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Constraints and Economics of Sericulture: A Review

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International Journal of Chemical Studies 2020; 8(1): 746-750

P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2020; 8(1): 746-750 Constraints and economics of sericulture: A
© 2020 IJCS
Received: 13-11-2019 review
Accepted: 15-12-2019

Vinayak Hosamani Vinayak Hosamani, Mallikarjuna Yalagi, Pramod Sasvihalli, Venkatesh

P2 Basic Seed Farm, National
Silkworm Seed Organization,
Hosamani, K Sashindran Nair, VK Harlapur, CR Hegde and RK Mishra
Central Silk Board, Nagenahally,
Kunigal, Karnataka, India DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1k.8353

Mallikarjuna Yalagi Abstract

NAHEP Project, University of Agriculture in India is the single largest employer of rural labour. Agriculture remains the main source of
Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, income and livelihood for the rural population in India. With the advent of many technologies in
Karnataka, India
agriculture be it by variety, soil and nutrient management, important resources management like
irrigation water, labour etc., the sector is widening itself to gamut of different economic activities. Silk, a
Pramod Sasvihalli
SSPC, National Silkworm Seed highly priced agricultural commodity, accounts for about 0.2% of the total world production of textile
Organization, Central Silk fiber. Since sericulture stands next to agriculture for rural employment in India, it becomes a matter of
Board, Raiganj, West Bengal, concern to examine the sericulture production trend over the years and reasons for slow growth.
India Sericulture is an important agro industry in Indian economy. India is the only country in the world which
produces all varieties of silk namely tasar, muga and mulberry. Economics is an important criterion to
Venkatesh Hosamani evaluate, acceptance and wider adoption of any technology which is economically sound and that can be
Entomology, COH, Munirabad- accepted by the sericulture farming community. Among different indicators of economic efficiency in
Koppal, Karnataka, India sericulture, net returns have greater impact on the practical utility and acceptance of the production
technology by the farmers. Identification of suitable reasons and management of economic problems to
K Sashindran Nair increase the productivity in sericulture is the key for success crop potential and hence, the review.
National Silkworm Seed
Organization, Central Silk
Keywords: Sericulture, economics, mulberry, cocoon
Board, BTM Layout, Madivala,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
VK Harlapur Mulberry area and production of silk cocoons
National Silkworm Seed Anil Kumar Yadav (2008) [3] worked out compound growth rates for area under mulberry,
Organization, Central Silk
production and productivity of silk cocoons in Kolar and Chikkaballapur districts of Karnataka
Board, BTM Layout, Madivala,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India during 1996-97 to 2006-07. The results revealed that area of mulberry and production and
productivity of silk cocoons declined at the compound growth rate of 5.74, 4.26 and 3.96 per
CR Hegde cent per annum, respectively. Sharad and Shekhar (2008) studied the status of silk production
Seed Cocoon Procurement in India during the period 1980-81 to 2004-05. It revealed that the pattern of growth in area
Centre, National Silkworm Seed
under mulberry cultivation has increased with significant rate of 0.25 per cent. The production
Organization, Central Silk
Board, Kunigal, Karnataka, and productivity of raw silk showed high significant growth of 5.06 per cent and 4.80 per cent,
India respectively. The production of raw silk has increased mainly due to high yielding mulberry
varieties and silk worm breed.
RK Mishra
National Silkworm Seed
Benefit cost of Sericulture
Organization, Central Silk
Board, BTM Layout, Madivala, Lakshmanan et al. (2000) compared economic benefit over investment in rearing bivoltine and
Bangalore, Karnataka, India crossbred cocoons in their study on economics of bivoltine versus cross breed cocoon
production in K. R. Nagar taluk of Mysore district. The study revealed that bivoltine rearing
earns higher net returns than crossbred production owing to climatic suitability, skilled
manpower and technical guidance received from developmental agencies. Chandrappa et al.
(2001) [6] conducted a cost-returns analysis for shoot feeding and shelf rearing methods of
mulberry cocoon production in Shidlaghatta and Chintamani taluks of Kolar district,
Corresponding Author: Karnataka. The total initial investment on building and equipment was Rs. 4, 06, 720 for shoot
Vinayak Hosamani feeding and Rs. 2, 57, 600 for shelf rearing (capacity of 500 Dfls). The corresponding values
P2 Basic Seed Farm, National were Rs. 23, 189.97 and Rs. 27, 490.77 per year and Rs. 2108.19 and Rs. 2499.15 per crop for
Silkworm Seed Organization,
Central Silk Board, Nagenahally, shoot and shelf rearing methods, respectively. The recurring expenditure per crop was Rs.
Kunigal, Karnataka, India 15,977.42 for shoot feeding and Rs. 17,509.96 for shelf rearing, of which the expenditure
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on leaf, labour and laying were maximum in both cases. For was higher than that of multi x bi hybrid rearing due to usage
shoot feeding and shelf rearing methods, the average cocoon of more inputs but benefit cost ratio-wise, CSR hybrids were
yields were 52.10 and 51.50 kg for 100 Dfls and the net rated better than multi × bi hybrids. Reddy et al. (2002) [31]
returns were Rs. 13, 824.39 and Rs. 11, 540.89, respectively. reported in their study on comparative economic analysis of
The average cost incurred for producing a kilogram of cocoon bivoltine and multi-bivoltine silkworm rearing in Karnataka,
was higher with shelf rearing (Rs. 77.71) than shoot feeding that the total annual operational costs incurred by small,
(Rs. 69.43). The returns per rupee invested was higher with medium and large farmers for multi bivoltine cocoon rearing
shoot feeding (Rs. 1.76) than shelf rearing (Rs. 1.58). Rao et was Rs. 12 864, Rs. 18 339 and Rs. 22 463. The number of
al. (2001) [30] in their study on comparative economics of disease free layings and number of hired labour used annually
cocoon production in coastal area and traditional areas of by small, medium and large farmers for rearing multi-
Andhra Pradesh showed that the cost and returns structure of bivoltine cocoon ranged from 1099 to 1249 and 58 to 273
cocoon production varied widely between the two areas. The mandays, respectively.
cost of cocoon production was evaluated to be Rs. 24106.31 Rane and Bagade (2006) [29] worked out cost and returns
and Rs. 26810.03 in Chittoor (traditional area) and Eluru involved in cultivation of banana in Sindhurg district of
(coastal area) areas, respectively. The average yield obtained Maharashtra. The primary data were collected through
by the Chittoor farmers was higher (42.99 kg/100 dfls) than pretested schedule. Simple averages and tabular presentation
that of Eluru farmers (38.50 kg/100 dfls). The Eluru farmers were used for analysis. The per hectare cost of cultivation in
realized a lower average price for cocoon (Rs. 98.75/kg) Dodamarg tahsil and Sawantwadi tahsil were found to be Rs.
compared to Chittoor farmers (Rs. 106.50/kg) due to the non- 1.28 and Rs. 1.15 lakh, respectively with a net returns of Rs.
availability of marketing facilities in that area which in turn 1.52 and Rs. 1.53 lakh, respectively. Gururaj et al. (2007) [12]
caused deterioration of cocoon quality due to long distance reported in their study on sericulture at Kodagapura: a case
transportation for marketing. The net revenue earned by study that the sericulturists who switched over to PM x CSR2
Chittoor farmers was higher (Rs. 16966.51) than that of Eluru (as it was better yielder hence, more remunerative) in
farmers (Rs. 5863.55). The cost benefit ratio was estimated at Kodagapura village recorded a cocoon yield of 52.22
Rs. 1:1.70 and 1:1.22, respectively for Chittoor and Eluru kg/100dfls and showed an improvement of 10kg (26.3 per
areas. They also recommended that the extension agency cent) over the bench mark cocoon yield of 41.32 kg/100dfls
should intensify its efforts and strengthen the marketing and earned better returns of Rs. 1800-2500/ 100 dfls after
system in new areas to make the enterprise more viable. launch of Institute Village Linked Programme in 2004-05.
Srinivasa et al. (2001) [33] reported that the total cost of Lakshmanan and Geetha (2007) [21] demonstrated in their
production of cocoons was Rs. 32786.75, Rs. 37427.46 and study on employment opportunities in sericulture in Tamil
Rs. 34638.31 for bivoltine, multivoltine rearers and the Nadu that female labour participation is higher in particular
overall category, respectively, in their study on cropping and employment opportunities are even wider in sericulture in
patterns and income levels of sericulturists in Mandya district, general as compared to other crops. They showed that
Karnataka. The net returns for the three categories were found mulberry sericulture generated 532 man days (of this, 319.20
to be Rs. 15756.86, Rs. 20051.16 and Rs. 18235.24, man days utilised were from own family source and 212.80
respectively. They also stated that the net returns were low in man days hired) from one year period, in its activities such as
the case of bivoltine rearers compared to the multivoltine garden establishment, leaf production, silkworm rearing and
rearers as the bivoltine race (CSR) was reared only from marketing while it was 296.15 man days for sugarcane and
September-February in which only 3 crops could be harvested 133.50 man days for turmeric. They also observed that the sex
as compared to 5 crops of multivoltine. ratio in labour participation was the highest in sericulture i.e.
Umesh et al. (2001) [6] observed that under shoot feeding, the 1:1.86 while it was 1:0.93 for sugarcane and 1:1.49 for
total cost of cocoon production per crop of 500 dfl's was Rs. turmeric.
17794.77, of which the expenditure on silkworm rearing alone Anil Kumar Yadav (2008) [3] in their study on yield gaps and
was Rs. 15865.08, whereas under shelf rearing, the total cost constraints in cocoon production in Karnataka revealed that in
of cocoon production and silkworm rearing was Rs. 19687.14 Kolar district, from 100 dfl, farmers produced 65.23 Kg of
and Rs. 17396.24, respectively, as indicated from their study cocoons and 8.40 quintals of litter, the total cost was Rs.
on economic performance of mulberry cocoon production 7160.97 in which operation cost was Rs. 6710.64 and total
under different methods using chawki worms in Chintamani fixed cost was Rs. 450.33. The major costs were mulberry
taluk of Kolar district. The costs of mulberry leaves accounted leaf (Rs. 3616.24) and labour cost (Rs. 1636.63). While in
for the highest costs in both rearing methods, followed by Chikkaballapur district, using 100 dfl, farmers produced 66.04
labour and chawki worm costs. However, the cost incurred for Kg of cocoons and 7.50 quintals of litter, the total cost
labour in shelf rearing method was marginally higher incurred in rearing 100 dfl was Rs. 7399.49. The total
(23.10%) over shoot feeding (19.38%). On an average, rearers operational cost was Rs. 6959.06 in which mulberry cost (Rs.
have realized a net returns of Rs. 14655.23 under shoot 3724.83) and labour charges (Rs. 1740.69) were the major
feeding and Rs. 12342.86 under shelf rearing for every crop costs. The gross returns obtained per 100 dfl in Kolar district
of 500 dfl's. To produce 1 kilogram of cocoon under shoot was Rs. 9386.24. Net returns were Rs. 2225.27 and the B:C
feeding and shelf rearing, rearers have to spend Rs. 67.15 and ratio was 1.31. Whereas in Chikkaballapur district, the gross
Rs. 75.29, to gain a net returns of Rs. 55.30 and Rs. 47.20, returns obtained was Rs. 9395.15 per 100 dfl. The net returns
respectively. For every rupee invested in cocoon production, were Rs. 1995.18 and the B: C ratio was 1.27. Hajare et al.
returns of Rs. 1.82 in shoot feeding and Rs. 1.63 in shelf (2008) [13] observed that the contribution from sericulture
rearing is expected. Hiriyanna et al. (2002) [15] evaluated the enterprise was found to be highest at 52 per cent (Rs.
economics of CSR hybrids 'vis-à-vis' the popular multi x bi 82315/ha/yr) followed by paddy-sunflower (20 per cent),
hybrid (PM x NB4D2) in their study on comparative soybean-wheat (15 per cent) and soybean-gram (12 per cent)
economics of bivoltine hybrids with multi x bi hybrid cocoon in paddy area, whereas it was as high as 54 per cent followed
production. The expenditure incurred for rearing CSR hybrids by cotton-pigeon pea (17 per cent), soybean-wheat (16 per
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cent) and soybean-gram (13 per cent) in cotton area and of disease free layings (52 per cent), disinfection chemicals in
sustained income continued up to 15-20 years. Purushothaum time (48 per cent) and lack of skilled labourers for rearing
and Rao (2009) [28] conducted a study on Economics of silkworms (60 per cent) were the major problems.
sericulture in Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh. Cost Dodamani et al. (1996) [11] identified the constraints in
and returns from cross breed (Pure Mysore × CSR2) silkworm mulberry cultivation and silk cocoon production in their study
rearing was estimated. The study has shown that net returns on problems of sericulture enterprises in Gulbarga district,
from one acre of mulberry worked out to Rs. 52,206 per year. Karnataka. They indicated that the incidence of pest and
The cost-benefit ratio of sericulture was worked out to be disease as well as shortage of irrigation water were the major
significantly higher (1:1.94). Detailed study of the economics problems in mulberry cultivation. Non availability of separate
revealed that the major economic factor contributing for the rearing rooms, shortage of rearing equipment, and mortality
total cost in sericulture was labour which was 32.54 per cent of layings and lack of availability of disease-free layings were
for silkworm rearing and 13.95 per cent for mulberry the other problems faced by farmers in silk cocoon
production. Another important item was cost of equipment for production. Prakash and Dandin (2005) [12] in their study on
silkworm rearing which is about 11.27 per cent. yield gaps and constraints in bivoltine cocoon production in
Mandya District of Karnataka revealed that the major
Marketing of cocoons and other related crops constraints for bringing down economically recoverable gaps
Murtuza Khan (1985) [27] in a study on economic analysis of were crucial inputs such as mulberry leaf, disinfectants,
seed cocoon production in Anekal taluk of Bangalore district human labour and mountages. Athar and Bokhari (2006)
reported that all the respondents of multivoltine cocoon identified, in their study on ethnobotany and production
production expressed the incidence of uzifly as the major constraints of traditional and commonly used vegetables of
problem. Infections from muscardine and flacherie diseases Pakistan, that the most important constraints in summer and
were reported by 64 per cent and 46 per cent farmers, winter vegetables as lack of physical and social
respectively. On the other hand, 22 per cent and 26 per cent of infrastructures, absence of market knowledge, use of
the farmers expressed the problem of shortage of irrigation improper seeds, high infestations of pests and diseases, post-
water, non availability of disease free layings and human harvest deterioration and lack of effective extension work.
labour. About 68 per cent of the respondents had no separate Lakshmanan et al. (2008) [22] conducted a study on economic
rearing house. In the case of marketing, 50 per cent of the appraisal of silk cocoon production in Southern India. The
respondents expressed the lack of transportation facilities. study was conducted mainly in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
Under-weighment and poor prices of cocoons were the other Andhra Pradesh. The marketing cost incurred in these states
major problems as opined by 34 per cent and 6 per cent of the was found to be Rs 2166.65, Rs. 1855.75 and Rs. 1799.98 per
sericulturists, respectively. Ramakrishna (1987) in his study acre per annum, respectively. Mallikarjuna et al. (2008) [23]
on silk cocoon production in Karnataka, indicated that uzifly conducted a study on economic analysis of sericulture vis-avis
incidence was the major problem in cocoon production, which other selected agricultural crops under rainfed condition in
was reported by all the respondents, while 97 per cent of the Chamrajnagar district of Karnataka. The study on marketing
respondents expressed their inability to have separate rearing cost revealed that farmer has incurred cost of Rs. 700.00 per
house. Incidence of muscardine and grasserie were reported acre per year. The contribution of marketing cost towards
by 85 per cent and 81 per cent of the farmers. With regard to total cost was found to be 3.19 per cent. Anil Kumar Yadav
marketing, 93 per cent of the farmers were unhappy with (2008) [3] conducted study on Yield gaps and constraints in
weighment of cocoons and 87 per cent of the respondents cocoon production in Karnataka. The study on marketing of
suspected the existence of an illegal collusion between buyers cocoons in Kolar and Chikkaballapur district revealed that the
and bidding agents. Reddy (1990) conducted a study on the farmer has incurred marketing cost of Rs. 125.12 and Rs.
characteristics and performance of farm entrepreneurs 159.27 per 100 Kg of cocoons, respectively. Purushothaum
involved in sericulture in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. and Rao (2009) [28] conducted a study on Economics of
The problems expressed by sericulturists were lack of sericulture in Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh. The
improved mulberry variety (33 per cent), inadequate irrigation study on marketing of cocoons in study area revealed that the
facility (60 per cent), non availability of disease free layings farmer incurred marketing cost of Rs. 291 per acre per annum.
in time (25 per cent), lack of separate rearing houses (75 per The marketing cost contributed nearly 0.53 per cent to the
cent), lack of timely credit (80 per cent), fluctuation in prices total cost of cocoon production. Munikrishnappa et al. (2009)
of cocoon (34 per cent) and inadequate transfer of technology. studied the economics of sericulture in drought prone
Kerutagi et al. (1994) [19] identified the constraints in silk region of Andhra Pradesh. The farmer incurred marketing
cocoon production in their study on problems of sericulture cost of Rs. 1799.98 per acre per year. It has contributed nearly
enterprises in Bijapur district, Karnataka. The constraints 3.67 per cent towards total cost of cocoon production. 2.5
identified include the incidence of pests (uzi fly) and diseases, Constraints involved in sericulture and other related crops.
water scarcity in the summer months, excess heat in summer. Alimi et al. (2007) found in their study on economic rationale
They also suggested some measures to overcome these of commercial organic fertilizer technology in vegetable
constraints like uzi fly can be prevented using individual tray production in Osun State of Nigeria that major constraints to
covers of nylon mesh, proper disinfection of all the materials the use of commercial organic fertilizer are doubtful efficacy,
used in the silk cocoon production and rearing of silk worm in offensive odour, heavy weed infestation, bulkiness and lack of
huts and mud houses to control excess heat during summer. funds in descending order of importance which if eliminated
Jagannathan (1995) [16] identified the constraints encountered will boost demand for commercial organic fertilizer and
by sericulture farmers in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu. improve production of vegetable for consumption.
The study revealed that inadequate market facilities (80 per Anil Kumar Yadav (2008) [3] in their study on yield gaps and
cent), lack of control measures for silkworm diseases (74 per constraints in cocoon production in Karnataka revealed that
cent), non-availability of labour for picking of leaves (70 per the major constraints in cocoon production were attack of
cent), high wage rates of labour (64 per cent), non availability pests and diseases, high wage rates of labour, inadequate
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