YT. Electrical signal
on the solenoid valve (29) releases the parking brake. When electrical signal is taken
away (ignition off or low airpressure or seat unlocked) the parking brake will apply
11 Brake system

E. Trailerbrake circuit

5E. Optional air tank

20 Trailer control valve
20A Handcontrol trailer brakes
22/A/B/C Trailer connections
12 Brake system

EA. Trailerbrake circuit YT-series

Please note: Trailer connections standard (open)

EB. Trailerbrake circuit YT-series) with extra air tank

Please note: Trailer connections C-type

EC. Trailerbrake circuit TT/RT series (YT optional)

Please note: Trailer connections automatic-type

ED. Trailerbrake circuit YT/TT/RT series with extra air tank and hand control
Please note: trailer connections duomatic-type
13 Brake system

F. Airbrake components port marking.

To identify the ports of airbrake components is 1981 DIN Iso 6786 written.

The port markings consist of 1 or 2 digits. The first digit means:

0 Suction port
1 Energy inlet port
2 Energy outlet port
3 Exhaust port
4 Control port
5 free
6 free
7 Anti icing liquid port
8 Lube-oil port
9 Cooling liquid port

The second digit is being used when there is more than 1 equally functional port.
For instance the four circuit protection valve. The supplier can decide on the second
digit himself starting from 1 (f.i. 21/22/23/24).

The digits below are not free to choose, they must be always the same:

71 anti-icing liquid inlet

72 anti-icing liquid outlet
81 lube oil inlet
82 lube oil outlet
91 cooling liquid inlet
92 cooling liquid outlet

More than 1 connection on 1 reservoir have the same port marking.

14 Brake system

1. Compressor


Their purpose is to generate the compressed air required as a function of the total of
all consumers of compressed air in a vehicle.

Operation without unloader

The compressor is driven by the engine via a V-belt

and a V-belt pulley or a toothed wheel. The
crankshaft (1) connected with the piston (3) via the
connecting rod (2) controls the piston (3) from the
upper to the bottom dead centre (or vice versa). As
the piston (3) moves downwards, valve (4) opens as
a consequence of the ensuing suction. Through an
upstream filter the compressor takes in air. When the
botton dead centre has been reached, the valve (4)
closes. The air taken in is compressed by the
subsequent upward motion of the piston (3). The
compression pressure opens the valve (5) and the
compressed air generated reaches the connected air
reservoirs via the components of the air compression


(See also air feed system pictures AC and AD on

page 4)

Loaded operation mode

The governer is sending no pressure signal to the

The air compressor unloader port is than vented to
atmosphere via the exhaust from the governer. This
condition allows the air compressor inlet valve to
operate via piston pressure pulses- i.e. normal
loaded operation.

Unloaded operation mode

As the air system pressure builds during the loaded cycle, the governer shifts to the
unloaded position when reaching the cut-out pressure. The governer sends than via
the unloader port a pressure signal to the airdryer+econ valve (if present) and the
compressor unloader port.
On vehicles with air dryer (see page 4, figure AC) is the econ-valve effectively closing
the exhaust line from the compressor. This makes that the exhaust line from the
15 Brake system
compressor stays pressurized also during unloaded operation with the air dryer
venting to atmosphere.
The non return valve (15) assures that pressure is being built up again when the
pressure is being lost, during unloaded operation, in the closed line between
compressor exhaust port and econ valve.
On vehicles without air dryer (see page 4, figure AD) is the exhaust line from the
compressor always being pressurized with system pressure.


1. Compressor has to be put into TDC (check piston position or timer mark on
2. Rotate compressor to 60° before TDC.
3. Position engine on TDC by means of the timing pin on the timing gear cover
below/behind the air compressor.
4. Install compressor and fasten everything securely.


All compressors are water cooled and engine oil lubricated and thus maintenance

2. Single Chamber Air Dryer General


Atmospheric air taken in by the compressor contains more or less humidity. This
means that the compressor compresses a gas mixture consisting of air and water
vapour. The saturation limit (dew point) of the water vapour portion depends on the
air temperature and the relative atmospheric humidity. Although the absolute
humidity of the air delivered remains constant, the maximum possible capacity for
retaining water vapour increases. Inversely, as the temperature falls, part of the
water vapour condenses and precipitates from the air in the form of water.


The purpose of the air dryer is to reduce the amount of water vapour in the
compressed air. This is achieved by cold generated adsorption drying in which the
compressed air delivered by the compressor is passed through granulates, at the
same time lowering the dew point. This allows the existing water vapour to be
absorbed by the granulates. The granulates are regenerated by means of a return
flow of air. In a dual-chamber air dryer, this process is controlled by a solenoid valve
with an integrated timer. This procedure ensures that the absorbency of the
granulates is maintained even when the compressor works more or less
16 Brake system

Type 1 (via separate pressure regulator)

The compressed air entering the air dryer at port (1)

and chamber (h) flows via the fine filter (4) and the
annular duct (b) to the upper side of the granulates
cartridge (2). From here (chamber ,,a”) the
compressed air flows through the cartridge (2), its
humidity being adsorbed by the surface of the
granulates (3). Dried compressed air then flows via
the opening check valve (5) to port (21) and from
there to the downstream components of the
compressed air supply system. At the same time,
compressed air flows through the throttling port (C)
and port (22) to the regenerating reservoir.
When the unloader valve switches off, port (4) is
pressurized. This opens the drain valve (6), causing
the pressure to fall abruptly in chambers (d), (h) and
(a). At the same time, check valve (5) closes. Whilst
the condensate which has collected in chamber (d)
escapes via vent (3), dry air from the regenerating
reservoir flows through the cartridge (2) in the
opposite direction. The regenerated air is now in a
position to once again adsorb any moisture from the
surface of the granulates (3). This humid air can now
escape via chamber (a), annular duct (b), chamber
(h), duct (e) at the opened drain valve (6). This
process ends when the regenerating reservoir is
pressure-less, or when the unloader switches to
delivery once again.
In the event of the filter (4) being heavily soiled so
that the compressed air may no longer be able to
flow through the cartridge (2), the bypass valve (10)
opens automatically. Undried compressed air will
then flow from port (1) through duct (f) to ports (21)
and (22). In normal operation, the bypass valve (10)
is held closed by the resilience of the spring (9) and
the pressure (chamber ,,g”).
If the air dryer has had a heating cartridge (8) fitted,
this will come on at a temperature of approx. +6°C
and go off again at a temperature of approx. +35°C.
17 Brake system

2.1 Single chamber air dryer with pressure regulator


Type 2 (via integrated combined

pressure regulator)

The air is dried as described in 1. above. However, in

this type of air dryer the cut-out pressure reaches
chamber (D) via hole (I), acting on diaphragm (in).
Once the force of the spring has been overcome,
inlet (n) opens and the pressurized piston (e) opens
outlet (f). The air delivered by the compressor now
escapes via chamber (A), duct (C) and vent (3).
Piston (e) simultaneously acts as a relief valve.
When the pressure becomes excessive, piston (e)
automatically opens outlet (1).
If air consumption causes the supply pressure within
the system to fall below cut-in pressure, inlet (n)
closes and the pressure from chamber (B) is reduced
via the vent of the unloader valve. Outlet (f) closes
and the drying process begins again.

1.2 Operation Dual chamber air dryer (Wabco 432 431)

a. Initial filling of the air dryer

When not pressurized, the check valves (7), (9), (21),

the charging valve (10) and the sole-noid valve (11)
are closed. Valve (12) on the inlet side (14) and valve
(18) the outlet side (18) are open. For this reason,
the air dryer is always filled from reservoir I, because
of the function of the charging valve (10).

b. Drying compressed air in reservoir I

The air entering at port (1) flows via ducts (0) and
(g), the annular chamber (e), the filter (8) and the
gap (b) into chamber (a) above the granulates
cartridge (5). Via the sieve plates and felt disks
above the cartridge (5), the compressed air passes
through the granulates (6), its humidity remaining on
its surface by adsorption. The compressed air now
flowing into chamber (C) opens the check valve (7)
and the pressure in duct (f) increases. This causes
the check valve (9) to open.
Dry air can now flow via port (2) to the down-
stream components of the braking system.
At the same time, compressed air flows
to the closed charging valve (10).
18 Brake system

C. Regeneration of granulates in reservoir II and

opening of the charging valve

In order to be able to generate the granulates (23) in

reservoir II, the compressed air in duct (p), because
the check valve (21) is closed, flows via the nozzle
bore (u) into the granulates cartridge (22). The dry
compressed air passes through the granulates from
below, thus adsorbing any moisture present on the
surface of the granulates (23). The air which is now
hu-mid and expanding, flows via chamber (w), gap
(v), annular chamber (a), the opened outlet valve
(19) and duct (n) and escapes to atmosphere
through vent (3).

When the pressure at port (2) has risen to approx.

4.5 to 5.0 bar, charging valve (10) opens, thus
pressurizing the duct (k) leading to the solenoid valve
(11). This ensures that when first filling the system,
the drying process always begins in reservoir (I).

D. Switching between air dryers

At pre-set intervals the solenoid valve (11) is opened
by an integrated timer. This causes the compressed
air to pass from duct (k) to duct (h), pressurizing
valves (12) and (18) and thus reversal of the air
dryer. As described under ,,Drying” and
Regeneration”, the drying process now takes place in
reservoir (II), and regeneration is achieved in
reservoir (I). Because of the timer integrated in the
solenoid valve (11), this process repeats itself
roughly every 60 seconds.
19 Brake system
E. Automatic Draining

When the cut-out pressure is reached, the unloader

pressurizes port (4) of the air dryer. ( The Pressure
regulator is integrated into the air dryer by
This causes the drain valve (16) to be opened,
allowing any condensate at port (1) to excape via
vent (3). At the same time, the pressure in ducts (m),
(n), (0) and (p) falls. The closing check valve (9)
maintains the pressure in port (2) and in ducts (h)
and (k). Venting port (4) causes the drain valve (16)
to close again, thus allowing the pressure in the air
dryer to build up once again.


If any condensate is found when the air reservoir is checked, which should be done
regularly when the vehicle is being operated, the regenerating function must be
checked and the granulates cartridge replaced if necessary. Experience has shown
that it may be necessary to replace the granulates after approx. maximum half a
year. For this purpose, the disposable cartridge with Terberg No. T22035192 is


The air dryer must be checked for tightness and to make sure it functions properly by
checking the air reservoirs (occurrence of water condensate). In addition, the
switching pulse of the solenoid valve with the timer must be checked (every 60 s),
and the exhaust air streams compared. At the moment of reversal, the air dryer will
briefly blow off more strongly from the vent.
20 Brake system

6. Four circuit protection valve (Knorr AE 4..)

The four circuit protection valve secures that the brake system is safely split into four
circuits and to secure adequate pressure in case one of the circuits fails.

The four circuit protection valve consists of four sections. Every section operates one
circuit and contains a pressure limiting valve with limited return flow.

a. Opening
The opening pressure is the pressure necessary to
open the valveseat (1) with a pressureless circuit.
The opening pressure is being determined by the
surface dimension of the membrane, pressurized via
the surface (a), and the spring force from spring (3).
In a partly pressurized circuit is the necessary
pressure on the surface (a) lower than described
here before because the circuit pressure is helping
on surface (b).

The four circuit protection valve is equipped with a

bypass (4) which assures airflow even with the
corrsponding circuit valve closed. This bypass has a
small orifice, which assures sufficient pressure in the
other circuits when 1 of the 2 circuits with the bypass
is defective.
The bypass (4) and non return valve (5) assure that
the front wheel (port 21) and rear wheel (port 22)
circuit are always being pressurized before circuit 23
and 24 are being pressurized.

b. Closing
The statical closing pressure is the pressure in the
non-defective circuits when the valveseat (1) in the
defective circuit is closing. It is lower than the
opening pressure because it works on the surfaces
The remaining pressure in the non-defective circuits
is approx. the opening pressure of the defective

The non-return valves (6) are necessary in circuit 23

and 24 to assure that both circuits have no return
flow towards the circuits 21 and 22 when 1 of them is
21 Brake system

9. Footbrake valve (Wabco 461 315)


Their purpose is the sensitive, gradable pressurization or de-pressurization of the

motor vehicle’s brake cylinders. In addition they control the trailer control valves.


Regardless of the type of actuator used by the brake

valve, the driver uses his foot to apply pressure on
the thrust member (1), the rubber spring (2) and thus
the graduating piston (3). This forces the graduating
piston (3) downwards against the force of spring
(11), closing outlet valve (10) and opening inlet valve
(4). The compressed air from port (11) can thus flow
via the opened inlet valve (4) to port (21), through
hole (3) into chamber (b) and through hole (f) into
chamber (a). The compressed air flowing into
chamber (b) moves the piston valve (6) downwards.
This closes outlet valve (9) and opens inlet valve (7).
The compressed air from port (12) can now flow to
port (22). At the same time, the pressure also
reaches chamber (d) through hole (C).

A final braking position in the 1st circuit has been

reached whenthe compressed air acting in chamber
(a), together with the force of spring (11), is capable
of raising the graduating piston against the force of
the rubber spring (2) and closing the inlet valve (4)
once more.

The final braking position in the 2nd Circuit has been achieved when the pressure in
chamber (d) can once again raise the piston valve (6) against the pressure in
chamber (b) The upwards motion of the piston valve (6) closes inlet valve (7). Thus a
final braking position has been reached for both circuits.

When the braking system is actuated further, the process described under, “a” above
is repeated gradually. The air reservoir pressure at ports (11) and (12) reaches the
brake cylinders via ports (21) and (22). The inlet valves (4) and (7) are fully open in
this position.
22 Brake system
In the event of the 1st circuit failing, the piston valve
(6) can no longer be controlled by compressed air
when the brakes are actuated. For this reason, the
actuating mechanism must be pushed down to a
point where the graduating piston (3) rests on the
piston valve (6). During further actuation, the force is
now transmitted to the piston valve (6) via the thrust
member (1), the rubber spring (2) and the graduating
piston. Whilst the 2nd circuit is being actuated
mechanically, the piston valve (6) acts, within the
braking range, directly against the force of the rubber
spring (2). This ensures grading of the 2nd circuit
even if the 1st circuit is defective.

The function of the 1st circuit is not affected if the

2nd circuit fails.

When the brakes are released, the compressed air in

the chambers (a) and (d), in combination with the
force of spring (11), raises piston (3) and piston valve
(6). Together with the force from springs (5) and (8),
inlet valves (4) and (7) are closed and outlet valves
(9) and (10) opened. This allows ports (21) and (22)
to be exhausted via the vent (3).


No special maintenance is required.

23 Brake system

13. Relay valve


The purpose of the relay valve is to provide a quick supply or evacuation of operating
air for the brake cylinders, which are a considerable distance from the footbrake
valve. The relay valve is used for both front and rear service brake circuits as well as
for the parking brake circuit.

It is continually under feed pressure from the respective circuit tanks and therefore
requires only a small quan-tity of operating air from the footbrake valve or parking
brake hand control to release air to the brake cylinders.


a. Brakes not applied

When the brake pedal has not been depressed, inlet

(4) is without pressure and valve (6) keeps the
passage between inlet (1) and outlet (2) blocked.
Inlet (1) receives feed air from the rear service brake

1. Inlet from circuit tank 5. Relay plunger

2. Outlet to brake cylinders 6. valve
3. Outlet, air evacuation for 7. Drilling which provides
releasing brakes brake pressure below
valve 6
4. Inlet from footbrake valve 8. spring
24 Brake system
b. Brakes applied

When the brake pedal is depressed, operating air

flows from the footbrake valve to inlet (4) of the relay
valve and pushes down relay plunger (5) so as to
close the passage to the evacuation outlet (3).
At the same time, relay plunger (5) presses down
valve (6) so that the passage between inlet (1) and
outlet (2) is opened.
Air from inlet (1) now flows via outlet (2) to reach the
brake cylinders and apply the brakes.

Brakes applIed, relay valve In balanced position

When the outgoing pressure at outlet (2) has

reached a specific level, relay plunger (5)is forced
up. Valve (6) closes the passage between inlet (1)
and out-let (2).

For valve (6) to close quickly, air also flows from

outlet (2) through a drilling (7) to reach below valve
(6). The relay valve is now in a balanced position
where pressure at outlet (2) is equivalent to the
position of the footbrake pedal.
The relay valve’s balanced position is held as long as
the pressure at inlet (4) remains unchanged.

Brakes released

When the brake pedal is released, air pressure at

(4) is evacuated through the footbrake valve.
Pressure on the top surface of the relay plunger
drops and the plunger is pressed upwards by
pressure at outlet (2) thus opening the passage to
the evacuation outlet (3).

Air from outlet (2) is evacuated through outlet (3). At

the same time, valve (6) keeps the passage between
inlet (1) and outlet (2) blocked.
25 Brake system

17. Hand Brake Valve


Their purpose is graded venting in the connected Tristop or spring brake actuators.
Depending on the type of valve used, it may also have a control position for the
trailer. When used in tractor-trailer combinations, the hand brake valve also acts as
the trailer control valve.

a. Driving position

The compressed air flows from port (1) and the

opened inlet valve (1) to ports (21) and (22). The
spring brake actuator and port (43) of the trailer
control valve are pressurized.

b.Braking position

The cam (2) moves the tappet (3) downwards. The

inlet valve (1) closes and the outlet valve (6) opens.
Ports (21) and (22) are vented viavent (3).

The spring (4) forces the piston (5) downwards,

closing the outlet valve without opening the inlet
valve. A final braking position has now been reached.
26 Brake system

c. EG- control position

To check the spring-brake performance of the motor

vehicle, the hand lever can be moved from its locked
position into the control position. The lobe on the
cam moves the tappet (7) downwards. The passage
to port (22) is closed, and inlet (8) is opened. The
compressed air from port (1) flows via chamber (A)
and past piston (5) to inlet (8). Port (22) is
pressurized and the trailer’s brake released. When
the hand lever is released, it automatically returns
into its locked position.


No special maintenance is required beyond the legal requirements.


Release conditions: Full system (in tank) pressure

Working level: max. 2,2 bar
Division: max. 0,3 bar
Full bracking: 0,0 bar on (21) and (22)
Controle position: Full system (in tank) pressure on connexion (22)

In the range of the handbrake-position the switch must be through the arretering and
then be locked.
27 Brake system
18A-1. Load-Sensing Valve 475 710

Application: In vehicles with mechanical leafsprings on the respective axle.

Function: Load sensing valves have the task to adjust the brake pressure to a
certain axle (mostly rear axle(s)) as a function of the axle loading. This prevents the
wheels from locking up while braking.


a. Pilot Pressure

When port (4) is pressurized, the compressed air

flows via the open valve (30) into duct (d) and into
chamber (C). The pressure is now above the
diaphragm (14).

At the same time, the pressurized piston valve (10)

which is firmly attached to the diaphragm (14) is
pushed downwards, taking with it the valve tappet
(24). When the valve tappet (24) rests on the cam
plate (20), outlet valve (28) can close and inlet valve
(12) open.

This allows the same pressure from port (4) to reach

chamber (b) below the diaphragm (14), at the same
time acting on the eftective surface of the relay
piston valve (15). As this moves downwards, outlet
valve (16) is closed and inlet valve (23) opened. The
reservoir pressure at port (1) now passes through
opened inlet valve (23) to port (2) until the pressure
in port (4) has risen to the level of the pilot pressure.

At a maximum pressure of 0.8 bar, piston (7) moves

upwards against the force of spring (6), closing the
pilot valve (30).

The pressure now prevailing in chamber (a)

raises piston (15) until inlet valve (23) is closed.
Pilot control of the regulator has now been selected.
28 Brake system
b. Braking position “unladen”

Any further increase in pressure in port (4)

automatically causes a proportional reduction of the
output pressure at port (2). This process is achieved
by the multiple-disk piston (11) being firmly attached
to the piston valve (10) from which multiple-disk
piston (27), which is stationary, protrudes. This
continuously in-creases the effective surface of the
diaphragm (14) - depending on the valve’s setting.
As described under ,,a” above, the pressure passed
through builds up in chamber (b) beneath the
diaphragm (14).
Since the effective diaphragm surface is greater than
that of the piston valve (10) in the ,,unladen” position,
a small amount of pressure is sufficient for raising
the diaphragm (14) together with the piston valve
(10), once again closing inlet valve (12). The
pressure now prevailing in chamber (b) actuates the
relay piston valve (15). As described under ,,a”
above, the pressure in port (2), and thus in the brake
cylinders, is increased.

c. Braking position “partially laden”

When the load on the vehicle is increased, the load-

sensing valve’s linkage raises the valve tube (24) by
means of the cam disk (20) which is firmly attached
to the actuating shaft (19). The compressed air
entering at port (4) when the brakes are actuated
pushes the piston valve (10) downwards, as
described under ,,b” above. Since the valve tube (24)
is now in a higher position that it was in the
,,unladen” position, the compressed air flowing into
chamber (b) must raise multiple-disk piston (11)
higher above the diaphragm (14) in order to close the
inlet valve (12). This causes multi-ple-disk piston (11)
to dip into multiple-disk piston (27), thus causing a
part of the effective diaphragm surface (14) to rest on
multiple-disk piston (27). Since the effective surface
of the diaphragm (14) is thus reduced, the pressure
in chamber (b) has to be increased. When the forces
between the piston valve (10) and the diaphragm
(14) have been balanced, inlet valve (12) is closed by
the upward motion of the piston valve (10).

As described under ,,b” above, the pressure

prevailing in chamber (b) triggers the relay effect of
the load-sensing valve, thereby increasing the
29 Brake system
pressure in the brake cylinders via port (2),
depending on the load added to the vehicle.

d. Braking position “Fully laden”

When the vehicle is loaded up to its permissible total

weight, the valve tube (24) is raised further by the
cam disk (20), — as described in ,,C” above. When
the brakes are actuated, the compressed air entering
at port (4) moves the piston valve (10) downwards.
After relatively short travel, the passage to chamber
(b) is released by the opened inlet valve (12). This
allows the diaphragm (14), together with the piston
valve (10), to be raised again, so that after short
travel, multiple-disk piston (11) dips fully into
multiple-disk piston (27) and the effective surface of
the diaphragm (14) rests on multiple-disk piston (27).
The counterforce has thus been neutralized. The
input pressure in port (4) passes into chamber (b) at
a ratio of 1:1. Being fully pressurized, the relay piston
valve (15) is forced downwards, opening inlet valve
(23). This allows full reservoir pressure to flow from
port (1) via ports (2) and on to the brake cylinders.

e. Release position

Irrespective of the laden condition, port (4) is vented

when the brakes are released. At the same time, the
pressure acting on the piston valve (10) and valves
(9) and (30) is reduced.

This enables the force of spring (6) to move piston

(7) downwards once again, opening valve (30). The
pilot pressure prevailing in chamber (C) is thus
reduced via port (4).

At the same time, the pressure in chamber (b) raises

the piston valve (10), thereby opening outlet valve
(28). The pressure in chamber (b) is reduced via the
valve tube (24), and the braking pressure in chamber
(a) pushes piston (15) upwards, opening outlet valve
(16). Via vent (3), the pressure from the brake
cylinders escapes to atmosphere.
30 Brake system
f. Braking position “After linkage rupture’

If the connecting linkage breaks, the actuating shaft

(19), together with the cam disk (20), is automatically
moved into the ,,half laden” position by the force of a
spring (not shown in the drawing). Regardless of the
load carried, the load-sensing valve will now output a
constant pressure when the brakes are actuated.


No special maintenance on the valve is required. It is though important to check the

correct adjustment of the valve at the first service (due to the settling of the springs)
and thereafter once every year.
31 Brake system

18A-2. Automatic Brake Pressure Control (Knorr BR)

Application: In vehicles with pneumatical suspension on the respective axle.

Function: Load sensing valves have the task to adjust the brake pressure to a
certain axle (mostly rear axle(s)) as a function of the axle loading. This prevents the
wheels from locking up while braking.


a. Driving position
Connection 1 is pressurized.
Connection 2 and 4 are pressureless..

b. Brake position

Spring (1) acts on piston (2) and keeps,

when braking till the pilot pressure of
0,5 Bar, the valve seat (16) open.
The pressure which is being applied to
port 4 is building up through the hole (3)
via the membrane (5) and is working at
the same time unadjusted at the piston
(6). Untill the pressure reaches the pilot
pressure is there therefore no load Legend: Connections:
sensing adjustment of the output
1 Spring 9 Piston 1 Supply
pressure. 2 Piston 10 Control ramp 2 Outlet
3 Hole 11 Spring 4 Steer port
4 Piston 12 Inlet 41 Steer port 1
If the pressure in port 4 is rising above 5 Membrane 13 Outlet 42 Steer port 2
the pilot pressure will this force the 6 Piston 14 Outlet 43 Steer port 3 /
7 Pushrod 15 Inlet Test valve
piston (4) downwards and will the 8 Valve pin 16 Valve seat 3 Vent
piston allow airflow into the chambers
‘a’ and ‘b’.
The piston (2) will move upwards until valve seat (16) closes. The pressure in
chamber ‘b’ pushes the piston (6) downwards which than opens inlet (12). Port 2 is
being pressurized than.
The pressure in chamber ‘a’ works at the lower area of the membrane (5) and
moves the piston (4) upwards until the inlet (15) closes. The output pressure works
at piston (6) and moves it upwards until inlet (12) closes. This is the governed
output pressure on port 2.

The working area of the membrane (5) is depending on the position of the pushrod
(7), which is positioned by the piston (9) and the control ramp (10) as a function of
the airbellow pressure. In the lowest position of the pushrod (7) is the working area of
the membrane (5) big, which leads to a low governed output pressure on port 2.
In the highest position of the pushrod (7) is the working area of the membrane (5)
small, which leads to a high governed output pressure on port 2.
32 Brake system
Pressuredifferences due to uneven pressures in the bellows (connected to port 41
and 42 on the LSV) are being equilized by the LSV. The LSV is also adjusting the
output pressure while braking. This is called dynamic behaviour and makes that the
vehicle has optimal brake pressures even while braking.

When the brakepedal is being released will the port 4 and chamber ‘a’ be vented via
the footbrake valve. The piston (4) moves up than and opens exhaust (14) which
vents the chambers ‘a’ and ‘b’. The piston (6) moves up so exhaust (13) opens and
port 2 is being vented to atmosphere.

c. Failure of only 1 airbellow pressure on port 41 or 42

When one of the bellows is defect will there be no pressure on the corresponding
controlport of the LSV. The LSV will follow an emergency curve than which makes
that the output pressure to port 2 is ±0.5x normal full load output pressure.

d. Failure of both air bellow pressures on port 41 and 42.

When both ports 41 and 42 are pressureless will the spring (11) and the control ramp
(10) move to the left position. This equals the unladen vehicle and gives unladen
output pressures on port 2 of the LSV.
33 Brake system
Testing and adjustment of Automatic Brake Pressure Control

The ALR-type plate is indicative for testing and adjustment of automatic brake
pressure control.

1. Brake pressure “LOADED”

ƒ Fill the Brake system to max. system pressure

ƒ Release connection 43 with brake pressure “LOADED”
ƒ Release connection 4 with the indicated control pressure
ƒ Wenn adjustment is necessary, adjust the brake pressure “LOADED” with stud (c)
after loosing check nut (b). Turning anticlockwise increases the pressure.
ƒ During adjustment connections 4 and 43 must be pressureless

2. Brake pressure “UNLOADED”

ƒ Fill the Brake system to max. system pressure

ƒ Release connection 43 with brake pressure “UNLOADED”
ƒ Release connection 4 with the indicated controlpressure
ƒ Wenn adjustment is necessary, adjust the brake pressure “UNLOADED” through
the exhaust port with the plastic adjustmentnut (a) Turning clockwise increases
the pressure.
ƒ Connections 4 and 43 must be pressureless during adjustment

3. Control

ƒ Check the pressures again and if necessary adjust again.

ƒ Check both pressures also when only 1 pressure is changed
ƒ Don’t forget to lock counternut (b).

* Attention: Brake pressure “UNLOADED” must be send out at 0 bar bellow

pressure and at “UNLOADED” bellow pressure.

Required tools
Fork/ring spanner SW17
Screwdriver (flat)
34 Brake system

20. Trailer control valve (Wabco 973 009)


Trailer control valves are required for controlling trailers. They are actuated via two
circuits of the service braking system and one circuit of the emergency and parking
braking system.

Their purpose is the sensitively gradable control of the trailer - with and without


a. Driving position

Supply pressure from circuit 3 is always present at

port 11, flowing via port 12 to the ,,supply” hose
At port 43 the pilot pressure of the emergency and
parking braking system acts to hold the piston (1) in
its lower final position.
The ,,control” hose coupling is vented via port 22,
outlet valve (2) and vent 3.

b. Actuating of the parking Brake

As the parking brake is actuated, the spring brake

part of the Tristop-cylinders cause port 43 to become
pressureless. The supply pressure from port 1 forces
the piston (1) upwards. This causes the outlet valve
(2) to be closed and the inlet valve (3) to be opened.
The air supply now flows via the inlet valve (3) and
port 22 to the ,,control” hose coupling.

In partial brake application, the piston (1) is moved to

its final position by the output pressure.

When the brake is released, port 43 is pressurized,

forcing the piston (1) into its lower final position and
opening the outlet valve (2). The air from the control
line escapes via the outlet valve (2) and vent 3.
35 Brake system
c. Partial brake application

Via ports 41 and 42 the brake pressure reaches the upper side of pistons (4 and 5),
forcing them downwards, closing the outlet valve (2) and opening the inlet valve (3).
The compressed air now flows from port 11 to port 22 and into the control line,
causing braking of the trailer.

Through the hole (5a) in piston (5), the compressed air reaches the upper side of
piston (6), pushing it downwards, thereby opening inlet (7) Through hole (5b), the
compressed air flows in the annular duct below pistons (4 and 5), increasing the
pressure until a balanced pressure is reached. Pistons (4 and 5) move upwards,
closing the inlet valve (3). A final braking position has been reached.

d. Full brake application

When the brakes are fully applied, the input brake

pressure at ports 41 and 42 is similar to the pressure
at port 11. Pistons (4 and 5) move upwards, the inlet
valve (3) remains open. No final braking position is


When the emergency and parking braking system is

actuated, the output pressure in the full braking
position at port (22) is lower by a maximum of 1.3 bar
than the reservoir pressure at port (11) or (12).

Functional testing of the 2/2-way valve requires

neither times nor pressures to be checked. When
installed, the pressure must initially be expelled
suddenly and then more gradually via the opened
trailer control line when the service braking system is


No special maintenance is required beyond the legal

36 Brake system

27. Anti-Freeze Pump (Knorr LA41..)


The Anti-freeze pump is positioned in the airsystem to spray an anti-freeze agent into
the airflow to protect the system from icing up.


Terberg is using an anti-freeze pump without connection 4

The anti-freeze pump is positioned in the system between the compressor (1) and
the fourcircuit protection valve (6) or governer (33) (See chapter A air feed system).
Via channel (5) compressorpressure is working on piston (4).
During the cut-out period of the Governer (33) is the airpressure between the
compressor and the airdryer low. Spring (9) is holding the piston against this low
pressure in the right position. Valve (7) is closed and the chamber (3) fills up with
anti-Freeze agent throught bore (1).

The piston (4) is being moved to the left when the pressure is being built up again
(governer reaches cut-in pressure). The seal (2) closes than first the connection
between the chamber (3) and the anti-freeze reservoir. After that pushes the piston
(4) the anti-freeze agent out of the chamber (3) and pushes it via the non-return valve
(7) in the feed line.

The volume of anti-freeze agent is adjustable with wheel (11). This is the adjustment
of the pistonstroke (4) against the stop (10). Position “0” of wheel (11) is the position
that no anti-freeze agent is being released into the airsystem. The piston (4) is
although still making a small stroke to prevent sticking.
37 Brake system

33. Governer


The function of the governer is to limit and control the max. system pressure. Also
the governer is controlling the airdryer and compressors with (E-type) unloaders.


1. Air feed phase

Connection 1 is getting reservoir pressure.

Connection 2 is connected to the atmosphere via
channel (7), output (8), valve pin (2) and connection

2. Cut-out phase

The piston is moving against spring (3) when the

pressure in the reservoir is rising. When the cut-out
pressure is reached, output (8) is closed and input
(9) is opened. Connection 2 is being pressurized via
valve pin (2), piston (1) and channel (7). This
pressure signal via connection 2, is directing the
compressor to the unloader mode.

3. Cut-in phase

Airpressure getting lower trough airconsumption or

leakage will have as a result that the piston (1) is
being pushed down trough the force of spring (3).
When the cut-in pressure is being reached, output
(8) is opened and input (9) is closed. Connection 2 is
connected to the atmosphere again.


Adjustment of the cut-out pressure can be done by

loosening the counternut (4) and rotating the stud
(5). Anti clock wise turning raises the cut-out
38 Brake system


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