QFR Academy, Live Fire Training Pad Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Pavements
QFR Academy, Live Fire Training Pad Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Pavements
QFR Academy, Live Fire Training Pad Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Pavements
GHD were the Project Managers and Design Consultant for a new $15M training Academy for the Queensland Fire and
Rescue Authority (QFRA) in Brisbane. The Academy began operation in September 2000 and is located on two sites:
● Exercise Yard
The Exercise Yard or Drill Ground is located on approximately 3.5 hectares of land leased from the Port of Brisbane
Corporation at Whyte Island, near the Brisbane River. This site provides training for:
– Technical Rescue which comprises Vertical Rescue, Confined Space, Trench and Urban Search and Rescue
(USAR) and Road Accident Rescue.
– Firefighting Operations and Management.
– Community Education and Basic First Response Training.
A 1600m2 Education Centre has been constructed and includes a 100 seat auditorium and multipurpose lecture rooms
for general training and incident command exercises.
● Refractory Materials
For many years, throughout the world, refractory materials have been used as linings for kilns, smelters, jet engine
testing cells and aircraft pavements. Steel fibre reinforced refractory toppings have been used for military aircraft
Concrete Institute of Australia (2001) Conference Proceedings
pavements (Wu, G. 1987). Specialised concrete mixes such as air-cooled slag aggregate and high alumina (HA) cement
based concrete toppings and linings have been used for kilns and smelters.
Concrete Institute of Australia (2001) Conference Proceedings
The literature review identified research based on laboratory tests of heated concrete beam specimens with internal
thermocouples. Likely concrete temperature profiles under fire durations of 15 to 30 minutes (which were expected to
be the typical durations of gas fire training exercises) and 60 to 90 minutes for comparment fires; were in the range
from 500 to 800 C at the surface exposed to the fire; to 100 to 400 C at the middle of sections of depths varying from
200 to 300mm (Krampf, L. & Haksever, A. 1986, and Desai, S.B. 1998).
It was recognised that under most training conditions, the fires, within minutes, would be subjected to high intensity
water drenching, particularly for gas and fuel fires; or low volume, high water surface area, mist sprays for
compartment fires for backdraft training. Both forms of fire fighting were expected to quickly reduce or limit the air
and concrete temperatures.
Supplementary cooling water applied prior to the commencement and for the full duration of each fire event, to both the
prop structures and the Pad surfaces, was also intended to be used for temperature reduction. Research papers
quantifying the temperature reductions within the concrete sections, due to cooling water, were not found.
Micro Issues
To address the above macro issues, principally the issue of high temperature, the starting point was a literature search
and review of relevant papers and discussions with researchers such as Dr H. Trinh Cao of the CSIRO, Sydney. A
number of material properties and micro-issues were identified as being critical to the design of the Pad for high
– Thermal Expansion – rate of change of volume.
– Thermal Conductivity – rate of flow of heat.
– Specific Heat – amount of heat required to raise temperature.
– Diffusivity – index of the facility with which concrete will undergo temperature change.
– Mass Loss – based on the absolute temperature or melting point of concrete, and would be related to the specific heat.
Thermal Expansion and Mass Loss were considered to be the most important criteria in the selection of a concrete mix.
● Thermal Expansion
– Differential expansion of the constituents of concrete; principally, cement and aggregate was acknowledged. Cement’s
coefficient of thermal expansion , (averages approximately 13 x 10-6/ C) is greater than that of aggregate. However
the aggregate occupies about 70-80% of the total volume of hardened concrete. The coefficient of thermal expansion of
concrete is almost proportional to that of the aggregate (Zoldners, N.G. 1971).
– Mineral composition of aggregate; principally the proportion of quartz present in the rocks. The following coefficients
were identified for typical rocks. (Zoldners, N.G. 1971) :
high quartz content (quartzite, sandstone) 12 x 10-6/ C;
medium quartz content (igneous rocks – granite, basalt) ranges from 5 to 8 x 10-6/ C;
low quartz content (limestone, carbonates, calcites) 5 x 10-6/ C.
– Other tests undertaken (Berwanger, C. & Sarkar, A.F. 1973) have shown the following ranges for :
limestone aggregates range as low as 2.5 x 10-6/ C;
sandstone to range from 6 to 12 x 10-6/ C;
quartzite to average at 10 to 13 x 10-6/ C;
Feldspars found in igneous rocks such as basalts, average at 6 to 7 x 10-6/ C.
Cement sand mortars exhibited average coefficients approximately 1 x 10-6/ C greater than the corresponding
aggregates alone, where the sand was made from the crushed aggregate.
It was concluded that limestone and feldspar aggregates had the best thermal properties, with limestone usually having a
lower .
– Thermal expansion at very high concrete temperatures (above 800 C) may increase sharply for reinforced concrete
compared to plain unreinforced concrete, because of the presence of steel which continues to expand (Lie T.T. & Kodur
V.K.R. 1996).
● Mass Loss
Mass Loss is not affected by the presence of reinforcement (steel fibre or bars) up to temperatures of 1000 C (Lie, T.T.
& Kodur, V.K.R. 1986). Mass loss is affected by the type of aggregate.
Carbonate aggregate mass loss is significant, up to 30%, above 600 C. (Kodur, V.K.R. and Sultan, M. 1998).
Thermogravimetric tests carried out by Queensland Cement Limited on carbonate, siltstone and basaltic aggregates, on
behalf of the Bechtel Minenco Joint Venture, Boyne Smelter Expansion Project at Gladstone, Queensland in 1995
(Basford, G. 2000), indicated the following:
– Siltstone with less than 7% calcite, showed negligible mass loss, of only 1% - 1.5%, at temperatures of about 600 -
750 C.
– Carbonate aggregate with (99% calcite) lost approximately 15% of its weight, between the temperature range of 650 C
- 850 C. This is consistent with the temperature at which limestone is heated to, in the production of lime.
– Basaltic aggregate underwent virtually no mass loss up to a temperature of 1000 C.
Concrete Institute of Australia (2001) Conference Proceedings
Adopted Design
The adopted design attempted to address the macro and micro issues listed above, as follows:
Concrete Institute of Australia (2001) Conference Proceedings
The application of a thin film of surface cooling water across each pad was considered to be an essential and economic
means of limiting concrete temperatures and protecting the joint sealants.
● Environmental
The subgrade of the Live Fire Training Pad was designed to be encapsulated within impermeable clays at the bottom
and sides. The original subgrade comprised mostly hydrocarbon sludge, which was completely excavated and removed
down to bedrock level, approximately 3 to 5 metres below finished surface levels.
A clay bund of 5 metres width at the berm, and founded in the bedrock was placed around the perimeter of the Pad. A
clay foundation was then placed across the site, over the bedrock, for a minimum thickness of 1 to 2 metres. A CBR10
material was placed over the clay. A 150mm thick subbase of CBR35 material was placed over the CBR10 material.
All layers were compacted to their maximum densities at their optimum moisture contents.
Polythene sheeting was placed over the subbase prior to placement of the concrete pavement. This sheeting was also
used as a bond breaker between the pavement and subbase, to facilitate shrinkage and expansion. Water quality
monitoring bores and spears were installed through the pavement at strategic locations, such as at the downstream end
of service trenches, to monitor any leakage of contaminated water through the pavement.
The entire Pad surface was bunded and drained to large collection tanks to contain stormwater and washdown runoff.
The collection tanks were designed with 3 compartments to isolate and retain for long periods, specific washdown
waters, such as that containing Aqueous Film Forming Foam, which was to be used for fire fighting.
During extreme rainfall occurrences, the Pad and collection tanks were designed to overflow to an adjacent storm and
wastewater retention basin within the Caltex Refinery.
Concrete Institute of Australia (2001) Conference Proceedings
roadways and kerbs. There are localised areas of 1 to 2m2, where surface spalling of 1 to 2mm depth has occurred; but
only where cooling water was not used during commissioning trials.
The proximity of the fuel and gas discharge points to the slab surface, and the initial intensity of the fires upon ignition,
appear to be the main factors in causing spalling.
The joint sealant is performing well and without discoloration.
There is no evidence of adverse effects of thermal expansion, slab hogging, curling or problems due to lateral restraints
at the dowelled joint intersections.
Some minor chipping of kerbs and pitting of the slab surface has occurred, due to extreme impact loads, such as heavy
metallic objects and shipping containers being dropped or dragged over the surface.
Concrete section temperature profiles are not being measured at present, however, in the near future, thermocouples and
probes, may be installed by the QFRA for research in this matter. The QFRA would welcome any support or input
from research organisations or companies with an interest in the performance of concrete in fires.
Abrams, M.S. “Compressive Strength of Concrete at Temperatures to 1600 F” ACI Publication SP-25 “Temperature and Concrete”,
Basford, G. “Report on Thermal Properties of CSR Aggregate used in Concrete Production at Murarrie Plant”, CSR Construction
Materials, 2000.
Berwanger, C. & Sarkar, A.F. “Effect of Temperature and Age on Thermal Expansion and Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete”, ACI
Publication SP-39-1 “Behaviour of Concrete Under Extreme Temperatures”, 1973.
Combe, M. “Design of Steelcrete Steel Fibre Reinforced Fire Pad Slab”, Steelcrete Australia, Pty Ltd. February 2000.
Desai, S.B. “Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Fire Exposure Conditions”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 50 No.
1, p75-83, Thomas Telford Services Ltd, 1998.
Diederichs, U. & Schneider, U. “Bond Strength at High Temperatures”, Technical University of Brunswick, Federal Republic of
Germany, Magazine of Concrete Research : Vol. 33, No. 115, June 1981.
Gowripalan, N., Salonga, P. & Dolden, C. “Residual Strength of High-Performance Concrete Subjected to High Temperatures” ACI
Publication SP 172-10, 1997.
Kodur, V.K.R. & Sultan, M. “Thermal Properties of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperatures”, ACI Publication SP 179-29,
Krampf, L. & Haksever, A. “Possibilities of Assessing the Temperatures Reached by Concrete Building Elements During a Fire”,
ACI Publication SP-92-7 “Evaluation and Repair of Fire Damage to Concrete”, 1986.
Lie, T.T. & Kodur, V.K.R. “Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Steel-Fibre-Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures”,
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, V23, p.511-517, 1996.
Mindess, S. “Fibre Reinforced Concrete – Myth and Reality”, Proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference, “Advances in
Cement and Concrete”, ASCE, 1994.
Troxell, G.E. “Fire Resistance of Prestressed Concrete’ ACI Publication SP-5, 1961.
Wu, G. “Steel Fiber Reinforced Heat Resistant Pavement” ACI Publication SP-105-18 “Fiber Reinforced Concrete Properties and
Applications”, 1987.
Zoldners, N.G. “Thermal Properties of Concrete Under Sustained Elevated Temperatures”, ACI Publication SP-25-1 “Temperature
and Concrete”, 1971.