ECN 2115 Lecture 1 - 2
ECN 2115 Lecture 1 - 2
ECN 2115 Lecture 1 - 2
For a maximum:
It can then be shown that if f(x) is a smooth function that achieves its maximum value at x * , then
The second order condition says that the function is concave near X *.
For a minimum:
If y = f(X), then f(X) achieves its minimum value at X * if f(X* ) ≤ f(X) for all X
The second order condition says that the function is convex near X *.
Example 2.1:
You are given a firm that wishes to maximize profits (∏). The total revenue function of the firm is;
R= 4000Q – 33 Q2 . The total cost function is C=2Q3 – 3Q2 + 400Q +5000.
How do we go about finding the point of maximum profits for the firm?
∏= R - C
(b) Take the first derivative of the profit function and set it equal to zero and solve for Q.
d∏ / dQ = -6 Q2 – 60Q + 3600 = 0
= - 6 [ (Q+30) (Q-20) ] = 0
We solve for the two critical points. These are Q = -30 and Q = 20.
We take the second derivative and evaluate it at the positive critical point
Since we are talking about positive amounts, we ignore the negative critical point. It is uninteresting for
our purposes. In other words, it has no economic significance
We then check the sign for concavity to be sure it is a relative maximum. Thus,
d2 ∏ / dx2 = - 12 (20) – 60
= 300 < 0.
Thus the slope at the critical point is concave. Therefore the point Q= 20 is a relative maximum.
= 39,000.
Constrained Optimization with Lagrange multiplier
In economic problems, we are always faced with constraints. We are going to have a maximization or
minimization problem. This problem with faced with a constraint. We use the concept of the Lagrange
multiplier to solve this sort of problem.
Using the Lagrange multiplier we can maximize or minimize a function subject to a constraint.
We are given a function f(X,Y) to be either maximized or minimized. This is subject to a constraint g(X,Y)
= k.
We can form a new function F. This can be done by going through three steps:
F( X, Y, λ ) = f (X,Y) + λ [ k – g (X,Y) ]
Then λ [k – g (X, Y) ] = 0.
So the addition of λ [ k – g (X, Y)] = 0 to the objective function does not change the value of the
objective function.
How do we find these values? We find these values by taking the partial derivatives of the F function
with respect to all the independent variables. Set the equations to zero and then solve them
Please remember that if we have a function F(X). We can write the first derivative as
dF(X)/dx or Fx . . Thus we can write the partial derivatives and the first order conditions of the F (X, Y,
λ ) as:
Fx ( X, Y, λ ) = 0
Fy ( X , Y, λ ) = 0
Fλ ( X, Y, ) = 0.
Example 2.2:
You are given an objective function f (X, Y) = 4 X 2 + 3XY + 6 Y2 and the constraint on the function in
the form of X + Y = 56. You are to optimize f(X, Y) subject to the constraint.
56 – X – Y = 0.
2) We multiply the constraint in (1) by λ and add the product to the objective function in order to
form the Lagrangian function F.
F = 4 X2 + 3XY + 6Y2 + λ ( 56 –X –Y )
3) We now take the first derivatives with respect to the independent variables. Set the partial
derivatives and set them equal to zero.
Fx = 8X + 3Y - λ = 0
Fy = 3X = 12Y - λ = 0
F λ= 56 – X – Y = 0
4) Solve the simultaneous equations for the critical values of the independent variables
We can generalize our analysis. We wish to find the values of X 1, X2 , ……. , Xn that maximize
L x1 = f1 + λ g 1 = 0
Lx2 = f2 + λ g 2 = 0
Ln = f + λg n = 0
L λ = g ( X 1 , X2 , … X n) =0
Example 2:3
Suppose f(X, Y) = XY. Find the maximum value of f, if X and Y are constrained to sum to 1.
L = XY + λ (1 – X- Y)
Lx = Y - λ = 0
L y= X -λ = 0
Lλ = 1- X –Y =0
Then X = Y.
1= X + Y
The Lagrange multiplier, λ, approximates the marginal impact on the objective function caused by a
small change in the constant of the constraint.
F = 4X2 + 3 XY +6 Y2 subject to the constraint X+Y = 56. We got the solution to the maximization problem
as X =36, Y= 20 and λ = 348.
With λ = 348, if, for instance, there is a one unit increase (decrease) in the constant of the constraint,
this would cause F to increase (decrease) by 348 units.
Lagrangian multipliers are therefore often referred to as shadow prices. When we later on discuss utility
maximization under consumer theory, we shall notice that λ will estimate the marginal utility of an extra
Kwacha of income.
Let us demonstrate a unit change in the constraint by looking at a new problem. Thus we have a
problem to maximize f = 4X2 +3XY +6Y2 subject to the constraint X+Y= 57. Please notice that the
constraint has been relaxed by one unit.
Fx = 8X + 3Y - λ = 0
Fy = 3X +12Y - λ = 0
Fλ = 57 – X – Y = 0
F= 10,095.
Exercise 2.
You are given the function Z= XY and a constraint M= 5X + 10Y. Find the first order conditions for
the maximization problem.