Not Profit Organisations - Additional Practice Que. Set - Answers
Not Profit Organisations - Additional Practice Que. Set - Answers
Not Profit Organisations - Additional Practice Que. Set - Answers
Balance Sheet of Sachin Cricket Club as on 31st March 2011 (An extract)
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Subscription Receivable (15,000 + 12,000) 27,000
Balance Sheet of Sachin Cricket Club as on 31st March 2012 (An extract)
Liabilities (`) Assets (`) (`)
Unearned Subscription 18,000 Outstanding Subscription
of 2010-11 15,000
of 2011-12 ` (7,50,000 – 6,15,000) 1,35,000 1,50,000
Q.2. From the following information of M/s. Officers Sports Club (A non -profit organization) calculate (i) the total
cost of sports material consumed in the club and (ii) Sale value of sports material during the year 2014-15.
Opening balance of sports material as on 1-4-2014 56,800
Closing balance of sports material as on 31-3-2015 32,900
Sports material purchased in cash 23,500
Payment made to creditors of sports material 64,300
Creditors for sports materials -
Opening 23,200
Closing 29,400
Out of the total sports material used during the year 40% was consumed by the club and the remaining was
sold at a profit of 20% on cost.
Opening balance of sports material 56,800
Add: Purchases during the year (cash 23,500 + credit 70,500) 94,000
Less: Closing Stock 32,900
Sports material used 1,17,900
(i) Total cost of sports material consumed in the Club
40% of used material was consumed. 47,160
(i.e. 40% of 1,17,900)
(ii) Sale value of sports material
Cost of sports material sold (1,17,900-47,160) 70,740
Add: Profit @20% on cost 14,148
Calculation of Credit purchase of Sports Material
(`) (`)
To Bank 64,300 By Balance b/d 23,200
To Balance c/d 29,400 By Purchases (Balancing Figure) 70,500
93,700 93,700
Q.3. The following information of M/s. TT Club are related for the year ended 31st March, 2015:
As on 01.04.2014 As on 31.3.2015
(`) (`)
Stock of Sports Material 75,000 1,12,500
Amount due for Sports Material 67,500 97,500
Subscription due 11,250 16,500
Subscription received in advance 9,000 5,250
(2) Subscription received during the year ` 3,75,000
(3) Payments for Sports Material during the year ` 2,25,000
You are required to:
(A) Ascertain the amount of Subscription and Sports Material that will appear in Income & Expenditure
Account for the year ended 31.03.2015 and
(B) Also show how these items would appear in the Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2015.
Ans. Subscription for the year ended 31.3.2015
(`) (`)
Subscription received during the year 3,75,000
Less: Subscription receivable on 1.4.2014 11,250
Less: Subscription received in advance on 31.3.2015 5,250 (16,500)
Add: Subscription receivable on 31.3.2015 16,500
Add: Subscription received in advance on 1.4.2014 9,000 25,500
Amount of Subscription appearing in Income & Expenditure Account 3,84,000
Balance Sheet of M/s TT Club For the year ended 31st March, 2015 (An extract)
Liabilities (`) Assets (`)
Unearned Subscription 5,250 Subscription receivable 16,500
Amount due for sports material 97,500 Stock of sports material 1,12,500
Q.4. Summary of receipts and payments of Bombay Medical Aid society for the year ended 31.12.2011 are as
Opening cash balance in hand ` 8,000, subscription ` 50,000, donation ` 15,000, interest on investments @
9% p.a. ` 9000, payments for medicine supply ` 30,000 Honorarium to doctor ` 10,000, salaries ` 28,000,
sundry expenses ` 1,000, equipment purchase ` 15,000, charity show expenses ` 1,500, charity show
collections ` 12,500.
Additional information:
1.1.2011 31.12.2011
Subscription due 1,500 2,200
Subscription received in advance 1,200 700
Stock of medicine 10,000 15,000
Amount due for medicine supply 9,000 13,000
Value of equipment 21,000 30,000
Value of building 50,000 48,000
You are required to prepare receipts and payments account and income and expenditure account for the
year ended 31.12.2011 and balance sheet as on 31.12.2011.
Ans. Receipts and Payments Account of Bombay Medical Aid Society
for the year ended 31st December, 2011
Receipts (`) Payments (`)
To Cash in hand (opening) 8,000 By Medicine supply 30,000
To Subscription 50,000 By Honorarium to doctors 10,000
To Donation 15,000 By Salaries 28,000
To Interest on investment 9,000 By Sundry expenses 1,000
To Charity show collections 12,500 By Purchase of equipment 15,000
By Charity show expenses 1,500
By Cash in hand (closing) 9,000
94,500 94,500
The receipts and payment account for the year ended on 31st March, 2011 is given below:
(`) (`)
To Balance b/d By Electric charges 7,200
Cash at bank 25,000 By Postage and stationary 5,000
Cash in hand 25,000 50,000 By Telephone charges 5,000
To Entrance fee 30,000 By Books purchased 60,000
To Membership subscription 2,00,000 By Outstanding expenses paid 7,000
To Sale proceeds of old papers 1,500 By Rent 88,000
To Hire of lecture hall 20,000 By Investment in securities 40,000
To Interest on securities. 8,000 By Salaries 66,000
By Balance c/d
Cash at bank 20,000
Cash in hand 11,300
3,09,500 3,09,500
You are required to prepare income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st March, 2011 and a
balance sheet as at 31s, March, 2011 after making the following adjustments:
Membership subscription included ` 10,000 received in advance. Provide for outstanding rent ` 4,000 and
salaries ` 3,000.
Books to be depreciated @ 10% including additions. Electrical fittings and furniture are also to be depreciated
at the same rate.
75% of the entrance fees is to be capitalized.
Interest on securities is to be calculated @ 5% p.a. including purchases made on 1.10.2010 for ` 40,000.
Ans. Smith Library Society Income and Expenditure Account
Dr. for the year ended 31st March, 2011 Cr.
Expenditure (`) (`) Income (`) (`)
To Electric charges 7,200 By Entrance fee 7,500
To Postage and stationary 5,000 (25% of ` 30,000)
To Telephone charges 5,000 By Membership subscription 2,00,000
To Rent 88,000 Less: Received in advance 10,000 1,90,000
Add: Outstanding 4,000 92,000 By Sale proceeds of old papers 1,500
To Salaries 66,000 By Hire of lecture hall 20,000
Add: Outstanding 3,000 69,000 By Interest on securities 8,000
To Depreciation (W.N.1) (W.N.2)
Electrical fittings 15,000 Add: Receivable 500 8,500
Expenditure (`) (`) Income (`) (`)
Furniture 5,000 By Deficit- excess of
Books 46,000 66,000 expenditure over income 16,700
2,44,200 2,44,200
Working Notes:
1. Depreciation (`) (`)
Electrical fittings 10% of ` 1,50,000 15,000
Furniture 10% of ` 50,000 5,000
Books 10% of ` 4,60,000 46,000
2. Interest on Securities
Interest @ 5% p.a. on ` 1,50,000 for full year 7,500
Interest @ 5% p.a. on ` 40,000 for half year 1,000 8,500
Less: Received (8,000)
Receivable 500
Q.6. The Receipts and Payments account of Trustwell Club prepared on 31st March, 2011 is as follows.
Dr. Receipts and Payments Account Cr.
Receipts (`) Payments (`)
To Balance b/d 450 By Expenses
To Annual income from subscription 4,590 (including payment for
Add: Outstanding of last year sports material ` 2,700) 6,300
received this year 180 By Loss on sale of furniture
4,770 (cost price ` 450) 180
Less: Prepaid of last year (90) 4,680 By Balance c/d 90,450
To Other fees 1,800
To Donation for building 90,000
96,930 96,930
Additional information:
Trustwell club had balances as on 1.4.2010:
Furniture ` 1,800; investment at 5% ` 27,000; Sports material ` 6,660;
Balance as on 31.3.2011; subscription receivable ` 270;
Subscription received in advance ` 90; Stock of sports material ` 1,800.
Do you agree with above receipts and payments account? If not, prepare correct receipts and payments
account and income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st March, 2011 and balance sheet as on
that date.
Ans. Corrected Receipts and Payments Account of Trustwell Club
for the year ended 31st March, 2011
Receipts (`) (`) Payments (`)
To Balance b/d 450 By Expenses
To Subscription Annual income 4,590 (` 6,300 - ` 2,700) 3,600
Less: receivable as on 31.3.2011 (270) By Sports material 2,700
Add: Advance received for the year By Balance c/d
2011-2012 90 (cash in hand and at bank) 90,720
Add: Receivable as on 31.3.2010 180
Less: Advance received as on 31.3.2010 (90) 4,500
To Other fees 1,800
To Donation for building 90,000
To Sale of furniture 270
97,020 97,020
Q.7. From the following Income & Expenditure A/c of Premium Sports Club for the year ended 31st March, 2012,
you are required to prepare Receipts & Payment A/c for the year ended 31st March, 2012 and Balance Sheet
as on that date:
Expenditure (`) Income (`)
To Salaries 1,18,800 By Subscriptions 4,20,000
To Rent 2,16,000 By Entrance Fee 1,20,000
To Printing & Stationery 28,000 By Profit on sale of Sports Material 5,500
To Postage & Telephone 41,600 By Interest on 8% Government Bonds 12,000
To Membership Fee 3,200 By Sale of Old Newspaper 11,600
To Electricity Charges 38,500
To Garden Upkeep 19,300
To Sports Material Utilized 62,800
To Repairs & Maintenance 18,700
To Depreciation 13,000
To Miscellaneous Expenses 5,700
To Surplus carried to Capital Fund 3,500
Total 5,69,100 Total 5,69,100
The following additional information is provided to you:
Balances as Balances as
on 01.04.2011 on 31.03.2012
Fixed Assets 2,40,000 ?
Bank Balance 8,300 ?
Stock of Sports Material 43,450 35,670
Outstanding Subscription 10,200 5,700
Subscription received in advance 2,400 4,900
8% Government Bonds 1,50,000 1,50,000
Outstanding Salaries 16,000 14,300
Outstanding Rent 21,000 15,000
Advance for Stationery 1,350 1,550
Outstanding Repairs & Maintenance 1,200 Nil
Creditors for purchase of Sports Material 3,400 4,200
(b) Some of Fixed Assets were purchased on 01.10.2011 and depreciation is to be charged @ 5% p.a.
(c) Sports Material worth ` 72,000 was purchased on credit during the year.
(d) The Club became member of State Table Tennis Association on 01.01.2012 when it paid fee up to
(e) 50% of Entrance Fee is to be capitalized.
(f) Interest on 8% Government Bonds was received for two quarters only.
(g) A Fixed Deposit of ` 80,000 was made on 31st March, 2012.
Ans. Receipts and Payments Account of Premium Sports Club
for the year ended 31st March, 2012
Receipts (`) Payments (`)
To Cash at bank (opening) 8,300 By Salaries (W.N.6) 1,20,500
To Subscription (W.N.1) 4,27,000 By Rent (W.N.7) 2,22,000
To Entrance fee (W.N.2) 2,40,000 By Printing and stationary (W.N.8) 28,200
To Interest on 8% Government By Postage and telephone 41,600
Bond (W.N.3) 6,000 By Membership fee (W.N.9) 12,800
To Sale of old Newspaper 11,600 By Electricity charges 38,500
To Sale of Sports Material (W.N.4) 22,480 By Garden upkeep 19,300
By Payment to creditors for sports
material (W.N.5) 71,200
By Purchase of Fixed assets (W.N.10) 40,000
By Repairs and Maintenance (W.N.11) 19,900
By Misc. expenses 5,700
By Fixed Deposit made 80,000
By Cash at bank (closing) (bal. fig.) 15,680
7,15,380 7,15,380