BROCH OpenRail Asset Performance LTR EN LR
BROCH OpenRail Asset Performance LTR EN LR
BROCH OpenRail Asset Performance LTR EN LR
Improve Overall Accessibility, Quality, Integrity, and Relevance of Rail Asset Data
Industry leading rail and transit organizations are developing and implementing enterprise-wide information
systems and processes in compliance with emerging BIM and Asset Management standards to ensure
consistent application across all planning, projects, operations and maintenance functions. OpenRail for
Asset Performance supports the journey to digitalization by empowering effective asset management
practices and enabling BIM management of information through the whole life cycle of a built asset.
OpenRail provides a spatially-enabled common data environment to manage rail, transit, bridge, and tunnel
assets and related information for infrastructure operations. It delivers complete information management
during the transportation infrastructure’s operating life and supports safe and reliable life extensions.
Railways and Transit Agencies Use OpenRail for Asset Performance to:
• Improve overall service, safety, and reliability
• Reduce maintenance and equipment costs
• Increase profit margins
• Streamline capital planning and operations
• Improve field-reporting accuracy
OpenRail Asset Reliability provides comprehensive capabilities Ensuring that rail and transit systems are maintained in a State of
for reliability strategy development, inspection, maintenance, and Good Repair is critical to providing efficient, reliable, and safe service.
management of transportation infrastructure assets. These proven Bentley’s rail and transit operations solution helps ensure you have
capabilities give users universal access to bridge, tunnel, road, rail, well maintained, reliable transit infrastructure – including track, signal
and transit asset data – from the field, road, or office. OpenRail Asset systems, bridges, tunnels, vehicles and stations. Through the ability
Reliability integrates asset data that is useful for multiple operational to rapidly deploy a purpose-built mobile inspection solution, Transit
needs, from inspecting and reporting to capital-project decision making. agencies can quickly update/add their facility inventory and condition
assessment into a fully managed reporting system, mitigating missed
FTA deadlines or incomplete/inaccurate assessments, while providing
a repeatable method to produce high quality decision support outcomes
and prioritization. OpenRail can help you improve safety, enhance user
satisfaction, and increase value for money from your maintenance