Data-Driven Smart Maintenance
Data-Driven Smart Maintenance
Data-Driven Smart Maintenance
3 Introduction
SMART Introduction
THE NEXT GENERATION Smart Maintenance is a set of data-
driven opportunities that increase
OF EQUIPMENT uptime, boost performance, reduce
MONITORING over-maintenance, and improve
But for too many companies in heavy-
asset industries, Smart Maintenance is
an opportunity that remains unseized.
This paper will explain how Cognite’s Smart Maintenance Service Line helps customers solve these
issues and capture value. Through a combination of subject-matter expertise and technological
solutions such as Cognite Data Fusion (CDF), a data package that supplies contextualized data to 3
drive industrial applications that increase efficiency and drive revenue; and Asset Data Insight, a
dynamic application for operations and maintenance enabling real-time health-overviews and
analysis, Cognite lays the foundation for companies to extract the massive value potential in Smart
From Reactive to Proactive
Companies can perform computationally
heavy processes in CDF, tapping into the
Data access is cumbersome, as information is
cutting-edge computational power and
stored across multiple data sources,
functionality of the cloud. Google Cloud
potentially with different data owners and
system experts.
Data has the potential to be industry’s most
With CDF, companies get immediate access to
valuable asset. That’s what Cognite Data
historical and real-time equipment data
Fusion reveals: A complete, virtual view of
through one standardized and well-
industrial reality – both past and present –
documented API.
made accessible and meaningful for humans
and machines.
Relevant data is hard to identify, as there is
limited context available to allow rapid
identification of all data relevant for one
particular piece of equipment.
With CDF, companies can identify all relevant
data quickly, using data typing to identify all
data relevant for the equipment.
Labeled data is sparse, of low quality, or
With CDF, customers can access data labels
through the same interface as time series 6
data, and its toolbox provides efficient
labeling in cases of low-quality or nonexistent
Asset Data Insight
Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) vastly improves By enabling users to create a model for one
companies’ data science workflow. Once they component and then roll it out to an entire
have a pipeline of liberated, usable, and installation, ADI minimizes the manual effort
shareable industrial data in place, companies required from users, freeing up time for
can then implement applications that higher-level analyses and effective decision-
accelerate solving Smart Maintenance use making.
Asset Data Insight (ADI) is one such For problems that require deeper
application. Developed by Cognite, ADI investigation, users can efficiently navigate
enables real-time health monitoring and from Asset Data Insight into specialized
investigation. Through in-depth data applications or dashboards such as Grafana
exploration, users are able to create detailed and Power BI, among others.
analyses and make informed, effective
decisions at every level of an organization.
dashboards (e.g.,
dashboards SparkCognition)
CMMS Document
(e.g., SAP, mgmt. (e.g.,
(e.g., Pi)
Workmate) Documentum)
Vibration Oil Reports from
Control system (e.g., monitoring providers (e.g.
System 1) (e.g., Invicta) Karsten Moholt)
Condition monitoring
All of these frustrations revolve around one Through a combination of predetermined
issue: centralized and complete data access. performance criteria and their own expertise,
users can identify problems before they
Asset Data Insight solves that issue. The happen and arrange for them to be fixed,
application brings health monitoring insights avoiding costly production shutdowns.
from across an ecosystem of courses together
into a single view, so that users can find the Greater data availability lowers the threshold
data they need in one application. Related for using data in day-to-day operations.
industrial data in the same view provides the Instead of being something reserved for office
necessary context for users to analyze health workers, data becomes another resource in
monitoring insights and take quick actions. the field worker’s toolbox. This supports
bottom-up digital transformation, ensuring
These features help Asset Data Insight that organizations change along with their
transform the workday and daily effectiveness maintenance routines.
of maintenance workers. Instead of leaping to
action when an alarm sounds, maintenance
workers can at any time access the application
on a computer or handheld device to
proactively monitor equipment health.
Grafana dashboards and
dashboards and models (e.g.,
models SparkCognition)
CMMS Document
(e.g., SAP, mgmt. (e.g.,
(e.g., Pi)
Workmate) Documentum)
Vibration Oil Reports from
Control system (e.g., monitoring providers (e.g.
System 1) (e.g., Invicta) Karsten Moholt)
Condition monitoring
Smart Maintenance is not some far-off fantasy. It’s industrial reality, happening at installations
around the world, driven by digital frontrunners. The following collection of use cases
demonstrate how companies in heavy-asset industries, powered by Cognite Data Fusion, can
sharpen their competitive edge by maximizing their own capabilities with data.
By using Asset Data Insight to inform their
maintenance routines, Aker BP’s engineers
were able to move away from manually
How Cognite liberated data to
provide fast, accurate condition
However, there remained several other For Ivar Aasen, this meant 150,000 time
systems, usually inaccessible to the company, series, 20 billion data points, 400,000+
that held potentially valuable data, such as documents made available through a single,
work orders, work permits, document secure point of entry.
systems, HMS information, etc. Combining
these sources would vastly enrich their The control system provider estimates that
solution. attempts to run point-to-point integrations
with all the individual source systems and
SOLUTION ingest their data would have taken about
The control system provider turned to 1,500 hours. The process of integrating with
Cognite, whose cloud-native industrial data the CDF alone – pulling in all the same data –
platform was already in operation across Aker took only 200 hours. And a lot of that time
BP’s assets on the NCS. was actually spent looking at the data and
deciding how best to visualize it.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
tested algorithms are what make the IMS
visualizations intuitive and effective. With
rapid access to live and historical data,
regardless of original source or format, via the
CDF’s single point of entry, the control system
provider was ready to present its powerful
processing, analysis, and display capabilities
to Aker BP.
Boost safety by Order fewer Deploy the right Bring down the
limiting the replacement parts crew and tools cost of the
number of human and reduce the when consequences of
personnel on the “just in case” maintenance equipment failure
platform stock needs do arise (i.e., unplanned
downtime or
How Cognite Data Fusion
integrated Power BI’s quick, off-
the-shelf visualization
Over the last few years, off-the-shelf
visualization from the likes of Power BI,
Tableau, and TIBCO Spotfire has gained
popularity. However, they are often not
readily available to everyone in an
Cognite Data Fusion can make this Today, large-scale data visualization is
technology available to all. Cognite available to all necessary users in the
developed a simple Power BI integration that organization. In a simple browser view. This
allows any authenticated user to leverage the enables instant access to easy use cases,
Power BI interface connected to Cognite fueling creativity and innovation.
Data Fusion via an authentication key. From
there, the user can utilize the primary time
series engine, as well as any other data they
are permitted to access on Cognite Data 14
How Cognite Data Fusion
enabled Framo and Aker BP
to transition to a new smart
service contract
Traditional industrial infrastructure has limited
supplier relationships to a transactional
format. The results include static reporting,
uninformed maintenance schedules, and a
waste of money and resources on both sides.
Aker BP’s offshore and onshore maintenance Cognite liberated and contextualized data
organization meets every Wednesday to from four different source systems, streaming
discuss how to prioritize the maintenance of them in real time to a Power BI dashboard.
critical equipment on all its installations over The dashboard uses color-coded labeling to
the next week. In order to run an effective help the offshore and onshore maintenance
meeting, the organization creates and organization decide where to focus its
distributes a spreadsheet ahead of time that maintenance resources for the next week and
gives attendees an overview of the discover opportunities for future maintenance
maintenance status of critical equipment. work.
IMPACT Beyond reducing time-consuming
The maintenance overview dashboard reduces administrative work, the dashboard helps Aker
the time that the offshore and onshore BP’s larger maintenance and operations
maintenance organization spends preparing organization get an overview of the status of
for its weekly meeting, enabling the critical equipment, which makes operations
organization to focus on setting its more efficient.
maintenance priorities. In addition to
providing an overview of critical equipment,
the dashboard also allows for deep dives into
individual work orders to find relevant
information such as estimated time to
Smart Maintenance is the path to the next But technology alone won’t bring about this
generation of equipment monitoring and digital transformation. Our subject-matter
maintenance operations. experts will sit side-by-side with your own
experienced staff to figure out what will
Powered by future-proof technology deliver the most value for your organization.
designed to accelerate bottom-up digital Together, we will streamline the Smart
transformation, Smart Maintenance secures Maintenance use case process – from
both short- and long-term value generation identification through delivery – so you can
for companies in heavy-asset industries. create end-to-end digital value in your
operations as quickly as possible.
Companies are already collecting the data
needed to power this transformation. What We’ll tap into our ecosystem of partners to
they need are solutions that turn the data into find the ideal partners to build models and
liberated, usable, and shareable information. supply analytics, ensuring that solutions get
up and running quickly and continue to
generate value.
Cognite is a global software company These are just a few of our 250+ industry and
supporting the full-scale digital transformation tech specialists, all proud to be shaping the
of heavy-asset industries around the world, future of Oil & Gas.
from the U.S. to Japan to Austria to New
Zealand. Our impressive interdisciplinary team
includes more than 250 of the best software
developers, data scientists, designers, 3D
specialists, and industry professionals.
specialized in EPC projects in Kongsberg Oil & Gas. Jarle holds an M. Sc. in
Industrial Economics from NTNU.
[email protected] | +47 959 61 239
Marius Biermann Director of Customer Success
in Industry Solutions
Marius started his career in the O&G service industry, first with Aker Solutions
and later Schlumberger. Before joining Cognite, Marius spent three years as a
management consultant in Arkwright Consulting. Marius holds a M.Eng. in
Mechanical Engineering with Management from the University of Edinburgh.
[email protected] | +47 936 80 906
Oslo, Norway
Houston, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Tokyo, Japan
Vienna, Austria [email protected]