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OpenRail for Asset Performance

Advancing asset performance to deliver safe, reliable,

compliant, and cost-effective service
Drive your digital journey with
OpenRail for Asset Performance
Every challenge you face has a digital component. Gain better insights into your data and make the best
business decisions using OpenRail for Asset Performance.

Improve Overall Accessibility, Quality, Integrity, and Relevance of Rail Asset Data
Industry leading rail and transit organizations are developing and implementing enterprise-wide information
systems and processes in compliance with emerging BIM and Asset Management standards to ensure
consistent application across all planning, projects, operations and maintenance functions. OpenRail for
Asset Performance supports the journey to digitalization by empowering effective asset management
practices and enabling BIM management of information through the whole life cycle of a built asset.
OpenRail provides a spatially-enabled common data environment to manage rail, transit, bridge, and tunnel
assets and related information for infrastructure operations. It delivers complete information management
during the transportation infrastructure’s operating life and supports safe and reliable life extensions.

Railways and Transit Agencies Use OpenRail for Asset Performance to:
• Improve overall service, safety, and reliability
• Reduce maintenance and equipment costs
• Increase profit margins
• Streamline capital planning and operations
• Improve field-reporting accuracy

Enterprise Interoperability Delivers

Maximum Flexibility
Interoperability is the cornerstone of Bentley’s technology and the key to your successful asset
information management solution. Information can be used in third-party systems, while information
from one or more third-party systems can be leveraged within OpenRail via a single, managed
interoperable connection.
With OpenRail for Asset Performance, you can minimize the need for customized integrations and
accelerate integration projects for faster returns on investment. Ensure that information quality,
security, and integrity are maintained and gain a common view of asset information through certified
system connectors that offer standardized integrations to third-party ERP/EAM/CMMS systems, GIS,
and online data collection systems.
Discover the benefits of decision
support with OpenRail
If one of your top priorities is to improve OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE, then asset
performance is a key strategic objective. Poor performing rail assets result in lost
revenue, affecting the bottom line. Strong asset performance delivers financial benefits,
reduces operational risk, and improves safety and reliability.
Proving REGULATORY COMPLIANCE often requires correlating data from different
sources, a slow and labor-intensive process that can be onerous, disruptive, and
prone to error. OpenRail for Asset Performance manages changing asset information
and requirements and delivers the reports you need to ensure and prove operational
and regulatory compliance. By linking regulations, contractual requirements, and
specifications directly to your asset data, OpenRail provides support throughout the
lifecycle to ensure assets comply with government, industry, and corporate regulations.
Rail, by its nature, faces risks that can collectively affect the safety of workers, the
public, and the environment, and radically influence your bottom line. Unplanned
downtime and disruptions can result in lost revenue and unsatisfactory customer
OPERATING LIFE by developing and continuously improving reliability programs,
consolidating and analyzing asset condition data, and recommending proactive corrective
actions in time to prevent failures and high maintenance costs.
OpenRail Asset Lifecycle Information Management
Trusted information, when and where it’s needed streamlining of workflows, adherence to standards, standardization,
reduction of risk, more informed decisions, and ultimately increased
OpenRail Asset Lifecycle Infromation Management (ALIM) manages rail
asset performance.
and transit information throughout the lifecycle of change – ensuring the
delivery of relevant, trusted information, in context – where and when it
is needed. OpenRail ALIM makes it easy to define information types and Spatially-Enabled Asset Information
the relationships between them – including documents, requirements, OpenRail ALIM provides the ability to view and use information from a
people, processes, policies, physical assets, and more. graphical perspective for spatially located assets and related information.
This allows you to view information in a manner that can support
Connected Data Environment enhanced decision making across different types of linear assets and
The OpenRail Connected Data Environment (CDE) leverages existing information. You can locate assets based on
investments in BIM, establishing an open framework for collaboration spatial coordinates, on a position along a
and asset information management throughout the lifecycle of network, or proximity to another asset. This
transportation infrastructure. The CDE ensures the accuracy and network-based approach allows you to
availability of design, construction and operational documents and data perform complex linear based analysis
at every stage of the asset lifecycle, allowing faster project start-up, across the entire network.

Positive Train Control

As a rail owner-operator or as an authority for a light-rail or metro system management capabilities and
you face numerous challenges including increased safety targets, aging information integrity in a changing
infrastructure, limited financial resources, managing information across environment. Configuration
multiple systems, and regulatory compliance. One of those regulatory management ensures information
challenges is the implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC) systems. A integrity through closed-loop change
key element of PTC is managing the information related to the rail network management, ensuring consistency
and trains operating across it — speed limits, track composition, speed between all aspects of operational
of individual locomotives, train composition, and more. OpenRail ALIM information and the requirements related
helps enable PTC deployment and provides best practice configuration to the asset being described.
OpenRail ALIM
ASSET REGISTRY AND TAG MANAGEMENT Organizations have OpenRail ALIM helps enable positive train control (PTC) deployment
hundreds of thousands or millions of assets, equipment, structures, by providing best practice configuration management capabilities that
systems, and components that need to be managed, tracked, and address the problem of information integrity in a changing environment.
maintained for ongoing operations. OpenRail ALIM gives you the ability DOCUMENT CONTROL Effective document control must blend
to manage assets and their configurations including product and item four key functional areas: document control, change management,
baselines, snapshots, serialized items, as well as persistence and records management, and distribution. OpenRail ALIM integrates this
change management of tags and physical items. functionality to provide you with the ability to effectively, efficiently, and
SPATIAL LINEAR NETWORK MANAGEMENT Ensuring information accurately capture, manage, control, retrieve, distribute, and archive all
about linear networks and associated assets is current and available is types of infrastructure asset information across a facility or network.
critical for effective decision making. OpenRail ALIM provides a spatial RECORDS MANAGEMENT Effective records management provides
environment to visually access information and take action. This includes evidence for transactions, compliance audits, legal discovery, and more.
the ability to view linear networks, related assets, and attributes OpenRail ALIM provides advanced file plan and disposition functionality,
together with other spatially located information. Maps with navigation delivering a powerful records management system for complete lifecycle
tools allow you to perform business functions directly within the spatial management of all corporate records and associated information.
interface. User-friendly graphical reporting tools enable your users to OpenRail ALIM helps you comply with your organization’s corporate
query and report on data without any programming or GIS knowledge. record-keeping policies to meet regulatory compliance and reduce the
CHANGE MANAGEMENT Change management cannot happen risks associated with audits and litigation.
without the ability to create relationships between relevant information, REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT Requirements management is a
which is key to identifying the impact or effects of change. OpenRail continuous process critical to meeting design specifications as well as
ALIM gives you powerful features for varying levels of change ensuring operational and regulatory compliance. With OpenRail ALIM,
management, and monitors the progress of a change request by requirements information can be updated in real time, and information
providing status details for each information asset, and traces the automatically propagated and accessible to your stakeholders
lifecycle of changes made with revision history. everywhere it is needed.
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT Configuration management
ensures that asset configurations conform to their requirements. It
provides the ability to identify and retain the context of information and
its relationship to projects, processes, equipment, organizations, and
users throughout their lifecycles. OpenRail ALIM gives you information
integrity and consistency through closed-loop change management.
OpenRail Operational Analytics
Decision Support for Track and Maintenance-of-Way Assets
OpenRail Operational Analytics is a railway decision support system that
enables proactive management and decision support for linear railway assets.
OpenRail is designed to help you turn railway data into actionable information,
enabling better decisions about track and other maintenance-of-way assets.
Track managers can confidently determine what work needs to be done, where
to focus the work, and when to perform the work. You collect and maintain data
from many sources. This data is often stored in separate systems and requires
expertise to access and interpret. Making decisions by correlating data from
many systems can be tedious, time consuming, and error prone.
OpenRail Operational Analytics
DATA ANALYSIS AND RULES ENGINE OpenRail has a library of 200+
linear network-aware data processing rules and commands that can be
applied to extract actionable information. These rules can find clusters of
defects, trend track degradation to plan surfacing, filter spikes and flat lines
from measurement data and much more. Furthermore, these rules can be
combined to perform sophisticated data analysis to extract more value from
existing data.
DATA VISUALIZATION Data visualization is critical in transforming vast
quantities of complex linear data into actionable information that users can
readily access, understand, and utilize. Straight line diagram visualization
features provide you with instant access to an informative representation
of any combination of configured data types at any location on the railroad
SOURCE DATA INTEGRATION OpenRail brings together linear
asset data from any number of sources and correlates the data
by location and time. OpenRail includes a number of integration
capabilities for importing files, linking to existing databases and
web services to communicate with other systems. OpenRail
extends value to discrete or hierarchical asset data systems
like EAMs and other CMMS or asset management systems,
by combining linear with discrete data analysis, then feeding
results back to the non-linear systems.
systems such as track geometry vehicles, ground penetrating
radar, laser scanners, video recorders, track walkers, and
more can produce many gigabytes of data in a day. OpenRail
efficiently stores, links to, and correlates this data for rapid
access and analysis, enabling you to make timely and accurate
maintenance decisions. OpenRail supports managing datasets
containing hundreds of thousands of surveys and can be
terabytes in size.
most of your data and gain even more insights by leveraging
the power of MS Azure machine learning and OpenRail
advanced analytics. Discover otherwise hard-to-see patterns
or behaviors in multiple and complex information data sets.
Detect anomalies and events in advance with data driven, self-
learning models, which require little or no human interaction.
Apply different techniques, like predictive maintenance and
demand forecasting, to significantly reduce costs and improve
performance with smarter decision making.
DATA SECURITY Keeping your data secure is our top
priority. Only your authorized users can access your data and
visualizations. Our expert team works around the clock to keep OpenRail Operational Analytics displays checks and trends
your data secure, allowing you to focus on the results. visually for more intuitive decision support.
OpenRail Asset Reliability
Reliability Strategy, Inspection and Maintenance standards and four state of good repair (SGR) performance measures
Management for Transportation Infrastructure Assets including rolling stock, facilities, infrastructure and equipment.

OpenRail Asset Reliability provides comprehensive capabilities Ensuring that rail and transit systems are maintained in a State of
for reliability strategy development, inspection, maintenance, and Good Repair is critical to providing efficient, reliable, and safe service.
management of transportation infrastructure assets. These proven Bentley’s rail and transit operations solution helps ensure you have
capabilities give users universal access to bridge, tunnel, road, rail, well maintained, reliable transit infrastructure – including track, signal
and transit asset data – from the field, road, or office. OpenRail Asset systems, bridges, tunnels, vehicles and stations. Through the ability
Reliability integrates asset data that is useful for multiple operational to rapidly deploy a purpose-built mobile inspection solution, Transit
needs, from inspecting and reporting to capital-project decision making. agencies can quickly update/add their facility inventory and condition
assessment into a fully managed reporting system, mitigating missed
FTA deadlines or incomplete/inaccurate assessments, while providing
a repeatable method to produce high quality decision support outcomes
and prioritization. OpenRail can help you improve safety, enhance user
satisfaction, and increase value for money from your maintenance

Maximize Use of Transportation

Asset Information
OpenRail enables owner-operators of bridges, tunnels, roads, and rail
and transit to maximize the use of transportation asset inspection
information for onsite inspection, reporting, maintenance planning,
project prioritization, and work scheduling. Quick access to all
information allows organizations to turn needs into actionable plans.
Executive dashboards offer a graphical view of how the asset inventory OpenRail users include departments of transportation, transit agencies,
is performing against metrics and goals. county and municipal governments, and engineering contractors. These
organizations can comply fully with government and industry regulations,
Achieve a State of Good Repair including those from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),
Poor asset condition can increase risk of incident or accident, reduce Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and Federal Railroad Administration
quality of service provided, damage the reputation of owner-operators, (FRA). The system helps users meet requirements for the Fixing
and reduce confidence in asset management budget figures. State of America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and
Good Repair (SGR) requires public transportation providers to develop Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
and implement transit asset management (TAM) plans. TAM plans (MAP-21) across multiple transportation modes.
must include an asset inventory, condition assessments of inventoried OpenRail integrates with other Bentley applications
assets, and a prioritized list of investments to improve the state of good for easy data exchange and works in combination
repair of their capital assets. This rule also establishes state good repair with AASHTOWare’s Bridge Management system.
OpenRail Asset Reliability
proactive strategies that improve long-term asset reliability
Supports All Types of Transportation Infrastructure and performance. Optimize processes for the day-to-day
OpenRail is the industry’s preferred software for the inspection and operations of assets to minimize operational costs and
inventory of all types of infrastructure assets, including bridges, maximize your production capabilities. Moving to a risk-based
culverts, signs, light poles, antenna towers, storm water, guardrails, approach to inspections and managing assets, you can develop
retaining walls, and other ancillary structures. Deployed in a secure high-quality reliability strategies and programs that ensure
cloud-computing environment and monitored 24/7 by Bentley managed your assets and asset investments deliver optimal value,
services, OpenRail provides an off- the- shelf offering that meets all maximize safety, and enhance regulatory compliance. With
FHWA, National Bridge Inventory (NBI), FAST and MAP-21 requirements OpenRail Asset Reliability you can identify assets posing
that allows for rapid implementation of the system. The OpenRail the greatest risk to your operation and rank assets by failure
system also includes capabilities that allow users to configure the consequence and relative risk.
system to meet their agency’s needs.
documented and systematic reliability program that is
Streamlines the Entire Inspection Process
technically sound and based on proven reliability strategy
Using OpenRail, inspectors can quickly and effectively collect, analyze, methodologies provides proof of regulatory compliance that
manage, and report inspection data while working in the field, the you are doing the right things to prevent asset failure. Conduct
office, or anywhere in between using mobile tablets. The software root cause analyses and employ defect elimination methods
significantly improves the quality, usability, and amount of data then easily update the reliability program. With OpenRail, it’s
available to make key decisions while preventing errors and avoiding a living program with continuous improvement built into the
mistakes. Integrated collection, management, and maintenance process.
capabilities make sharing asset information across an organization easy
and efficient. ASSET CONDITION MONITORING Ensure a safe,
reliable, and compliant operation with OpenRail Reliability
OpenRail delivers an array of capabilities that enable users to more
for rail and transit assets. OpenRail provides a cohesive
effectively and efficiently manage infrastructure assets. A geographical
and integrated approach to implement, and manage a living
information system (GIS), advanced report generation, security features,
program to monitor asset condition and manage asset
search and data retrieval, and an executive dashboard allow users to
performance, integrity and reliability. Track and trend asset
streamline asset management processes.
condition degradation and gain insights for fast and accurate
maintenance decisions. Certified and integrated with Infor,
SAP EAM, IBM Maximo and Oracle eAM Enterprise Asset
The mobile app allows all data to be collected in the field in disconnected Management systems to trigger the right work on the right
mode and seamlessly sent to the server when a connection is available. equipment at the right time.
industry leading asset performance management capabilities,
its federated approach to information management combined
with its 30-year investment in design and engineering
technologies, Bentley is able to link 2D and 3D representations
of a site with data from other operational systems to support
common asset performance and integrity management
process workflows. Achieve quick results and build momentum
and support in your journey to operational excellence. Use
handheld data collectors to standardize inspection indicator
readings. For situations where assets are spread across a wide
geographic area, OpenRail’s mobile capabilities allows users
to work disconnected from the network for extended periods
of time. Support for rich data (pictures, video, audio, and other
PDF files) and capabilities, such as direct in-context access
to inspection manuals and historical data, add to the overall
quality of asset inventory information and reports.
A Commitment to BIM Leveraging CDE and ALIM
Using BIM principles, Crossrail is delivering a new railway that management (ALIM) provides a spatially enabled CDE to
crosses through central London and is a landmark project not manage information across the project lifecycle. Information
only in the UK but around the world. The estimated value of the critical to the required performance of assets is identified and
project is US$21.4 billion, making it one of the most significant transferred to an asset information management system.
infrastructure projects in the northern hemisphere. The project BIM enables the asset owner to make better decisions not only
is important not only from the perspective of its magnitude and in the initial phase but during the entire asset lifecycle. Asset
the convenience it will offer to people but also in terms of the handover is not where BIM ends, as BIM is a continuous process
technological innovation involved in the design and construction of data and information sharing. Asset owners must be able to
of the railway. Center to its technology innovation is BIM, as access design and as-constructed data anytime and anywhere. It
Crossrail is the first major infrastructure project in the UK to is very important to bring information together in a common data
implement a full BIM lifecycle concept. environment, which works as a single source of truth for all the
Crossrail employed Bentley’s ProjectWise and AssetWise* assets owned.
platforms to deal with design, engineering, and asset — BIM Revolution or Evolution, MEED Insight
information management. Asset Lifecycle Information
*OpenRail includes capabilities that are part of the ProjectWise and AssetWise platforms.
OpenRail for Asset Performance
is Part of the OpenRail Solution
OpenRail Asset Performance is part of the OpenRail solution, which is
a complete solution for rail and transit infrastructure from planning to
performance. OpenRail delivers enhanced collaboration and coordination,
enabling the conceptual and detailed design, construction, transfer into
service, and operations of rail infrastructure assets. OpenRail delivers
enhanced collaboration and coordination and enables the conceptual and
detailed design, construction, operation, and maintenance of rail infrastructure
assets, combining digital components, context and workflows, while ensuring
compliance with requirements using a systems engineering approach.
OpenRail enables rail and transit organizations to gain insights into data
from multiple sources and in different formats, providing information mobility
across phases and disciplines, as well as between Bentley and third-party
software. OpenRail streamlines multi-discipline design, construction and
project handover, providing industry professionals access to the trusted infor
mation needed to transform project and organizational performance. It ensures
information created during project delivery can be made available to owner-
operators, enabling more informed decisions during operations, and optimized
asset performance.

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