RIBA - The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment PDF
RIBA - The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment PDF
RIBA - The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment PDF
‘An incisive book that provides practical strategies and tactics for sustainable refurbishment, literally from
‘Nick Baker tackles head on what many eminent scientists in Cambridge regard as most pressing
contemporary problems, the sustainable refurbishment of the existing building stock, much of which is
going to be with us still in 2050. Dr Baker delivers his profound understanding of these difficult issues in a
wholly intelligible and compelling way. I cannot commend this book to my profession and its patrons highly
The Handbook of
Professor Alan Short, University of Cambridge and Short and Associates Architects
first and second image Stevenage Borough Council, third image Nick V. Baker
The refurbishment of existing buildings is a crucial yet often neglected subject within sustainable architecture
– attention is usually focused on new buildings. Many old buildings waste large amounts of energy and
provide poor internal conditions for occupants through poor lighting, poor ventilation, solar penetration and
glare, and poor control of heating and cooling. Demolition is an option but the refurbishment alternative is
increasingly seen as more sustainable in terms of architectural value, materials use, neighbourhood
disruption and waste disposal. In addition, the potential impact of low energy refurbishment is much greater
than that for new build since there are many more buildings already in existence than will be built in the next
10–20 years, the period over which many CO2 targets apply.
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment: Non-Domestic Buildings offers architects, engineers and a
wide range of building professionals practical advice, illustrated by real examples. It moves from principles of
sustainable refurbishment to specific design and engineering guidance for a variety of circumstances. It
emphasizes the need for an integrated approach by showing how refurbishment measures interact with one
and other, and with the occupants, and how performance is ultimately influenced by this interaction.
Nick V. Baker is an independent consultant and technical expert on the energy efficient refurbishment and
the development of LT software. He is affiliated to The Martin Centre, Department of Architecture, University
Non-Domestic Buildings
of Cambridge.
Nick V. Baker
Co-published with
The Handbook of
Sustainable Refurbishment
Non-Domestic Buildings
Nick V. Baker
London • Sterling,VA
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ISBN: 978-1-84407-486-0
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List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ..............................................................................xii
3 Walls ..................................................................................31
3.1 Solid walls ...................................................................................................31
External insulation .................................................................................31
Implications for external insulation .........................................................32
Internal insulation...................................................................................33
Thermal response ...................................................................................33
Cold bridges...........................................................................................33
Interstitial condensation..........................................................................34
3.2 Cavity walls .................................................................................................35
Insulation options ...................................................................................35
Practical considerations...........................................................................36
Interstitial condensation..........................................................................36
Thermal implications..............................................................................37
Retrofit inner or outer leaf .....................................................................37
4 Roofs................................................................................................39
Roof types .............................................................................................39
4.1 Insulating roofs with attic spaces...................................................................40
Ventilation of attic space .........................................................................40
4.2 Insulating roofs with voids ...........................................................................40
4.3 Insulating solid roofs ....................................................................................41
Insulation above the waterproof membrane.............................................41
Insulation between waterproof membrane and structural deck ................42
Insulation below the structural deck........................................................43
4.4 Other thermal issues ....................................................................................43
Surface reflectance ..................................................................................43
Low-emissivity membranes in cavities.....................................................44
Thermal mass .........................................................................................44
Cold bridges...........................................................................................45
4.5 Green roofs and roof ponds..........................................................................45
Green roofs ............................................................................................45
Roof ponds ............................................................................................46
5 Windows ...........................................................................................47
5.1 Glazing materials .........................................................................................47
Heat transmission through glazing ..........................................................48
Radiation transmission through glazing...................................................50
High performance glazing ......................................................................50
5.2 Framing and support systems .......................................................................51
Obstruction of light due to framing ........................................................52
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Comfort surveys ..............................................................................................128
Appendices .........................................................................................................135
Index ................................................................................................................165
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In most European cities there is a vast stock of This guide is a product of the European
existing buildings, many of which are getting to Union (EU) funded REVIVAL project, which
the end of their useful life.To replace the stock set out to demonstrate some of these principles
would take several decades and incur an unreal- by incorporating them in five refurbishment
istic financial burden. It would also create a large projects of large non-domestic buildings.Wher-
contribution to CO2 emissions, as a result of the ever possible it draws from the experience of the
energy associated with the production of REVIVAL project, but includes other examples
materials and the construction of replacement and illustrations when necessary.
buildings. This guide is aimed at the architect, engineer,
It is therefore essential that we develop surveyor and project manager. It sets out the case
strategies and techniques to improve the energy for sustainable refurbishment and the principle
performance of our existing stock. It is commonly measures that can be adopted. It presents princi-
understood that the heating, cooling, lighting and ples in a concise technical language, but follows
ventilation of buildings accounts for nearly half of with an explanation of practical implications. It
global energy consumption, with the consequent does not attempt to be a source book of manu-
CO2 emissions having an effect on global warm- facturer’s information and technical data, or to
ing.The reduction of day-to-day consumption of deal with construction detail.
fossil fuels for heating, cooling, lighting and ven-
tilation must be the main objective in any attempt REVIVAL Team
to refurbish a building sustainably. July 2009
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1.1 The case for low emission refurbishment: 2 The socio-economic impact.
Energy use in buildings
Initially, the environmental impact of refurbish-
In the non-domestic sector in Europe, building ment will almost always be less than demolition
refurbishments offer far more opportunities for and newbuild. This is because all the materials
reducing emissions than new building; the latter carry embodied energy – to replace them causes
represents annually less than 1.5 per cent of the new carbon emissions (Figure 1.1). Furthermore,
building stock. The usual motivation for refur- the demolition process and waste disposal cre-
bishment includes: ates carbon emission as well as other waste
disposal impacts.
• replacement of degraded finishes and
• tailoring space organization to new uses;
• improving environmental quality.
Embodied CO2
0 10 20 30 40
There are many instances when demolition and
% total
rebuild will be considered as an alternative to re-
furbishment. This could be justified purely on
economic grounds, or the advantages offered by Figure 1.1 Embodied CO2 associated with newbuild and
a new building could be considered to justify the refurbishment. Note large CO2 content for bulk materials
extra cost. However, two non-economic factors such as concrete and steel. Components made of these
should be considered: materials are the ones that are not normally replaced in
1 The environmental impact of refurbish- Source: Thomas Lane quoting the Simons Construction Group in ‘Our dark
ment versus newbuild. materials’, Building, 9 November 2007
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4 Principles
It is often argued that a new building will oper- structure and the cleaning of concrete finishes
ate at higher energy performance than a will direct money to tradesmen that in the case
refurbished one, and that during its lifetime, may of new build would go to investors in concrete
have less environmental impact.This dynamic re- and steel manufacture.
lationship is shown in Figure 1.2. It demonstrates
two important effects – that newbuild is only the 1.3 The building, plant, and occupants as a
lowest emitter after the break-even time period, system
and that this period can be extended by im-
proved performance of the refurbished option. It Building simulations and analyses of monitored
also demonstrates that if the break-even time is data have shown that the building fabric alone
beyond the time of the environmental crisis (or does not narrowly determine the energy per-
emission reduction target), the life-cycle emis- formance. Figure 1.3 shows the performance
sion is irrelevant and the refurbished building is being determined by three sub-systems, each
the best choice. It is also evident that the break- having a variance in performance of about two-
even point is sensitive to the actual performance fold.When a poor building combines with badly
of the buildings; new buildings have not in gen- designed systems and poor management, the re-
eral performed as well as predicted and this will sulting energy performance can be dramatically
postpone the break-even point. worse than the best.This wide variation of per-
The second consideration is about social benefit formance has been observed as shown in Figure
and employment. Generally, refurbishment car- 1.4. It is interesting to note that building no. 92
ries a higher proportion of labour cost than (extreme right) was built in 1987 and refurbished
newbuild. For example, the repair of a concrete in 1992.
Figure 1.4 The annual CO2 emissions per m2 for 92 office 1.4 Implications for change of use
buildings in the UK. The 20-fold variance illustrates the
interactive effect between building, services and occupants Refurbishment is often accompanied by change
Source: Data from Energy Consumption Guide 19 – Energy Efficiency in
of use.This may be across recognized use types –
Offices (1998) BRECSU, Watford for example a nursing area of a hospital becom-
ing an administrative centre (Figure 1.6), or a
change from residential to office use (Figure 1.7).
This evidence weakens the case for newbuild, Or it may be that within a use type the func-
since it shows that the inherent properties of the tional demands on spaces are changing due to
building are only one of the determining factors. reorganization and the impact of changes in
This is particularly true in non-domestic build- practice and technology. For example, develop-
ings where overall energy consumption is ments in IT have a continuing influence on
dominated by processes and activities in the office practice and the spaces that support it.
building. Both systems and management can be
of as high performance in a refurbished building
as in a newbuild.
6 Principles
original. building, old use. Figure 1.9 An over-glazed lightweight building of the
1970s suffering from overheating in summer and under-
energy consumption
heating in winter. The client’s perception is often that the
only solution to comfort problems is air-conditioning
Figure 1.8 Comparing like with like: Assessing the
improved performance of a refurbished building
standards achievable by air-conditioning may still
not be met for all of the year. However, it is now
widely accepted that for buildings running under
predominantly passive systems, occupant satis-
1.5 Environmental comfort standards faction can be high, even when the conventional
Improved comfort standards are often the initial standards are not met.
motivation for refurbishment. The building A key factor is the presence of adaptive oppor-
shown in Figure 1.9, an office block built in the tunity. This is the ability of the occupant to make
1970s, is poorly insulated with large areas of sin- changes to the environment, and/or make
gle tinted glazing, no shading and a poorly changes to their personal condition, in order to
controlled heating system. Since its original oc- improve their comfort.Typical opportunities that
cupation, density has increased, and there has might be present are listed below.
been a proliferation of computers and other
Positive adaptive attributes
business machines. The frequent complaint is
overheating in summer, both under-heating and • relaxed dress code;
overheating in winter, and poor air quality. • occupant mobility;
The client’s presumption may well be that full • access to hot/cold drinks;
air-conditioning would be the answer. If con- • openable windows;
ventional comfort standards were sought, this • adjustable blinds;
could indeed true, although this would be nei- • desk fan or locally controlled ceiling fan;
ther an economical nor environmentally friendly • local heating/cooling controls;
solution. • workstation/furniture flexibility;
If refurbishment measures included shading, • shallow plan (minimizing distance from win-
improving the envelope insulation, and reinstat- dows);
ing openable windows, comfort conditions • cellular rooms (reduces mutual disturbance);
would be greatly improved, although the strict • surface finishes appropriate to visual task;
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8 Principles
• daylight and task lighting backup; take the predominantly passive option. Further-
• good views (external and internal); more, because of the intermittent nature of the
• transitional spaces (verandahs, atria, etc.); comfort cooling, and its controllability, it will not
• good access to outside areas. be necessary to apply such strict comfort limits
as in a conventional air-conditioned building.
Negative adaptive attributes This strategy, often referred to as ‘hybrid’ or
• uniformity of physical environment (temper- ‘mixed mode’, results in comfort cooling often
ature, lighting, colour); being a viable and energy efficient option.
• deep plan, reduced access to perimeter;
• dense occupation with restricted workstation 1.6 Passive environmental strategies
• sealed windows; Statistically, air-conditioned buildings consume
• views obstructed by fixed shading devices; significantly more energy than naturally venti-
• central mechanical services control. lated buildings. In temperate climates, field
studies have shown that in spite of the extra cap-
Studies have shown (Baker and Standeven, 1994) ital and running costs, occupant satisfaction was
that the presence of several of the positive at- no greater than in naturally ventilated buildings
tributes will result in occupants tolerating (Figure 1.10). Even in hotter climates, as a study
temperature excursions typically up to 5°C of office buildings in Lisbon showed, satisfaction
above conventional upper temperature limits, in some air-conditioned buildings may be sig-
and around 3°C below conventional lower lim- nificantly less than in some naturally ventilated
its. This may allow the designer to opt for the buildings.Thus the strategy for avoiding air-con-
passive solution rather than the air-conditioned ditioning is a good one, although hybrid systems
solution. and comfort cooling (described later in section
This will have implications for initial cost, 7.11) may represent a viable alternative.
maintenance cost and carbon emissions. It will The situation often faced in refurbishment is
also have implications for the choice and prior- of a building with very poor comfort conditions,
itizing of refurbishment measures. For example, where air-conditioning is seen as the only solu-
if it were decided to air-condition the building, tion. However, it could be that after making
the replacement of standard double glazing with fabric and system improvements, comfort con-
high performance low-e units would have a ditions become acceptable.This should be tested
greater impact on carbon emissions than if the by analysis or simulation before the air-condi-
building were to be freely ventilated by open- tioning option is adopted.
able windows. This is because the temperature This may even apply to a building that has air-
differential in the latter case would be small or conditioning already. Many over-glazed buildings
even non-existent. However in both cases, shad- of the 1960s and 1970s were subsequently air-
ing would be highly beneficial. conditioned to make conditions bearable.
In some cases, exceptional overheating con- However, measures such as shading, fabric insu-
ditions may be unacceptable, although lation, reduction of glazing area, adoption of
conditions prevailing for most of the year may adaptive controls, may well render full air-con-
be satisfactory without air-conditioning. In this ditioning unnecessary. Even if air-conditioning
case, intermittent comfort cooling may be ap- is adopted, these measures will reduce the air-
plied. The technological aspects of this are conditioning loads significantly.
discussed in section 7.11. Here we make the
point that a modest dependence on comfort
cooling may result in a building being able to
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10 Principles
For the two or more centuries since the indus-
trial revolution, when man moved indoors,
daylight had been too valuable an asset to waste.
Architects responded by a whole typology of
window and rooflight designs, readily accepting
the need for shallow plans, light wells and court-
yards (Figures 1.13, 1.14). This constraint was
reinforced by the same need for shallow plan to
achieve good natural ventilation. Whilst, of
course, artificial light had to be employed after
the hours of darkness, daylight was always the
preferred source in the daytime, and artificial
light was regarded as inferior both technically
and on health grounds. The latter dated from
pre-electric times when oil and gas lighting cre-
ated serious levels of indoor pollution and fire
The development in the 1950s of the fluorescent
lamp, together with relatively cheap electric en-
ergy, prompted designers to question the need
to provide the working illumination by daylight
(Figure 1.15). This freed them to adopt deeper Figure 1.13 Wauquez Department Store (now a museum
plans, which in principle made economies in of cartoon art), Brussels: Rooflighting the top floor (1920).
space efficiency and building cost. The architect Horta could not resist architectural elaboration
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Figure 1.14 County Hall, London, 1908: Even large buildings were in fact shallow plan, providing access to daylight and natural
Buildings of the 1960s to 1980s found them- the poor light distribution due to large areas of
selves at a crossroads. On the one hand glass and side-lighting was balanced by artificial lighting
glass-supporting cladding technology had made away from the perimeter zones. The next re-
great strides to support the modernist, minimal- sponse was to reduce the light transmittance of
ist view of facade design, often with huge areas the windows to values as low as 25 per cent, with
of glazing (Figure 1.16). On the other hand, the tinted and reflective glass (Figure 1.17). Finally
improvement by a factor of five in the luminous the contribution of daylight was abandoned al-
efficacy (lumens light output per Watt electrical together. This allowed a retreat into deep plan,
input) of the fluorescent lamp over the incan- and for a brief period a knee-jerk response of
descent lamp meant that it was now technically drastically reducing glazing areas. The resulting
and economically feasible to provide the work- deep plan, air-conditioned, artificially lit build-
ing illumination entirely artificially. ings from this era have proved to be the highest
The result of these conflicting influences meant energy users and the most likely candidates for
that the art of good daylight design was virtually sick building syndrome (SBS) (Figure 1.18).
lost. Initially the over-glazed buildings were, not Within our target building group all of these
surprisingly, over-illuminated leading to glare, types will be found.The following Table 1.1 pro-
overheating in summer due to solar gain, and vides a response strategy.
suffering from large heat losses in winter. Re- Finally, the benefits of daylighting and good
sponse to these included, ironically, permanent window design extend beyond the saving of en-
supplementary artificial lighting (PSALi) where ergy. There is growing evidence that the view
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12 Principles
1.7 Prioritizing refurbishment options to daylight will reduce energy consumption and
be seen as a positive move by most occupants.
Most building projects, whether refurbishment The interaction of types of benefit (i.e. envir-
or newbuild, are ultimately budget limited. onmental or personal) and the sometimes
Budgets will constrain both sustainability meas- conflicting, sometimes mutually supporting, out-
ures and functional design solutions. In the comes, makes the prioritizing of refurbishment
former case, a typical example might be the in- measures difficult. Consider the case where two
stallation of a photovoltaic array technically measures – insulating the roof or installing shad-
possible to meet the equivalent electrical load of ing devices – are of similar cost, but have
the building (we will call this environmental bene- different levels of impact on the occupants. Roof
fit), but prevented by prohibitive cost. In the insulation will bring economic benefit to the
second example, a more generous budget for fur- building operator, environmental benefit due to
nishings would be regarded as desirable but not reduced heating load, but no personal benefits.
viable (we will call this personal benefit). In some On the other hand, shading devices will improve
cases, budget constraints may interact with deci- personal comfort conditions, may improve the
sions which affect both of these areas – for appearance of the building, and if the building is
example, limiting the space provision per occu- to be air-conditioned, may reduce cooling loads.
pant will probably be seen as a reduction in How do we resolve this question? We suggest
quality from the occupant’s point of view, but that the environmental benefits and personal
may well improve the energy use per occupant. benefits have to be treated separately, initially.
In other cases, a measure may create benefits in When there is a clear quantitative ranking of en-
both categories – for example, improving access vironmental measures, then personal benefits
Shallow plan, small glazing area Daylighting provision degraded.1 Reinstate daylighting, install photo-responsive
Shallow plan, large glazing area Daylighting degraded by low Consider reduction of glazing area, high
transmissivity glass or fixed shading, performance daylighting2 (adjustable shading and
or nothing. high performance glass). Install photo-responsive
Deep plan, large glazing area Daylighting abandoned even in As above for perimeter zone. Consider advanced
perimeter zone, as above. High daylight options to increase daylight penetration.
levels of uniform artificial light. Install rooflights (top floor) and consider light
wells. Install task lighting with low illuminance
photo-responsive background lighting.
Deep plan, small glazing area Daylight abandoned. High levels Consider increasing glazing area together with
of uniform artificial lighting. measures above.
1 Daylighting performance may be degraded by inappropriate shading design, internal or external obstructions, poor distribution due to lowered ceilings and low
reflectance surfaces, deliberate reduction of transmission of glass by films or paintwork.
2 The term high performance daylighting refers to the technical means to balance the usefulness of daylight to perform the visual task, and the positive benefits of
view, with the disbenefits of overheating and glare (see ‘High performance daylighting’ Appendix).
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14 Principles
should be considered. This is not because the mate will have far greater benefit than in a mild
personal benefits are any less important, but be- climate, whereas the case for shading devices
cause they are far less easy to quantify.There may might be reversed. Similarly the building type
be cases, however, where the personal benefits will influence priorities – a shallow-plan school
are the primary concern, or may even be essen- building occupied predominantly in the day will
tial – for example, the replacement of asbestos benefit far more from the investment of im-
with a non-toxic insulant. proved daylight access than an institutional
Table 1.2 below is indicative only. All of the building occupied for 18 hours per day. There
benefits are dependent on circumstances – for are too many combinations of parameters to at-
instance, the impact of improving plant efficiency tempt comprehensiveness; rather, this example is
obviously depends on the existing efficiency and given as an illustration of the interaction of
the final efficiency. measures and the strong impact on priority.
To assess these scenarios we have used the LT
Europe software. This software developed from
Quantifying energy benefits
the LT Method takes account of the interaction
Here we review typical refurbishment options between lighting heat gains, solar gains, occupant
and apply them to a range of scenarios. Of gains and losses through the envelope elements
course it is not possible to create global ranking and ventilation. It evaluates energy inputs for
of measures since their performance is very sen- heating, lighting, ventilation and cooling, and can
sitive to the context. For example, improving indicate comfort levels resulting from the omis-
envelope insulation to a building in a cold cli- sion of mechanical cooling. It can also evaluate
16 Principles
The cases explored are as follows: proved to 40l/w and the design luminance re-
duced to 200 lux, made possible due to the
Case 1 base case widespread use of self luminous computer
Case 2 base case + low-e glazing screens, and task lighting where necessary. This
Case 3 base case + boiler efficiency halves the lighting energy. But there is a penalty
increased from 65 per cent to 85 per to pay in heating, and about half of the decrease
cent of energy is lost. However the net effect for the
Case 4 base case + high efficiency lighting air-con case is a reduction of 21 per cent, and 30
Case 5 (4) + vent rate reduced 1.5ac/h to per cent for the naturally ventilated case, and is
1.0ac/h, boiler efficiency increased thus, together with the increased boiler effi-
from 65 per cent to 85 per cent ciency, certain to be far more cost effective than
Case 6 (5) + photoelectric lighting controls the low-e glazing. Note too, that there is a sig-
Case 7 (6) + low-e glazing nificant reduction in overheating days, which had
Case 8 (7) + insulated opaque envelope actually increased with the low-e glazing. How-
Case 9 (8) + reduced glazing area ever, overheating days are still around 28, which
Case 10 (9) + summer high vent is unacceptable.
Case 11 (10) + night ventilation
Case 12 (11) + high thermal mass Case 5. The increase in heating load prompts
two measures to improve the thermal perform-
Case 1. The building starts with high heating, ance. One is to improve the airtightness of the
lighting and cooling loads. Without air-condi- envelope, reducing the infiltration from 1.5 to
tioning, overheating is around 45 days per year, 1.0 air changes per hour (ac/h), which may
about ten times an acceptable level. Clearly the prove to be a technical challenge, and secondly to
air-conditioning was essential. improve the heating plant further to an efficiency
of 0.9, achievable with a condensing boiler.This
Case 2. Here the envelope is identified as hav- largely compensates for the loss of heat gains
ing poor thermal performance and it is proposed from the lighting.
to reglaze with low-e double glazing.This is an
expensive option and the results are disappoint- Case 6. Lighting energy is reduced further by
ing with only a 10 per cent reduction in energy. the installation of photo-sensitive controls. As
can be expected for a shallow-plan building with
Case 3. This shows a much cheaper option of (more than) adequate glazing area, a large saving
increasing the boiler efficiency from 0.65 to 0.85 is made, reducing the lighting energy to about
per cent which shows a saving of 8 per cent. In 35 per cent of the uncontrolled value. It is worth
reality, this may reduce emissions further due to noting, that if this had been applied before the
improved combustion. It will also cause much efficiency of the lighting had been improved, the
less disturbance to the use of the building. absolute savings for this measure, and thus its cost
effectiveness, would be even greater. In this case
Case 4. This returns to the single glazing to con- the reduction in lighting energy has only led to
centrate on the other large component, lighting. an increase in heating energy of about 10 per
The existing lighting situation is bad, with poor cent, and this is probably because the lights are
efficiency lamps and luminaires only delivering going off in the middle part of the day, when for
20 useful lumens per watt (l/w)1 with a design most of the year net heating loads are very small.
luminance of 300 lux. This can easily be im- However, together with case 4 it does demon-
1 This includes the lamp efficacy and the utilization factor of the luminaire and room combination.
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strate the dependence of heating loads on casual possible in summer, and overheating can be fur-
gains. ther reduced as in case 10.
Overheating has steadily reduced, down to 20
days, and there is now a real possibility of aban- Case 11. But overheating is still around 14 days
doning air-conditioning. So from now on, we will per year. Night ventilation is known to be effec-
concentrate on the natural ventilation option. tive in cooling the structure at night with the
cooler night air, and preparing the thermal mass
Cases 7 and 8. We now return to test the effects to absorb gains made in the daytime. Case 11
of improvements to the envelope, and in case 7 with night ventilation shows a significant reduc-
low-e glazing is installed again.This results in a tion to seven days.
40 per cent (of case 6) reduction in the heating
load. When combined with insulation to the Case 12. Here an attempt to make further im-
walls and roof (case 8) the reduction in heating provements is tested, where during the fit-out,
load is 64 per cent (of case 6).This is of course a structural mass is exposed by removing suspended
very expensive measure, and still could be of rel- ceilings and carpeted floors. This reduces over-
atively poor cost effectiveness. However, if there heating to four days, but at the expense of some
was already a need for fabric improvements due extra heating due to intermittent occupation.
to failure in weathering function, much of this
cost would be offset. Conclusions
The series of cases shows the interaction be-
Case 9. In case 9 the glazing area is reduced tween measures and their varying impact.
from 70 to 35 per cent on both south and north Although generic costs are not provided expli-
facades.This has little effect on energy balance – citly, it is quite clear that the measures will vary
there is only a small increase in lighting energy, widely in cost effectiveness, and this should be
and the reduction of heat loss from the north fa- borne in mind when establishing the priority of
cade is compensated by a loss of useful heat gains upgrading measures.
on the south facade. However, this strategy car- It also demonstrates that a critical point in
ries two important advantages. Firstly it reduces temperate climates is the ability to move from
unwanted solar gains, significantly reducing over- air-conditioning to natural ventilation. This is
heating; secondly, it reduces the cost of low-e partly because air-conditioning carries a large
glazing; and thirdly, if expensive shading treat- overhead of fan and pump energy, which is not
ment is necessary, it will be needed on a much directly proportionate to the cooling (or heat-
smaller area. It should be noted that the reduc- ing) load.The result, in this case, of moving from
tion would have had a much bigger impact on the air-conditioned base case, to the naturally
heat loads had the glazing not already been up- ventilated final case is a reduction in primary en-
graded to low-e. ergy consumption of 81 per cent. It must be
pointed out, however, that improvements could
Case 10. However, the improved thermal per- have been made in the efficiency of the air-con-
formance of the envelope has had a downside ditioning system that are not tested here, and
with a disappointing increase in overheating due which would have reduced the final difference.
to the reduced heat losses (case 8), only partially Although some of the discussion has referred
compensated by the reduced glazing area. How to percentage changes, in order to indicate im-
do we increase heat losses on demand? By open- pact, ultimately it is the absolute reduction of
ing windows. When air-conditioning had been energy or CO2 emissions against which a meas-
installed, the windows were sealed. By reinstating ure should be judged. Thus a further large
openable windows, high air-change rates are percentage reduction to a load that has already
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18 Principles
This illustrates the need to give full consider- range of principles, from near-spiritual attitudes
ation to the environmental impacts of the new about ‘living with nature’, to more pragmatic is-
massing and interaction of all parts of the pro- sues such as waste recycling and low carbon
ject.Another REVIVAL example is shown in the transport systems.
Meyer Hospital Case Study (Chapter 12) where The prefix ‘eco’ (from the Greek echos – home),
the addition of a new greenhouse on the south is rather widely used, but refers here to the con-
elevation affected the daylighting of the adja- cept of interdependence of buildings, the activities
cent office rooms in the original building. within them, and their occupants, in some syner-
Engineering integration is concerned mainly gistic way, that also supports sustainability and
with the integration of services. In particular, minimizes negative impacts on the wider envir-
heating plant may serve all parts of the project, onment. It is essentially opportunistic – just as in
and according to the amount of increase of built ecology, in the conventional biological sense, we see
surface area, the plant capacity may have to be different organisms occupying niches in a con-
adjusted. On the other hand it could be that ex- tinuous cycle of energy and material, so too in this
isting plant will be adequate for an increased more human-dominated context we see activities
built area due to the savings made by the im- and land use having a similar interdependence lo-
provement to the existing refurbished part. In cally, and thereby reducing global dependence.
any event, unless the heating plant has been re- There are three reasons why it is of relevance
newed recently, and the distribution mains are of in refurbishment projects. Firstly, the project may
a good standard, new plant, properly sized for the be quite extensive – particularly if it includes
total development, is likely to be cost effective. housing where many units may be refurbished
One further consideration, where the project by the same principles. Clearly there are oppor-
is an extensive building complex, is that distrib- tunities here to consider the area as a whole, how
uted plant may be the best option.This is because it interacts within itself and how it interacts with
distribution mains for heating and cooling are its immediate surroundings.
costly in capital, maintenance and running costs, Secondly, some building types naturally inter-
and with modern IT control and building en- act with their surroundings both socially and
ergy management systems, personal physical physically. For example, a refurbished factory will
presence to control plant in a central location is need a workforce which in turn will require
far less necessary than it used to be. transport and/or accommodation. It may also
produce low-grade heat as a by-product, which
1.9 Eco-communities and urban renewal could be used for space heating via a district
heating system.
This is a planning concept concerning commu- Finally, it is particularly relevant in urban re-
nity-scale policy and design rather than newal areas, where the refurbishment may cover
individual buildings. The term covers a wide groups of buildings of differing use types, as well
Figure 1.22
Eco-community renewal
scheme at New Islington, UK
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20 Principles
Table 1.3 Potential for eco-interaction in large scale as infrastructure, and changes of land use (Figure
renewal projects 1.22).
In the example above, this will have implica-
tions for decisions made in the refurbishment of
Heat Group solar thermal both the housing and the factory, at a strategic
Waste industrial heat
and detailed technical design level.At a strategic
Heat from sewage and waste water
Heat from waste incineration level, the decision to use waste heat has a polit-
Combined heat and power ical aspect, since it will affect the cost both in
Group solar thermal money terms and carbon emissions, and will re-
Waste high-grade biomass quire management, and should bring benefit to
Biomass production from crops
both the user and the producer. At a technical
Ambient sources
Geothermal (and cool) level the use of waste heat rather than individual
Marine (and cool) heat sources may require heat emitters that can
Electricity Combined heat and power function at low water temperatures, and exter-
Shared wind power nally will require consideration for the routing
Shared solar thermal with storage of the heating mains.
Shared PV arrays To the left is a table of the most likely possi-
Hydro power
Tidal power
bilities for eco-interaction in relation to
refurbishment projects. Most are concerned with
ENERGY CONSERVATION AND COMFORT energy production, but some are concerned with
Microclimate Wind sheltering with vegetation energy and resource conservation.
Wind sheltering by buildings
Wind access in summer 1.10 Environmental regulation
Solar shading with vegetation
Solar shading by buildings Building refurbishment is increasingly being
Solar access in winter
brought under mandatory control in Europe and
Building specification Maintenance
this is a trend that is likely to continue. The
Technical support
European Commission is driving forward vari-
Outdoor amenity space Microclimate
ous initiatives with which individual Member
Adaptive opportunity States must comply but also individual countries
Privacy are introducing further requirements for both
Security new and existing buildings.
Gardens and food production
Transport Access to public transport network Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Cycle paths
Cycle storage and security
Car parking and access EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF
Transport sharing schemes THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2002 on the
Traffic management hierarchy energy performance of buildings
Water and sewage Rain water catchment The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Greywater management
Reedbed purification
(EPBD) is the European driver for improving
the energy performance of all buildings in all
Waste disposal and recycling
Waste sorting European countries. Each country is required to
Compost translate the Directive into national legislation
Re-use according to an agreed timetable.
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22 Principles
Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are based carbon reductions of 1.1 Megatonnes of carbon
on the Operational Rating, that is the measured per year expected by 2020.The Department for
annual energy consumption of the building. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
DECs are required for buildings over 1000m2 is currently determining how the CRC will op-
occupied by public authorities or other institu- erate, with implementation expected in January
tions that provide public services to a large 2010.
number of people, from October 2008. DECs
must be prominently displayed in the building to
Voluntary schemes and drivers
inform visitors.The government has committed
to consult on the possible widening of these re- Various voluntary standards have also been de-
quirements to privately owned or occupied veloped for reducing energy use in existing
public buildings including retail outlets, cinemas buildings; such standards are often a precursor to
and hotels. EPCs and DECs are produced by ac- further mandatory controls.Voluntary schemes
credited energy assessors and are accompanied may be strong drivers for refurbishing buildings
by a report detailing voluntary options for im- to low carbon standards, and are used by some
proving the energy efficiency of the building. organizations to impose standards on buildings
they occupy. In the UK BREEAM (Building
Research Establishment Environmental Assess-
Using other legislation in the UK
ment Method) has for many years been accepted
There has been a clear trend for at least the last by industry as a general standard for assessing the
decade to reduce energy consumption in the ex- environmental sustainability of non-domestic
isting building stock, with Building Regulations, buildings, has been an important driver for the
planning policies and requirements regarding the improvement of the building stock and has been
provision of information to stakeholders all pro- widely used for promotional purposes. Many or-
gressively strengthening. ganizations have environmental policies and
regularly report on their Corporate Social Re-
Planning policies. Local planning policies sup- sponsibility (CSR). Carbon emissions form a key
ported by government legislation and Regional element of this, with energy efficiency creden-
Planning increasingly require developments to tials often highlighted as an indicator of a
use local heating networks (where available) responsible approach in the community. Year on
and/or to use renewable energy sources (on, near year improvements in reducing carbon emissions
or off site) to supply a proportion of their energy are usually a component of this reporting, with
requirements. Exact local planning requirements upgrading existing building stock a common ac-
regarding building refurbishments can differ sig- tion item.
nificantly between local authority areas. As such, The UK Energy Efficiency Accreditation
local planning requirements should always be Scheme (EEAS) is the leading independent
consulted prior to any refurbishment. emission reduction award scheme in the UK and
is open for both commercial and public sector
Carbon Reduction Commitment. The Car- organizations. The Scheme provides advice for
bon Reduction Commitment (CRC) is a new improving energy efficiency and requires
scheme, announced in the Energy White Paper demonstrated improvement in energy perform-
2007, which will apply mandatory emissions ance to secure accreditation. By gaining and
trading to cut carbon emissions from large com- maintaining accreditation, organizations involved
mercial and public sector organizations (including in the Scheme are able to raise the profile of de-
supermarkets, hotel chains, government depart- livered energy and carbon reductions both
ments, large local authority buildings), with internally and externally, and can benefit from
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:51 Page 23
Baker, N. and Standeven, M. (1994) ‘Thermal comfort in
free running buildings’, Energy and Buildings, vol 23,
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:51 Page 24
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2.1 Solid ground floors Option 2: Load-bearing insulation above slab
with lightweight decking above.
Most solid ground floors being considered for This behaves as a lightweight construction since
refurbishment will be non-insulated. the mass is isolated by the insulation.The floor fin-
ish will have little effect on thermal response.
Original floor: Solid ground slab with screeded
Option 3: Raised floor with rigid or non-rigid
There is some uncertainty about the actual in- insulation (quilt) on original floor.
sulation value of non-insulated ground floors. It Raised floors are used where access to com-
is very dependent upon the properties of the munications wiring and services are required
subsoil. The literature provides values ranging across the whole floor.They may also be of value
from 0.3 for large buildings to 1.0 for small shal- where underfloor voids are to be used as part of
low-plan buildings. The dependence on size is a natural ventilation system. It must be noted
due to the three-dimensional nature of the heat however, that with wireless IT technology the
flow. The outcome is that large buildings may demand for raised floors for IT servicing has di-
have relatively low floor U-values already, and minished.
the cost benefit of floor insulation may be poorer
than for other parts of the envelope. Option 4: Replaced slab with rigid insulation
Insulation options This would only take place in major refur-
bishment, or in new parts of a building. It offers
Option 1: Load-bearing insulation above slab both high insulation and large thermal mass.
with reinforced screed above. These options are illustrated in Figure 2.1.
This provides some insulated thermal mass,
which will offer some of the beneficial functions
of thermal storage associated with heavyweight Underfloor heating or cooling
construction. The beneficial effects of thermal Underfloor heating (or cooling) pipes can be in-
mass will be fully realized if dense conductive corporated in floor options 1, 2 and 4. The
materials (e.g. ceramic tiles) are used as a floor thermal mass of the screed in option 1 will result
finish, but reduced if finishes such as carpet are in a slow response emitter which could lead to
used. For screed thickness of up to 75mm, this control problems where rapid changes in heat
amount of thermal storage would be significant loads and gains are expected. Option 4 will have
for 24-hour cycles only, due to its isolation from a very slow response (days rather than hours), and
the thicker ground slab. would give control problems in all but continu-
ously occupied buildings with very constant
gains profiles.
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28 Practice
insulating quilt
Insulation options
For floor A as options 1, 2 and 3 for solid floors,
with similar thermal behaviour, and (Figure 2.2):
Floors 29
Wall insulation is important for: 3.1 Solid walls
32 Practice
rigid insulation
render breather membrane
metal lath
engineered panel
semi-rigid insulation or quilt including insulation
Implications for external insulation In most cases, externally applied insulation elim-
inates cold bridges and (unlike internal
All forms of external insulation can be applied insulation) does not create new cold bridges.The
without changing the thermal response of the exception to this is where a balcony or other
interior.This is because the thermal mass of the structure will protrude through the insulating
structure remains coupled to the interior, which
is where the gains are made
(solar gains through windows
or gains from internal equip-
ment and occupants) (Figure
External insulation also
protects the structure from
solar gains made on the ex-
ternal surface of the building.
These are important consid-
erations as both can reduce
the need for air-conditioning.
Finally, external insulation
may be part of a treatment to
provide new weatherproofing
to a degraded wall. Figure 3.2 Coupling of thermal mass with room interior
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Walls 33
layer.This may not be easy to solve without re- Option 5: Rigid insulation material fixed to
constructing the attachment with a high wall and render or plasterboard applied. Plaster-
strength, low cross section element. board with integral insulation is available.
Non-thermal advantages include the benefit
Option 6: Framing fixed to wall to create voids
of work being able to be carried out without
for non-structural insulation, plasterboard or
disturbing the interior, and possibly allowing oc-
other cladding panel.
cupation to continue.
External cladding may cause a major visual However, option 4 will rarely find application –
impact. For some historic buildings this will be one fundamental difference being that the final
unacceptable. In cases where buildings are al- internal finish does not have to be a weathering
ready of rendered finish, using options 1 or 2 finish.
could leave the building with no significant
change of appearance. However, applying exter-
Thermal response
nal insulation to facades that are articulated and
have openings for windows etc., will be technic- The thermal response of the interior is changed
ally challenging. since the thermal mass of the original structure
In other cases, change of appearance may be is now isolated from the interior (see Figure 3.2).
welcome, and options 3 and 4 are often used to This will have most impact in smaller buildings
give visual as well as thermal improvement. where a greater proportion of the walls of the
rooms is external wall.Where a large building is
highly subdivided by partitions, if these are
Internal insulation (Figure 3.3)
heavyweight construction, and if further mass is
The constructional options for internal insula- present and accessible in the floor and ceiling,
tion are similar in principle to external the effect of insulating the external wall will be
insulation. slight. It is difficult to make quantitative rules,
and these issues should be investigated by ther-
mal simulation.
special fastening or
Cold bridges will be created where internal parti-
adhesive tions and floors meet the external wall (Figure 3.4).
If, as is usual, they are of conductive materials, such
as masonry or concrete, this is a difficult problem
to overcome. The solution necessitates bringing
the insulation back for a distance from the exter-
nal wall or floor (Figure 3.5) which in itself causes
framing problems particularly in the case of the floor.
insulation Cold bridges lead to increased heat loss, since
vapour check the average U-value of the envelope is increased.
plasterboard or
However, in walls, this effect may be relatively
other cladding panel slight, and could in principle be compensated by
extra insulation.The greater importance of cold
bridges is that they lead to lower surface tem-
peratures and may become sites for surface
Figure 3.3 Options for internal insulation of solid walls condensation. This is particularly prevalent in
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34 Practice
Interstitial condensation
OUT IN Internally applied insulation has the potential for
creating interstitial condensation – that is, conden-
sation occurring inside the structure. This can
low surface
temperature have a very damaging effect on the structure,
causing corrosion and decay, and in some cases
reducing the effectiveness of the insulation.
The cause of interstitial condensation is illus-
cantilevered trated in Figure 3.6. It shows that the diffusion of
balcony water vapour through the structure to a part
which is at a temperature below the dewpoint1
of the air. The solution is simple in principle –
Figure 3.4 Cold bridges left by external insulation
prevent the vapour from diffusing through the
material by applying a vapour check barrier to
the warm side of the insulation.
housing, or in other building uses with high oc-
cupancy and moisture production. OUTSIDE INSIDE
However, not all cold bridges have equal ther-
mal impact, and in some circumstances may be temperature
acceptable.The actual heat loss and resulting de- dewpoint
pression of surface temperature can be calculated
from the geometry and material properties of the condensation zone
OUT IN dewpoint
partition or floor
Figure 3.6 Interstitial condensation in wall without vapour
check and effect of vapour check on dewpoint profile
1 As a given mass of air is cooled down it can hold less and less water as vapour.The dewpoint is the temperature at
which it has a relative humidity of 100 per cent and further reduction of temperature will result in condensation.
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Walls 35
Insulation options
Figure 3.7 Typical cavity wall constructions
The insulation value of the cavity is dependent
on the ventilation and air movement. If the cav-
across the building envelope (due to wind or ity is freely ventilated to the outside – for
temperature differences) can cause bulk flow example, as in ‘rain-screen cladding’ – the insu-
(non-diffusive) of air via voids, conducting moist lation value of the cavity is virtually zero. The
air to cold sites. This is likely to be of much more restricted the ventilation, the greater the
greater magnitude than diffusive flow. insulation value, as the temperature in the cavity
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36 Practice
Walls 37
of the outer leaf.This would be a particular con- Where the problems associated with filling
cern if a biodegradable material such as the cavity cannot be overcome, external or in-
reclaimed cellulose fibre were to be used. The ternal insulation could be applied. The thermal
situation could be improved by rendering the implications of this action would then become
inner leaf more impermeable to vapour by sur- the same as the case of the solid wall.
face treatment such as paint.
Thermal implications
The principles of the change in thermal response
when applying insulation are the same as de-
temperature scribed for solid walls. If existing mass is isolated
dewpoint from the room, by the insulation, then thermal
response time will be reduced according to the
proportion of room surface treated.
In a double leaf masonry construction, most
of the active thermal mass is in the inner leaf and
so filling the cavity will have very little effect on
the thermal response.
Figure 3.9 Temperature and dewpoint profiles in masonry The only point to add is that if insulation is
wall with insulated cavity added to a lightweight wall, there will be no
change to the thermal response other than re-
duced heat loss.
In composite and lightweight walls, the situation
is similar to the case described for internal insu-
Retrofit inner or outer leaf
lation of solid walls. The risk of interstitial
condensation will often rule out the retro filling During refurbishment of ancient or historic
of the cavity unless the inner leaf is known to buildings there may be the need to build an
have a much higher vapour resistance than the inner leaf, on its own foundations, in order to
outer leaf. This is definitely not the case where provide structural support to upper floors, or to
the inner leaf is a dry lining such as gypsum plas- the existing external wall. If a cavity is to be in-
terboard, or where internal panelling has joints cluded, then, in principle, this could be insulated.
through which there could be bulk air flow. In However, it is possible that the requirements for
these cases, the only solution for cavity insula- bonding the new leaf to the existing wall may
tion would be to strip off the inner cladding and require the cavity to be too small for significant
install a vapour check, or replace the cladding insulation to be included. In these cases, other
with an inherently vapour resistive material such insulation options for solid walls will have to be
as polyurethane foam. adopted.
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Roofs include a wide range of construction Roof types
types and thus refurbishment solutions tend to
be very specific. Clearly a vital function of roofs The categories below have been chosen to re-
is the exclusion of water, and refurbishment is late to opportunities for insulation:
often driven by this.When this leads to re-roof-
ing, that is, replacing the whole weathering 1 roofs with accessible attic spaces (double
element, several options for thermal improve- pitched, mono-pitched or flat);
ment will present themselves. 2 roofs with voids;
In other situations, the weathering function 3 solid roofs.
of the roof may be perfectly satisfactory, and the
intervention may be to improve the thermal per-
formance only. In this instance a more careful
appraisal of benefit will have to be made and cost
effective options may be more limited.
Roof insulation is important for two main attic space
traditional pitched
40 Practice
4.1 Insulating roofs with attic spaces In practice, this may not be possible at all times
because the temperature of the external roof
These give access to the upper surface of the element may drop below air temperature due to
ceiling element, thereby allowing the placement radiant losses to the sky, particularly at night.
of non-rigid insulation material. Usually there is However this will be a transient effect, and any
no space limitation, thus large thicknesses of in- condensation will evaporate at a warmer part of
sulation can be accommodated and high the diurnal cycle, and be removed from the attic
standards of insulation achieved at low cost. For space if there is sufficient ventilation.
example, the application of 300mm of fibreglass It is difficult to give simple rules on area of
to an uninsulated plaster ceiling under a tiled ventilation openings since there are unknown
roof will reduce the U-value from 2.5 W/m2°K variables such as the humidity in the building
to 0.1 W/m2°K, a factor of 25 times. and the vapour permeability of the ceiling. In
some cases, attic ventilation provision is governed
Ventilation of attic space by building codes. However, as an approximate
guide the total ventilation area should be be-
In traditional construction it is likely that the tween 0.3 and 1.0 per cent of the ceiling area,
ceiling will be lime or gypsum based plaster sup- well distributed in plan and vertically. Distribu-
ported on lath or plasterboard.These are vapour tion is important to encourage good mixing and
permeable. Many modern ceiling constructions stack effect ventilation on calm days.
are also permeable, due to gaps and joints, even Care should be taken to ensure that the insu-
if the material itself is not vapour permeable. lation material does not obstruct air flow at the
Since water vapour is generated in all occupied eaves, particularly when there are no other ven-
buildings, it is essential that the attic space, into tilation openings. As a general rule, it is much
which the water vapour will migrate by either safer to over-ventilate, since as the attic space is
diffusion or bulk flow, must be ventilated suffi- cold (all of the temperature drop is in the insu-
ciently to keep the dewpoint below the air lation), there is no energy penalty for
temperature and surface temperature. over-ventilation.
Roofs 41
ing and insulation. Furthermore, unless the void In both the above cases, the recommendation
is unusually large and only partially filled, suffi- is to gain complete access to the void by the re-
cient ventilation will be very difficult to provide moval of either the inner or outer elements, and
passively. install a vapour check membrane on the warm
side of the insulation.The technical details of in-
stallation are not dealt with here, but it is essential
that it is carried out with a high standard of
workmanship and supervision.
Insulation materials can be highly vapour per-
meable – such as mineral wool or cellulose fibre
– or inherently impermeable, such as closed cell
polystyrene or urethane foam. Closed cell foams
will not suffer interstitial condensation within
their volume. However bulk flow of air can take
place between slabs of insulation and conduct
moist air to cold parts of the structure – thus a
vapour check is still essential. It is also strongly rec-
ommended that the void is not filled, leaving a
space above the insulation that can be ventilated.
There can be no short cuts to this problem.
There have been cases of total structural failure
due to interstitial condensation.
42 Practice
rigid insulation
drained waterproof membrane
from this (temperature stabilized)
Figure 4.4 Insulation above the waterproof membrane; the ‘upside-down’ roof
The roof is drained at the membrane level. The disadvantage of the method is that the
The great advantage of this method is that the waterproof membrane remains exposed to the
waterproof membrane is protected from thermal weather. In the case of heavy concrete or ma-
stress and other damage, and kept at a very stable sonry based roofs, the waterproof membrane will
temperature. The work can also be carried out experience much greater temperatures and tem-
with no disturbance to the interior, and because perature gradients due to the isolation of the
the waterproof membrane also acts as a vapour membrane from the thermal mass of the struc-
check, and is on the warm side of the insulation, ture. This can develop shear stresses along
there is zero risk of interstitial condensation. shadow lines and at the edges of puddles that, to-
A further advantage is that most cold bridges gether with the effects of UV, can accelerate the
(see section 4.4) will be avoided, although some ageing and failure of the membrane. On roofs
problems may be encountered where there are with lightweight decks, the difference will be less
parapet walls. marked, although even the thermal capacity of
timber will have some moderating effect.
Thus wherever possible, it is recommended
Insulation between waterproof membrane
that option 1 is adopted.The only exception to
and structural deck
this might be where on a historic building part
This might be carried out on a roof that had to of a flat or low-pitched roof is covered with lead
be stripped due to the poor condition of the or copper, and a change of appearance is unac-
waterproof membrane. ceptable.
waterproof membrane
(temperature unstable)
vapour check
Figure 4.5 Insulation between
deck and waterproof membrane
leading to high thermal stresses
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Roofs 43
ventilation space
vapour check
Figure 4.6 Internally insulated solid roof outer surface of a roof construction is described
by the Solar Heat Gain Factor (SHF).Table 4.1
shows the effect of changes of reflectance by sim-
ple low cost means.
An exception to this is where an inherently
vapour proof material is fixed to the underside of
the deck. This is sometimes achieved by spray- Table 4.1 Solar Heat Gain Factors (SHF) for various
ing with an expanding polyurethane foam. constructions and finishes
Lightweight renders with cellulose fibres and Roof construction Solar heat U-value
other mineral fibres are also used. However, due gain factor W/m2°K
to the vapour permeability of the render, the %
possibility of interstitial condensation must be
much higher. (1) Non-insulated dark coloured
This method has also been used on light- steel corrugated sheet with ceiling 7.6 1.9
weight pitched roofs made of a single element (2) as (1) with 50mm fibreglass 5.2 1.4
such as corrugated iron (or other metal), or even
tiles. It is often regarded as a short-term solution, (3) as (1) whitewashed ext. 3.7 1.9
particularly in the latter case. The implications (4) 150mm concrete slab 9.1 3.3
for materials such as polyurethane for the in-
staller’s health and the environment generally (5) as (4) with 50mm fibreglass inside 3.1 0.6
should be considered. (5) as (4) whitewashed ext. 4.1 3.3
Source: Koenigsberger, O. and Lynn, R. (1965) Roofs in the Warm Humid
Tropics, Architectural Association, London
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44 Practice
Roofs 45
Cold bridges ment of cold bridges has been dealt with in some
detail in Chapter 3,‘Walls’, and the principles are
Cold bridges are areas where structural (or other much the same.
components of non-insulating material) prevent
the application of insulation.Typically these will
be beams or joists, where insulation is placed in 4.5 Green roofs and roof ponds
the space between them. The effects and treat-
Green roofs
evap. cooling from soil and transpiration
Green roofs consist of a layer of soil or turf which
supports growing vegetation. Flat or low pitched
roofs are the commonest in new building, al-
soil and
though steeper pitched roofs can be engineered,
grass and are actually more common in vernacular ex-
Contrary to what is often claimed, turf (soil
poor and vegetation) is not good thermal insulation
compared to modern insulation materials, as il-
evap. cooling lustrated in Table 4.2. If it is wet – that is, in a
condition to support growth – it is very poor.
The only thermal benefit a turf roof could bring
is in the provision of thermal mass. However, for
buildings that are heated, thermal mass without
thermal insulation is not beneficial over the year, and
once insulation is added (obviously it has to be
very poor on the inside), the benefit of the thermal mass is
largely lost.
In a warm climate, where the mean temper-
Figure 4.8 Green roofs and roof ponds add thermal mass ature is somewhere near comfort temperature,
and evaporative cooling to the roof but do not in non-insulated thermal mass may be beneficial,
themselves provide significant insulation especially in the roof, which receives the largest
Table 4.2 Properties of materials for green roofs compared with conventional materials
46 Practice
solar impact, although it is likely that insulation capacity of water and its fluidity). Although it
would still be the better option.A further bene- also provides evaporative cooling, less evapora-
fit may be gained by evaporative cooling, tion takes place from free water surface than by
provided there is a source of water for replenish- transpiration from the leaves of vegetation.
ment. The water surface is exposed to the cold night
If being considered for retrofit, the major sky, which can have an effective radiant temper-
non-thermal consideration is whether the struc- ature of 10° to 15°K lower than air temperature.
ture can take the extra load. This will rule out The water surface has high emissivity and loses
the option for many lightweight constructions, heat, which mixes efficiently due to downward
which unfortunately, stand to gain most. On the convection.This cooled water can then be used
positive side, the green roof can be seen as a re- passively, by absorbing heat conducted through
placement for the original vegetation that the the ceiling, or actively by a pumped circulation
building replaced, and in urban areas could pro- to suitable emitters.
vide a valued recreational area, as well as The roof pond enjoyed some fame in the US
contributing to CO2 absorption. in the 1970s, with Harold Hay’s Skytherm.
However, one important difference is that Moveable insulation protected the pond from
natural vegetation has access to ground water, solar gains in the day, when the passive conduc-
whereas green roofs will have to have pumped tion of gains from within were absorbed by the
water supplies due to the intermittency of sup- cool water.
ply from rain, and limited storage capacity of the Similar to the green roof, an important non-
turf. thermal consideration is the structural support.
This may already be sufficient for short spans, but
for large spans could involve extra investment in
Roof ponds
structural materials. Furthermore, parasitic en-
The roof pond is thermally one step further than ergy used for pumping and other mechanical
the green roof, providing a larger and more re- operations must be evaluated.
sponsive thermal mass (due to the high thermal
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Windows are the most energy-transmissive elem-
ents in the envelope. Even the highest
performance glazing has a U-value at least five
times greater than typical insulated opaque elem-
ents. When in direct sun, windows will transmit
around 400W/m2, 40 times greater than a 20°C
temperature difference across a wall with a U-
value of 0.5W/m2. As well as this, windows
provide useful daylight that can reduce the de-
pendence on artificial light, one of the main
energy consumers in non-domestic buildings.
It is not surprising then, that windows and
glazing have a crucial effect on building per-
formance. Refurbishment provides the
opportunity to incorporate the latest technology
for glazing materials and framing components as
well as adding to the ‘daylight system’ in the form
of shading and reflecting elements.
48 Practice
Heat transmission through glazing The surface of the glass presents a resistance to
the convective component (in Figure 5.2) due
Figure 5.2 shows separately the processes in- to the stationary layer of air a few millimetres
volved in the transmission of heat and light thick that acts as an insulator. This resistance is
through single glazing. Both are present simul- known as the surface resistance (or inversely, the
taneously. surface conductance), and for still indoor air is
about 0.123m2°K/W.1 The standard value taken
OUTSIDE INSIDE for outside is lower, due to the prevalence of air
movement, and is usually taken as 0.05.The re-
sistance of the glass itself is very small, about
long-wave long-wave 0.004 for 4mm glass.
re-radiation The U-value is given by the inverse of the
total resistance:
1/0.177 = 5.6W/m2°K
1 This includes an effective resistance to take account of radiative transfer from room surfaces to the glass.
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Windows 49
solar radiation in W/m2/micron
transmission coefficient
Figure 5.3 The
spectrum of daylight
and the transmission
coefficient of various
1000 glasses
spectral transmission of glass
0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
visible wavelength in microns
about 3W/m2°K. Note that increasing the gap transfer by radiation.This is achieved by coating
between the panes beyond about 16mm does the surface of the inner leaf that faces the cavity
not reduce the U-value further since convection with a low-emissivity coating.This very thin (less
currents are set up, transferring heat from one than a wavelength of light) metallic layer trans-
surface layer to the other. mits short wavelengths (i.e. visible light) but acts
The next step to reduce losses is to reduce the as a poor emitter for long-wave infrared (IR).
5% absorbed 60% 5%
Figure 5.4 The transmission of energy by short-wave radiation through clear, tinted and reflective glass
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50 Practice
This typically reduces the U-value to about cannot then be re-radiated as long-wave IR re-
2.2W/m2°K. sulting from the warming of the room’s contents.
Finally, the convective transfer can be reduced Two other types of glass are commonly en-
further by reducing the conductivity of the gas countered: tinted and reflective (Figure 5.4).
in the cavity.This is achieved by replacing the air Tinted or absorptive glass contains pigments to
with a heavy inert gas such as argon, resulting in increase the absorption of visible and near IR.
the U-value dropping to about 1.8W/ m2°K. This reduces the transmittance, typically from 40
U-values can be further reduced by triple per cent to as low as 10 per cent.The absorbed
panes and multiple coatings. Table 5.1 summa- energy heats up the glass and this heat is partly
rizes typical U-values for different glazing conveyed into the room and partly to the outside
specifications. by radiation and convection. It is not a good so-
lution to overheating due to excessive solar gain.
Reflective glass has a thin metallic or semi-
Radiation transmission through glazing
conducting coating that increases the reflected
Rather less than half the energy in daylight lies component, also reducing the transmission.
in the visible spectrum (Figure 5.3). Most of the However, in this case, the energy is reflected
remainder is in the infrared (IR) region and a away from the glass, not absorbed by it, and thus
small fraction in the ultraviolet (UV). Only the causes no heat gains to the room.
visible component is useful for daylighting.
However both components are transmitted by
High performance glazing
glass and thus contribute to unwanted overheat-
ing and useful solar gain when absorbed by Glasses that are referred to as ‘high performance’
surfaces in the room. have the important property that the transmit-
Figure 5.4 shows the energy balance of the tance in the invisible spectrum (the infrared and
radiation incident on the glazing.The radiation the ultraviolet) is significantly reduced.Although
falling on the glazing surface becomes three the thermal gains due to the absorption of the
components – a reflected component Ir, a trans- visible light remain the same (for a given level of
mitted component It and an absorbed illuminance), gains from the invisible part of the
component Ia. For normal clear glazing, in the spectrum are reduced.Thus the light can be re-
visible region the reflected component is about garded as ‘cooler’, or put more scientifically, to
15 per cent of the incident value but this in- be of higher luminous efficacy.
creases strongly when the angle of incidence This is illustrated in Figure 5.5 which shows
increases beyond about 60°. The transmitted the heat gains to a 12m2 room for different glaz-
component is about 80 per cent of the incident ing materials. In each case, the area of glazing is
radiation, leaving 5 per cent absorbed by the adjusted to give an average illuminance of 300
glazing. lux.This is also illustrated in Figure 5.6.The x-
The proportion of transmitted, reflected and axis shows the ratio of total transmittance Tt to
absorbed radiation varies according to wave- the visible transmittance Tv. For high perform-
length, as indicated in Figure 5.3. Only a small ance glass, the ratio Tt/Tv is less than one.
fraction of UV light is transmitted. Roughly 80 However, even if none of the invisible radiation
per cent of the visible spectrum is transmitted by were transmitted, this ratio could not be below
glass (e.g. 4mm window glass) in the visible spec- about 0.5, since about half of the thermal effect
trum, and about 70 per cent in the near IR of solar radiation is due to visible radiation.This
region. Far IR radiation is absorbed – this leads is shown as the theoretical limit on the graph.
to the ‘greenhouse effect’ where energy admitted Materials with ratios greater than one actually
as short-wave IR and visible, converted into heat, worsen the situation, since, as the graph shows,
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Windows 51
clear glass
total heat gain 2.2kw
green absorbing
blue reflecting
unglazed aperture
clear glass
7.1m2 tinted glass green high performance
VIS VIS limit
Tv = 0.39
INV Tt = 0.69
1 2 3
750W/m2 Tt / Tv
total heat gain 3.7kw
increased luminous reduced luminous
efficiency efficiency
52 Practice
Figure 5.7 The evolution of glass pane size: top left: 17th
century cottage Weald and Downland Museum, Sussex, UK;
bottom left: Georgian terraced houses in London; above:
100 per cent glazing in 1990s office block, Berlin
Windows 53
54 Practice
thermally insulated framing.This could be inside nearly as low as timber at 0.15W/m°C, both
or outside, and carries the advantage that it could orders of magnitude lower than aluminium at
form the main airtight layer, thus addressing a about 237W/m°C.
second problem of air-leakage commonly found UPVC also can be easily extruded into com-
in older glazing systems. If outside, the skin can plex sections and claims are made for its low
also form the weathering layer. maintenance and long life. However, it is vul-
The extreme application of this strategy is the nerable to UV degradation, losing its glossy
second skin as described in Chapter 9 and illus- surface and becoming brittle over time spans of
trated by the Albatros project in Figures 9.3 and 20 years or so. PVC windows also have much
9.4. Clearly secondary glazing will affect the ap- greater environmental impact than timber, due
pearance, either from inside, or outside, or as in to their embodied CO2, pollutants during manu-
the case of the Albatros, both.And there may be facturing and difficulty in recycling.
high costs, particularly associated with external Timber carries none of the above disadvan-
secondary glazing. tages, being almost carbon neutral. Good quality
The third option is to replace the glazing and timber, with good detailed design and mainten-
the framing system with high performance glaz- ance can last for a century or more. Many
ing and thermally insulated framing. This will historic buildings from the 19th century still
also involve high costs in both money terms and have their original window frames, where build-
embodied CO2. ing of 100 years later have already had one or
even two replacements.The reasons for this long
life the quality of the timber – often high-
Framing material
latitude grown resinous pine, spruce and fir, and
Other materials commonly used for framing sys- the detailed design which discouraged the har-
tems are UPVC and wood. The thermal bouring of water and migration of damp from
conductivity of UPVC is about 0.2W/m°C, masonry. Unfortunately, in an effort to ‘modern-
Table 5.2 U-value of glazing and framing combinations for pane size 1.2m x 1.2m. These values are indicative only. The full
procedure for calculating whole window U-values can be found in ISO 10077-1
Windows 55
ize’ in style and production, many of these at- U-value can be significant. For example if the 70
tributes are missing in window design from the per cent double glazing of a facade is reduced to
1950s onwards. 35 per cent with an opaque material with U-
In spite of the long life of these early win- value of 0.2W/m2oK, the average U-value of the
dows, because they were predominantly single original aperture would be reduced from 2.16 to
glazed and were often poorly fitting, they pres- 1.18W/m2°K. If it was originally single glazed
ent problems in sustainable refurbishment. The and was reglazed with low-e of 35 per cent glaz-
insertion of double or triple glazed panes into ing ratio, the average U-value would be reduced
the slender wooden sections is virtually impos- from about 3.56 to 0.83.
sible. There are a number of products available
for improving airtightness, but these also have
some visual impact and it is difficult to achieve
the same performance as a modern window.
The recognized historic value of the building
will often set priorities here – in some cases tol-
erating the poor thermal performance and
seeking other ways to reduce the carbon emis-
sions of supply, by means such as combined heat
and power (CHP) or renewable heat sources. In
other cases, compromises may be possible such
as the installation of internal secondary glazing.
Table 5.2 summarizes the effect of framing on
the combined U-value of glazing and frame.
Note that it is sensitive to the proportion of Figure 5.10 The average U-value as a function of glazing
framing to the total area of opening in the insu- ratio
lated building envelope.
56 Practice
Windows 57
DF profile with lightshelf
5 These notes are intended to assist in strategic decisions about shading. Detailed design and specification should use
analytical design tools to assess the performance quantitatively.
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58 Practice
fixed 180 +/- 30 good good medium medium none e.g. canvas
retract 180 +/- 30 good good good good good awnings +
fixed 180 +/- 30 med – good medium medium none view
adjust all poor good good good good influenced by
retract. 180 +/- 30 med – good good good medium blade module
retract.+ all poor good good good good size & geom.
adjust med/good ‘good’ applies
med/good to when
fixed 90, 270 med – good medium medium none view
+/- 20 poor good good good good influenced by
adjust 90, 270 med blade module
+/- 45 size & geom.
retract all poor/good poor good good medium ‘good’ applies
to when
fixed all poor med - poor poor poor none not
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Windows 59
60 Practice
Figure 5.15 Optical properties of blind materials 1 Increasing the luminous efficacy of the
light (reducing its heating effect) by the
Roller blind fabrics are usually optically dif- specification of the glazing.
fusing, which means that light is re-emitted in 2 Improving the spatial distribution of light
all directions.This means that blinds of moder- in the room to reduce over-illumination.
6 This topic is dealt with in more detail in Revival Technical Monograph 4: High Performance Daylighting, available
on the website www.revival-eu.net.
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Windows 61
64 Practice
been shown by monitored results to have dra- However, if the principle of the atrium re-
matic improvements in energy performance. maining an unserviced space is adopted, then
Furthermore, it is difficult for theoretical analyses atria do have a potential for reducing energy
to show an advantage over a conventional par- consumption, particularly in the refurbishment
tially glazed, well-insulated building, unless of existing buildings. Similarly, there is a role for
optimistic assumptions are made. the application of a second skin to an existing
average average
internal external
temp °C temp °C
30 30
scale 1: double external / single separating Figure 6.3 Nomogram for predicting the average
scale 2: double / double or single / single
scale 3: single external / double separating temperature
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:51 Page 65
10 gr
Thermal performance
The concept of the atrium stemmed from the 5 external temp.
idea of enclosing an otherwise open space,
thereby ‘improving’ its environment.This would 0
not only reduce the heat losses through that part Oct Dec Fe b Ap r
of the envelope protected, but would also in-
crease the utility of the outside space. temp. °C
The impact of the atrium is very dependent 20
upon the geometry of the situation. Consider the r
2 cases in Figure 6.2. In case A the area of exter- 15 iths
w ted
nal envelope of the atrium is at least twice that of insula
no s .
the area of the parent building that is protected
10 p
– referred to as the separating wall. In case B, the m
r n a lte
reverse is true.We say that the atrium in case B
has a higher protectivity than in case A. Rather 5
than areas, the key parameter is actually the ratio
of the overall conductance of the separating wall 0
to the external atrium envelope. Figure 6.3 Oct Dec Fe b Ap r
shows a nomogram for calculating the mean
atrium temperature as a function of this param-
eter. Figure 6.4 Predicted monthly temperatures for a typical
The temperature will also be strongly influ- unheated atrium, for different glazing ratios (R) of the
enced by the availability of solar gains.This also separating wall, for sunny and non-sunny days, and
depends on the solar geometry of the atrium replacing the atrium glazing with insulated opaque
envelope, namely the amount and inclination of envelope
south-facing glazing, compared with ‘non-solar’
glazing. This is referred to as the solarity of the the separating wall – here denoted by 75 per cent
atrium. The two parameters, protectivity and and 25 per cent glazing ratio, and of the effect of
solarity, can combine to give widely differing solar gains.
performance. Clearly temperatures in the daytime will be
higher than the monthly average since the oc-
Winter performance cupied building will be heated, and the solar
gains will all be present during the day. This is
Figure 6.4 shows the monthly average winter indicated by the simulated results shown in Fig-
temperatures for an atrium in UK climate. Since ure 6.5, and again in Figure 6.6.
the temperature in the atrium is variable, it is ap- The increased temperature of the atrium will
propriate to refer to it as a climate. Hence its obviously reduce heat loss via the separating wall,
impact can be described as a climatic shift. Note during the heating season, and hence heating
the effect of the two values of conductance of load. If it is possible to draw ventilation air from
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66 Practice
temp. °C
20 no atrium
thermostat interior temp.
nny day
set temp. - su
15 ium MWhr
cloudy day 140
ium -
10 atr
independant building
night set back 120 to atrium
5 atrium
external temp.
occupied period 100 to building
6 12 18 24 hour 80 recirculate
Figure 6.5 Predicted hourly temperatures of a typical
atrium 40
temp. °C
25 n y a b c d e
rs sun
tio nh
20 cc upa
Figure 6.7 Annual heating energy consumption for a
a udy
me rs clo
c u p a tion h building with an atrium showing the impact of ventilation
oc ly
15 mean onth pre-heating
10 al
to retrofit is where the existing wall becomes the
separating wall, and this part of the envelope can
5 be left leaky to encourage air exchange. Recir-
culation alone will not provide fresh air into the
0 system, so the atrium must be provided with
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
fresh air, and air should be monitored in the oc-
cupied building to ensure sufficient air quality.
Please note, these temperatures and energy
Figure 6.6 Daytime temperature increment over monthly consumption figures are for a south-facing
average atrium of type B, and are indicative only. Due to
the variability of the performance of atria, it is
recommended that detailed thermal analysis is
the atrium instead of the outside, the ventilation carried out to verify the beneficial effects of a
heat load will also be reduced. This can lead to proposed intervention, if present.
dramatic reductions in heat load, as illustrated in Winter ventilation to the atrium allows the
Figure 6.7. supply of fresh air to the parent building if ven-
In most real situations it will not be possible tilation pre-heat mode is adopted. Unless the
to draw all the ventilation air from the atrium, at atrium is densely occupied, it will not in itself
least without mechanical ventilation. Openable demand high rates of ventilation. Figure 6.8
windows in the separating wall will probably re- shows the use of high level openings which
sult in a mix of the ventilation modes, in varying causes good mixing, and avoids stratification.
proportions. Something of particular relevance
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68 Practice
finishes for the atrium floor and opaque parts of spraying leads to high humidity, and condensa-
the separating wall. Or it may be possible to in- tion on the glass. The response to this in cool
crease the glazing area in the most obstructed climates is often warm-air curtains and hence a
part of the separating wall. In any event, fixed large consumption of energy.Watering should be
shading and reduced transmission glazing to the piped to the roots and electronically controlled
atrium envelope should be avoided, unless the to avoid wasteful evaporation. In cool climates,
existing building is already grossly over-glazed. deciduous species should be considered as these
This issue should be investigated by calculating a will cause less obstruction to daylight in the win-
corrected daylight factor for the occupied rooms, ter season.Avoid green tinted glass for the atrium
and using this to predict daylight availability from glazing; plants do not like green light – that is
sky luminance data. why they reflect it.
within the atrium, and the propagation of noise skin as part of a sustainable refurbishment project.
from sources in the atrium to the inside of the Table 6.1 shows the advantages and disadvantages
building, or even from inside the building to for atria and double skins. It should be used
other parts, via the atrium. when considering adopting either strategy in re-
Treating opaque surfaces with acoustic ab- lation to particular characteristics of the original
sorbers can help reduce the problem. Walls, building.
shading devices, opaque roof sections can be
treated; materials such as timber strips covering Summary
mineral wool can provide good mid-frequency Many of the advantages and disadvantages are
absorption and still maintain an appearance of an linked – for example, a second skin offers some
external finish.There are also micro-porous min- acoustic protection, but it is lessened by the need
eral materials that have similar properties. The to ventilate the cavity in summer; an atrium of-
acoustic properties of vegetation are often exag- fers some reduction in heat load, but it may be
gerated, but a heavy planting scheme will smaller than the extra lighting energy to com-
definitely make some improvement. Reverber- pensate for the reduction in daylight.This makes
ation time, and its interference on speech, are generalizations difficult, since it is only after de-
easily calculated from published materials data, tailed analysis, which may involve both
and it is recommended that this analysis be done. quantifiable and non-quantifiable performance,
Flanking sound transmission, from source to that the net benefit or otherwise of these inter-
receiver both located inside the building, via the ventions can be evaluated. However there are
cavity, is more typical of double skin buildings. some strategic rules that are reasonably robust:
This will definitely occur if two separate spaces
open onto a common cavity. However the effect • An atrium is likely to be most effective in cool
can be mitigated, as before, by including sound climates, and when the geometry of the ex-
absorption within the cavity.This may be in the isting building gives the opportunity for an
form of surface treatments, or provided in part atrium of good protectivity and good solarity.
by shading devices, usually located in the cavity. • In warm climates solarity may lead to over-
In these cases, the reflective path of the sound heating; shading and large openable areas for
should be considered when deciding which sur- ventilation are essential.
faces to treat, in order to optimize its effect. • It will be most cost effective when the parent
Other considerations – for example, fire- building provides the primary support struc-
compartmentation and ventilation control – may ture for the atrium envelope.
result in the specification of separated cavities, • A double skin will be most cost effective
that is each window or group of windows from when the costly upgrading of the original
one room, opening onto a single cavity.This will envelope can be avoided. It has the largest en-
largely solve the acoustic problem provided the ergy impact when the original envelope is
separating elements have reasonable sound insu- poorly insulated and leaky. It follows that it
lating performance. For all of these reasons, the has a larger effect on facades that are already
separating elements should be well sealed. highly glazed. For a partially glazed facade it
is probably more effective to upgrade the
6.6 Atria and double skins as part of opaque envelope and the glazed areas sepa-
sustainable refurbishment rately.
• For facades exposed to direct sun it is essential
Most of the above applies to both new and retro- that the double skin incorporates shading and
fit atria or second skins. Here we consider issues ventilation, and a control system that allows,
particularly related to a retrofit atrium or second but does not rely on, human intervention.
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70 Practice
Table 6.1 The advantages and disadvantages of atria and double skins
Advantages Disadvantages
Atrium Significant heating energy reduction if geometry Does not give significant energy savings if
provides good protectivity and good solarity. protectivity and solarity are poor.
May offer further energy saving by ventilation Reduces availability of daylight to rooms and may
pre-heating. thereby lead to increased energy consumption.
Can provide useful semi-climatized space at low Reduces the potential for natural ventilation by
capital and running cost. openable windows due to
• propagating noise
• reducing windspeeds
• delivering overheated air in summer
• need for fire-compartmentation.
Provides strong architectural element making The space may overheat in summer reducing its
the benefits to the user of the refurbishment utility, and may also cause overheating in
very evident. adjacent spaces.
Will probably mean that the upgrading of the original If heated, cooled and lit, the extra energy
envelope that becomes the separating wall, can demand will almost definitely outweigh the
be to a far lower standard than if it continued to thermal energy saved.
be external envelope.
May assist in stack-driven extract ventilation
for surrounding spaces.
Double skin Significant heating energy reduction when applied Small heating energy reduction when applied to
to very poorly insulated envelope. moderate or well-insulated envelope.
Significant reduction in infiltration when applied May lead to overheating of parent building on
to leaky envelope. E, S and W facades.
Provides location for active shading system to Large surface area of glazing, shading, and
original glazed facade. support structure incurs high costs.
Can provide some noise attenuation from external Reduces the potential for natural ventilation by
noise, but much reduced if cavity is open for openable windows due to
ventilation. • propagating noise
• reducing windspeeds
• delivering overheated air in summer
• need for fire-compartmentation.
Provides architectural opportunity to change Leads to separation from outside and disruption
and upgrade appearance of the building. of views for occupants.
Final note of caution:Atria and double skins do not and/or comfort problems. Double skins con-
automatically save energy; in many cases they sume a large amount of embodied energy for no
will lead to an increase in energy consumption increase in floor space.
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Mechanical services and controls have a large rarely, the seasonal efficiency was considerably
impact on the energy performance of a building, reduced from the instantaneous efficiency, typic-
typically as much as the fabric. Clearly, the po- ally as low as 55 per cent. Modern boilers have
tential for improvement will depend on the addressed this problem with improved heat ex-
current state of the mechanical equipment, changers and control and can return seasonal
which typically is updated more frequently than efficiencies as high as 85 per cent. Other im-
the building fabric. However, even recent ser- provements include improved combustion, and
vices upgrades may not have attended in in the case of condensing boilers, the latent heat
particular to improving energy performance. For that would otherwise be lost with the water
example, it is not uncommon to see new low vapour, a combustion product, is reclaimed from
energy light fittings providing higher than nec- the flue gas by condensation.
essary illuminance levels, and without controls, Condensing boilers can give the highest effi-
where no saving or even increased energy con- ciency if the return water temperature can be
sumption is the result. kept below 55oC for prolonged periods.This is
It is difficult to generalize but improvements possible if emitters, such as fan coil units or un-
in plant will tend to be more cost effective than derfloor systems, are sized appropriately, (i.e.
improvements to the fabric. Updating, or in- larger than for high water temperatures) and if a
stalling controls for the first time, is even more controller is used that reduces flow temperature
likely to be the most cost effective strategy.With when demand is low, but allows higher temper-
the steady development of IT and its cost re- ature for warm-up and very cold periods.
duction, large savings can be made for modest It is common to use multiple boilers so that
or even no extra cost, resulting in a rapid pay- individual units can be fired up as necessary,
back. When considering embodied CO2, the maximizing the number of boilers working at
payback is even more rapid since the material full load and thus their highest efficiency. This
content of control equipment is very small. arrangement also gives the opportunity to use a
combined heat and power (CHP) system, or
7.1 Boilers condensing boiler as the lead boiler, with less ef-
ficient (but possibly cheaper) boilers brought
Boiler efficiency is the ratio of useful heat out- into use at times of peak demand only.
put to the calorific value of the fuel input. Separate boilers for space and (centralized)
Boilers are required work at a range of outputs in sanitary hot water can be used and this may be
response to the varying seasonal heat load. A more efficient where annual demand profiles are
characteristic of older boilers with heavyweight very different, or where small quantities of hot
heat exchangers was reduced efficiency at part water are required for summer periods.
load, often as low as 45 per cent at one-third full
load. Since full load operation occurred relatively
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72 Practice
asbestos, and this alone will probably justify its 175 office eqpt.
replacement on health grounds.
150 fans & pumps
Small pipe diameters will lead to higher en-
ergy consumption by the circulation pumps. It refrigeration
Naturally ventilated
may be possible to reduce flow speed due to re- lighting
zoning. It may also be possible to reduce flow 100 heat & hw
rates in response to reduced heat demand due to
insulation improvements.Where this is not pos-
sible, replacing existing pipework with that of 50
large diameter could be justified; for a given flow
rate, the energy consumed is inversely propor-
tional to the fourth power of the pipe diameter. 0
However, it is not only the pipework causing
flow resistance, but often components such as
valves, junctions and bends, and the resistance of Figure 7.1 CO2 emissions by energy end use by 14 office
these should be minimized. Furthermore, if flow buildings in the UK
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90% convection
70% radiation
30% convection
74 Practice
It is well known that the conventional radiator is ceiling, possibly exacerbating roof losses or ven-
predominantly a convector with more than half tilation losses from high level openings.
of the energy being emitted by natural convec- However, if the ceiling is very lightweight, this
tion. Multiple panel radiators (two or three will warm quickly and begin radiating down-
layers) have a higher proportion of convective wards. Air leaves the fan coil unit with much
output, and the convector simply takes this fur- more momentum than the simple convector and
ther by increasing the heated surface area, usually can be directed horizontally ensuring rapid mix-
enclosed by a casing. Fan coils takes the princi- ing.
ple one more step by forced air flow ensuring The underfloor system increases the radiant
that more than 95 per cent of the heat output is temperature and the air temperature over the
to the air.All of these emitters have to be located whole floor surface.This can be rapid in the case
against walls, usually perimeter walls where the of the lightweight deck, or rather slowly when
greatest heat loss is located. the heating pipes are located in a screed, due to
Underfloor heating is achieved by heating the thermal inertia of the heavy material. Hori-
pipes in the screed or under the deck as de- zontal ceiling radiant panels radiate downwards
scribed in section 2.2. It introduces heat over the increasing the radiant temperature and warming
whole area of the floor (or the zone in which the floor.
the pipes are located) with about 50 per cent as These dynamic and spatial differences can
radiant energy and 50 per cent convective. have considerable influence on energy con-
Radiant panels in the ceiling, if horizontal, sumption, and should be considered when
have the highest proportion of radiant energy for replacing heat emitters. For example a large dou-
any low temperature emitter.This is because up- ble-height space of heavyweight construction
ward-flowing convection currents cannot be set would respond very badly to perimeter radiators
up, resulting in a higher surface temperature and or convectors, whereas smaller spaces with a
hence higher downward radiant loss. lightweight well-insulated ceiling, will be effec-
The location of the emitter and its radi- tively heated by such a system. Fan units carry
ant/convective split influences the temperature the advantage of a high output for small size, and
distribution, in particular in the warm-up period. the ability to cause good mixing and fast re-
Consider the cases in Figure 7.3. The vertical sponse; however, the fans use electrical power,
warm-air plume from the radiator or convector make noise and require maintenance.
has to ‘fill up’ the room from the top down be- Thermal comfort can be achieved at relatively
fore the air temperature increases at floor level. low air temperatures provided the mean radiant
This will lead to high temperatures under the temperature1 is higher. Overhead radiant panels
Figure 7.3
Transient effects
warm air during warm-up
period for
different emitters
cool air
can achieve this, making them suitable for spaces cellular offices or meeting rooms are built around
such as workshops, sports halls and warehouses the perimeter of rooms with open plan areas in
(Figure 7.4). Lowering the air temperature will the centre.These refurbishments often make no
lower conductive heat loss through the fabric, provision for changing the heating system, re-
and loss by ventilation, which may be high from sulting in unbalanced heated environments in all
large volume spaces such as these. To some ex- areas.
tent, underfloor heating also elevates mean
radiant temperature, and delivers the heat at floor
level, making it suitable for spaces with large ceil-
ing height, including ‘semi-heated’ spaces such as
cool air
High-temperature directly gas-fired heaters curtain
and electric incandescent heaters are available for increased high temperature
high level installation in similar circumstances. heat loss
Here, relatively small areas are heated to high
temperatures (400°C to 850°C).The overall ef-
fect is similar to large areas of surface at a lower
temperature. However electric heaters should be
avoided if possible due to the large CO2 emis-
sions per kWh of electricity.
Figure 7.5 Poor positioning of heat emitter leads to
increased losses due to high local air temperatures
Positioning emitters
Radiators and convectors are often placed at the
perimeter of rooms on external walls, and often
Sizing emitters
beneath windows. Both can lead to high local air
temperature, and if this is against a poorly insu- Reduced heating loads give the opportunity of
lated wall or a window, heat losses will be reducing emitter size.This may be an advantage
significantly increased. This is particularly true in terms of space use, and a saving in capital cost.
when windows are curtained, if the warm air is One consideration, however, is that the larger the
channelled into the space between the curtain output of the emitter the lower the water tem-
and the window, as in Figure 7.5. Further issues perature needs to be for the same heat output.
arise during refurbishment programmes when Lowering water temperature reduces non-useful
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76 Practice
heat losses from pipework, reduces flue temper- temperature is below the dewpoint, condensa-
ature, and increases heat recovery in condensing tion will form. This is unacceptable for floors,
boilers. Low water temperature also leads to and probably ceiling panels, but can be handled
higher efficiency when heat is supplied by heat in fan coil units, where the collection of con-
pumps, geothermal and waste heat sources. densation effects a dehumidifying function.
Underfloor heating is slightly different, since
the maximum water temperature has to be low 7.4 Fans and pumps
for comfort reasons (avoiding hot feet). The
penalty is that a large area is required.This means CO2 emissions due to the electrical energy con-
that underfloor heating is a good choice for low sumed for circulating air by fans and water by
energy use, provided the response time is appro- pumps can be as large or larger than that for
priate for the heating regime (see Section 2.1). heating or refrigeration (Figure 7.1). Much of
this is due to wasteful control – that is, moving
more air or water than necessary – and this can
Coolth emitters be taken care of by improved controls, see section
Cool air is heavier than warm air, resulting in the 7.7. However, the technical characteristics of the
natural convection currents illustrated in Figure fans and pumps themselves affect energy use.
7.6 being reversed. Horizontal cooled surfaces Refurbishment may provide the opportunity to
behave differently from heated surfaces in that a change to more efficient equipment in itself, or
cooled ceiling can deliver cool air to the floor, incorporate new features such as variable speed
by downward flowing plumes, and a cooled floor drives which permit a more efficient control
creates a layer of stable cool heavy air. It is un- strategy on ventilation air.
usual to use conventional radiators or passive Ventilation fans will be designed to satisfy the
convectors for cooling purposes but in principle highest annual demand and lower ventilation
this can be done. All other emitters are suitable, rates will be adequate to maintain air quality for
thus it is feasible to use the same emitters for much of the time.Variable speed drives can be
both heating and cooling. Cooled floors and retrofitted to fans and controlled by CO2 levels
ceilings carry much the same advantages as for in the exhaust air or by set profiles according to
heating applications, including their large surface time of day.
area allowing small temperature differences.This Water circulation pump speeds can be con-
may permit using ambient coolth sources such trolled by pipe pressure so that where flow is
as ground or seawater. reduced as valves close down due to thermostats
However, a new problem emerges with sensing adequate temperatures, pump speed is re-
coolth delivery – condensation. If the surface duced, greatly reducing power usage. Modern
Figure 7.6
Downward cool
air plumes from
cooled ceiling
panels (a) and
stable stratified
cool air from
cooled floor (b)
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pumps and fans are generally much more effi- used directly through walls, windows or ceilings.
cient than older equipment. These normally provide cool air directly to the
space with heat dumped via a fan coil to outside.
7.5 Refrigeration Low efficiencies and poor control may make
these installations inefficient for long-term use.
Where active mechanical cooling is required in Where there is an available source of ‘waste’
a building, this can be provided by a variety of high grade heat, in or adjacent to the building,
systems giving varying efficiencies. These are absorption chillers can be used to provide cool-
mechanical central chillers, using one of: ing. These are similar to conventional chillers but
use heat rather than electricity to drive the
• absorption chillers; or process of producing cold water. Absorption
• local ‘split-unit’ heat pumps. chillers are most commonly used where there is
a combined heat and power (CHP) system close
Conventional refrigeration plant produces by, with surplus heat, particularly in summer.
chilled water that circulates around the building Overall efficiencies of absorption chillers are low
supplying fan coil units or other emitters where and careful calculations are needed to ensure that
necessary. Efficiencies vary between machines they can in practice provide a low CO2 cooling
using different types of compressors. system. Absorption chillers have also been used
Chillers can ‘dump’ heat from the building to in conjunction with solar heat sources.
the external environment via: Chillers are rated in terms of efficiency by their
Coefficient of Performance (COP), which is the
• wet cooling towers; extracted heat energy divided by the electrical en-
• dry cooling towers; ergy input. Instantaneous COPs can vary up to 4
• using the ground. or 5 for a high performance and/or magnetic
bearing chiller, but it is the annual performance,
Wet cooling towers give the highest efficiency taking into account periods of low demand, that
but if not fully maintained have been linked as is the key to low energy use. It must also be borne
sources of Legionnaire’s disease and as such re- in mind that conventional electrical energy has a
quire regular, effective maintenance and control. much higher CO2 content than thermal energy.
Fan-driven dry systems are becoming more
common as they do not have any links to Le- 7.6 Lighting installations
gionella, due to the removal of moist, warm
breeding grounds, but are a less energy efficient
Luminous efficacy
method of dumping heat.
Ground sourced systems use a horizontal grid For non-domestic buildings, lighting energy
of pipes at least a metre below ground, or a ser- forms a major component of the total energy
ies of vertical pipes in which a fluid, normally consumption, as shown in Figure 7.1.The adop-
water, is circulated and cooled by the ground. tion of a strategy to maximize the use of daylight
Ground pipes can give good chiller efficiencies, in order to minimize artificial lighting energy has
depending on ground temperatures and soil been discussed already in section 1.6. It involves
types, and the cooled water can be used through maximizing the ingress of useful daylight by ar-
a heat exchanger directly to provide ‘free cooling’ chitectural means, and the use of controls to
for the building at modest demand levels. ensure that the artificial lighting is displaced by
In smaller buildings and even for supplemen- the daylight. The energy use is also dependent
tary comfort cooling in larger buildings, on the efficiency of the artificial lighting system
individual air cooled units are quite commonly itself, the subject of this section.
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78 Practice
Luminous efficacy is defined as the ratio of emitted from the source, and is a property of
luminous energy (lumens) to the power con- both the luminaire and the room.
sumed by the source. The global luminous The two factors on the right are both candi-
efficacy of a system is given by: dates for improvement. Table 7.1 gives generic
descriptions of sources, luminaires and room
Eg = Es x UF
characteristics to indicate the potential reduction
where Es is the efficacy of the source and UF of lighting power. The energy use is compared
is the utilization factor. The utilization factor is with a base case which might reasonably be re-
the ratio of useful light on the workplane to that garded as a typical unimproved installation.
Table 7.1 Global lighting efficacy for various combinations of lamp, luminaire and room type
80 Practice
the speed of response of the system. Artificial anticipate the answer! The difference between
lighting can respond instantaneously, and thus of- the three options would be:
fers good potential for demand matching. For a
single well defined room (such as a classroom or All the time 100%
meeting room) this is completely possible, and Afternoons + 52%
automatic switch-off with manual switch-on is Occupation only 30%
generally tolerated. In more diffusely occupied
spaces such as open plan offices, and in particu- Thus up to 70 per cent of the energy used by
lar circulation areas, it is more difficult.Walking that room is wasted. Clearly a room booking sys-
towards an unlit area, that is only illuminated tem integrated with the heating programme
when occupied, would not generally be accept- could solve the problem, although it still could
able. not cope with unpredicted spontaneous use.
Heating (and cooling) does not respond in- However, even spontaneous meetings do not
stantaneously. This makes it more difficult for occur with zero lead time – participants have to
heating to respond to occupancy. However, some be informed, documents gathered, coffee and
heating systems are quite rapid response, and if biscuits arranged. If on checking by the intranet
used in conjunction with a set-back – that is, a that the meeting room is free, the originator of
lower set temperature for standby – this form of the meeting could call environmental services for
control can be quite acceptable. For example, if that room to be activated, by the time the meet-
a room is unoccupied for more than ten min- ing was under way it could be up to acceptable
utes, the set temperature drops 4°C. comfort levels.
Mechanical ventilation consumes energy both The actual spatial and temporal occupation
from the fan power and the resulting heat loss. density of all buildings is very low. Studies have
There is no virtue in changing air that already shown that even for a nominally fully occupied
meets accepted air quality standards. Local de- office, the occupation of workstations is actually
mand control can be achieved quite easily using about 50 per cent. Other areas are even more
CO2 detectors. This is preferable to occupancy sparsely populated. Different building types such
detectors since it will respond to the numbers of as schools, hospitals, hotels and even residential
occupants in the space, rather than just whether buildings, show a similar characteristic.
the space is occupied or not. Technical solutions seem to lie jointly in the
area of communicating with the central program-
ming system, and responding locally by passive
Central control
occupancy detection or by user control.The lat-
The key issues here are time programming and ter is, of course, what we have been doing for
zoning. Time programming is technologically centuries, before the concept of central control ex-
simple, and with digital devices, the cost is be- isted, and thus before the idea that an unoccupied
coming trivial. The problem with time space should be held permanently ‘at the ready’.
programming is whether the management of the
system allows the flexibility to alter the pro-
gramme to respond to changing circumstances.
For example, a meeting room is used three Occupancy demand matching can be achieved
times a week, usually in the afternoon, but occa- only if the centralized services are zoned appro-
sionally (once per month) in the morning. Does priately. Existing buildings have often had
the facilities manager tell the energy manager to additions to both fabric and services, and changes
programme for every day, every afternoon, or re- of use, which have led to the original zones be-
spond to each meeting? We can probably coming redundant.
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For example, a community centre was built would have massive advantages in flexibility, and
with a small hall and foyer, on a single heating with appropriate software, building energy man-
circuit. Later a large sports hall is added, with a agers could configure complex zones.
second heating circuit and given independent Conditional actions could easily be programmed
control. However both halls shared the use of the in – for example – if the window sensor detects
foyer (including toilets), and the management wide open, then heating off, or if blinds down and no
had to heat the whole building when the large occupants then lighting off. Both of these examples
hall is used. Quite a small modification to the show the way the controls interact with individ-
pipework, and the addition of two motorized ual’s actions in a way that moves the result
valves, now allows any combination of the three towards a low energy outcome.
spaces to be programmed. The system could easily interact with a book-
The concept of zones applies to centralized ings diary for intermittently used spaces,
control.As zone size decreases, down to individ- ensuring that there was good occupancy demand
ual rooms or even individual appliances (e.g. heat matching.
emitters) the issue then becomes between central
control and local control. A room thermostat is 7.8 Lighting controls
an automatic local control whilst an on/off
switch is a manual local control. If all control Lighting controls have to prevent demand mis-
were at this level, it might appear that zones match in two ways. Firstly, to avoid artificially
would become redundant. illuminating unoccupied spaces, and secondly to
It is interesting to note that, traditionally, the avoid artificial illumination when there is suffi-
zoning concept is to exert control at a local level, cient daylight.
by communicating via the actual service being
provided – electricity, heated water or condi- Occupancy detection
tioned air.
Developments in IT have made exciting new The former can be achieved using centralized
possibilities.The ability to address an actuator – programming but this is unusual.The common-
a valve, a damper, a light switch – using a digital est method is to use occupancy detection in a
signal recognized only by that specific compo- room or zone. Artificial lighting in a room or
nent, has been available for some time, although zone is extinguished after a certain period of
it seems that its application is not widespread. non-detection of the presence of an occupant.
This has been partly due to cost – low-volume The detectors use passive infrared (PIR) or mi-
production, and also the cost of hard wiring the crowaves and detect movement. This has the
data bus to the component. slight problem that if the occupant is very still
But we only have to look to other application the detector may falsely detect non-occupation
areas to see the cost of wireless digital control re- and switch off the lighting. Most commonly in
ducing by orders of magnitude, and we can areas such as toilets, stores and circulation spaces,
envisage a day when every component will incor- the control will provide switch-on and switch-
porate its own digital receiver. Environmental off, whereas in areas such as meeting rooms,
components simply have to be connected to a offices and classrooms the control operates
supply – water, air or electricity – and a re- switch-off only, relying on manual switch-on.
ceiver/actuator unit placed with them. Sensors Although the control is local, zoning is re-
could also be part of the same communication net- quired because the occupancy detector will have
work, acting as control points in optimal positions. to switch a number of light fittings.These must
Virtual zones are then created, simply by be on a common and exclusive circuit unless lu-
grouping together component addresses. This minaries are installed that contain individual
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82 Practice
occupancy/illuminance detection exclusively for tric light when there is sufficient daylight be-
that luminaire’s control. comes an ethically or intellectually driven action
Stand alone occupancy-detecting light con- and not discomfort driven.
trols, are low cost (typically €30–€100) and Photo-sensitive detectors can be used to make
readily available. In buildings with intermittent up this deficiency.The most basic system moni-
room-use large savings can be made and the in- tors the illuminance in the room and if the
stallation of these controls during refurbishment illuminance value is above a datum (the design il-
should be high priority. luminance + the artificial illuminance), the
artificial lighting will be switched off.These sys-
tems first appeared in the 1970s and had mixed
Daylight detection
reception, occupants often finding them irritat-
Most non-domestic buildings, are technically ing due to the sudden change of illuminance.
day-lit – that is, there is at least a 2 per cent day- A whole series of refinements followed, the
light factor2 (DF) for 80 per cent of the floor most important being dimming control, which al-
plan – but they spend most of their occupied lowed the artificial lighting to be gradually
time lit artificially.This waste is partly due to the dimmed, as the daylight illuminance approached
lack of feedback to the occupant – that is, al- the design illuminance. This not only improved
though the occupant notices under-illumination, visual comfort, but increased the energy saving.
there is no discomfort feed back from over-illu- Other refinements included the incorporation of
mination. Thus, unlike closing a window once a time lag, to avoid response to short term daylight
the room has cooled down, turning off the elec- fluctuations, and a system where the switch-off
2 DF = ratio of horizontal illumination in the building at the point of interest to the unobstructed illumination out-
side the building, expressed as a percentage. Recommended values are shown in Table 7.3.
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action occurred at specific times of the day. In both of these systems, light fittings must be
Systems installed in open plan offices were grouped together into zones, controlled by a sin-
usually under full auto control, whereas systems gle detector or predicted illuminance point, and
in cellular offices and small rooms were often these zones must relate logically to the variation
auto off and manual on. This created a further of daylight in the space.That is, they should be
energy saving due to the phenomenon of in- approximately defined by isopleths of equal day-
creased tolerance of failing daylight, where light factor (Figure 7.7). For most side-lit areas
people will delay switching on artificial light this simplifies to having two (or possibly three)
even when the daylight has reduced well below banks of light fittings parallel to the window wall
the accepted artificial lighting level. and at a distance of about 1.5 and 4.5 metres
All manual switching can have some energy from the window wall. Zoning of this kind will
saving potential. It is found that in cellular offices, show significant savings over a single zone for
with one or two occupants, it is more likely that the whole day-lit area.
the lights will be switched off when there is suf-
ficient daylight than in open plan offices.This is
Energy savings
probably due to territorial effects and the ‘taking
ownership’ of control, and is an extension of what The savings created by photo-sensitive control
we would expect to see in a domestic situation. are considerable. Figure 7.8 illustrates the effect
However, even at this scale, zonal switching is best, for both on/off control and dimming control.
allowing the lighting in areas of the room closest The low cost of the control system makes them
to the window to be switched off first. highly cost effective and their incorporation ab-
solutely essential in any non-domestic building
Two methods can be adopted: 7.9 Building energy management systems
1 The available daylight can be measured
outside the building (usually on the roof) BEMS are now used in virtually all mechanically
and then daylight illuminances calculated conditioned buildings and increasingly in nat-
(using measured daylight factors) for vari- urally ventilated buildings. Potentially they have
ous switching or dimming zones in the the ability to control energy use and record en-
building. This is a centralized system and ergy consumption, as well as controlling the
would be part of the building energy internal environmental conditions.
management systems (BEMS). BEMS can be used to control all aspects of
2 The illuminance for each zone is measured the building – lighting, heating and cooling
at a representative point in the zone, and plant, internal temperatures and air quality, ven-
used to control that zone only. Since it is tilation systems, night cooling, optimal start/stop
inconvenient to place the sensor on the and solar control blinds. Most systems have a vis-
workplane facing upwards, it is often placed ual display that can show the operator the
on the ceiling facing downwards. If this is current conditions and settings throughout the
done, it must be recognized the sensor will building and enable them to make modifications.
not measure the actual working illumin- Although theoretically BEMS enable the ef-
ance but the ceiling illuminance, which is ficient control of a building, in practice many
affected by the floor and work-surface re- systems do not give the good results. Poor system
flectance. The latter system is becoming design, poor programming, over-complex sys-
more popular. tems and poor understanding by the operator
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84 Practice
sub-systems are sometimes
2% 5% 10% found controlling different
physical or subject areas – for
example, local controls for split-
unit cooling in meeting rooms.
An important design aspect for
the BEMS contractor is to en-
sure that the level of complexity,
and the design of the display and
zone 1 zone 2 operating system, fit the likely
level of knowledge and training
of the person who will be ex-
pected to operate it on a day to
day basis.
(at ref point) 7.10 Adaptive controls
The principle of adaptive con-
600 trol has been described in some
zone 2 detail in section 1.5. Essentially
it is the inclusion of the occu-
zone 1 pant in the control loop, that is,
300 permitting the occupant to take
part in the control process with-
lights off
out allowing the action to
0 destroy the automatic control
occupied day time strategy. The advantage of this
approach is that, given a level of
control, the occupant is much
more tolerant of non-neutral conditions, as il-
Figure 7.7 A daylight factor contour map of a side-lit lustrated in Figure 7.9.
room showing position of two separately switched banks of The inclusion of the occupant in the control
lighting (a) and the resulting switch-on times (b) means that opportunities must be provided – op-
erable windows, blinds, heating/cooling controls,
With the steady reduction of costs of micro-electronics, desk or ceiling fan controls..These are technical
luminaries are now being manufactured with their own or element-based opportunities. Other opportu-
detector – that is, one per fitting. Potentially this offers very nities could be termed behaviour-based, such as
good control, but only provided the switching or dimming a cool ‘chill-out’ rest area, cold-drinks machine,
threshold is set up properly. Pre-set values will not recognize or relaxed dress code.These are also discussed in
the effect of work-surface or floor reflectance. section 1.5.
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occupied day
Two issues dealt with here are feedback and this has been to say ‘if the temperature was right
caretaker function. in the first place, the occupant wouldn’t have
opened the window, so we control temperature
even more closely and don’t provide operable
windows’. Note that this answer is dependent on
Figure 7.10 shows the interaction of automatic the conventional (Fanger-based) principle that
control with a common action such as opening there is a ‘right temperature’. However, this oc-
a window. The occupant feels warm, opens the cupant might have just hurried to work, climbed
window, cool air enters and the temperature two flights of stairs and be warmly dressed for
drops, the thermostat calls for more heat, and the the prevailing climate – resulting in a very
occupant forgets to close the window; the ther- slightly elevated core temperature. He/she now
mostat has broken the feedback loop – result, needs a period to ‘cool off ’ – a reassurance to the
energy waste. unconscious that long-term heat balance can be
The conventional engineering response to restored.
to be extended
when adaptive
opportunity is
neutral zone present. When no
opportunity is
present, any
(a) good (b) poor (c) zero departure from the
neutral zone is
time stressful
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86 Practice
Figure 7.11 Use of backup chillers in Daneshill House in the mechanically driven night-ventilation system is not evident to the
demand because of high insulation, will become It is also a good idea if the presence of com-
increasingly less frequent. fort cooling can be disguised.This is to prevent
Mixed mode is also used to describe a spatial occupant demands for mechanical cooling at
mix – that is, where some spaces may be air-con- times outside the target need periods, in the be-
ditioned (e.g. deep non-perimeter areas, densely lief that it will always increase comfort. The
occupied areas such as lecture theatres, meeting ability to disguise will depend on the systems
rooms, etc.), whereas other perimeter zones may employed. For example cooled floor or chilled
be naturally ventilated only. ceiling panels, can operate without obvious signs.
In both cases, the issue is to make sure that If mechanical fresh air supply is already present,
the predominantly passive operation does not then tempering this air can also be achieved
unduly compromise the performance when op- without advertising the fact.
erating mechanically, and vice versa. This is Where it is impossible to disguise, such as the
largely achieved by controls, and relates closely activation of a chilled air supply that is not nor-
to the issues discussed in adaptive control. mally in operation, then the feedback controls
Other important considerations are to ensure (as discussed in section 9.9) should be in place
that the changeover from passive to mechanical to prevent wasteful use, and to give the occupant
mode takes place at the appropriate point. Oth- some control over the decision to mechanically
erwise there is the risk that the building will cool or not.
become air-conditioned by default, possibly with
an inadequate system.
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90 Practice
Table 8.1 Application of various RE technologies and their interactions with building refurbishment
Solar thermal (evac. tube) Upgrading domestic hot water system for Installation may be integrated with roof
hotels, hospitals, schools refurbishment – close to cost effective
Solar thermal (flat plate) Low temperature applications such Even unglazed flat-plate collector can be
as swimming pools effective for this low-temperature application
Photovoltaic Re-cladding panels and roof tiles
Photovoltaic/thermal Re-cladding with air-cooled PV panels. Electricity generation and ventilation
pre-heating. Cooled panels work at higher
Photovoltaic Opaque PV used as shading devices Geometry for optimum collection and shading
tends to coincide
Photovoltaic Semi-transparent PV used for reduced Not optimum shading since PV is about 85%
transmission glazing panels in large absorber and re-radiates absorbed energy
spaces such as atria inwards
Biomass heating Biomass heating requires space for fuel Local emissions regulations need consulting
delivery and storage
Ground source heating Uses a heat pump Operates at low temperature requiring an
appropriate delivery system, normally underfloor
Ground source cooling Uses a heat pump Increases efficiency of refrigeration due to lower
temperature cold sink. Displaces electricity. Often
used in conjunction with heating
Solar thermal (cladding Re-cladding in conjunction with Heated air collected between lightweight
collector) external insulation absorber and external insulation – best for
ventilation pre-heating
Solar thermal (evac. tube) Contributing to space heating in Installation may be integrated with roof
buildings with low heat demand and refurbishment – not yet cost effective
integrated storage system
Note: A number of innovative techniques (examples are the last two in the table) have been attempted from time to time but as yet are unlikely to prove cost effective.
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94 Case Studies
glazing glazing panels new windows with new wooden low-e glazing in existing facade with
in front of low-e glazing frames with wooden frames new openable windows
existing facade low-e glazing
insulation insulation of insulation of insulation of insulation of
opaque envelope opaque envelope opaque envelope opaque envelope
airtightness improve airtightness improve airtightness improve airtightness
of facade of facade of facade
ventilation high efficiency nat. supply self- nat. supply self- nat. supply self-
heat recovery balancing vents, balancing vents, balancing vents,
mech exhaust mech exhaust mech exhaust
heating condensing gas heat pump and heat pump and heat pump and
boiler condensing gas condensing gas condensing gas
boilers boilers boilers
lighting high efficiency high efficiency high efficiency high efficiency
lighting lighting lighting lighting
interior walls existing new all new construction new
Note: ‘New’ includes demolition and new structure.
An important strategic issue was that options, A summary of the final design choice is as
shown in Table 9.1, should be selected on the follows:
grounds of life-cycle performance; that is, total
embodied and consumed CO2. However, con- • new glazing and aluminium frames with U-
trary to normal practice, a single (long) assumed value 2.2W/m2°K;
building lifetime was not used; rather, options • second skin with sun shading in cavity;
were considered at various future dates to see • insulation of the existing opaque envelope
how savings evolved.This is illustrated in Figure with U-value 0.3–0.4W/m2°K;
9.2.The performance as indicated by total CO2 • passive ventilation system with wind pressure
emissions (embodied + service) as a percentage – independent vents;
of the existing building – for example, the 40- • district heating with waste heat from on-site
year bar for the ‘preliminary design’ indicates a power station;
reduction of 60 per cent compared with the 40- • heating with convectors in offices;
year total for the existing building. Note that all • lighting capacity 12W/m2 with photo sensi-
measures in ‘consolidate’ and ‘upgrade’ more than tive dimming control.
recover the invested CO2 within five years,
whereas the ‘new’ requires more than ten years. The double skin
The ‘preliminary design’ took the most promis-
ing features from the other scenarios. The second skin is hung in aluminium framing
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1 As the pressure difference across the vent increases, e.g. due to wind, the aperture closes up resulting in an almost wind-
independent flow rate.
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96 Case Studies
Indoor air quality was assessed by CO2 measure-
ment and it was shown that the hybrid
ventilation scheme (mechanical extract, passive
supply) was very effective. Figure 9.7 shows a
typical trace for a 50-day period, during winter
OUT IN OUT IN OUT 2007, for one of the west facing offices.The daily
occupancy pattern is clearly visible, and it is ev-
ident that peak concentrations are never higher
Figure 9.5 Simplified elevation showing alternate inlets
than 900ppm, whilst average during the occu-
and outlets
pied period is about 650ppm. These are very
good compared with 1200ppm (the generally
permitted level), and also compare well with the
pre-heated in the double skin, it enters the office design target of 1000ppm. However, the occu-
room at high level above the head of the win-
dow. Being cooler than room air, it descends in
a turbulent plume and mixes with the warmer Figure 9.6 Temperature measured in the office, the double
room air. This vent can be operated by the skin, and outside for period 18–27 October 2007
15 T facade
degree C
T office
10 T outside
18-10- 19-10- 20-10- 21-10- 22-10- 23-10- 24-10- 25-10- 26-10- 27-10-
2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007
0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
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98 Case Studies
pancy density is low, with a global space provi- ify high reflectance finishes to all room surfaces
sion of 28m2/person. and all surfaces in the second skin void.
There was some concern that on the occa- Figure 9.8 shows the resulting daylight factor
sion of strong easterly or westerly winds, there (DF). Two important results are evident; firstly
might be cross-contamination between offices, the DF does not drop below 2.5 per cent, and
leading to higher concentrations on the down- secondly that the rise to approximately 14 per
wind side.This was checked with tracer gases and cent at the window is modest for a side-lit room,
it was found that the movement of air between and is gradual.These characteristics are positive
the zones is no more than 10 per cent of the attributes for both daylight quantity and quality.
fresh air flow into each room. These measure- They are achieved partly due to the high inter-
ments also showed that the overall ventilation nal reflected component from the highly
rate was around 0.65ac/h.This is quite low, but reflective surfaces, and partly due to the over-
the fact that there is very satisfactory air quality hanging and reflective structures (including the
proves that with good spatial efficiency (i.e. ven- shading louvres) located in the second skin void.
tilation where it’s needed) low ventilation rates These structures have the effect of redirecting
are acceptable – leading to low ventilation heat light onto the ceiling and side walls, and thence
loss and fan power. by reflection to the back of the room.
The artificial lighting installation is of high ef-
Daylighting ficiency high frequency sources and luminaires.
The installed capacity is high at 12W/m2, with a
Lighting energy typically forms a large propor- design illuminance of 500 lux. There is photo-
tion of total energy use for offices so a strategy sensitive dimming control to two banks of
for maximum use of daylight was adopted in the lighting at 1.5 and 4.5 metres away from the
Albatros refurbishment.The potential was good, window. There is no occupancy detector, but
since the cellular offices are only five metres deep there is an automatic switch-off at 1230 and
and the existing glazing area was large (more 1800 hours. Switch-on is manual.
than 65 per cent of facade). However, the addi-
tion of the second skin, together with shading Overall energy performance
devices and the existing balconies, could cause
significant obstruction. The energy use of the building, heat and elec-
The design solution adopted was to keep the tricity, was monitored for the period October
full width, cill to ceiling glazed area, and to spec- 2006 to October 2007. Table 9.2 compares the
Figure 9.7 Measured
CO2 concentration for
office B3.07 west, for
CO2 [ppm]
17-2-2017 27-2-2007 9-3-2007 19-3-2007 29-3-2007 8-4-2007
0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:52 Page 99
14 office A3.07 east Figure 9.8 The daylight
12 factor profile for a typical
DF [%]
0 1 2 3 4 5
metres from window (1st skin)
measured consumption with the original calcu- Secondly, the actual internal gains from
lations, with a new building built to current equipment in the building were much lower
regulations, and an average office building for the than that assumed in the calculations.Thirdly, it
Netherlands. The measured heat has been cor- was found that the BEMS was calling for heat
rected for the actual degree days, to the for 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.This had
long-term value used in the predictions. been set up to cover out of hours use; in future
this will be achieved by a special override switch.
Correcting for a conventional office occu-
Table 9.2 Energy use in delivered kWh, October 2006 to
pancy profile reduces the annual heat demand by
October 2007
about 44 per cent which brings it into the re-
Heat Fans Lighting gion of a new office building. It is anticipated
that the correction of the technical fault with the
Albatros predicted 65 6 15
closure of the ventilators will reduce this further.
Albatros measured 154 2.2 3.6 The electrical consumption (Table 9.2) shows
the reverse, being lower than calculated, and sub-
Albatros corrected for
stantially lower than new office buildings. For
standard occupancy 86 1.2 2.0
lighting, this is explained by the excellent day-
new office building 80 8 20 light environment in the rooms, together with
dimming controls and efficient sources and lu-
average office building 150 12 30
minaires. The low consumption for fan use,
together with very high air quality, underlines
The first impression is that the heating perform- the effectiveness of the hybrid ventilation
ance is disappointing. However, three main scheme and its spatial ventilation efficiency. Fig-
explanations have been put forward. Complaints ure 9.9 shows the breakdown of fan energy use,
of cold discomfort from the inlet vents in the of- and draws attention to the high proportion for
fices led to an inspection of the closure of the toilets. Bearing in mind the intermittent use of
large vents in the second skin and they were toilets, this suggests that a more sensitive control
found to be partially open. The resulting low might make further savings. It is reassuring to see
temperatures, measured directly, as shown in that night ventilation (which successfully
Figure 9.6, were the result of an overlarge venti- provided daytime comfort temperatures) repre-
lation rate to the second skin void. sented a very small energy cost.
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:52 Page 100
ported dissatisfaction with air quality, since the
objective measurements suggested that it was
The strong dissatisfaction with the acoustics
Day ventilation with
heat recovery
was due to a very specific problem. Small holes
in the second skin resulted in wind-driven reso-
nance producing an irritating sound. This has
now been corrected.
Figure 9.9 Electricity for daytime ventilation, summer night Finally, there seems to be clear agreement that
ventilation, and toilets the daylighting is very good, although since in
Note: Units are kWh/m2yr.
the question daylight and view had been com-
bined, it is not clear if the visual obstruction of
the second skin and shading devices has caused
Comfort some negative impact on view.
Temperature spring
Controllability temp
• Overheating in the
south-facing classrooms.
• Degraded poorly fitting
windows resulting in
high infiltration.
• Uninsulated fabric and
poor heating controls re-
sulting in thermal discomfort. Figure 10.2 Plan of the refurbished and newbuild work
floor plan. This could realize electrical energy • Daylight and occupancy sensitive lighting
savings due to reduced artificial lighting loads, controls.
provided appropriate control systems were in- • High efficiency sources and luminaires.
corporated. Finally the problem of overheating
in the south-facing classrooms needed to be ad-
C. Comfort: Shading and ventilation
• Shading of whole south facade with fixed ex-
Main low energy measures ternal louvres.
• Mechanical extract ventilation with passive
A. Thermal inlets controlled by BEMS, with night venti-
• Externally applied insulation to east, north
and west, internally applied to south wall re-
ducing the wall U-value from 2.0W/m2°C to D. Other features
0.39, insulation to roof from 3.5 to 0.23, and • Photovoltaic array installed on roof of new
floor, where crawl space allowed, 2.1 to 0.16. block.
• High performance low-e double glazing in • Use of low volatile organic compound
thermal break aluminium frames with a U- (VOC) emission finishes.
value reduction from 6.0 to 1.9W/m2°C. • Management (sorting) of building waste to
• Reduced infiltration rate due to replaced permit recycling.
windows and fabric cladding.
• New low NOX emission gas boilers. Insulation
• New unheated atrium between original
building and new block. The original envelope was comprehensively in-
sulated as shown in Table 10.1. All cold bridges
were insulated by external insulation except for
B. Lighting
the south facade where the visual intrusion on the
• Improved daylight distribution in third floor exposed original facade was considered to be un-
classroom due to secondary lighting from acceptable. Floor insulation was possible for only
north facade. a relatively small proportion of the building, where
1500 22 CO2
1300 °C temperature
1100 21
500 19
10:04 10:19 10:33 10:48 11:02 11:16
78 7666 98 3449
4,000,000 1,200,000
2,000,000 600,000
0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
year year
Figure 10.8 Total gas consumption 2000 to 2007. Figure 10.9 Total electricity consumption for 2000 to
Includes estimated 240,000kWh for cooking 2007
Table 10.3 shows the comparison for 2000 and Table 10.3 CO2 emissions for 2000 and 2007
2000 kWh Emission kg CO2
Table 10.4 Post occupancy evaluation from the students for the whole school
Thermal comfort Winter satisfaction Yes 167 65%
No 88 34%
NA 1%
Summer satisfaction Yes 121 47%
No 122 47%
NA 6%
Ventilation Winter satisfaction Yes 142 55%
No 109 42%
NA 3%
Summer satisfaction Yes 114 44%
No 129 50%
NA 6%
Natural lighting Satisfaction Yes 219 85%
No 33 13%
NA 12%
Curtain operation Yes 155 60%
No 90 35%
NA 5%
Artificial lighting Satisfaction Yes 119 46%
No 134 52%
NA 2%
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:52 Page 109
suspended ceiling
Figure 11.3 The thermal mass is coupled to the room air by fans drawing air over the concrete slab in the ceiling void. At night,
outside air cools the room and slab. In the day, room air is circulated via the cooled slab
1 Phase change refers to the melting or solidifying of a material. Phase change materials behave as if they have very high
thermal mass at and around their melting temperature.
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Figure 11.6
Floor plan
showing the
DX units
(green) and
ducts providing
cooling top-up
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Table 11.1 Comparison between conventional air-conditioning, CoolDeck, and CoolDeck plus top-up cooling
ensure that the temperature of the PCM and the The pre-conditioning control logic is illustrated
slab were lowered to below the transition tem- in Table 11.2.
perature. The installed capacity was about 25 per The adaptive control takes account of the
cent of a conventional air-con system. effective acclimatization that people show after
This ‘peak lopping’ was very effective, showing periods of hot weather. Figure 11.7 shows the set-
a large drop in complaints of overheating. Table point responding to the outside air temperature.
11.1 shows a comparison between conventional The CO2 concentration demand control
air-con electricity consumption, CoolDeck only strategy is shown in Figure 11.8.
consumption, and the CoolDeck with top-up,
showing a 74 per cent saving. These are calcu-
lated values, since due to commissioning
problems, monitored data is not available. Results for two short monitoring periods, before
Important aspects of the system are that the and after, have been extrapolated to indicate the
presence of the mechanical cooling is not evi- annual performance, and are shown in Table
dent and that its control is automatic. Occupants 11.3.The new control strategy shows an average
remain under the impression that the building is reduction in annual CO2 emissions of 35 per
cooled by passive night ventilation, and are more cent.This demonstrates how low-cost changes in
tolerant of daytime temperatures. If mechanical control strategy (and almost zero embodied
cooling were more in evidence it is likely that CO2) can make significant savings.
demand for its use would become common.
Energy-efficient lighting controls
Energy efficient air-conditioning controls
High efficacy light sources and luminaires were
The offices in the 1980s block were already air installed in the second, third and sixth floors of
conditioned. A design study of the ground, first the old building, together with photo-sensitive
and atrium floors, carried out in 2004, indicated and occupancy detecting controls. Design illu-
that 42 per cent of the total energy used was fan minance is 400 lux with an installed capacity of
energy, and predicted that a saving of 22 per cent 9.7W/m2. The artificial lighting is on on/off
could be made by the installation of automatic control with a control point of 400 lux.
damper controls. Luminaires are arranged in three banks each
The new control strategy included three in- side, parallel to the glazed facades of the office, al-
novative features: lowing successive switch-on from the central to
the outside bank as the daylight diminishes.The
1 pre-conditioning periods; two outer banks (each side) are controlled with
2 an adaptive cooling set-point; the photo-sensor, and the two central banks are
3 fresh air demand based on CO2 concentra- controlled by passive infra-red (PIR) occupancy
tion. detectors with a delay of 15 minutes.
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AHU 17 and Night Pre-conditioning 06:00 to 08:00 Day (occupied) 08:00 to 18:00
18 control (unoccupied)
options 18:00 to 06:00
Normal Morning pre-cool: Morning pre-heat: Normal operation Economy mode
summer winter (manual enable/
AHU fans Off On On On Off
Extract fans Off On On On On
Air heating Off (night setback Off Heating set-point Heating set-point Off
controlled by of 20°C of 20°C
perimeter heating)
Air cooling Off Off Off Comfort cooling Off
set-point of 24°C
adjusted based on
adaptive profile
Damper control Closed Full fresh air Full recirculation Modify to satisfy Full fresh air
fresh air and
Criteria – If at 06:00: space If at 06:00: space Minimum supply Space air temperature
air temperature air temperature air temperature greater than 21°C AND
greater than 21°C less than 21°C of 17°C AHU not in cooling
AND greater than AND ambient air
ambient temperature temperature is above
(plus 1°C fan 14°C AND CO2
pick-up). Ambient concentration below
air temperature 700ppm
greater than 14°C
Note: AHU = air handling unit.
22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Ambient air temperature (°C)
applies to the central zone (mainly circulation), Light emitting diode (LED) lighting in
and the 15-minute detection delay may well Customer Service Centre
mean that this high level of illumination is on
most of the time. The Customer Service Centre is typical of the
Photo controls are often found to be set up new breed of ‘one stop shop’ found in City
wrongly and it is essential to check with an illu- Council offices, where residents come for a wide
minance meter that the correct switching range of Council business. Some business may
thresholds are being achieved by the control sys- be stressful, and there may be protracted waiting
tem. periods.
Note 2: Percentage fresh air for damper modulation based on CO2 concentration and free cooling
Dampers will modulate based on maximum fresh air requirement from the two schedules
600 20 60
800 100 40
1000 100 20
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
CO2 concentration (ppm)
Table 11.3 Annual CO2 savings due to improved control strategy with CO2 controlled demand and adaptive set-point
Table 11.4 Electricity consumption for lighting, third floor, 2007, compared with Typical and Good Practice
Table 11.5 Energy consumption of Customer Service Centre, actual, adjusted and Good Practice
m2 kW h kWh kWh/m2year
2007 198 2.1 3698 7766 39 54 27
Adjusted 198 2.1 2800 5880 29.7 54 27
Table 11.6 CO2 reduction by solar system from original electrical heating, and compared with all-gas system
Figure 11.13 Results of the occupant survey from 279 respondents. The most interesting conclusion is that the refurbished
floors with CoolDeck returned the highest level of satisfaction, higher than refurbished air-conditioned floors, the worst of which
recorded a dissatisfaction vote of 69 per cent.
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Table 11.7 Energy and CO2 emissions for gas and electricity, before and after refurbishment
• Installation of circulating pumps of the
inverter type controlled by the BEMS ac-
cording to the internal and external
temperature, as well as the temperature dif-
Figure 12.2 Newly fitted vertical and horizontal shading ference between inlet and outlet of the
devices on WSW elevation on floors 2 and 3 with original heating water through the energy meters,
concrete brise soleil on upper floors. Material is grey painted which are installed on each boiler. In every
perforated steel to give the best combination of diffuse office a controller is installed giving the user
daylight and shading. Original internal louvre blinds shown an adjustment capability of +/–5°C over the
on the right operation of the fan coil unit.
• Installation of a demand control cooling
Main energy saving features system per user. This system consists of a
motorized valve which is controlled by
Fabric improvements a thermostat/transmitter combined with a
valve controller. The controller is set on
• Installation of advanced shading devices to a minimum cooling temperature of 26°C.
control solar radiation gains both in winter For the cooling consumption measurement
and summer. an energy metering device is installed in the
• Replacement of single glazing with low-e area of each user. In this way they will have
double glazing on the north facade reducing the ability to control and monitor their own
heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. consumption. The reading of the energy
meter will be transmitted to the central con-
Night-ventilation techniques troller.
• BEMS controlled night ventilation up to
8ac/h depending on indoor and outdoor air Ventilation
temperatures . • Demand-controlled ventilation using CO2
detectors to optimize and control indoor air
Ceiling fans quality.
• Selective use of fresh air whenever this is
• Installation of specially designed ceiling fans cooler than the recirculated indoor air, as well
which allow the extension of the comfort as redistribution of cooler air from nearby in-
zone up to an indoor air temperature set- door spaces with different indoor comfort
point of 28.5°C. requirements.
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Daily max 43 30 22 41 32 28 37 32 26
Daily mean 32 24 18 33 27 22 31 26 22
Daily min 25 18 12 26 22 15 27 21 16
concentrations exceeded 1000ppm for 57 per Table 12.2 Measured ventilation rates in the data entry
cent of the time in June and July, 38 per cent in rooms before improvements
August. In the winter months the situation is
m3/h V(m3) l/s/pers
slightly worse with it being exceeded for 58 per
cent and 65 per cent in December and January B 21 220 548 2.50
B 22 200 653 2.50
These high CO2 concentrations were investi-
gated in the autumn of 2007 and the ventilation B 23 425 584 4.72
rates were found to be low, as shown in Table B 26 275 564 3.10
12.2. As a result of this investigation, fresh air
ventilation rates were increased in February 2008 B 28 306 550 3.40
as indicated.
CO2 concentration (ppm)
data entry room B21 data entry room B22 data entry room B23 data entry room B26 data entry room B28
1 Primary energy is the energy value of the source fuel. For electricity the delivered energy is multiplied by 3.3.
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parison the heating figure must be corrected to gains. Further contributions must be made by
the same number of degree hours. This gives the improved demand-controlled ventilation
38.2kWh/m2 for the corrected heating energy, with variable speed fans. Reduction in lighting
showing a reduction of 29 per cent.The cooling use due to the photo-sensitive controls should
energy is reduced by 46 per cent. also reduce internal gains, but the relatively small
reduction in lighting energy, suggests that that
Table 12.3 Primary energy consumption for heating, component is a relatively small one.
lighting and electricity
overall comfort
interior quality
artificial lighting
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(–2) not satisfactory (–1) (0) satisfactory (+1) (+2) very satisfactory
Refurbishment strategy
Being of traditional construction the building
was non-insulated and single glazed. The first
Figure 13.1 South elevation of the Villa Ognissanti, the
consideration was how to insulate the envelope.
original Meyer Hospital
The roof presented no problem, since during re-
construction insulation material was included, in
this case mineral fibre quilt.The windows were
also replaced giving the opportunity to incorpo- The solid walls presented some problems. Exter-
rate low-e double glazing in timber frames, nal insulation would have disturbed traditional
giving a U-value of 2.85W/°Cm2.This also re- detailing of this historic building, whilst internal
duced uncontrolled infiltration. insulation would have reduced thermal inertia.
Figure 13.2 Plan of the east–west running terrace showing the additional greenhouse (centre)
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In the end, bearing in mind the nature of the cli- energy conserving measure, this strategy may be
mate (mild Mediterranean) it was decided to a little surprising for a warm climate. However,
leave the walls non-insulated other than a small there were two mitigating circumstances – firstly
improvement brought by new external render much of the lower glazing is shaded by vegeta-
containing a natural lightweight volcanic aggre- tion, and being in contact with the massive
gate. The resultant U-value is calculated to be non-insulated wall provides stabilizing thermal
2.0W/°Cm2. mass. However, considerable interest has been
A new building energy management system
(BEMS) was also installed. This not only man-
aged the conventional heating and cooling, but
also the night cooling.
Originally, the renewed south-facing win-
dows were to have included an interpane shading
system, magnetically controlled from outside the
sealed unit. These were finally rejected on the
grounds that since the external louvred casement
shutters (Figure 13.4) had to be kept for historic
reasons, the expense of the additional integral
shading was not justified.
The greenhouse
The boldest intervention is the installation of a
large greenhouse on the south side of the central
pavilion abutting the lower two of the three Figure 13.5 Section of greenhouse showing shading and
storeys (Figures 13.5, 13.6 and 13.7). As an ventilation openings
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Table 13.1 CO2 emissions for corrected measured Meyer 2007 data compared with reference case
The impact of the greenhouse on the daylight-
ing of the adjacent office rooms had been tested
by simulation (Figure 13.8). The result shows a
mean value of 1.91 per cent.
Occupants report a high level of satisfaction
with the lighting, 4.0 on a 1–5 scale in the end
pavilions, but slightly less, 3.5 in the central pavil-
ion adjacent to the greenhouse (Figure 13.9).
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A see also double skins
attic spaces 39–40, 44
absorption chillers 77
absorptive glass 49, 50–1
acoustics 68–9, 100 B
actuators 81 BEMS see building energy management
adaptive controls 84–6, 114, 116–17 systems
adaptive opportunities 7–8 biomass heating 89–90
adjustable shading systems 58–9 blinds 58, 59–60, 86
advanced natural ventilation 9 boilers 71, 76
air-conditioning 7–9, 72–3 break-even point, rebuild 4
case studies 111, 114–16, 120–1 BREEAM (Building Research Establishment
deep-plan buildings 5 Environmental Assessment Method) 22
energy performance 15–17 bridging, cold bridges 28, 32–4, 42, 45, 102
hybrid/mixed mode systems 86–7 budget constraints 13
air heating systems 72–3 building energy management systems (BEMS)
air quality 66, 97–8, 100, 105, 125–6 83–4, 95–6, 99, 104–6, 124–5, 132–3
air requirements 116 Building Regulations, UK 21–2
air temperatures 74–5, 125–6 Building Research Establishment
The Albatros, Den Helder 6, 54, 93–100 Environmental Assessment Method
aluminium coatings 60 (BREEAM) 22
aluminium frames 53, 94–5 buildings as sub-systems 4–5
angles of incidence 52 bulk materials 3
aperture modifications, windows 55–6 see also concrete
architectural integration 18–19
artificial lighting 11, 77–80 C
The Albatros 98 carbon dioxide see CO2 emissions
Athens Ministry of Finance 124, 127 Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) 22
daylight detection 83 caretaker controls 86
Lycée Chevrollier 103–5, 108–9 cavities (roofs) 39–40, 44
occupancy detection 81–2 cavity walls 35–7
see also lighting ceiling fans 124
Athens Ministry of Finance 123–9 cellular offices 83
atria 63–70, 102, 105–6
3456 EARTHSCAN Hndbk Sust Refurb:Layout 1 22/7/09 09:54 Page 166
166 index
Athens Ministry of Finance 125–6, 128–9
heat emitters 74–6
hybrid/mixed mode systems 87 dampers, cooling systems 116
Lycée Chevrollier 102, 108–9 Daneshill House, Stevenage 87, 111–21
Meyer Hospital 134 daylight detection systems 82–3
standards 7–9 daylight factors (DFs) 82–4, 98–9, 103
commissioned buildings 110 daylight redistribution 56–7, 59
see also newbuild daylighting 10–13, 56–7, 59, 77, 82–4
composite walls 35, 36–7 The Albatros 98–9, 100
concrete 3, 9, 111–13 Athens Ministry of Finance 124, 127
condensation 34–5, 36–7, 40–1, 43, 76 atria 67–8
condensing boilers 71, 76 Daneshill House 111
conduction energy transfer 48, 50 glazing materials 47, 49–50, 55–6
consumption see energy performance; gas high performance daylighting 60–1
consumption Lycée Chevrollier 101–4, 108–9
control systems 71–87 Meyer Hospital 133–4
The Albatros 98–9 daytime temperatures, atria 65–6
Athens Ministry of Finance 123–9 DECs (Display Energy Certificates) 22
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see also comfort
environmental conditioning 79–80
earth constructions 31 environmental regulations 20–3
eco-communities 19–20 environmental strategies see strategies
economic factors 3–4 EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings
see also cost effectiveness Directive) 20–2
EEAS (Energy Efficiency Accreditation EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates) 21
Scheme) 22–3 European Union (EU) directives 20–2
electric heaters 75 evaporative cooling 45–6
electrical energy external insulation, walls 31–3
The Albatros 99–100 external shading systems 57, 58–9
CO2 emissions 76, 77
Daneshill House 117, 120–1
Lycée Chevrollier 102, 107 F
embodied CO2 3, 94–5, 109 fan coils 74, 76
emissions see CO2 emissions fans 72–4, 76–7, 99, 112, 124
energy conservation 20, 63–7, 68, 83 feedback controls 85–6, 87
Energy Efficiency Accreditation Scheme filters, air-conditioning 73
(EEAS) 22–3 ‘fin effect’ 53
energy performance fin shading systems 58
The Albatros 98–9 fixed shading systems 58–9
Athens Ministry of Finance 124–8 flat roofs 40–1
atria 63–7 floors 27–9, 102–4
building/services/occupants system 4–5 flow resistance, heat distribution 72–3
change of use 6–7 framing systems
Daneshill House 112–19, 121 double skins 94–5
daylight detection 83 wall insulation 31, 33
double skins 68 windows 51–5
eco-interaction 20 free cooling systems 116
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gas consumption 107, 118–21 illuminance levels/distribution 79, 82–3, 85
glazing 47–51, 53–6, 60 indoor air quality see air quality
The Albatros 93–5 infiltration rates 9
Athens Ministry of Finance 123–4 infrared (IR) light 44, 50
atria 67–8 inner leaf, cavity walls 37
double skins 63, 69 insulation
lighting systems 11–12, 16–17 cavity walls 35–7
over-glazed buildings 7–8 floors 27, 28–9
see also windows Lycée Chevrollier 101–3, 107
global lighting efficacy 78 Meyer Hospital 131–2
green roofs 45–6 roofs 39–46
greenhouse, Meyer Hospital 131, 132–4 solid floors 27
ground floors 27–9 solid walls 31–4
ground sourced refrigeration 77 suspended floors 28–9
thermal response 29
walls 31–4, 35–7
integrated newbuild/refurbishment 18–19
heat distribution 72–3 integrated shading systems 57–8
heat emitters 73–6 intelligent skins 63, 68
heat exchangers 71 intermediate floors 29
heat gains internal insulation, walls 33
glazing 50–1 internal shading systems 57, 59–60
natural ventilation 9–10 internally reflected components (IRCs) 103
heat loads interpane shading systems 57–8
atria 65–6 interstitial condensation 34–5, 36–7, 40–1, 43
lighting 16 IR (infrared) light 44, 50
heat transfer/transmission 36, 47–50 IRCs (internally reflected components) 103
heating systems 71–6
The Albatros 94, 96–100
Athens Ministry of Finance 124, 127–8 K
Daneshill House 111, 118–21 Kalamazoo building, Birmingham 12
local control 80
Lycée Chevrollier 105, 107
renewable energy 89–90
underfloor 27–8, 74, 111 lamps 78–9
high performance daylighting 60–1 LEDs (light emitting diodes) 116–17
high performance glazing 50–1, 53–4 legislation 20–3
historic buildings 54–5, 131–2 life-cycle performance 94
horizontal louvres 59 light emitting diodes (LEDs) 116–17
hospital buildings 131–4 light obstructions 52–3
hybrid systems 8, 9, 86–7 lighting
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Daneshill House 111, 121
M LT Europe software 15–17
masonry walls 35, 36–7 Lycée Chevrollier 101–2
mechanical services/controls 71–87, 114, Meyer Hospital 133
123–9 walls 31
Meyer Hospital, Florence 5, 56, 131–4 windows 50–1
Ministry of Finance Offices,Athens 123–9
mixed mode systems 8, 9, 86–7 P
PAC (partially air-conditioned) buildings 9
N paints, roofs 44
natural ventilation 8, 9–11, 15, 17, 18, 59 partially air-conditioned (PAC) buildings 9
newbuild 3–4, 18–19 passive systems 8–12, 86–7
see also commissioned buildings PCM (phase change materials) 112–14
night ventilation 9–10, 17, 104, 112–13, 124 perforated screens 58
performance see energy performance;
overheating performance; thermal
permanent supplementary artificial lighting
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planning policies, UK 22
atria 68, 69 SBS (sick building syndrome) 11–12
green roofs 45–6 school buildings 63, 101–10
shading systems 132 screed finish, floors 27
polyurethane insulation 43 second skins see double skins
positioning heat emitters 75 secondary glazing 53–4
pre-cast concrete 9 separating walls, atria 65–6, 68
principles 1–23 service CO2 94–5
prioritizing options 13–18 service systems 4–5, 71–87, 114, 123–9
protectivity, atria 64–5, 70 shading factors 51
PSALi (permanent supplementary artificial shading systems
lighting) 11 adaptive control 86
pumps 76–7 The Albatros 98
PV see photovoltaic applications Athens Ministry of Finance 123–4, 127
atria 67–8
Lycée Chevrollier 102, 103
Q Meyer Hospital 132–3
quantification of energy benefits 14–18 windows 51, 56–60
SHF (Solar Heat Fraction) 43
sick building syndrome (SBS) 11–12
side-lit rooms
radiation transmission 49–50 daylight factors 83–4
radiators 73–5 shading systems 56–7
raised floors 27 sizing heat emitters 75–6
rammed earth constructions 31 socio-economic factors 3–4
RE (renewable energy) 89–90, 93 solar gains
rebuild vs refurbishment 3–4 roofs 39, 43–4
recycling provisions 106 solid walls 32
reflectance, roofs 43–4 windows 50–1, 56–7
reflective glass 49, 50 Solar Heat Gain Factors 43
refrigeration 77 solar panels 89
regulations 20–3 see also photovoltaic applications
renewable energy (RE) 89–90, 93 solar water heating 118–20
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surface reflectance 43–4
surface resistance/conductance 48
suspended ground floors 28–9 U-values 47–50
systems concept 4–5 UF (utilization factor) 78
UK legislation 21–2
ultraviolet (UV) light 50
T underfloor cooling 27–8
task lighting 79 underfloor heating 27–8, 74–6, 111
temperature profiles ‘upside-down’ roofs 41–2
Athens Ministry of Finance 125–6 UPVC-framed windows 54
atria 64, 65–7 urban reflectance 44
cavity walls 36–7 urban renewal 19–20
Daneshill House 113–14 utilization factor (UF) 78
double skins 96–7 UV (ultraviolet) light 50
heat emitters 74–6
Lycée Chevrollier 104–5
thermal mass
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vapour checks Wallesey School 63
roofs 41 walls 31–7, 131–2
walls 34–5, 36–7 waste management 106
vapour permeability, roofs 40, 41, 43 water heating systems 72, 118–21
vegetation water pumps 76–7
atria 68, 69 water surface, roof ponds 46
green roofs 45–6 water temperatures 75–6
shading systems 132 water vapour see vapour...
ventilation 8–11, 15, 17–18, 59 watering systems, plants 68
The Albatros 93–100 waterproof membranes 41–2
Athens Ministry of Finance 124–6 Wauquez Department Store 10
atria 65–7, 69 weathering function, roofs 39
cavity walls 35–6 wet cooling towers 77
Daneshill House 112–13 wind direction, ventilation 98
fans 76 wind turbines 89
local control 80 windows 10–12, 47–61, 104–5, 131–2
Lycée Chevrollier 102, 104–6, 108–9 winter performance
Meyer Hospital 132–3 The Albatros 95–6, 100
roofs 40, 41 Athens Ministry of Finance 126
see also air-conditioning atria 65–7
visible spectrum 49–50 Lycée Chevrollier105 108–9
voids, roofs with 39, 40–1 wireless digital controls 81
voluntary schemes 22–3 wood see timber frames
zoning systems 72, 80–1, 83, 85