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Saint Joseph Lyrics

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Great Saint Joseph, son of David,

Foster-father of our Lord,

Spouse of Mary, ever virgin,
Keeping o'er them watch and ward:
In the stable thou didst guard them
With a father's loving care;
Thou by God's command didst save them
From the cruel Herod's snare.

Three long days, in grief, in anguish,

With that mother sweet and mild,
Mary, Virgin, didst thou wander,
Seeking her beloved Child.
In the temple thou didst find Him:
Oh, what joy then filled thy heart!
In thy sorrows, in thy gladness,
Grant us, Joseph, to have part.

Clasped in Jesus' arms and Mary's,

When death gently came at last,
Thy pure spirit, sweetly sighing,
From its earthly dwelling passed.
Dear Saint Joseph, by that passing
May our death be like to thine,
And with Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
May our souls forever shine.

Hail! Holy Joseph, Hail!

Father Faber
From the Catholic Songbook (St. Gall 1863)

Con Spirito

Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Chaste spouse of Mary hail!
Pure as the lily flow'r
In Eden's peaceful vale.
Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Prince of the house of God!
May His best graces be
By thy sweet hands bestowed.

Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Comrade of Angels, hail!
Cheer thou the hearts that faint,
And guide the steps that fail.
Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
God's choice wert thou alone!
To thee the Word made flesh,
Was subject as a Son.

Hail, holy Joseph, hail!
Teach us our flesh to tame,
And, Mary, keep the hearts
That love thy husband's name.
Mother of Jesus! bless,
And bless, ye saints on high,
All meek and simple souls
That to Saint Joseph cry.

Dear St. Joseph, pure and gentle, 

Guardian of the Saviour child, 
Treading with the virgin mother, 
Egypt's deserts rough and wild.

Hail, St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, 
Blessed above all saints on high,
When the death-shades round us gather, 
Teach, oh, teach us how to die.

He who rested on thy bosom

Is by countless saints adored; 
Prostrate angels in His presence 
Sing hosannas to their Lord.
Now to thee no gift refusing,
Jesus stoops to hear thy prayer;
Then, dear saint, from thy fair dwelling, 
Give to us a father's care.

Dear St. Joseph, kind and loving,

Stretch to us a helping hand;
Guide us through life's toils and sorrows
Safely to the distant land.

In the strife of life be near us,

And in death, oh, hover nigh,
Let our souls on thy sweet bosom
To their home of gladness fly.

Thou hast known a pilgrim's sorrows,

But thy day of toil is o'er;
Help us while we journey onward 
Lead us to the peaceful shore.

Hail St. Joseph, just and holy,

Loving children breathe thy name;
Here below, through toil and danger,
Love and care from thee we claim.

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