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Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35

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Review Article

Intracerebroventricular Delivery as a Safe, Long-Term Route of

Drug Administration
Jessica L. Cohen-Pfeffer MD a, Sridharan Gururangan FRCP b, Thomas Lester MBS a,
Daniel A. Lim MD, PhD c, Adam J. Shaywitz MD, PhD a, Manfred Westphal MD, PhD d,
Irene Slavc MD e, *
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc, Novato, California
McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Department of Neurosurgery, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Hamburg, Germany
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


Intrathecal delivery methods have been used for many decades to treat a broad range of central nervous system
disorders. A literature review demonstrated that intracerebroventricular route is an established and well-tolerated
method for prolonged central nervous system drug delivery in pediatric and adult populations. Intra-
cerebroventricular devices were present in patients from one to 7156 days. The number of punctures per device
ranged from 2 to 280. Noninfectious complication rates per patient (range, 1.0% to 33.0%) were similar to infectious
complication rates (0.0% to 27.0%). Clinician experience and training and the use of strict aseptic techniques have
been shown to reduce the frequency of complications.

Keywords: intracerebroventricular, ICV, intrathecal, drug delivery, Ommaya reservoir, Rickham reservoir, complications, infections
Pediatr Neurol 2017; 67: 23-35
Ó 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Introduction various types of cancer.1-5 In addition to the ICV route,

intrathecal delivery methods include single or repeated
Intrathecal delivery methods enable the administration intrathecal lumbar (IT-L) injections, in which agents are
of soluble therapeutics directly into the central nervous directly administered into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by
system (CNS). As an intrathecal delivery method, the puncturing the membranes surrounding the spinal cord
intracerebroventricular (ICV) route of administration instills (Fig 1). Intrathecal routes of administration allow therapies
therapy into the cerebral ventricles via an ICV port to bypass the bloodebrain barrier (BBB) and are commonly
implanted under the scalp. This route of administration, used to treat a variety of diseases in pediatric and adult
also referred to as intraventricular administration, has been patients.4,7-10
used for several decades to provide treatments for pediatric As part of the neurovascular unit, the BBB is composed of
and adult patients who suffer from a broad range of dis- tight endothelial junctions that are surrounded by a basal
eases, including infectious meningitis, intractable pain, and membrane that separates the endothelium from pericytes,
astrocytes, and neurons.7 This physiological barrier restricts
the movement of large molecules between the blood, CSF,
Article History: and interstitial fluid of the brain.7,11,12 Direct delivery into
Received April 19, 2016; Accepted in final form October 30, 2016
the CNS is required in many circumstances when, due to the
* Communications should be addressed to: Prof. Dr. Slavc; Department
of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; Medical University of Vienna; selectivity of the BBB, systemically administered therapies
Waehringer Guertel 18-20; 1090 Vienna, Austria. may fail to reach therapeutic levels in the CNS.4,13 In some
E-mail address: [email protected] cases, intravenous therapy may be augmented or even

0887-8994/Ó 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
24 J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35

devices are no longer therapeutically needed, they can be

explanted, although oncologists routinely recommend
that, in the absence of complications, these devices remain
in place indefinitely.27-29
The distribution of intrathecally administered therapies
throughout the CNS has been investigated in a number of
recent publications.4,19,22,24,26,30-35 Although one review
hypothesized that the low rate of interstitial fluid secretion
by microvessels of the brain can work against drug diffusion
into brain tissue, and that the ICV delivery route may be a
suitable strategy only for areas close to the ventricles,19
many studies have demonstrated that ICV and IT-L admin-
istered therapies can be distributed throughout the brain
and other regions of the CNS.4,22,24,26,30-35
Successful early stage studies of ICV-delivered thera-
pies for new therapeutic indications (beyond oncology
and pain)24,26,30-32,34,36,37 have led to several clinical tri-
als. These trials include recombinant human tripeptidyl-
peptidase 1 administered to patients aged three to 16
years with late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
type 2 disease38; recombinant human heparan-N-
sulfatase administered to patients aged 12 to 48 months
with mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA39; and recombinant hu-
man iduronate-2-sulfatase administered to patients aged
three to 18 years with mucopolysaccharidosis II.40 In
addition, at least 2 other clinical trials have used ICV de-
vices to administer therapy: a vascular endothelial growth
factor assessed in patients aged 18 to 75 years with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis41 and a product containing
platelet-derived growth factor in patients with
Parkinson disease aged 30 to 75 years.42
The ICV route of administration is an established and
Illustration of cerebrospinal fluid flow and typical placement of intra-
globally used method of drug delivery; individual clinics’
cerebroventricular (intraventricular) and intrathecal lumbar catheters.6 procedures and recommended guidelines on the use of ICV
This image was adapted with permission and published in Annals of access devices (e.g., Ommaya and Rickham reservoirs) have
Pharmacotherapy, Vol. 27, Luer MS, Hatton J, Vancomycin administration been published (summarized in Fig 2).27,43,44 Numerous
into the cerebrospinal fluid: a review, 912-921, Copyright SAGE Publica- studies have demonstrated that employing strict aseptic
tions (1993). techniques when accessing ICV devices can dramatically
reduce infectious complication rates,27,44-47 and following
best practices for ICV device use can prevent infectious and
replaced with delivery systems that target the CNS to pro- noninfectious complications.
vide safe and effective doses of therapy to the CNS while The increased use of chronic ICV delivery warrants an
minimizing systemic toxicity.9,14,15 analysis of the long-term safety and tolerability of the ICV
To circumvent the selectivity of the BBB, therapies can route in both pediatric and adult patients. Because the
be administered via ICV devices directly into the CSF.16-18 placement of ICV devices uses common neurosurgical
An ICV device (e.g., Ommaya reservoir or Rickham reser- techniques,48 this literature analysis does not include de-
voir) consists of a port that is implanted by neurosurgeons vice implantation; rather, this review examines long-term
in the subgaleal space under the scalp and connected to management of the ICV access point, the duration of safe
the ventricles within the brain via an outlet catheter.19 ICV device use, and the nature and rate of complications
Drug administration via an ICV device provides greater (infectious and noninfectious) associated with the ICV
convenience and comfort for patients compared with administration of therapies targeting the CNS.
repeated IT-L punctures.20,21 However, the potential for
increased intracranial pressure remains a theoretical Methods
concern during administration of medications via the ICV
route, especially when larger volumes are administered A literature search was conducted using Embase, Scopus, and PubMed to
over a short period of time.21 To address this concern, identify articles and conference abstracts published through October 17,
many studies have included the use of isovolumetric in- 2014, that included ICV as a route of administration across a range of disease
jection, noting that withdrawal of CSF before administra- states. Similar search strategies and terms were used within each database.
Published articles and abstracts were searched using the following key-
tion of the medication can help to avoid volume
words: (“intracerebroventricular” or “ventricular” or “intraventricular” with
overload.22-25 In addition, ICV infusion can deliver thera- “infusion” or “injection” or “drug” or “therapy” or “treatment” or “delivery”)
pies in the long term and at a constant rate that does not AND (“intrathecal” or “pump” or “ommaya” or “reservoir” or “rickham” or
result in increased intracranial pressure.21,26 Once the “mccomb” or “salmon” or “siphonguard” or “port” or “catheter” or “brain” or
J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35 25

High-level summary of individual clinics’ procedures and recommended guidelines on use of ICV access devices.*27,43 *This is not a comprehensive
summary. For additional details, please refer to referenced manuscripts. yRazors may breach the skin barrier and increase the risk of infection; alternatively
hair clippers or hair removal cream can be used. CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance

“infection” or “experience” or “outcome”). The search was limited to articles Results

with clinical data published in English after 1990. Articles that reported the
long-term management of the ICV access point, the duration of ICV device
use, and the nature and rate of complications associated with the ICV route A total of 150 papers were identified and read in full for
were included in the review. Case reports and opinion pieces were excluded this review, of which 53 were excluded due to insufficient
due to insufficient data for analysis. data for analysis. In the remaining 97 publications, a total of

Reported Duration of ICV Device Use and Device Presence

Reference N Age Range Treatment In Situ Range In Situ Median

Peyrl et al. (2014)27 98 3 mo-21 y Chemotherapy 31-7156 d 1336 d
Kramer et al. (2014)28 151 1-34 y cRIT 1 wk-10 y NR
Sampath et al. (2012)49 70 16-78 y NR 9-33 mo 16.3 mo
Lin et al. (2012)1 12 4 mo-12 y Antituberculosis treatment (isoniazid) 6-15 mo* 7.7 mo*
Shen et al. (2011)50 45 20-56 y Antibiotic therapy for brain abscess 6-12 moy NR
Partap et al. (2011)51 17 31-84 y Chemotherapy Up to 12 mo NR
Slavc et al. (2003)29 26 1.4-13.9 y Chemotherapy Up to 28 mo 13.5 mo
Schlegel et al. (2001)52 19 27-71 y Chemotherapy 2-59 mo 31.5 mo
Esteva et al. (2000)53 9 32-72 y Chemotherapy 5-58 wk 30 wk
Slavc et al. (1998)54 16 2-19 y Chemotherapy 1-24 mo NR
Czech et al. (1997)55 8 2-15 y Chemotherapy 5-24 mo NR
cRIT ¼ Compartmental intraventricular radioimmunotherapy
d ¼ Day
ICV ¼ Intracerebroventricular
mo ¼ Month
NR ¼ Not reported
wk ¼ Week
y ¼ Year
* For eight children; ICV devices permanently remained in four patients.
Twenty-five ICV devices were removed after 6-12 months in situ; 20 reservoirs stayed in place per patient preference. No further infections noted.
26 J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35

Complication Rates for Pediatric Studies (N > 50)

Reference N* Age Range Indication Duration of ICV

Device Use/Presence

Peyrl et al. (2014)27 98 3 mo-21 y Brain tumor 31-7156 d (median

(intraventricular of 1336 d/device)

Pompe et al. 240 <21 y Brain tumor NR

(2012)56 (intraventricular

Brouwer et al. 76 1-86 d PHVDy NR


Richard et al. 64 3-65 d PHVDy NR


Bruinsma et al. 70 <6 y Hydrocephalusy NR

Levy et al. (1997)58 72 3-60 d Hydrocephalus NR

CSF ¼ Cerebrospinal fluid
d ¼ Day
ICV ¼ Intracerebroventricular
mo ¼ Month
NR ¼ Not reported
OmR ¼ Ommaya reservoir
PHVD ¼ Posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation
r-tPA ¼ Recombinant-tissue plasminogen activator
y ¼ Year
* N ¼ number of patients <21 years of age.
No intraventricular treatments administered unless in response to an infection.
Incident with first ICV device.

5815 patients were reported to have used ICV devices. Of Duration of ICV device use
these 97 publications, 35 publications contained data
necessary for the assessment of managing the ICV access In all publications reporting long-term use of ICV access
point and for evaluation of complications and duration of devices (in situ median 30 weeks), patients had the device
use associated with the ICV route (Tables 1-5). Collectively, implanted for one to 7156 days per device and experienced
these 35 publications reported ICV device use in 3303 pa- two to 280 punctures per device. Table 1 presents the
tients (Table 5). Patient ages ranged from one day to duration of ICV access device use and device presence
84 years. across studies.
J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35 27

Duration of # Of ICV Device Total Number of Noninfectious Total Number of ICV Device
Study/Timeframe Punctures, Average Noninfectious Complications, (n) Infectious Interventions
for Data Collection (Range) Complications, n (%) Complications, n (%)
20 y 36 (2-280) 4 (4) Catheter 1 (1) 3 removed
malposition (1) 2 revisions
Kinking of the 1 infection
catheter at the burr- 1 surgical correction
hole (1) (kinking)
Change in
ventricular size (1)
Technical failure of
device (1)
7y NR 30 (14.2) ICV access device 25 (11.8) 39 removed (NR)
malfunction (14)
CSF leakage (7)
complications (7)
Other (3)
12 y 22.3 (5-126) 14 (18.4) Dehiscence of 7 (9.2) 6 removed
wound (3) 2 infections
5 revisions
(reason NR)
2 placements
of a second OmR
5y NR 21 (33)z Subcutaneous CSF 9 (14)z 18 removed
leak (7) 9 noninfectious
Obstruction (3) complications
CSF leak 9 infections
at scar (3)
inflammation (2)
Moving (1)
General seizure (1)
Dysfunction (1)
Inability to tolerate
tapping (1)
Failure of
placement (1)
Death after r-tPA
infusion (1)
7y NR NR NR 11 (15.9) NR

10 y NR 1 (1.4) Obstruction 2 (2.8) 1 removed

requiring obstruction
revision (1)

Although 18 publications did not report the duration of maximum duration that the device was present (age range,
ICV device use or the period of implantation, and 19 did not three months to 21 years).27 In most instances, the ICV
report the number of punctures per device (Tables 2-4), device remained in place long after the device was used to
four studies with populations of 45 patients or more (age administer therapy (Tables 1-5). In cases where the device
range, three months to 78 years) reported the continued was removed, reasons included infectious complications
use of ICV access devices for over six months,27,28,49,50 and due to pathogenic bacteria or noninfectious complications
one study reported a 7156-day (approximately 19 years) (e.g., CSF leaks, hemorrhage, catheter malposition, catheter
28 J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35

Complication Rates for Adult Studies (N  50)

Reference N* Age Range Indication Duration of ICV Duration of Study/

Device Use/Presence Timeframe for Data
Zairi et al. (2011)59 50 28-70 y Chemotherapy NR 3.5 y

Chamberlain et al. 84 31-84 Chemotherapy NR 15.5 y

Boiardi et al. (2008)61 65 19-70 y Chemotherapy 0-18 mo 3y
Takahashi et al. (2007)62 77 17-79 y Chemotherapy NR 1.5 y

Ballantyne et al. (2005)3,y 154 NR Pain management NR NR


Pels et al. (2003)63 64 27-75 y Chemotherapy NR 6y

Berweiler et al. (1998)48 70 NR Chemotherapy NR NR

Karavelis et al. (1996)46 90 23-80 y Pain management 1-1362 d 9y

Lazorthes et al. (1995)64 82 36-81 y Pain management 12-443 d 10 y

d ¼ Day
EP ¼ Epidural
ICV ¼ Intracerebroventricular
mo ¼ Month
NR ¼ Not reported
y ¼ Year
* N ¼ number of patients aged >17 years.
Cochrane review.

obstruction, and device malfunction not otherwise (age range, one day to 21 years), long-term studies (ranging
specified). from five to 20 years) with more than 50 patients reported
noninfectious complication rates ranging from 1.4% to 33.0%
Infectious and noninfectious complications associated with the ICV and infectious complication rates ranging from 1.0% to 15.9%
route of administration (Table 2).27,45,47,56-58 For adult long-term studies (ranging
from 1.5 to 15.5 years) that enrolled 50 or more patients,
In this analysis, complications related to the use of the noninfectious complication rates for ICV device use ranged
ICV route rather than those resulting from the treatment from 1.2% to 9.2%, and infectious complication rates ranged
administered were examined. Noninfectious complications, from 0% to 18.5% (Table 3).3,46,48,59,60,62-64,71 For long-term
including intracerebral hemorrhage, catheter malposition, studies (ranging from two to 16 years) that included more
catheter obstruction, and subcutaneous CSF leaks, were than 50 adult and pediatric patients (combined population),
considered separately from infectious complications. Unless the noninfectious complication rates for ICV device use
otherwise noted, the reported complication rates were per ranged from 1.4% to 10.4%, and infectious complication rates
patient. ranged from 0% to 27.0% (Table 4).5,10,28,49,65-70
Overall, for all the cohorts using ICV devices in this In studies that discussed the types of complications, CSF
analysis, the noninfectious complication rates ranged from leaks, hemorrhage, catheter malposition, catheter obstruc-
1.0% to 33.0%, whereas infectious complication rates ranged tion, and device malfunction not otherwise specified were
from 0% to 27.0% (Tables 2-4). For the pediatric population the most frequently reported noninfectious complications
J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35 29

# Of ICV Device Punctures, Total Number of Noninfectious Total Number of ICV Device
Average (Range) Noninfectious Complications, (n) Infectious Interventions
Complications, n (%) Complications, n (%)
NR 3 (6.0) Hemorrhage (1) 2 (4.0) 3 removed
Bulky edema (2) 1 infection
2 noninfectious
NR NR NR 3 (3.5) NR

NR 6 (9.2) Hemorrhage (6) 8 (12.3) NR

NR 1 (1.2) Catheter misplacement (1) 0 Revision of catheter
position (1)
NR 8 (5.1) ICV ICV: malfunction (3) 9 (5.8) ICV NR
þ Leakage (3) þ
23 (23.5) EP Misplacement (1) 5 (5.1) EP
Blockage (1)
EP: leakage (5)
Misplacement (3)
Blockage (15)
NR (26-30) 2 (3.1) Catheter 12 (18.5) 12 removed
misplacement (1) 12 infections
Periventricular tumor 3 reimplanted
bleeding (1)
NR 5 (7.1) Moving (1) 3 (4.3) NR
obstruction (2)
Intraoperative failure of
placement (2)
NR 4 (4.4) Skin erosion (1) 2 (2.2) NR
Intracerebral hematomas
ICV device misplacement
NR 1 (1.2) Kinking of the catheter (1) 3 (3.7) 3 removed
2 infections
1 surgical correction

(Table 5).10,22,66,72 The pathogens most commonly impli- A 16-year retrospective analysis of patients using ICV de-
cated in the reported infectious complications were Staph- vices noted that 38.0% of patients with infectious compli-
ylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus (Table 5). cations were successfully treated with antibiotics while
Infectious complications were the most frequently reported retaining their device.10 However, in most cases, removal of
cause for device removals in the adult and combined pop- an ICV device was necessary to treat infection. In studies
ulation studies that discussed the reasons for ICV device that specified the rate of infectious complications per
removal. Of the 19 ICV device removals that occurred in 2.6% puncture, the total number of patients was 770 and the
of the total adult population (N ¼ 736), 14 removals (73.7%) average rate was 0.45% (range, 0.2% to 0.7%).10,22,66,72
were due to infectious complications (Table 5). Of the 82 ICV
device removals that occurred in 4.2% of the combined Discussion
population (N ¼ 1947), 77 removals (93.9%) were due to
infectious complications (Table 5). The reasons for ICV de- The ICV route of administration has been used exten-
vice removal were not included in all 69 removals that sively in clinical settings for more than half a century2 and
occurred in 11.1% of the pediatric population (N ¼ 620) has become an established and routine CNS delivery
(Table 5). In some instances, depending on the location of method for long treatment durations. Our results indicate
the infection, infectious complications were successfully that the ICV route of administration appears to be a safe and
treated with ICV- and systemically administered antibiotics, well-tolerated long-term method of drug delivery in both
thereby avoiding the removal of an ICV system.10,13,22 pediatric and adult patients.
30 J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35

Complication Rates for Studies that Combine Adult and Pediatric Patients (N  50)

Reference N* Age Range Indication Duration of ICV Device Duration of

Use/Presence study/Timeframe for
Data Collection
Szvalb et al. (2014)5 501 6-77 y Chemotherapy, pain NR 10 y
management, and other
Mead et al. (2014)10 616 NR Cancer treatment NR 16 y

Kramer et al. (2014)28 151 NR Radioimmunotherapy 10þ y 15 y

Sampath et al. (2012)49 70 16-78 y Chemotherapy NR 2y

Gwak et al. (2011)65 89x 15-76 y Chemotherapy NR 7.5 y

Chamberlain et al. 120 10-72 y Chemotherapy NR 10 y


Kim et al. (1995)67 122 2-83 y Ventricular drainage NR 3y

Cramond and Stuart 52 10-82 y Pain management <1 wk->6 mo 6y


Perrin et al. (1990)69,z 120x 11-79 y Chemotherapy NR NR

Lishner et al. (1990)70,z 106 17-79 y Cancer treatment 2 d-4.6 y (median of 6y

4.1 mo)

CSF ¼ Cerebrospinal fluid
d ¼ Day
ICV ¼ Intracerebroventricular
mo ¼ Month
NR ¼ Not reported
OmR ¼ Ommaya reservoir
wk ¼ Week
y ¼ Year
* N ¼ number of pediatric and adult patients.
Complications related to therapy are not included.
Populations may overlap (similar authors, complications, infections).
OmR patient population.

Given the long-term presence of an ICV access device, versus outpatient) where ICV therapies were adminis-
patients may have some restrictions on contact sports, but tered; all specifically stated that patients were treated in
many neurosurgeons do not restrict postimplant athletic an outpatient center.2,23,28,48,50,74-76
or physical activity, and the majority of patients do not In this analysis, studies with relatively large populations
request removal of the device.28,73 Furthermore, patient (range, 45 to 151 patients) supported the long-term use of
complaints about the cosmetic appearance of the ICV de- these devices.27,28,49,65 ICV devices often remained in place
vice are infrequent.73 In this review, only eight publica- long after treatment was finished and, in some cases, device
tions provided details about the setting (inpatient removal was not required for treatment or correction of a
J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35 31

# Of ICV Device Total Number of Noninfectious Total Number of Infectious ICV Device
Punctures, Average Noninfectious Complications, (n) Complications, n (%) Interventions
(Range) Complications, n (%)
NR NR NR 40 (8) 22 removed
22 infections
NR NR NR 34 (5.5) 17 removed
17 infections
513 total injections 6 (4) Catheter migration (3) 0 2 removal
for all patients (3.4) Pericatheter cyst 2 noninfectious
formation (2) complications
Shunt discontinuity (1) 4 revisions
4 complications
NR 1 (1.4) Malposition of catheter (1) 0 1 removed
7.3  7.8 3 (3.3) Hemorrhage (3) 13 (14.6) 12 removed
CSF leak (12) 3 infections related
to CSF leak
9 infections (combined
for both OmR and
46 (10-86) 10 (8.3)y Catheter obstruction (6) 9 (7.5) 4 removed
Catheter malpositioning (2) 2 infections
Exposure (2) 2 noninfectious
2 revisions
NR NR NR 18 Rickham (27) 16 removed
7 tunneled 16 infections
ventriculostomy (10)  14 Rickham
 2 ventriculostomy
NR 4 (7.7) Dislodged 3 (5.8) 1 removed
catheter (1) 1 infection
Blocked catheters (3)
NR 11 (9.2) Malposition of 12 (10) 5 removed
catheter (1) 1 noninfectious
Malfunctioning (5) complication
Subdural hygroma (2) 4 infections
Subdural hematoma (1) 3 revisions
Mild intraventricular 3 noninfectious
bleeding (2) complications
NR 11 (10.4) Malposition of catheter (1) 13 (12.3) 4 removed
Subdural hygroma (2) 4 infections
Subdural hematoma (1)
Mild intraventricular
bleeding (2)
Malfunctioning (5)

complication.10,13,22 Nevertheless, surgical intervention to Although long-term ICV access device use can result in
repair, revise, or remove an ICV device is important to an infectious complication in a patient,46,64,71 long-term
report for any ICV cohort. It is noteworthy that no seizures systemic administration of treatments by a venous access
were reported in the context of persisting ICV devices device can cause infectious complications as well.77 The
despite a catheter passing through the brain parenchyma. infection rate for peripherally inserted central catheters has
As such, the catheter tract of ICV devices appears to be equal been documented as 0.75 infections per 1000 catheter-
to that of shunt catheters, which alone generally do not days,78,79 and a 2014 study (N ¼ 616) reported a very similar
increase seizure frequency.28 infection rate for Ommaya reservoirs of 0.74 infections per
32 J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35

Summary of Complications and ICV Device Removals for all Studies

Population N Total Number of Noninfectious Total Number of Pathogen (n)* ICV Device
Noninfectious Complications (n)* Infectious Interventions*
Complications Complications (% of (% of Population)
(% of Population) Population)
Pediatrics (Table 2) 620 70 (11.3%) Subcutaneous/scar 55 (8.9%) Staphylococcus 69 removed (11.1%)
CSF leak (17) epidermidis (12) 12 noninfectious
Malfunction (16) Staphylococcus complications
Combined (7) aureus (2) 12 infections
Obstruction/ Candida albicans (2) 45 not reported
kinking (5) Nonspecific (2)
Malposition/ Bacillus cereus (1)
moving/failure Enterobacter
of placement (3) cloacae (1)
Wound CoNS (NR)
dehiscence (3)
Other (3)
inflammation (2)
General seizure (1)
Inability to tolerate
tapping (1)
Change in
ventricular size (1)
Death after r-tPA
infusion (1)
Adult (Table 3) 736 30 (4.1%) Hematoma/ 42 (5.7%) Nonspecific (37) 19 removed (2.6%)
hemorrhage/ Staphylococcus 4 noninfectious
bleeding (10) aureus (3) complications
Malposition/ Staphylococcus 14 infections
moving/ epidermidis (1) 1 not reported
misplacement (7) Enterobacter
Obstruction/ cloacae (1)
kinking (4)
CSF leak (3)
Malfunction (3)
Edema (2)
dehiscence (1)
Combined (Table 4) 1947 46 (2.4%) Hematoma/ 142 (7.3%) CoNS (61) 82 removed (4.2%)
hygroma/ Nonspecific (22) 5 noninfectious
bleeding (13) Staphylococcus complications
Malposition/ epidermidis (20) 77 infections
moving/ Propionibacterium
misplacement (9) acnes (16)
Obstruction/ Staphylococcus
kinking (10) aureus (6)
CSF leak (12) Streptococcus
Malfunction (10) species (5)
Cyst formation (2) Other
Wound Staphylococcus
dehiscence (2) species (4)
Pseudomonas spp.
Diphtheroids (4)
MSSA (4)
parapsilosis (3)
Other (7)
CoNS ¼ Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus
CSF ¼ Cerebrospinal fluid
ICV ¼ Intracerebroventricular
MSSA ¼ Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus
NR ¼ Not reported
r-tPA ¼ Recombinant-tissue plasminogen activator
* Not all complications, infections, and/or interventions were detailed in the publications and therefore numbers will not sum to the total.
J.L. Cohen-Pfeffer et al. / Pediatric Neurology 67 (2017) 23e35 33

10,000 Ommaya-days.10 The infectious complications most 2. Raffa RB, Pergolizzi Jr JV. Intracerebroventricular opioids for
frequently implicated during ICV device use are due to skin intractable pain. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012;74:34-41.
3. Ballantyne JC, Carwood CM. Comparative efficacy of epidural, sub-
flora,10,70,80,81 and the use of strict aseptic techniques has arachnoid, and intracerebroventricular opioids in patients with pain
been shown to reduce the frequency of these types of due to cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 2005:CD005178.
complications.27 Many studies indicate that a clinician’s 4. Ruggiero A, Conter V, Milani M, et al. Intrathecal chemotherapy with
experience and training with the use of aseptic techniques antineoplastic agents in children. Paediatr Drugs. 2001;3:237-246.
5. Szvalb AD, Raad II, Weinberg JS, Suki D, Mayer R, Viola GM. Ommaya
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