Fitech: Instruction Manual

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Note: These kits are not
legal for use on pollu-

Fuel Injection
tion controlled vehicles

Instruction Manual
for the following Go EFI Systems
30003 - Go Street EFI System
This Quick Start Manual is designed to get you up and competitive product that utilizes a Handheld Controller.
running with the Go Street Kit and either the 40003 Fuel Please read the full instruction manual before beginning
Command Center or the 40005 Inline Fuel Delivery Kit. your installation.
The FiTech Go EFI System is the industry's most ad- These instructions cover the Basic Kit installation and
vanced throttle body EFI system and also the easiest to setup as well as general instructions for both of the op-
install. It includes a very advanced Handheld Controller tional Fuel Delivery Kits. For technical assistance with
but is also capable of being far more tunable than any your Go EFI System, call 951-340-2624.
Warning: Caution must be oberved when installing any prod- line. We recommend having this installation performed by an
uct involving fuel system parts or gas tank modificaitons. experienced qualified automotive technician. The finished in-
Work in a well ventilated area with an approved fire extin- stallation must be thoroughly checked for any fuel system
guisher readily available. Eye goggles and other safety apparel leaks. All safety precautions must be observed when working
should be worn to protect against debris and sprayed gaso- with fuel. Note: Do not use solid core ignition wires.

30003 Kit Contents

(1) 4-Injector Throttle Body - Die Cast Finish (30003) (1) Harness (1) Fuel Pressure Regulator (Installed in Throttle Body)
"A" (Plug-in pigtail user harness) (1) Gasket Kit
(1) ECU (Mounted on Throttle Body) (2) -06 AN Inlet/Outlet Fittings (Installed on Throttle Body
(1) Set of four or eight injectors pre-installed (2) Inlet/Outlet Port Plugs (Installed on Throttle Body)
(1) Idle Air Control (Installed on Throttle Body) (1) Data Com Cable
(1) Throttle Position Sensor (Mounted on Throttle Body) (1) 8 gigabyte SD Card (Installed in Controller)
(1) Coolant Sensor (1) 3/8-NPT Reducer
(1) Handheld Controller w/billet case (1) 10mm Port Plug
(1) Wide Band O2 Sensor (1) Instruction Booklet
(1) O2 Sensor Bung Kit

Table of Contents for Instruction Manual:

Kit Contents................................................................................. 1 Coolant Temperature Sensor Installation.....................................4
About your FiTech Go EFI System................................................2 Wiring the EFI System.................................................................5
Fuel Delivery Requirements......................................................2/ 3 Fan Circuit Wiring........................................................................5
Oxygen Sensor Installation.......................................................3/ 4 Wiring Chart..............................................................................10
Throttle Body Installation.............................................................4 Wiring Schematics............................................................7 thru 9

About your FiTech Go EFI System

The Fitech Go EFI System will bolt directly to any 4-BBL adapter plate. Suitable adapter plates are available from
intake manifold. To fit on a spread bore 4-BBL manifold several suppliers such as Summit Racing (SUM-G1420).
will require an inexpensive adapater plate to avoid leaks. The Fitech Go EFI System is self tuning once the simple
Note that the FiTech throttle body will bolt directly to a initial setup is performed using the Handheld Controller.
spread bore 4-BBL manifold but may leak without the When the necessary initial inputs are made with the Hand-
held Controller the Go EFI System creates a base fuel stantly made to maintain the air/fuel targets.
MAP to get the engine running. Then the self tuning pro- Trigger Tach Signal: The FiTech EFI requires an rpm/trig-
gramming will fine tune the MAP to produce optimum ger reference to operate. This is obtained by a connection
power and performance. Through the use of a wide band to the negative post on a 12V coil. On HEI distributors,
O2 sensor the system can continuously make adjust- this connection is made to the "Tach" terminal that is in-
ments in the fuel delivery to provide the correct air/fuel dicated on the HEI distributor cap.
ratio under all climate and altitude conditions.
The ECU (computer) is mounted on the throttle body
thus eliminating the necessity of remote mounting the
ECU module and the need for an unsightly harness
draped over your engine. Several sensors are also inte-
gral to the throttle body assembly including the throttle
position sensor (TPS), manifold absolute pressure
(MAP), intake air temperature (IAT), and a fuel pressure
Initial Programming: This simple procedure is per-
formed using the Handheld Controller. A laptop computer
is not required. This unit plugs into the throttle body ECU.
After a few initial inputs are made the Handheld Controller
can be removed or left connected. When connected, there
is a dashboard and gauges screen that will show engine
parameters in real time.
Fuel Delivery Systems: You may have chosen one of the
two optional Fuel Delivery System Kits from FiTech. In-
structions come with each kit. If using other fuel delivery
components you must use a 30-micron filter ahead of the
fuel inlet fitting on the Fitech throttle body.
Wide Band O2 Sensor: This is the key component of any
EFI system. Only one sensor is required. This sensor con-
tinuously monitors the exhaust gas mixture and sends FiTech #40003 Fuel Command Center
the information to the ECU where adjustments are con-

Fuel Delivery Requirements

FiTech offers two different fuel delivery options. One is to 600 HP. Either fuel delivery system can be used with
the 40003 Fuel Command Center. When using this option, these EFI systems. When using the 8-injector 30012 Go
you can configure the system to operate on a returnless EFI System and the Fuel Command Center, the system is
basis. The other fuel delivery system is the 40005 Frame suitable for engines making up to 800 HP. When combin-
Mount Inline External Pump. Using this pump the system ing the 30012 Go EFI System with the 40005 Inline
must have a return line. The Fuel Command Center uses Pump, it is suitable for engines up to 600 HP.
your existing carbureted fuel pump and fuel lines to de- Note: If you have elected to use the Fuel Command
liver the fuel to the Command Center which is mounted Center and your vehicle currently has a high pressure fuel
in the engine compartment. The only plumbing required injection pump, it must be replaced with a low pressure
is from the Center to the EFI. carbureted style pump. Note that vehicles equipped with
High pressure hose and fittings are supplied with this factory high pressure EFI pumps are not compatible with
kit to plumb from the Command Center to the EFI throttle the Fuel Command Center.
body. A 340 L/PH EFI pump is submerged in the fuel in If you choose to use some other fuel delivery system
the Command Center sump tank. The Center also has a other than FiTech, it is important to make sure that you
regulator and fuel pressure gauges. confirm its compatibility with the FiTech EFI system. Con-
When using the 30001/30002 Go EFI kits, the Com- tact the FiTech technical staff to check compatibility. Fail-
mand Center is suitable for engines making from 200 HP ure to do so can void your warranty.
Note the following special instructions: usually come from a hardware store or auto parts store while 37°
• We recommend using the Fuel Command Center for all installa- AN fittings are the ones supplied by Fitech and most speed shops.
tions. A submerged pump is quieter and lasts longer. Remember that your system will be running at 58 PSI so consult a
• If using the Frame Mount Inline Fuel Pump, it should be mounted professional if you are not certain about this portion of your instal-
as close to the fuel tank as possible and also as low as possible. It lation. Fitech does not recommend aluminum fuel lines EVER! Or
should be within two to three feet of the tank. This type of pump is you can use the supplied EFI high pressure fuel hose that is supplied
designed to pump, not draw, and works best when gravity fed. in your Fuel Delivery Kit.
• Only use hard fuel lines when using proper EFI rated flared fittings. • Use the supplied push lock style hose ends only with the supplied
Make sure that you remove ALL low pressure flex joints on factory hose and vice versa. Intechanging hose ends and hose with other
fuel lines and replace them with EFI rated fuel hose and use proper brands could cause leaks.
flared connections and clamps. Be careful not to mix 45° and 37° VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Your fuel tank must have a vent to prevent
AN fittings , they look similar but will not work together. 45° fittings pressure building up inside the tank.

Plumbing Schematic for Fuel Command Center - Fuel Delivery Kit #40003 Figure 1
See separate Instruction Sheets that were provided witih this pump kit for complete details
Cap off Return Port
A carb style pre-filter is required to keep
debris from sticking the needle and seat
Supplied EFI Grade Fuel Hose that is installed in the Command Center.
plus push-lock style hose
ends, a fuel filter and fittings.
Fuel IN
Command 3-8 PSI Stock
Fuel Filter Pump
Fuel Filter

This replaces Stock Fuel Line

Plumbing Schematic for External Inline Pump - Fuel Delivery Kit #40005 Figure 2
See separate Instruction Sheets that were provided with this pump kit for complete details
Return fuel Line to tank

Must be mounted as low as the lowest point Fuel Tank

of the Fuel Tank and within 2-feet of it

Fuel Pump Pre-Fuel Filter


Note: Before starting any installation, disconnect the ceptacle or a dry cloth. Do not allow raw fuel to collect
ground connection on the battery. Be very careful when on the engine as this is a fire hazard. Please observe ex-
disconnecting any fuel lines to let the fuel drain into a re- treme caution when working with the fuel system.
Oxygen Sensor Installation
The supplied O2 Sensor can be installed in either exhaust cylinder. Must be at least 8-inches from the exhaust port.
bank. The Sensor cable connects to one of the cables It will not work on "zoomie" style headers.
coming out of the ECU on the throttle body. B.The sensor should be at least 10° above horizontal (see
A. The ideal location for the Sensor is 2-4 inches after the figure #3) to allow condensation to run off. If this is not
exhaust collector. It must always be at least 18-inches adhered to, the sensor is susceptible to water damage.
from the exhaust tip. Where short or open headers are C. Never position the sensor on the outside of a bend in
utilized, install the sensor in the primary tube of the rear the tubing.
D. The sensor must always be mounted ahead of any cat- false readings. This O2 Sensor
alytic converter if so equipped. will lead to poor engine Minimum
E. Drill a 7/8" diameter hole in the desired location. performance, includ- of 10°
F. The supplied bung kit can either be welded in place or ing misfires, and the
clamped onto the pipe. The clamp-on style works well inability to properly
and will not leak. If welded, make sure the bung is welded auto-tune the EFI. Con-
completely all the way around and does not leak. tinued running of the Exhaust
Collector Figure 3
G. Install the sensor into the bung. WARNING: Do not system with an ex-
start the engine wiithout the sensor cable connected to haust leak can create detonation and possible severe en-
the throttle body and the EFI system is fully operational gine damage. Incorrect installation of the sensor, exhaust
or damage will occur to the sensor. leaks, and any resulting damage is not covered by the
AIR LEAKS: It is important that no air leaks exist any- FiTech manufacturer's warranty. Make sure your exhaust
where in the exhaust system between the sensor and the is leak-free. This is very important.
engine. Any exhaust leaks will cause the unit to receive
Use this 3/8" nipple Use this 3/8" nipple
Throttle Body Installation for brake booster. for PCV connection.

Installing the throttle body is no different than replacing

the carburetor. Disconnect the throttle linkage and the
fuel line. Remove the existing carburetor from the intake
manifold. Clean the gasket surface of the manifold.
Vacuum Ports: Before installing the throttle body deter- Use this 3/16" nipple for any
un-ported vacuum need, such
mine the engine's need for vacuum accessories. The as transmission modulator.
FiTech throttle body has five vacuum ports including
ported and manifold. These ports cover accessories such
as power brakes. There are three 3/16" male nipples and
two 3/8" male nipple. If you need more vacuum connec-
tions than this, you can purchase vacuum tees and vac-
uum hose at your local auto parts store. See Figures 4, Figure 4 A
and 5 for location and use of various vacuum nipples.
Throttle Body Installation: Place the supplied gasket
onto the manifold and place the throttle body onto the
gasket. The throttle body linkage must be on the driver's
side of the engine. Install the original nuts and washers
onto the four carburetor studs. Tighten to 16 lb. ft. of
torque. Use this 3/16" nipple for ported
The FiTech throttle body has four fuel ports. Three inlet vacuum. (Distributor Advance)

and one return. Any one of three can be the inlet. The out-
let port is marked with the word "Return." On a returnless
setup the outlet port is plugged. Three plugs are provided
in the kit for the unused ports. Two plugs are installed in
the throttle body with one loose one in the kit. All three
plugs will be used on returnless configurations and only Figure 5
two wil be used when the system will have a return line.

Coolant Temperature Sensor Installation

The Temperature Sensor should be threaded into one of nect the Yellow/Black wire lead from the throttle body to
the ports in the intake manifold or cylinder head. The sen- the sensor. Snap the connector into the sensor. Use
sor threads are 3/8-NPT. Some manifolds have 1/2-NPT Teflon tape or a quality pipe sealant on both the pipe re-
ports and in this instance use supplied pipe reducer. Con- ducer (if used) and on the temperature sensor.
Wiring the EFI System Wiring Harness
The supplied Harness "A" (see Figure 7) plugs into mat- "A"
ing Connector "B" from the throttle body mounted ECU.
See Figure 8. The various wires will need to be extended
to make required connections. See the Wire Chart on
page 6 which lists each wire used in the system and what
it connects to. It is strongly suggested that any wire ex-
tensions are made with the same gauge and color wire
as is used in the
supplied Har-
ness. Make con-
nections as a Ground

soldered joint 30
85 Relay 86
rather than as a 87 Ign/Acc
crimped connec- Ground Circuit Fuse 6-Pin
tion. Utilize a Figure 7
Fan 1 - Yellow Wire, or
shrink wrapped Fan 2 - Black Wire
See Wire Chart on Pg. 6 Fan
sleeve covering Ground
Harness "A" plugs into connector "B" from throttle body
all connections. Fan Circuit mounted ECU. See Figure 8 and page 6 Wiring Chart.

Connects to O2
Sensor Cable
Handheld Controller

Connects to Coolant
Temperature Sensor
Yellow/Black Wires

6-Pin Connector "B"

connects to Harness "A"
shown in Figure 7

Figure 8

The above photo shows all of the cables that are associ- Harness "A" which contains the main six wires used in
ated with the FiTech Go EFI System throttle body. The the system. The large coiled cable at top left connects to
large cable at the bottom left connects to the supplied the supplied Oxygen Sensor cable.
Wiring Chart
The Chart below lists all of the wires in the FiTech Go EFI
System. The wires are color coded and the wires that are
part of Harness "A" are all marked for where they go.
There are six wires in Harness "A." Four of them are re-
quired connections and two are optional. More detailed
connection information (Figures 9 through 11) is pro-
vided on later pages of these instructions.

The Following Wires Are Used In All Systems (6-Pin Connecctor)

Req./Opt. Wire Color Description

Required Red (Large) Main power. Connect this wire directly to the positive (+) terminal of the battery. This circuit
needs to be live even when the switch is off so that the self learning files are maintained. This is
fused with a 25 amp fuse.

Required Yellow/Black This wire connects to the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

Required Blue This is the tach input wire which triggers the system. It connects to the 12V Negative terminal of
the coil. On HEI distributor it connects to the "Tach" terminal on the distributor cap or connects
to a tach output on a CDI box.
Optional Black The black wire can provide the following function when grounded:
1. RPM kicks up when A/C is activated.

Required Orange (Large) Fuel Pump circuit. This wire provides 12V to the fuel pump and connects to the positive (+) ter-
minal on the pump. No relay is required.
Required 02 Harness This cable from ECU connects to the Wide Band Oxygen Sensor harness.
Required Wiring Harness A This connects to Connector "B" from ECU. See Figures 7 and 8 (Page 5).
Required White On/Off - Connect this wire to a switched 12V circuit. Must be on during both "Key On" and
"Cranking." DO NOT connect to the coil terminal when using an external CDI box such as an
MSD 6A or any other CD ignition.

Optional Yellow Fan Circuit #1. This wire goes to the ground terminal of the fan relay.

Wiring Diagrams
On the following three
pages are various wiring
diagrams that address the
most common ignition
arrangements that will be
found. Each diagram will
show you the specifics of
how to wire your FiTech Go
EFI System for that partic-
ular ignition setup.

#40005 Frame Mount Inline Fuel Delivery Kit

Selecting the correct wiring schematic: Review Figures 10 through 11 and
select the schematic that suits your particular application. Figure 10 shows
how to connect a ready-to-run distributor. Figure 11 is for an HEI distributor.
Figure 11 is also for a system with an external CDI box.

Wiring Connections for FiTech Go EFI System with Ready-to-Run Distributor

Inline Fuel Pump

shown. Connections
are the same for the
Fuel Command Center Ignition Switch
Existing connection between switch,
Electric Fan distributor & coil

(+) (-)
Ready-to-Run Distributor
(+) (-)
Blue Wire - Connect Coil
to Negative Coil Post


White Wire
FiTech Go EFI Throttle Body

Large Orange Wire

Black Wire
Coolant Temperature

Yellow Wire (Connect to fan relay ground) Yellow/Black Wire

Large Red Wire

Handheld Controller
Indicates a splice. It is
recommended that all Vehicle
splices be made as a Battery
soldered connection.

This harness is a permanent connection to

ECU on the EFI throttle body
Oxygen Sensor

Figure 9
Wiring Connections for FiTech Go EFI System with HEI Distributor

Inline Fuel Pump

shown. Connections
are the same for the
Fuel Command Center Ignition Switch
Connect Blue
Wire to "Tach"
Electric Fan terminal on cap

HEI Distributor

(+) (-)
Blue Wire

White Wire

FiTech Go EFI Throttle Body

Large Orange Wire

Black Wire

Coolant Temperature

Yellow Wire (Connect to fan relay ground) Yellow/Black Wire

Large Red Wire

Handheld Controller
Indicates a splice. It is
recommended that all Vehicle
splices be made as a Battery
soldered connection.

This harness is a permanent connection to

ECU on the EFI throttle body
Oxygen Sensor

Figure 10
Use this wiring schematic if you are utilzing an HEI distributor without an
external CDI box, such as a MSD 6AL or similar aftermarket ignition box.
Wiring Connections for FiTech Go EFI System with External CDI Box
External CDI Box such as an MSD 6Al or
similar aftermarket ignition box

Inline Fuel Pump Conventional Two-Wire

shown. Connections Distributor
are the same for the
Fuel Command Center Switch

Electric Fan

(+) (-)

from CDI Box

to "tach out" wire
Blur Wire connects

White Wire

FiTech Go EFI

Large Orange Wire

Throttle Body
Black Wire Coolant Temperature
Connector Sensor

Yellow Wire (Connect to fan relay ground) Yellow/Black Wire

Large Red Wire

Handheld Controller
Indicates a splice. It is
recommended that all Vehicle
splices be made as a Battery
soldered connection.

This harness is a permanent connection to Oxygen Sensor

ECU on the EFI throttle body

Figure 11
Use this wiring schematic if you are utilzing a conventional two-wire distributor
with an external CDI box, such as a MSD 6AL or similar aftermarket ignition box.

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