Ambisyon 2014

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About AmBisyon Natin 2040

AmBisyon Natin 2040 「ep「esents the coしIectlVe long-te「m VIS-On a=d aspl「at10nS Of

the F時no people fo「themselves and fo「 the cou=try ln the next 25 yea「s.圧
desc「'bes the klnd o…e that peop-e want to l一Ve. and how the countrywl順by
2040・ As such. it is an aneho「for deveしopment p一訓ning ac「oss at least fou「

AmBisyon Natin 2040 -S a P-CtU「e Of the future・ a Set Ofし一fe goa-s and goals fo「 the

COUntryJt lS dIffe「ent from串∩・ Wh-Ch defros the st「ategleS tO aCh-eVe the goaしs,
It -SしIke a destinatlOn that answers the questlOn ・Me「e do we wantrobe?・点

Plan desc「ibes the way to get to the destlna時AmBisyon Nati= 2040 is the vISIOn
that g=ldes the future and is the anchor of the ⊂O=ntry's plans.

AmBisyon Natin 2040 -S the 「esult of aしOng-te「m VIS'Onlng PrOCeSS that began ln
2015. Mo「e than 300 cltizens pa「t'⊂一Pated ′n fo⊂uS g「OuP dlSCUSSIOnS and cしose to
lO'000 answered the natlOnal s=rVey. 1cthnicaしstud-eS We「e PrePa「ed to jdentlfy

St「ategic opt-0nS for 「eaしizing the vision a「tjcuしated by citizens. The exercise

benef'tted f「om the gu)dance of an AdvISOry Comm-ttee COmPOSed of gove「nment.

P「IVate SeCtO「・ aCademe. and civil society.

The life of a= Filipinos in 2040:

Mata砥誰脅nhawa研lena暗”a Buhり′
By 2040’F時nos enJOy a St「Ongly 「ooted, COmfortab‘e. and secu「e lIfe.

J" 204O’We高l/初c所り“ Stable and co砂bγ,able砂おりrfe, SeCZ面n /he

knowle嬢Jhat we have cno初かo“γ da卵eeds 4nd “彬xpected apenses,
that we can plan andpγ印可oγ 0〃γ OM c}nd o“r ch‘ldn旬毎“re. OuγJ22m砂
拐塙yther ;n “place g句uγ OWn, Cnd we haγe海加edom ’ogo励ere we
desrir叩rotected and cnab/ed ky′ a Clea年がc擁andfzir got,eγnment,

Fi姉os are stγO助′ roOted肋ataf将帥no fam血esしlVe tOgethe「, the「e lS
WO「k-1Ife b∂lan⊂e SO that the「e lS t-me to spend w-th famwly even for membe「s who
WO「k・ 0n weekendsi fam-l'eS and friends en)Oy t'me tOgethe「 in pa「ks and
「eCreatiOnaしce=te「S. 1t lS a h-gh-t「=St SOC-ety W'th a st「ong se=Se Of community.

The「e a「e voしuntee「 oppo…nlt-eS' and叩nos spe=d t-me tO Serve the communlty,
heしp others who are ln need' and cont「-bute to va「10US CaUSeS.

坤inos are co砂bγ謝e; mqgivhawa・ No one -S POO「・ nO One -S eVe「 hungry

FitlPlnO fam血es l一Ve ln COmfo「table homes with the desi「ed amenlties and secu「e
tenU「e. FamitleS and friends are w'th-n 「eaCh beca=Se t「ansport lS COnVenlent and
affo「dabしe' a=d they ca= take a vacat10n tOgethe「w仙= the country and ab「oad.
Ch冊en 「ecelVe qUallty educatiOn SO that they 「ealiZe thelr fuししpotentials and
become p「od=CtlVe members of soclety. Decent 」Obs that b…g SuStain∂bしe inCOme
a「e avaIしable. 1nCluding OPPO「tunitleS fo「 entrep「ene=rShlP.

Fi14,inos aγe SeC脇Pamt将F暗面os feel secu「e over thei「 enti「e陸ume.

They expect toしlVeしong and en」Oy a COmfortableしIfe upon 「et-rement. The「e a「e
reSOurCeS tO COVer UneXPeCted expenses・ and the「e a「e savings. They feel safe ln a“

Pしaces in the count「y" F時nos tr=St theIT gOVe「nment because it is f「ee of

COr「uPt10n and p「0Vides servlCe tO a岨s citlZenS equaしIy.

Matatag Maginhawa
財Famity lS tOgethe「. 団F「ee f「om hunger and
団Enough 「esou「ces for
団Tlme With f「lends. POVe巾y. day-tO-day needs,

団Wo「k-冊e baしance. UneXPeCted expenses and

亙r Secu「e home ownershIP,
団Good t剛SPO「t facllitleS.
団peace and secur時
団T「avel and vacatIOn.
団Long and healthyしife.

団′ comfortable 「etI「ement.
Realizing the AmBisyon
A= secto「s of society' Whethe「 pubしic o「 p「ivate. should

di「eCt thelr efforts towa「ds creatlng OPPOrtunities fo「

F時nos to enjoy a朋胸庇ゆmginh∂Wa ∂tpan∂t∂g n∂

buh∂y Gove「nmentJn particula「. must use its tooしs of
fiscal moneta「y and 「egufato「y pollCies to stee「 the

deveしopment path towa「ds enabしIng FiしIPinos to attaln thei「

AmBjsyon. This pertalnS tO all dimensions of development.

eCOnOmlC, human and physICaしcapitaしlnStltutlOnaしSOCIaし

ろnd cuしtu「al.

耳y2040. the P帥一PPlneS IS a P「OSPe「OuS mjddle cしass

SOClety Whe「e no one lS POO「・ Peopte llVeしOng and healthy
lives and a「e smart and imovative. The country is a
hjgh-t「uSt SOCiety whe「e fam旧es thrive in vlbrant, C=しturaしIy dive「se, and 「esilient


励卸nos liγe in a pγ呼e硯もp膨dominan砂

middle class socie砂where ”O One is poo購

Economic growth must be 「eしevant言nclusjve and

SuStairrabしe. Ove「 the next 25 yea「s (un岨2040), Pe「
CaPita income must jnc「ease by atしeast th「ee-fold.

Mo「e than the inc「ease血ncome, eCOnOm-C grOWth

mUSt PrOgreSSIVeしy -mP「OVe the quality O川fe of
the ma」O「lty Of Flし一P-nOS.

AmBisyo= Can be pa「tly achieved by havlng COmPetitive ente「p「ises that offe「 quality

gOOds and servlCeS at affo「dable p「l⊂eS. Govemment m=St enCO=「age lnVeStmentS in

these secto「s by imp「oving ma「ke川nkages" S'mP時ng gove「nment p「o⊂edu「es, and
facilitating access to fronce. These should be compしemented by app「op「iate human
CaPItaしdeveしOPment' SCjence' teChnoしogy and innovation・ Folしowing a「e the priority

SeCtO「S that have d-reCt inpact on AmBisyon:

"「一「 」〇〇  ̄〇二、

三三三二ア 竜毒芸
Housing and U「ban Development
Const「uctjon. const「uction-「elated Food p「ocess'ng. housing
manufacturlng. house development+eしated 「elated. const「uctlOn-「elated,

m∂nUf∂C〔u「lng, ∂nd utiし一tleS (electrICity, t「∂nSPOrt manUfactu「mg. and

gas, and water). Othe「 manufactu「lng.

○○華玉手 上。,。。__

Health and We=ness Services Fjnan⊂ial Services

P「im∂ry. SeCOnda「y, and tertla「γ C∂「e,    Consumer flnanCing, en〔e「P「lSe flnanClng.

Pha「maceutlCals, WeしIness facl時es. sports and InSU「anCe SaVlngS mOblしIZatlOn.

and fltneSS faclしItleS, et⊂.

Govemment must also ensu「e that economlC g「OWth is broad-based ac「oss secto「s
and 「eglOnS‖t mUSt 「eSU旧n a mo「e equa=nCOme dlSt「lbution・ Mo「eove「. the「e

Should be agg「essiVe lnte「VentiOnS tO inC「eaSe OPPOrtUnItieS fo「 the p○○「 to

PartICIPate ln the g「OWth p「OCeSS eVen aS they a「e p「OteCted against the negatIVe
lmPaCt Of economiC and politlCa=nStab冊es. natu「aしand man-made caしamitieS.

Poverty must be eradlCated by 2040, lf not earlie「.

It must aしso be 「ecognlZed that ce「taln lndlVlduaしs camot immedlateしy partICIPate ln

the g「owth p「OCeSS. Fo口nfants and chlld「en, the「e is the requiSite Ca「e, gUldance,
heaしth and education servICeS unt江they become matu「e enough. 1t is lmPO「tant that

Pa「en(S and famlしIeS a「e abしe to p「ovide these. although gove「nment shouしd stand
「eady to f岨the gap. A ma」0「 lnterventIOn, the「efo「e, lS for pa「ents to adequateしy

P「ePa「e fo「 havlng a famlしy.

F雌inos liγe a lo呼and hea枠γ l締

Aし0=g a=d healthyしIfe aししows peopしe to 「eallZe their fuu potentlal and to en」Oy the

attalnment Of the一「 AmBisyon fo「 m∂ny yea「S. This IS bo「ne out of heaしthy冊estyしe

ChoIces" New p「oducts and p「ocesses that a「e safer and cしeane「. and certalnly

P「Oducts that promote good health, a「e needed as we=.

PoしICies that p「omote wo「k-しife baしance

Can reduce the strain on people.s health.

F時nos must also be glven mo「e
affo「dabしe, Cしea= and safe options for
rest and 「ec「eat-On,しIke open spaces,

nature pa「ks and publlC SPOrtS and

frtness fac冊es, In case of岨ness.

F帖Pinos must have access to affo「dabしe
and good qua=ty heaしthca「e.

Ensu「ing the quaしity of heaしth ca「e and

heaしth-「eしated p「oducts and the safety of

Other p「oducts is the responsib冊y of

gove「nment as we=.

朗やinos aγe Smaγt and jmoγatiγe.

Weしl-educated言movatIVe F岬nos w岨continuousしy lmp「ove the quallty O冊e ln the

Ph恒pines. If education is the p「ocess of facilItating the l・acquiSition of knowledge,

Sk凧s・ Vaしues' beし'efs and habits.II , foma- education is the st「uctu「ed method of

facIしItatlng the acqu輔on of a select set of such knowしedge. skitls, Vaしues, be囲s
and habits. Gove「nment' the「efo「e' muSt be p「oactive in setting the agenda fo「

education・ lt is' after al工about moしdlng the futu「e F時no and c「eat'ng the futu「e
P凧IPPine society.
Mo「e than ensu「一ng that F一しIP'nO StUdents acqu-re the foundatIOna冊e「acjes

(reading’nUmeraCyiCientiflc llte「aCy・ lCT llte「aCy' eCOnOmlC a=d fronclaし岨acy,

Culturaしand clV-C lite「acy)' the fo「maしed=Cation system must ∂lso ensu「e that

Students obta一n COmPetenC'eS (c「itiCaしth一nking・ P「Obしem-SOしving, C「eatlVity,

COmmunlCation' COllaboratjon) and develop cha「acter qualltieS (cu「iosityJnjtlatiVe,

Pe「SIStenCe and g「it' adaptab時Ieade「sh-P' SOCial and cultural awareness)2. This

may reqUl「e a 「eVisio= Of the c=「「lC=lum content. but more -mPOrtantly, the mode of

deしlVe「y. At the same time' the「e must be access to lifeしong lea「n-ng OPPOrtUnitleS

SO that competencies a「e cont血O=Sly upgraded ∂nd updated,

助郷nos Jiγe jn a h勧-tγ躍f socie少

A high-t「uSt SOCjety alしows F一し一PInOS tO en」Oy a P∂natag仰buh∂ytOgethe「 with

theIr fam冊es. Extending to the blgge「 COmmUn-ty' a high t「=St SOCiety equals a


A high-t「uSt SO⊂iety allows peopしe to see to thei「 eCOnOmic pu「suits, SeCUre in the

knowtedge that they w岨be able to enjoy the f「uitS Of the一「 labo「, Howeve「. societal
tleS mUSt be st「engthened whe「e eve「Y F時no ca「es for the plight of hiS feししow
FillPlnO. Eve「Y F時lnO mUSt fee巾Set 'f anothe「 F-l叩=S fo=nd h=ng「y and poo「.
Or unabしe to 「ecove「 from unfortunate events.

A ca「ing society does not evoしve ove「nigh両must be cuしtlVa〔ed. Venues and

OPPO「tunjties fo「 inte「pe「sonal inte「action must be p「ovided" B=t uSually両takes

「OOt f「om buIしd'ng t「uSt in eStablished lnSt-tut-OnS like gove「nment. Gove「nment

mUSt the「efo「e begin the p「ocess of co面dence-bulldi=g by being clean, fai「 and

Cltizen-Ce=te「ed" Afte「 alしa high-trUSt SOCiety lS the most du「able bed「ock fo「

Vib「ant' C=しtu「aしIy diverse' and 「esil-en〔 commun-ties of the PhI廟nes by 2040-一

hopefully sooner.

国語- -話
National Economic and Development Authorfty
12 St. Josema「ia EscrIVa Drive,

Ortig∂S Cente「. Pasig City

丁「unk冊e: (十も32)6310945 to 5ら

O Amb-SyOnNatin2040 @ 2040,neda.。。∨青。h

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