Difference Between Sequences and Progressions

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Sequences, series, and progressions

Sequences, series and progressions are three mathematical words that we generally consider to
imply the same thing: a set of numbers arranged in some definite order. However, there are
differences between them which are important from the mathematical point of view.

Sequences are a set of numbers, which are arranged according to any specific rule.
There is no exception for any type of numbers, any type of rules according to which they are
arranged. The set of numbers should have a definite, logical rule according to which they are
arranged. It need not be a mathematical formula, but it should be logical. Such a set of numbers
are called a sequence of numbers.

For example, the following is a sequence of numbers, because they are arranged according to a
definite rule:
{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} Rule: nth term = 2n
The following is a sequence of odd numbers:
{3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13} Rule: nth term = 2n + 1
The following is also a sequence of numbers, as they too have a logical rule:
{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17} Rule: Prime numbers

A series , on the other hand, is a sequence of numbers that is added by + signs. The term
'series' is closely related to the total sum of a sequence of numbers. However, the word 'series' is
said torepresent the sum of the numbers, and not the sum itself. There is only one difference
directly visible between a series and a sequence: The numbers in a series are separated by plus
(+) signs, whereas the numbers in a sequence are separated by commas (,).

For example, the following is a series of numbers, because they are separated by + signs, and
they are arranged according to a definite rule:
The following is a series associated with the sequence of odd numbers:

Another important characteristic of a series is that it is always based on a sequence. A series
of numbers is always associated with a sequence of numbers.

Progressions are yet another type of number sets which are arranged according to
some definite rule. The difference between a progression and a sequence is that a progression
has a specific formula to calculate its nth term, whereas a sequence can be based on a logical
rule like 'a group of prime numbers'.

Now you may be wondering that a set of prime numbers should a progression because we can
predict its nth term, but a progression needs a specifically stated formula, and, it is to be noted
that prime numbers cannot be predicted with the help of any formula; Till date, the formula for the
nth prime number has not be found. This means that we can only calculate the nth prime number
with the method of selecting each successive number and checking whether it is prime or not.

Therefore {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} represents a progression where the nth term is given by '2n', and,
on the other hand, {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17} represents a sequence that is not a progression,
because although it is based on a definite logical rule (prime numbers), but there is no formula to
calculate its nth term.

You may also be wondering why there is no formula for prime numbers till today. The answer is
that no one has been able to find the formula for prime numbers. Maybe you can? :)

Coming back to our topic, we can conclude that a sequence is a set of numbers arranged
according to some rule, a series is a sequence separated by + signs, and a progression is a
sequence that can be stated by a specific mathematical formula like nth term = (2 + n).

We also observe that all series are based on specific sequences, and that although all
progressions are sequences, all sequences are not progressions (for example, prime

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