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Mineralium Deposita (2003) 38: 683–694

DOI 10.1007/s00126-003-0358-z


Ronner Bendezú Æ Lluı́s Fontboté Æ Mike Cosca

Relative age of Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement deposits,

and high sulfidation Au–(Ag) epithermal mineralization
in the Colquijirca mining district, central Peru

Received: 28 August 2002 / Accepted: 18 February 2003 / Published online: 12 June 2003
 Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract At Colquijirca, central Peru, a predominantly interval between the younger mineralization event (base
dacitic Miocene diatreme-dome complex of 12.4 to metal mineralization) at 10.6 Ma and the ages of
12.7 Ma (40Ar/39Ar biotite ages), is spatially related to 12.5 Ma obtained on biotites from unmineralized
two distinct mineralization types. Disseminated Au– dacitic domes flanking the vicinity of the diatreme vent,
(Ag) associated with advanced argillic alteration and suggest a minimum duration of the magmatic–hydro-
local vuggy silica typical of high- sulfidation epithermal thermal cycle of around 2 Ma. This study on the Col-
ores are hosted exclusively within the volcanic center at quijirca district offers for the first time precise absolute
Marcapunta. A second economically more important ages indicating that the Cordilleran base metal lode and
mineralization type is characterized as ‘‘Cordilleran base replacement deposits were formed by a late hydrother-
metal lode and replacement deposits.’’ These ores are mal event in an intrusive-related district, in this case post
hosted in Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate rocks sur- Au–(Ag) high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization.
rounding the diatreme-dome complex and are zoned
outward from pyrite–enargite–quartz–alunite to pyrite– Keywords Epithermal Æ Alunite Æ 40Ar/39Ar
chalcopyrite–dickite–kaolinite to pyrite–sphalerite–gale- geochronology Æ Cordilleran Æ High-sulfidation
na–kaolinite–siderite. Alunite samples related to the
Au–(Ag) epithermal ores have been dated by the 40Ar/39Ar
method at 11.3–11.6 Ma and those from the Cordilleran Introduction
base metal ores in the northern part of the district
(Smelter and Colquijirca) at 10.6–10.8 Ma. The signifi- Einaudi (1977, 1982, 1994) points out that some sulfide-
cant time gap (0.5 My) between the ages of the two rich polymetallic ores were formed late in the evolution
mineralization types in the Colquijirca district indicates of porphyry-related hydrothermal systems. He noted
they were formed by different hydrothermal events that in certain systems (e.g., Yauricocha and Cerro de
within the same magmatic cycle. The estimated time Pasco, Peru and Bisbee, Arizona) these ores are well
developed, whereas in others (e. g., Ely, Nevada and El
Salvador, Chile) they are only incipient or even barren.
Editorial handling: O. Christensen Irrespective of the degree of development, he refers to
this late stage as the ‘‘lode stage’’ and to the ores, if they
Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is are formed, as ‘‘Cordilleran base metal lode deposits.’’
available for this article if you access the article at http:// In order to better integrate the frequent massive devel- A link in the frame on the
left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material. opment of replacements in carbonate rocks, as is the
case of the Colquijirca district, we extend here this
R. Bendezú (&) Æ L. Fontboté denomination to ‘‘Cordilleran base metal lode and
Section des Sciences de la Terre, replacement deposits.’’
Université de Genève, Genève, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected] The main characteristics of deposits formed by this
Tel.: +41-22-702-6645 late Cordilleran stage (Einaudi 1982) include the fol-
Fax: +41-22-320-5732 lowing: (1) high sulfidation and oxidation states of the
M. Cosca mineral assemblage with associated advanced argillic to
Institut de Minéralogie et Pétrographie, sericitic alteration, (2) massive texture and sulfide con-
Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland tent of lodes of up to more than 50% in volume, which
Present address: R. Bendezú is considerably higher than in other porphyry-related
Sociedad Minera El Brocal S. A., Lima, Peru mineralization types, and (3) a common suite of

Fig. 1 General geology and

main mineralization types along
the Miocene metallogenic belt
at Cerro de Pasco and
Colquijirca districts. Geology
compiled from Angeles (1999),
Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.
A. staff, and this study

economically interesting metals, mainly Cu–Zn–Pb(Ag– within a Miocene diatreme-dome volcanic complex. In
Au). this paper, we establish, through 40Ar/39Ar dating of
Multidisciplinary research over the past 3 decades on hydrothermal alunite and magmatic biotite, the timing of
epithermal deposits and their active equivalents in vol- the mineralization of these two ore types and their rela-
canic arcs, has helped decipher many of the formation tionship to the magmato–volcanic activity in the district.
mechanisms of the Au–(Ag) high-sulfidation epithermal
deposits (Hedenquist 1987; Stoffregen 1987). Recently,
their genetic links with porphyry copper–gold deposits Geologic setting and mineralization
have been supported (Hedenquist et al. 1998; Muntean
and Einaudi 2001). The Colquijirca district is located 8–16 km south of the
A review of existing literature shows that most of the world famous Cerro de Pasco mine (Fig. 1). It contains
detailed studies on Cordilleran base metal deposits were one of the largest concentrations of massive polymetallic
on deposits not spatially linked to the presumed parental ores within the Miocene metallogenic belt of central and
porphyry copper mineralization or to any other recog- northern Peru (Vidal et al. 1997), where numerous other
nizable ore-forming environment. This reflects the Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement deposits
infrequent occurrence of Cordilleran base metal lode occur (Petersen 1965; Einaudi 1977, 1982, 1994; Guilbert
and replacement deposits and contemporaneous igneous and Park 1986; Bartos 1988). Indeed, from a metallo-
activity, as was already discussed by Guilbert and Park genetic point of view, the Colquijirca district is part of a
(1986 p. 465). larger belt that also comprises the giant ore concentra-
The Colquijirca district offers the rare opportunity to tions of Cerro de Pasco. Spatially linked with the ores,
study Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement magmatism in the Colquijirca–Cerro de Pasco districts is
deposits that are closely related in space, with Au–(Ag) manifested through explosive calc–alkalic volcanism of
high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization produced intermediate composition, particularly as diatreme

complexes accompanied by subsequent multiple intru- respectively, and San Gregorio (70 Mt at Zn+
sion of porphyritic domes (Bowditch 1935; Lacy 1952). Pb10%) 3 km south of Marcapunta (Figs. 2, 3). The
The diatreme-dome complexes of Cerro de Pasco, Ya- estimated temperatures from stabilities of alteration
namate and Colquijirca (Fig. 1) intrude thick sequences assemblages range from around 300 C close to the
of carbonate rocks that host most of the ores ( Angeles diatreme-dome complex, to 150 C in external portions
1993, 1999; Sillitoe 2000). of the system (Fontboté and Bendezú 2001). The sul-
fide-rich replacement ores at Smelter and Colquijirca
are hosted by Tertiary Pocobamba Formation car-
The Colquijirca mining district bonate rocks and contain typically between 25 and
60 vol% sulfides, mainly within flat elongated mantos
In the center of the Colquijirca district, the Marcapunta and irregularly shaped, stacked orebodies developed
diatreme-dome complex intrudes an Eocene sequence from the external margins of the diatreme vent into the
more than 300 m thick of folded carbonate rocks, con- carbonate rocks (Figs. 2, 3). These ores are character-
tinental limestones, marls, and detrital sediments (Poc- ized by massive replacement; however, open space fill-
obamba Formation) to the north, and Triassic–Jurassic ing and veins as well as breccias are locally important.
marine, nearly pure limestones, and dolostones (Pucará Exploration drilling indicates that the bodies have their
Group) and Permian red beds of the Mitu Group to the roots within the diatreme complex in deep subvertical
south (Figs. 1, 2, 3). The sedimentary rocks around the narrow veins (from 500 to more than 750 m in depth
diatreme, including red beds of the Permo–Triassic age, below the surface) composed mainly of pyrite–enargite–
have subsided about 500 m into the diatreme neck quartz–alunite and minor pyrophyllite (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 3). The sulfide-rich ores extend continuously from
Intense alteration, dominated by advanced argillic Smelter for almost 4 km north to Colquijirca, where
and argillic alteration related to Au–(Ag) epithermal they virtually attain the same shallow elevation as the
mineralization, is present in large parts of the diatreme- Au–(Ag) epithermal ores. Along its whole extension, the
dome complex (Figs. 2, 3). Mixtures of quartz–alunite– mantos are zoned in all directions from a core composed
dickite–kaolinite± (zunyite, pyrophyllite, illite) occur of pyrite–enargite–quartz–alunite± (luzonite, colusite,
within or immediately surrounding mineralized areas, zunyite, barite; zone I) to the following main zones:
and kaolinite–illite± (smectite)–sericite–chlorite–calcite pyrite–chalcopyrite–dickite–kaolinite–siderite–quartz±
occur in weakly mineralized or barren areas. (tennantite, Bi–Ag sulphosalts, bornite, alunite, barite,
Au–(Ag) high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization quartz; zone II), pyrite–sphalerite–galena–chalcopyrite–
is hosted within oxidized shallowly emplaced ‘‘vuggy dickite–kaolinite–quartz± (siderite, hematite, magne-
silica’’ bodies (Fig. 3) with vertical dimensions of up to tite, alunite; zone III), and the outermost known zone of
100 m and gold values around 1 to 2 ppm (Vidal et al. pyrite–galena–sphalerite–siderite± (kaolinite, dolomite,
1997). The tonnage of the resources is not known. The Zn-bearing carbonates; zone IV) (Figs. 2, 3). A similar
bodies have been recognized mainly in the central por- zoning is also present to the south (Bendezú 1997;
tion of the complex, mostly within the diatreme breccia Fontboté and Bendezú 2001), where bodies have devel-
and pyroclastic infill. The morphology apparently is oped mainly into Lower Jurassic carbonate rocks of the
controlled by both lithological and structural perme- Pucará Group. This is also the host rock of the recently
ability. Less abundant gold-bearing zones of completely discovered San Gregorio, one of the largest known Zn–
oxidized veinlets have been recognized, particularly to- Pb deposits in Peru (>70 Mt at Zn+Pb10%; Yar-
ward the surface. As in other high-sulfidation epithermal ingaño et al. 1997; Vidal et al. 1997).
deposits (e.g., Summitville, Gray et al. 1994), deep Due to the absence of direct crosscutting relation-
portions of unoxidized ores characteristically contain ships between the Au–(Ag) epithermal and sulfide-rich
less than 5 vol% of finely disseminated sulfides, which is polymetallic mineralization types, it is difficult to
mainly pyrite—and very minor enargite and sphalerite. establish their relative timing. However, in the eastern
The original sulfide content of the oxidized veinlets is flank of the volcanic complex, thin sphalerite–galena
estimated to be no more than 10 vol%. veins encased by argillic to phyllic alteration haloes cut
Sulfide-rich polymetallic replacements represent the the external mostly propylitic alteration zones periph-
other distinctive and economically most important eral to the vuggy silica-hosted Au–(Ag) bodies. This
type of mineralization in the district. These deposits perhaps represents the best field relationship whereby it
aggregate at least 150 Mt of carbonate-hosted alunite, can be suggested that sulfide-rich polymetallic ores
kaolinite-bearing Cu–Zn–Pb–Ag±(Au–Bi), in part were emplaced subsequent to the Au–(Ag) epithermal
massive, replacements (Ahlfeld 1932; Lindgren 1935; mineralization. Other observations in the northern
McKinstry 1936; Yaringaño et al. 1997; Vidal et al. flank of the volcanic complex are consistent with this
1997; Bendezú 1997; Fontboté and Bendezú 1999, view, specifically quartz–alunite selvages of the massive
2001; Bendezú and Fontboté 2002a, 2002b, 2002c). The pyrite–enargite bodies overprint and spatially, at de-
sulfide-rich replacements include the deposits of Col- posit scale, overlap the external argillic to phyllic to
quijirca (30 Mt, at Zn+Pb8%) and Smelter (50 Mt, propylitic alteration zones related to the Au–(Ag)
at 2% Cu) 3.5 km and 1.5 km north of Marcapunta mineralization.
b respond to zone I (Fig. 2), and the fourth (sample PBR-
Fig. 2 Distribution of the principal mineralization types and 108 from Colquijirca) is from zone III. Alunite concen-
alteration assemblages of the Colquijirca district as defined during trates from zone I are virtually free of inclusions. In
this study mainly by surface mapping and drill hole logging.
Location of dated samples is given accordance with the general composition of alunite from
this zone throughout the northern part of the district,
microprobe analyses reveal that dated alunite samples
Dated samples from Smelter (PBR-131, PBR-137) and Colquijirca
(PBR-218) are more potassic (9.0–10.5% K2O, Table 1)
In order to obtain quantitative data on the age of than alunite samples from the Au–(Ag) epithermal ores.
igneous activity in the Colquijirca district as well as the Alunite from the base metal ores is, in general, parage-
timing of the formation of the two mineralization types netically earlier than pyrite and enargite, although some
recognized from field observations, we conducted a alunite formed after pyrite and enargite. This reversed
Ar/39Ar study of three biotite samples taken from crystallization sequence and the intimate intergrowths of
fresh dacitic porphyry domes and seven representative alunite and sulfides suggest that both are essentially
alunite-bearing ore samples. Three of the alunite-bearing coeval (Fig. 4B, C).
samples correspond to the Au–(Ag) epithermal bodies In zone III, alunite and sulfides occur in intricate
(Marcapunta) and four to the sulfide-rich polymetallic intergrowth textures, and this is also evident in the
replacements (Smelter and Colquijirca). Because of the alunite–sphalerite–galena-bearing sample (PBR-108) se-
extremely fine-grained habit of alunite at San Gregorio lected for dating (Fig. 4D). Alunite from this sample is
(less than 20 lm in length) attempts to concentrate colorless, euhedral and microscopically pure. Micro-
sufficient coarse-grained alunite grains for geochronol- probe analyses indicate that alunite from zone III at
ogy were unsuccessful. Colquijirca ranges from 9.0 and 10.5 wt% K2O. In
The three biotite samples correspond to three un- comparison with alunites from zone I, the PBR-108
mineralized dacitic domes: PBR-148, PBR-215 and alunite grains have in general considerably higher F
PBR-216, and are located 1 km north, 0.7 km west and content and are slightly less sodic (Table 1).
2.5 km northwest (Huacchuacaja) of the diatreme vent,
respectively (Figs. 2, 3). Rocks in these domes have a
porphyritic texture similar to those observed in the al- Analytic procedure
tered ones, with large sanidine phenocrysts, smaller
plagioclase, resorbed quartz, minor biotite, and horn- Alunite and biotite grains were carefully handpicked
blende. The microcrystalline groundmass is composed of from previously crushed and washed samples. Only
quartz, potassic feldspar, and plagioclase. An electron grains of microscopically high purity (<2 vol% of
microprobe analysis of biotite grains from sample PBR- quartz–opaque contaminants) were selected. The grain
215 yields Fe/(Fe+Mg) molar ratios ranging from 0.28 separates were additionally treated by ultrasonic clean-
to 0.33. ing. Additional details of the biotite and alunite samples,
In contrast to samples PBR-148 and PBR-215, which such as UTM coordinates, average grain sizes, and
apparently correspond to individual domes, sample sample amounts are provided in Appendix 1 (see Elec-
PBR-214 (Huacchuacaja, Fig. 2) comes from a fissure- tronic Supplementary Material).
controlled northwest-aligned multiple-dome intrusion The irradiation of mineral separates for 40Ar/39Ar
complex 1.3·0.25 km in horizontal dimensions with analysis was carried out in the Triga reactor at Oregon
individual domes measuring less than 100 m in diameter. State University, USA. All mineral samples were irra-
Thin sections from samples PBR-148 and PBR-215 diated for 12 h with the Fish Canyon sanidine standard
show biotite grains which are slightly chloritized on the of 28.02 Ma (Renne et al. 1998).
margins, although no more than 2 and 5 volume %, The 40Ar/39Ar analyses were done at the University
respectively. In addition, biotite grains in PBR-215 of Lausanne, Switzerland, using a low-blank double-
encapsulate euhedral quartz representing up to 4% of vacuum resistance furnace and metal extraction line
the total volume. connected to a MAP 215-50 mass spectrometer using an
The three alunite samples from the Au–(Ag) high- electron multiplier. The incrementally heated gas was
sulfidation epithermal bodies (PBR-198 and PBR-214 expanded and purified using activated Zr/Ti/Al getters
from central Marcapunta and PBR-213 from 2 km and a metal cold finger maintained at a liquid nitrogen
south; Fig. 3) were extracted from altered rocks that temperature. Time zero regressions were fitted to data
consist predominately of quartz–alunite with minor zu- collected from eight scans over the mass range of 40 to
nyite, pyrite, and oxides such as goethite and hematite 36. Peak heights above backgrounds were corrected for
(Fig. 4A). As is typical for this mineralization type, mass discrimination, isotopic decay and interfering nu-
dated alunite grains are pink, euhedral, and dominantly cleogenic Ca-, K- and Cl-derived isotopes of Ar Blanks
potassic (8.3–8.7 wt% K20, Table 1). were measured for all temperature steps and subtracted
Three of the four alunite-bearing samples from the from the sample signal. For mass 40, blank values ran-
sulfide-rich polymetallic ores (samples PBR-131, PBR- ged from 4·10)15 mol below 1,350 C to 9·10)15 mol at
137 from Smelter and PBR-218 from Colquijirca) cor- 1,650 C. Blank values for masses 36–39 were below
b indistinguishable ages and constituting more than 50%
Fig. 3 North–south longitudinal section of the Colquijirca district of the total 39Ar released during the experiment.
following the main recognized ore bodies (ABCDEFG section in
Fig. 2). The section shows the main ore types, alteration assem-
blages, and location of samples with 40Ar/39Ar ages 40
Ar/39Ar data from magmatic biotite

2·10)17 mol for all temperatures. Isotopic production Biotite sample PBR-148 provided a well-defined age
ratios for the Triga reactor were determined from plateau of 12.43±0.06 Ma (2r) (Fig. 4). Although it is
analysis of irradiated CaF2 and K2SO4 and the following within 2r analytical uncertainties, the age is slightly
values were used in the calculations: 36Ar/37Ar(Ca)= older than the K/Ar age obtained previously on biotite
0.0002640±0.0000017, Ar/37Ar(Ca)=0.0006730± from the upper part of Marcapunta at 11.9±0.8 Ma, 2r
40 39
0.0000037, and Ar/ Ar(K)=0.00086±0.00023. A mass by Vidal et al. (1984). Sample PBR-216 from a Hua-
discrimination correction of 1.008 amu was determined cchuacaja dome (Fig. 2) gave a slightly disturbed but
by online measurement of air and was applied to the generally flat apparent age spectrum whose initial steps
data. For this investigation, an uncertainty on the may reflect partial radiogenic Ar loss. The inverse iso-
neutron flux (J) was determined with a precision of chron age of sample PBR-216 at 12.7±0.1 Ma, derived
0.5%, and this uncertainty has been propagated with an MSWD of 1.5, is consistent with the PBR-148
throughout the uncertainties on the reported ages. All age plateau (Table 2). Sample PBR-215, the least pure of
ages and regressions in this paper are reported with a the three biotite samples (see above), does not show any
95% level of confidence. interpretable plateau-like segments. Its inverse isochron
age of 12.9±0.1 Ma derived with an MSWD of 1.5 is,
however, consistent with ages from the other magmatic
Results biotites.

The 40Ar/39Ar age spectra of the analyzed samples are

presented in Fig. 4 and the results of the 40Ar/39Ar Alunite 40
Ar/39Ar data from Au–(Ag) epithermal ores
analyses are summarized in Fig. 5. Age plateaus were
determined using the criteria of Dalrymple and Lamp- All of the alunite samples related to the Au–(Ag) min-
here (1971), specifying the presence of at least three eralization (PBR-198, PBR-213 and PBR-214) gave
contiguous incremental heating steps with statistically well-defined age plateaus between 11.29±0.12 and

Fig. 4A–D Photomicrographs

of some of the dated alunite-
bearing ore samples showing
their intergrown habits. Black
scale bars represent 100 lm. A
Backscattered electron image of
sample PBR-198 (Au–(Ag) high
sulfidation epithermal ores)
showing tabular alunite
intergrown with pyrite and
quartz in a micro-cavity from
vuggy silica. B
Photomicrograph in
transmitted light of sample
PBR-131 (Cordilleran base
metal ore from Smelter, zone I)
showing the intimate
association of alunite–enargite.
C Photomicrograph in reflected
light of sample PBR-137
(Cordilleran base metal ore
from Smelter, zone I). D
Polished section image in
reflected light of sample PBR-
108 (Cordilleran base metal ore
from Colquijirca, zone III)
revealing intricate intergrowth
of alunite, galena and sphalerite

Table 1 Representative
microprobe composition of Sample Au–(Ag) epithermal ores Cordilleran base metal replacement bodies
alunitea from Au–(Ag) and base
metal mineralization in the Zone I Zone I Zone I Zone III Zone III
Colquijirca district PBR-214 PBR-335 PBR-338 PBR-130 PBR-131 PBR-218 PBR-108 PBR-253

K2O 8.34 8.60 8.31 9.40 9.30 10.48 9.66 10.28

Na2O 1.73 1.79 0.18 0.92 0.95 0.19 0.31 0.18
a BaO 0.71 0.60 0.11 0.17 0.05 0.23 0.13 0.00
Alunites were analysed using a SrO 0.47 0.79 0.20 0.12 0.01 0.08 0.40 0.11
Cameca SX50 electron micro- Al2O3 36.29 35.35 37.38 37.26 37.35 36.81 36.04 37.26
probe at the University of SO3 39.88 39.93 38.63 39.90 40.15 38.35 39.28 39.53
Lausanne. Instrumental condi- P2O5 0.39 0.43 0.54 0.06 0.12 0.00 0.38 0.26
tions were: accelerating voltage H2Ob 14.17 14.77 11.20 13.68 13.61 11.96 11.89 12.49
of 12 kV, beam current of F– 0.33 0.21 2.15 0.36 0.63 0.97 2.48 1.31
10 nA, and spot size of 15 mm Total 102.30 102.45 98.69 101.87 102.17 99.06 100.57 101.43
Weight% H2O calculation K 0.73 0.76 0.75 0.82 0.81 0.93 0.86 0.90
based on observed values for Na 0.23 0.24 0.02 0.12 0.12 0.03 0.04 0.02
sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, Ba 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
sodium, strontium, barium, and Sr 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00
fluorine, and alunite stoichiom- P
A site 1.00 1.04 0.79 0.95 0.93 0.96 0.92 0.93
etry using the formula Al 2.94 2.88 3.13 3.00 3.00 3.02 2.98 3.02
AR3(SO4)2(F, OH)6, in which A P
R site 2.94 2.88 3.13 3.00 3.00 3.02 2.98 3.02
refers to the large cations K+, S 2.05 2.07 2.05 2.04 2.05 2.00 2.06 2.03
Na+, Ba2+, and Sr2+, and R is P 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02

11.63±0.08 Ma (2r) (Fig. 5). These ages range from (zone I), at 10.56±0.08 Ma (2r). In zone I age plateaus
slightly to significantly older than the 10.6±0.6 Ma (2r) have been obtained at 10.72±0.06 Ma (sample PBR-
K/Ar age obtained on an alunite sample from the upper 218) and at 10.83±0.06 Ma (sample PBR-131). These
part of the Marcapunta volcanic complex (Vidal et al. ages argue for a protracted history of hydrothermal
1984). The age plateaus of 11.33±0.14 and activity that formed the Cordilleran base metal ores
11.29±0.12 Ma derived from samples PBR-198 and through one or more pulses. On the basis of the 40Ar/39Ar
PBR-214, respectively, are analytically indistinguishable ages, the duration of this event can be estimated to be
at the 2r confidence level. This may indicate that in this 0.27 My (0.13 to as much as 0.41 My considering 2r).
part of the diatreme complex close to the diatreme vent,
a single pulse of hydrothermal activity generated the
gold-bearing advanced argillic-altered rocks. Alunite Discussions and conclusions
sample PBR-213 collected 2 km south of the diatreme
center (Figs. 2, 3) yielded a flat age spectrum of multiple In the Colquijirca district, volcanic and hydrothermal
contiguous steps defining an age plateau of activity between 12.7 and 10.6 Ma, took place 2 million
11.63±0.08 Ma (2r). This age is 300,000 years older years later than at the Cerro de Pasco district (Fig. 6).
than the 40Ar/39Ar age plateaus of PBR-198 and PBR- At Cerro de Pasco, K/Ar ages obtained on biotite, sa-
214 (between 80,000 and 540,000 years, considering 2r). nidine, and plagioclase indicate that the volcanic and
Such a time gap indicates that high-sulfidation fluids in hydrothermal activity occurred between 14 to 15±(0.8–
this southern part of the district were generated from a 1.0) Ma at 2r (Silberman and Noble 1977), which is
hydrothermal pulse prior to the pulse at 11.3 Ma. similar to one whole rock K/Ar analysis from the nearby
Yanamate diatreme-dome complex (Fig. 1) yielded an
age of 15.2±0.8 Ma at 2r (Soler and Bonhomme 1988),
Alunite 40Ar/39Ar data from the sulfide-rich which is more than 2 million years earlier than magmatic
polymetallic ores ages obtained in the Colquijirca district. On the basis of
these available geochronological data it is concluded
As is the case for the Au–(Ag) epithermal ores, the four that Colquijirca represents the youngest expression of
alunite samples from the sulfide-rich polymetallic ores the Miocene magmatism in the region.
yielded clear age plateaus ranging between 10.83±0.06 The 40Ar/39Ar determinations on mineralization in
and 10.56±0.08 Ma (2r). These new data are consistent the Colquijirca district reveal that the two physically
with a previous K/Ar age reported by Vidal et al. (1984) separate ore types, Au–(Ag) disseminated and the Cu–
on an alunite sample collected from massive enargite– Zn–Pb–Ag–(Au–Bi) sulfide-rich ores (Figs. 2, 3), formed
pyrite ores in zone I (southern Smelter). No relation be- at different times with a difference in age of 0.5 Ma
tween position (ore zone I or III) and age plateau is (0.28–0.64 Ma at the 2r level of confidence). Such a long
recognized. Sample PBR-108 from Colquijirca (zone III) time gap possibly indicates that both ore types were
gave an age plateau of 10.59±0.08 Ma (2r), which is deposited from different hydrothermal events that,
analytically identical to sample PBR-137 from Smelter however, took place within the same magmatic cycle.

Fig. 5 40Ar/39Ar age apparent

age spectra from incremental
heating analyses. Heating step
segments from which plateau
ages were calculated are shown
in filled boxes

The older event is recognized through possibly two During a second event (10.8–10.6 Ma), sulfide-rich
pulses of advanced argillic alteration formation at 11.3 polymetallic mineralization formed subhorizontal flat
and 11.6 Ma. Disseminated Au–(Ag) epithermal min- elongated tube-like lenses replacing Eocene carbonate
eralization is related to this older event in areas affected beds from the northern border of the Marcapunta dia-
by vuggy silica alteration in volcanic rocks of the Mar- treme-dome complex for 4 km north. This mineraliza-
capunta diatreme-dome complex. tion has a definite zoning which—from internal to
Table 2 Summary of Ar/39Ar age data of the Colquijirca district

Sample Location Mineral Plateau age Inverse isochron age Isochron-derived 40/36 ratio of intercept
(Ma±2 s)a (Ma±2 s)b MSWDc (±2 s)

Dacitic domes
PBR-148 Northern Marcapunta Biotite 12.43±0.06d 12.4±0.1 0.85 322±22
PBR-215 Western Marcapunta Biotite 12.9±0.1 1.50 290±2
PBR-216 Huacchuacaja Biotite 12.7±0.1 1.50 270±2
Precious metal high sulfidation epithermal ores
PBR-198 Central Marcapunta Alunite 11.33±0.14 11.4±0.1 4.60 282±3
PBR-213 Southern Marcapunta Alunite 11.63±0.08 11.6±0.1 0.99 291±29
PBR-214 Central Marcapunta Alunite 11.29±0.12 11.3±0.1 2.40 319±40
Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement bodies
PBR-108 Colquijirca Alunite 10.59±0.08 10.6±0.1 1.20 289±37
PBR-131 Smelter Alunite 10.83±0.06 10.9±0.1 0.84 291±10
PBR-137 Smelter Alunite 10.56±0.08 10.6±0.1 0.55 287±24
PBR-218 Colquijirca Alunite 10.72±0.06 10.7±0.1 0.19 307±13
a c
Plateau age calculated according to the criteria of Dalrymple and MSWD: mean square of weighted deviates. It can be calculated
Lamphere (1971) only for three or more points
b d
Age estimated by representing the temperature steps from the pla- Ages in boldface type were selected for the interpretation dis-
teau or plateau-like segment on a 36Ar/40Ar versus 39Ar/40Ar plot cussed in the text

Fig. 6 Summary diagram of available geochronological data (K/Ar

and 40Ar/39Ar) from the Colquijirca and Cerro de Pasco districts: a – Cu–(Ag–Bi) as chalcopyrite± (tennantite–bornite–
from Silberman and Noble (1977) at 2r, b from Soler and Bi sulfosalts) with alunite–dickite–kaolinite (zone II)
Bonhomme (1988) at 2r, c from Vidal et al. (1984) at 2r, d – Zn–Pb–(Ag) as sphalerite–galena with kaoli-
Bendezú et al. (this study) at 2r level of confidence nite±alunite, siderite (zone III)
external parts— displays the three following general The alunite 40Ar/39Ar ages from zones I and III show
main assotiations: that the sulfide-rich base metal ore types are contem-
– Cu–(Au) in enargite–pyrite ores, with alunite, poraneous within errors. The geochronologic data con-
zunyite and/or dickite–kaolinite (zone I) firm the geometric observations suggesting that the

massive pyrite–enargite Cu–(Au) ores of Smelter and the Acknowledgements The present investigation was carried out with
Colquijirca (mainly Zn–Pb–(Ag) deposits) are parts of a the support of the Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A. and the Swiss
National Science Foundation (FN 2000-062000.00). We also would
continuous replacement (Figs. 2, 3). like to acknowledge the generous help provided, especially in the
The recognized features of the sulfide-rich polyme- early period of this investigation, by the El Brocal staff, and in
tallic replacement ores, including mineral zoning, the particular: Juan Proaño, Isaac Cruz, Carlos Yacila, Ivan Monte-
high sulfidation and oxidation states of the sulfide agudo, Máximo Yaringaño, and Lucio Canchis. Thanks are also
extended to Lewis Gustafson and John Dilles for the constructive
assemblages in the internal parts, associated advanced reviews and comments, as well as to an anonymous reviewer who
argillic alteration, and the late timing of formation, significantly improved the manuscript. We would also like to thank
characterize them as Cordilleran lode and replacement Richard Goldfard for the editorial support and, lastly, Larry Me-
deposits in the sense of Einaudi (1982, 1994). inert, who contributed additional helpful comments and sugges-
The Pucará-hosted San Gregorio deposit, for which tions.
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