Plumbing Guide
Plumbing Guide
Plumbing Guide
Helpful Hints
Residential Construction
Bert Polk Plumbing Inspector
Lincoln County
Waste and vent fittings
Vent 90, This fitting is to be used in Medium 90, This fitting can be used in
the venting system only. This is not the drainage system from a horizontal
a drainage fitting because of its short drain to a vertical drop in a drain. This
sweep. can be used anywhere in the vent sys-
Waste and vent fittings
Long sweep 90, this fitting can be 1/16 bend– 22 1/2 degree bend.
Used anywhere in drain and vent This fitting is used to offset drain
system and vent pipe. Can be used in any
1/8 bend– 45 degree bend. This 1/6 bend-60 degree. This fitting is
fitting is used to offset drain and used to offset drain and vent pipe.
vent pipe. Can be used in any posi- Can be used in any position
2x1-1/2x1-1/2” san tee. This fitting Combination y-1/8 bend. This fit-
is used for fixture connections from ting is used to connect a vertical
the wall to the trap under the sink. drain to a horizontal drain or a
Horizontal drain to a horizontal
Waste and vent fittings
Double combination y-1/8 bend. Two way cleanout tee .To be used
This fitting is used to connect a just outside of the building founda-
Horizontal drains to a vertical tion on the sewer drain line.
stack .
Shower 2” 1-1/2” 2”
1/4 inch per foot grade and Cleanouts under floor must
hanger required every 48 inches.. have 18” behind it for access
And be within 20 foot of
crawl hole.
This is horizontal
2. Using the chart above a 3” sewer would require 2-2” vents and 1-1-1/2”
vent, 3.1416+3.1416+1.7671=8.0503. This is large enough for the 3” sewer.
Vent connection of
Bath tub P-Trap downstairs fixtures
must be 6” above the
overflow rims of
Drain line
fixtures on this floor.
2” Standpipe to be a
minimum of 18” to a
maximum of 30”
above P-trap.
2” drain line
1-1/2” vent
1-1/2” P-trap
2” drain line
1-1/2” trap arm can
be 3 foot 6” long
Two lavatory sinks side by Two lavatory sinks back to Two lavatory sinks side by
side with single drain. back. . side using a fixture fitting
Lavatory wet vent drain on Lavatory sink with y-fitting Kitchen sink waste and vent.
toilet vent. A maximum of a receiving waste from second
3 foot 6 inch trap arm floor.
Showers and Tubs
1-1/2” Vent
San tee
Shower drain, 2” Drain and P-trap. Shower drain, flat vent can be
used where additional vertical
clearance is required. See below.
1-1/2” vent.
1-1/2” P-trap
2” drain
Bath tub drain with vertical Bath tub drain with flat vent. Looking up
vent. at second floor, floor joist.
Pressure balance
shower valve is
Loop Vent
One piece 1-1/2 vent threw
fitting or 2-45 roof
and one 90.
1 1/2 P-Trap
1 1/2” cleanout
Cleanout in Above floor@
sink cabinet Nearest wall
Floor line
One piece
toilet Vents
Closet bend may have long turn 90. Six Waste connection downstream of toilet
foot maximum from vent to closet flange.
Toilet rough in
1 .The center of the floor flange should be 12” from the wall
studding behind the toilet and 15-1/2” to each side of the
center of the toilet flange to wall studs, 30” space required.
2. The toilet requires a 3” drain line. Up to 3 toilets may be
installed on a 3” horizontal drain line, then at the point where
the 4 th. Toilet drain line enters the building drain, the drain
must be increased to a 4” drain line.
3. The toilet vent cannot be used as a drain for fixtures on
the second floor of the building.
4. The closet bend can be up to 6 foot long. No drains from
other fixtures may enter into the closet bend. Only down-
stream of the vent.
Water lines
1. Water line sizing for a residential home can be quite complex, so here is a rule of thumb.
Most two and three bathroom houses can be plumbed with a 1” water service to the house.
Install the 1” pipe to the water heater so you will have enough water on the hot side to.
There are a few things that must be done. The water pressure at the house must be 60
pounds and the total length of the pipe from the well or meter, to the farthest fixture, must
be under 200 foot. No more than two fixtures may be installed on a 1/2“ pipe.
2. PVC water lines are not permitted in a house , only outside in ground.
.Water pressure can be Expansion tank on water Water shut off valve in
increased with a well pump heater. This is used when valve box, outside in
and bellows tank. there is a check valve on ground.
water service.
With water pressure over 80 House water shut off under Pex manifold.
psi a pressure regulator is cabinet..
Hangers and Supports
Copper pipe Soldered, Blazed 1-1/2 inch and Each floor, and
smaller 6 foot. every 10 foot
CPVC Solvent Cemented 1-inch and smaller Base and each floor
3 foot. 1-1/4 and Mid-Story guides
larger 4 foot
PEX Clamp-memory 32 inch Base and each floor
Mid -story guides
ABS-PVC SCH.40 Solvent Cemented 4 foot Base and each floor
Waste-Drain Pipe Mid-Story guides
Strap water pipe using chart above. Under floor pipe up in joist space
where it will be insulated
Hangers and Supports
All piping shall be supported in such a manner as to maintain its align-
ment and prevent sagging.
Joints and connections
Plumb-Pex clamp and fitting. Use in- Rehau Pex clamp and fitting. Use in-
side house or outside in ground. All side house or outside in ground.
water pipe outside must be 24” deep.
Wirsbo Pex coupling with memory ring. Flow Guard gold pipe and fitting. One
Use inside house or outside in ground. step yellow glue. Use inside house or
outside in ground.
Copper pipe and fitting. Soldered with Connection of PVC to CPVC outside of
lead free solder. Use inside house or house. PVC is not allowed to be inside
outside in ground. of house.
Joints and connections
Flow Guard gold CPVC water pipe Outside frost proof hose bib with vacu-
fastened to structure for hose bib out- um breaker.
Gate valve
Washer with 1-1/2 “
Wood screw Temperature and pressure re-
lief valve
Relief valve drain line to ap-
proved location. Such as, Gar-
age floor, 6” above ground
outside, floor drain in base-
ment. NOT to crawlspace.
Earthquake strapping
Circulating pump
Car pole
Testing waste and water
pipe for rough inspection.
Hose in roof vent filling waste with Test plug in cleanout. Filled with 30
water for test. Ten foot head of water. Lb. Air.
Cap all waste and water lines for test. Toilet flange with brass screws holding
it to floor. Cap for test. Blue spacer ring
for sub sheeting.
Ten foot head of water for test of under Test cap on sewer line.
slab plumbing.