Answer Any One Question From This Section
Answer Any One Question From This Section
Answer Any One Question From This Section
Bahagian B
(12 marks)
Figure 3.1 shows the condition of a plastic container early in the morning where located at
open place whereas Figure 3.2 shows the condition of the same plastic container at same place
at 12.00 noon on a hot day.
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan keadaan sebuah bekas plastik yang diletakkan di kawasan lapang
pada waktu pagi manakala Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan keadaan bekas plastik yang sama yang
diletakkan di tempat yang sama pada jam 12.00 tengahari pada hari yang panas.
(c) With the use of apparatus such as round bottom flask, Bourdon gauge and other apparatus,
describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis states in 3 (b).
Dengan menggunakan radas seperti kelalang dasar bulat, tolok Bourdon dan radas lain,
terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 3 (b).
(v) The procedure of the experiment, which include one method of controlling the
manipulated variable and one method of controlling the responding variable.
Prosedur eksperimen yang mesti termasuk satu kaedah mengawal pembolehubah
dimanipulasi dan satu kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerak balas.
(vii) The way you would analyse the data. [10 marks]
Cara anda menganalisis data.
3 (a) Making the right inference
The temperature of the gas affects the pressure // The 1 1
pressure of a fixed mass of gas is influenced by its
temperature when its volume is constant
(vii) V / cm3
1 1
/ C