This document lists 64 books that have been translated from Sanskrit to Telugu by Sampath Kumar Medavarapu. It provides the titles of the books that have been translated so far, ranging from number 1 to 52. The document notes that books 53 through 64 are currently in the publication process and will soon be available for purchase at major bookstores throughout Andhra Pradesh.
This document lists 64 books that have been translated from Sanskrit to Telugu by Sampath Kumar Medavarapu. It provides the titles of the books that have been translated so far, ranging from number 1 to 52. The document notes that books 53 through 64 are currently in the publication process and will soon be available for purchase at major bookstores throughout Andhra Pradesh.
This document lists 64 books that have been translated from Sanskrit to Telugu by Sampath Kumar Medavarapu. It provides the titles of the books that have been translated so far, ranging from number 1 to 52. The document notes that books 53 through 64 are currently in the publication process and will soon be available for purchase at major bookstores throughout Andhra Pradesh.
This document lists 64 books that have been translated from Sanskrit to Telugu by Sampath Kumar Medavarapu. It provides the titles of the books that have been translated so far, ranging from number 1 to 52. The document notes that books 53 through 64 are currently in the publication process and will soon be available for purchase at major bookstores throughout Andhra Pradesh.
64-Books are translated -From Sanskrit to Telugu Language
by Sampath kumar Medavarapu 1- A ;- 2-A Tantram - 3-Alabdha Tantraalu- 4-Badanikaa Tantram- 4- Tantram- 5- Tantram- 6- Tantram- ! 7- Tantram-[Up to 51 Patala]- " # $ % 8-D Tantram- 9- Tantram- &' ( + )* 10- Tantram- , -./ 0 11-Gandharva Tantram- * 0 12-Guhya k Tantram- 1 2 3 13-H Tantram4 5 6" 14- ñ < Tantram-789 :; 15- Tantram- := > 4 16- Tantram - :? 3 17- Tantram- ! 0 18-K Tantram- @A2 0 19- Tantram- 3: B 20- Tantram : %@; 21-K C?D 22- Tantram E@$ 23-M Tantram E )F 24-M Tantram GH 9 * 2 25-M Tantram I " 26-M Tantram J K@L O 27-N g rjuna Tantram MNH8 28-N tra Tantram P 29-N la sarasvat Tantram 9 9Q 30-Niruttara Tantram H + 31-P Sara Tantram4 RR = S 32-Pratya gir Tantram4 R 2 T) 33-Rasa Tantram 9 34-Rudra Y ma a Tantram H "$ % 35- rad tilaka Tantram [ pad rth dar a]- U VW : -RV)] X Y2Z2[ 9 R -\ 36-S khy yana Tantram S A2^8 ;51- - 1_M>7 ` 37- iva Tantram- a ;52- akti p h lu- b+ cd 38- r lak m Tantram e f :53-Nidhiprad pa Tantram- g RhR 39- r aila Tantram ei :54- Jayadratha y ma a - 6^ " $ % 40-Tantravaahini Yj :55- r tattvanidhi -e +l gk 41-Ucci aga apati Tantram mno_*FRW p :56- aktisa gama Tantra[ k l khanda] 42-U a Tantram m>q :57- r o )2 s 43-Y Tantram ^t/ :58- r vidy ga a Ta tra euV2*v 44-Y gin Tantram wT :59-Trida a maratantr Siddhikap l - 45-V m c ra Tantram Y@D :60- )F 46-V mak var Tantram Y x \ :61-Timir dhgh ana Tantram 47-Va dhy Tantram y2 :62-Kubjik Tantram-[zO 48-Vin ikha Tantram uMaZ :63-Trida a marapratya gir Tantram 49-Da amah vidy Tantram4 EuV2 :64-T r Tantra - ) 50-Mah akti-Ma tra-Ta tra-Rahasy lu E b+ 4 4 S2 53 To 64 Books are in publication process. All these books are available in leading Book stalls in entire Andhra Pradesh