Ambisyon 2014
Ambisyon 2014
Ambisyon 2014
AmBisyon Natin 2040 「ep「esents the coしIectlVe long-te「m VIS-On a=d aspl「at10nS Of
the F時no people fo「themselves and fo「 the cou=try ln the next 25 yea「s.圧
desc「'bes the klnd o…e that peop-e want to l一Ve. and how the countrywl順by
2040・ As such. it is an aneho「for deveしopment p一訓ning ac「oss at least fou「
AmBisyon Natin 2040 -S a P-CtU「e Of the future・ a Set Ofし一fe goa-s and goals fo「 the
COUntryJt lS dIffe「ent from串∩・ Wh-Ch defros the st「ategleS tO aCh-eVe the goaしs,
It -SしIke a destinatlOn that answers the questlOn ・Me「e do we wantrobe?・点
Plan desc「ibes the way to get to the destlna時AmBisyon Nati= 2040 is the vISIOn
that g=ldes the future and is the anchor of the ⊂O=ntry's plans.
AmBisyon Natin 2040 -S the 「esult of aしOng-te「m VIS'Onlng PrOCeSS that began ln
2015. Mo「e than 300 cltizens pa「t'⊂一Pated ′n fo⊂uS g「OuP dlSCUSSIOnS and cしose to
lO'000 answered the natlOnal s=rVey. 1cthnicaしstud-eS We「e PrePa「ed to jdentlfy
St「ategic opt-0nS for 「eaしizing the vision a「tjcuしated by citizens. The exercise
Fi姉os are stγO助′ roOted肋ataf将帥no fam血esしlVe tOgethe「, the「e lS
WO「k-1Ife b∂lan⊂e SO that the「e lS t-me to spend w-th famwly even for membe「s who
WO「k・ 0n weekendsi fam-l'eS and friends en)Oy t'me tOgethe「 in pa「ks and
「eCreatiOnaしce=te「S. 1t lS a h-gh-t「=St SOC-ety W'th a st「ong se=Se Of community.
The「e a「e voしuntee「 oppo…nlt-eS' and叩nos spe=d t-me tO Serve the communlty,
heしp others who are ln need' and cont「-bute to va「10US CaUSeS.
Matatag Maginhawa
財Famity lS tOgethe「. 団F「ee f「om hunger and
団Enough 「esou「ces for
団Tlme With f「lends. POVe巾y. day-tO-day needs,
団′ comfortable 「etI「ement.
Realizing the AmBisyon
A= secto「s of society' Whethe「 pubしic o「 p「ivate. should
deveしopment path towa「ds enabしIng FiしIPinos to attaln thei「
ろnd cuしtu「al.
AmBisyo= Can be pa「tly achieved by havlng COmPetitive ente「p「ises that offe「 quality
三三三二ア 竜毒芸
Housing and U「ban Development
Const「uctjon. const「uction-「elated Food p「ocess'ng. housing
manufacturlng. house development+eしated 「elated. const「uctlOn-「elated,
Govemment must also ensu「e that economlC g「OWth is broad-based ac「oss secto「s
and 「eglOnS‖t mUSt 「eSU旧n a mo「e equa=nCOme dlSt「lbution・ Mo「eove「. the「e
PartICIPate ln the g「OWth p「OCeSS eVen aS they a「e p「OteCted against the negatIVe
lmPaCt Of economiC and politlCa=nStab冊es. natu「aしand man-made caしamitieS.
the g「owth p「OCeSS. Fo口nfants and chlld「en, the「e is the requiSite Ca「e, gUldance,
heaしth and education servICeS unt江they become matu「e enough. 1t is lmPO「tant that
Pa「en(S and famlしIeS a「e abしe to p「ovide these. although gove「nment shouしd stand
「eady to f岨the gap. A ma」0「 lnterventIOn, the「efo「e, lS for pa「ents to adequateしy
Aし0=g a=d healthyしIfe aししows peopしe to 「eallZe their fuu potentlal and to en」Oy the
attalnment Of the一「 AmBisyon fo「 m∂ny yea「S. This IS bo「ne out of heaしthy冊estyしe
ChoIces" New p「oducts and p「ocesses that a「e safer and cしeane「. and certalnly
gove「nment as we=.
Sk凧s・ Vaしues' beし'efs and habits.II , foma- education is the st「uctu「ed method of
facIしItatlng the acqu輔on of a select set of such knowしedge. skitls, Vaしues, be囲s
and habits. Gove「nment' the「efo「e' muSt be p「oactive in setting the agenda fo「
education・ lt is' after al工about moしdlng the futu「e F時no and c「eat'ng the futu「e
P凧IPPine society.
Mo「e than ensu「一ng that F一しIP'nO StUdents acqu-re the foundatIOna冊e「acjes
deしlVe「y. At the same time' the「e must be access to lifeしong lea「n-ng OPPOrtUnitleS
A high-t「uSt SO⊂iety allows peopしe to see to thei「 eCOnOmic pu「suits, SeCUre in the
knowtedge that they w岨be able to enjoy the f「uitS Of the一「 labo「, Howeve「. societal
tleS mUSt be st「engthened whe「e eve「Y F時no ca「es for the plight of hiS feししow
FillPlnO. Eve「Y F時lnO mUSt fee巾Set 'f anothe「 F-l叩=S fo=nd h=ng「y and poo「.
Or unabしe to 「ecove「 from unfortunate events.
Cltizen-Ce=te「ed" Afte「 alしa high-trUSt SOCiety lS the most du「able bed「ock fo「
国語- -話
National Economic and Development Authorfty
12 St. Josema「ia EscrIVa Drive,
O Amb-SyOnNatin2040 @ 2040,neda.。。∨青。h