The Fish Processing Industry in The Philippines: Status, Problems and Prospects

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The Fish Processing Industry in the Philippines:

Status, Problems and Prospects


Fisheries Utilization Division
Bureau o f Fisheries & Aquatic Resources
Quezon City, Philippines

Background Fish production showed an increasing trend

from 1.3 million mt in 1975 to over 2.0 million
The Philippines is fortunate to be endowed mt in 1986 (Table 2). The increasing fish pro­
with rich fisheries and aquatic resources where duction is the basis of the fish processing indus­
its population can always turn to for food. Fish try. Inspite of the many obstacles and problems,
is very important as a cheap source of animal the industry has expanded significantly over the
protein in the diet. Our consumption of food past years. Export likewise steadily increased
fish is comparatively high by world standards. from 25,988 mt (₱ 328M) in 1975 to 101,448 mt
Our average per capita consumption of 41 kg (₱4,863M) in 1986 (Table 3). On the other hand,
annually is one of the highest in Southeast Asia. importation declined from 23,038 mt (₱ 111M)
Table 1 shows our mean per capita fish con­ in 1983 to 6,097 mt (₱ 50.2M) in 1984 as shown
sumption by geographical area. in Table 4. The country’s major imports in 1981
were canned sardines and mackerel mostly from
Japan and Thailand and fishmeal from Peru.
The fish processing industry not only
provides the valuable animal protein require­
ment but also generates employment opportu­ Given the much-needed incentives to carry
nities to over a million Filipinos. It is also an out the desired improvement, the industry
important foreign currency earner and holds possesses the necessary success factors towards
considerable potential for development. national recovery.

Table 1. Mean per capita fish consumption in the Philippines by geographical area

Geographical Area Fish Consumption

All Urban 41
Metro Manila 34
Other Urban 45
Rural 41
Luzon 37
Visayas 38
Mindanao 45
Source: Fisheries Statistics of the Philippines, BFAR 1984.

18 Development of Fish Products

Table 2. Total fish production by quantity & value 1975-1986

Year Quantity (mt) Value (₱)

1975 1,336,803 5,919,127
1976 1,393,483 7,297,946
1977 1,508,855 8,809,203
1978 1,580,404 9,477,276
1979 1,581,303 10,536,747
1980 1,672,254 11,644,350
1981 1,772,897 13,953,798
1982 1,896,983 15,063,966
1983 2,110,230 18,981,459
1984 2,080,439 25,649,933
1985 2,052,111 31,297,268
1986 2,089,484 37,331,483
Source: Fisheries Statistics of the Philippines BFAR.

Table 3. Total export of fish & fishery products by quantity & value 1975-1986

Year Quantity (mt) Value (P)

1975 25,988 327,995,971
1976 23,974 330,272,807
1977 37,534 395,365,033
1978 48,438 532,213,555
1979 64,890 781,736,033
1980 76,179 939,294,463
1981 83,736 1,251,142,136
1982 68,265 1,119,685,276
1983 75,589 1,592,884,033
1984 63,055 2,179,380,361
1985 95,077 3,496,095,733
1986 101,448 4,862,738,898
Source: Fisheries Statistics of the Philippines BFAR.
Country Report: Philippines 19

Table 4. Total importation of fish & fishery products by quantity & value, 1975-1986.

Year Quantity (mt) Value (₱)

1975 86,910 294,730,712
1976 64,111 266,021,297
1977 38,557 205,082,803
1978 47,955 229,528,950
1979 45,874 207,038,680
1980 53,401 274,077,361
1981 46,850 288,434,119
1982 83,445 443,677,138
1983 23,038 110,908,875
1984 6,097 50,269,335
1985 28,755 118,180,573
1986 69,085 385,657,601
Source: National Census & Statistics Office, 1986

Existing Fish Post-Harvest fish containers causing contamination during

Technologies storage of fish resulting in poor quality,
spoilage, off-odours and reduced shelf-life.
1. Fresh Fish Handling Practices in the Handling at Landing Site &Auction Halls
When fish are unloaded at the landing
It is estimated that up to 30% of fish landed ports, the ice are often discarded. The fish are
at Navotas are physically damaged prior to transferred to other containers for auction.
auctioning and most damages occurred even More often, they are unloaded on floors under
before the fish is landed (Kamari and Sayers, direct sunlight with little or no ice, thereby
1979). Such huge damage can be attributed to exposing them to further contamination.
the various improper practices employed during
the subsequent activities after landing the Water from the harbour is sometimes used to
catch. wash the fish. Harbour water is usually con­
taminated, thus aggravating the spoilage of
Due to lack of proper facilities for icing, fish.
transportation and cold storage, a considerable
amount of fish spoils during distribution. Packaging and Transportation
The dominant type of containers used for
Handling on Board fish handling and distribution is a conical steel
In most fishing areas, the degree of care tub known locally as “banera”, having a
exercised in the handling of fish on board the capacity of approximately 30 to 40 kg of fish. A
vessel and off-shore depends directly on the bigger banera, approximately 70 kg capacity
value of species. High value species are better is used for transporting fish to some landing
taken care of than low value ones, thus the areas and retail markets. Other types of con­
intrinsic quality of these species is usually quite tainers are also used, such as those made from
good. Low-value species are poorly iced and rattan, bamboo, timber, styrofoam, and plastic
little protection from contamination is containers. These vary from one region to
provided; hence, the quality on landing ranges another although the banera still remains the
from poor to rejects. most common.

Some fishing vessels are not properly The fish is iced in banera on board the
cleaned and sanitized in addition to the wide­ vessels and transferred to auction halls in
spread use of tubs, baskets, wooden boxes as the same containers. The baneras are usually
20 Development of Fish Products

owned by resident brokers, some of whom also methods of salting, drying and smoking with
own fishing boats. Some boat owners market the small units operating in strategic locations
their fish through regular brokers who charge a all over the country. The industry absorbs
7-10% commission on sales. Some brokers surplus fish catch during the peak season,
lease/rent baneras to their established whole­ offers a ready market at almost the same price
sale, and retail clients and charge a minimum as fresh fish during the lean months and
deposit. Some buyers provide their own fish provides storable protein diet items. The species
containers. of fish most commonly used and their product
forms are shown in Table 6.
Fish for transportation to distant markets is
repacked and iced in the banera and loaded into Drying
insulated trucks. Timber planks are placed
between successive layers of baneras to facili­ Drying is one of the oldest and simplest
tate stacking but because the baneras are always methods of preserving fish in the Philippines
overfilled, damage to fish at the bottom layers and in many tropical countries. This industry
due to crushing becomes inevitable. plays an important role in stabilizing the utili­
zation, distribution, and marketing of fish
Large rigid trunks, both insulated and open resources. The product is acceptable to all
ones are commonly used for medium to long income groups and has high export potential.
distance transportation. When open trucks are
used, the fish are packed in styrofoam boxes Sun-drying as a method of preservation
with ice. The use of this type of container is remains popular in the country because of its
now becoming popular. To make them more low-capital investment and other advantages.
durable, wooden frames are provided for The techniques are usually simple and do not
support and protection against rough handling. require high technology or expensive equip­
ment. At present, approximately 38% of the
Fish for local distribution is normally tran­ total catch is processed into dried fish products.
sported either by privately-owned jeepneys or There are 658 drying plants in the country today,
small pick-up trucks with a capacity of one ton 415 of which are registered. The Philippines
or less. showed the highest per capita consumption of
dried fish in Southeast Asia or 4.4 kg annually
The introduction of high density polyethy­ (FAO, 1980).
lene plastic (HDPE) containers has improved
the fish handling practices in the fishing Fish drying activities in the country vary
industry. Trials have been successful in Iloilo according to the availability and suitability of
and Bacolod and they have been found to be raw materials for drying. As the processors are
ideal for handling and distribution of milkfish generally small scale family establishments,
from the production areas to the auction most of them have limited capital and do not
centers. These containers offer the following receive assistance provided by various govern­
advantages: 1) ease of handling 2) better pre­ ment agencies and financing institutions. These
sentation of produce at auction, and 3) better factors coupled with existing conditions in areas
utilization of space in vessels (Sayers, 1983). difficult to reach limit the development and
improvement of the industry. Nevertheless, in
2. Fish Processing Technologies some areas in Palawan and Cagayan, some pro­
cessors have realized the relative benefits of
Table 5 shows the approximate number using artificial dryers for fish. In Cagayan,
and type of fish processing plants in the Philip­ oven-type agro-waste dryers are used for drying
pines by region. It is interesting to note that the tiny shrimps which are consumed locally or even
fish processing industry has expanded as shown exported to Japan. The use of these artificial
by the increasing variety of fishery products, dryers was introduced in the mid-seventies.
utilization of non-traditional resources and
production of new fish products. This Salting (Fermenting)
indicates that the industry has promise for
potential development. The manufacture of fish sauce (pads) and
fish paste (bagoong) is a major industry in
Traditional Fish Processing Methods eight regions of the country namely: Region 1,2
The fish processing industry in the Philip­ 3, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 12. (Macalincag-Lagua and
pines generally ranges from small to medium Payofelin, 1978). Production peaks during the
cottage industry level employing the traditional month of April and decreases in October. By-
Country Report: Philippines 21

catch market surpluses, like tiny shrimps, Acetes to sunlight with the containers covered, and
sp. and other species of low-commercial value burying the containers partly into the ground,
are also absorbed by the industry, thus prevent­ on the principle that fermentation is faster at
ing wastage of resources. higher temperatures. Artificially produced
enzymes, such as pepsin in powdered form is
The technology employed by the processors now manufactured and some fish processors are
is simple, which consists basically of mixing the already using it. The use of enzymes from
salt and fish or shellfish and allowing it to papaya was introduced by Guevara et. al. in
ferment for a certain period of time, depending 1973.
on whether fish sauce or fish paste or both are
desired as products. The containers used to Poor product quality and the presence of
stack the mixture vary from earthenware jars to extraneous materials are among the reasons for
plastic containers and concrete tubs. rejecting fish paste and fish sauce exported in
1980 (Orejana, 1983). This is primarily due to
To hasten the fermentation process, some the fact that proper hygiene and sanitation is
processors have adopted techniques such hardly practised by some of our processors.
as exposing the containers of salt-fish mixture

Table 5. Approximate number & type of fish processing plants in the Philippines by regions, 1986

No. & Type of Fish Processing Plants




Fish Sauce


Fish Paste



1. Dagupan 5 24 72 72 — — — 173
2. Cagayan 19 24 21 21 — — 2-shrimp noodles 87
3. Pampanga 7 96 23 — — — 4-salted fish 130
4. Southern Tagalog 132 115 39 85 1 — 7-shellcraft 379
5. National Capital Region 20 11 48 48 21 4 — 152
(Metro Manila)
6. Naga 254 128 66 1 2 1 4-shrimp cake 458
7. Iloilo 136 12 9 8 4 — 1-shrimp kroepeck 170
8. Cebu / / / / 2 — 2
9. Tacloban 17 — 13 — — — 30
10. Zamboanga 39 1 9 10 5 — 64
11. Cagayan de Oro / / / / 1 — 1-shrimp kroepeck 2
12. Davao 3 15 35 7 — — 5-shrimp kroepeck 60
13. Cotabato 26 14 29 - — — 69
TOTAL 658 440 364 247 36 5 26 1776

Note: — none
/ presence of fish processing plants; number not given
Table 6. Most common species & their product forms

Development of Fish Products

Product Forms

Fresh/ Salted- Pick­ Fish

Species Chilled/ Dried Dried Smoked Fermented led Canned meal Others

1. Stolephorus commersonni x x x x x x boiled-dried

2. Caranx crumenophthalmus x x x
(Big-eyed scad)
3. Caranx sp. (Cavalla) x x
4. Leiognathus fasciatus x x x x x x boiled-dried
(Common slipmouth)
5. Sciaena dussumieri x x x
6. Sardinella perforata x x x x
(Deep-bodied herring)
7. Sardinella fimbriata x x x x
(Fimbriated herring)
8. Cypselurus oligolepis x x x x
(Flying fish)
9. Anodontostoma chacunda x x
(Gizzard shad)
10. Epinephelus sp. (Grouper) x x
11. Oxyunchthys microlepsis (Goby) x x
12. Megalepsis cordyla (Hairtail) x x
13. Scombeeides lysan (Leather jacket) x x x
14. Ophicephalus striatus (Mudfish) x
15. Mugil sp. (Mullet) x x x x
16. Decapterus macrosoma x x x x x x
17. Sardinella longiceps x x x x x x x x boiled-dried
Table 6. (continued)

Product Forms

Fresh/ Salted- Pick­ Fish

Species Chilled/ Dried Dried Smoked Fermented led Canned meal Others

18. Teuthis javus x x x

19. Scoliodon sp. (Shark) x x shark liver-

20. Lutjanus sp. (Snapper) x x

21. Nemipterus japonicus x x x
22. Datnia pumbea x x x x
(Silver perch)
23. Rastrelliger brachysomus x x x
(Short-bodied mackerel)
24. Euthynnus sp. (Tuna) x x x x x x boiled
25. Scomberomorus sp. x x
(Spanish mackerel)
26. Callinectes sp. (Crabs) x
27. Sepia sp. (Cuttlefish) x
28. Ripilema sp. (jellyfish) x x

Country Report: Philippines

29. Perna veridis (Mussels) x x x x
30. Penaeus monodon (Prawns) x
31. Holothoria sp. (Sea cucumber) x x x
32. Gracilaria sp. (Seaweeds) x x
33. Penaeus sp. (Shrimps) x x x polvoron
x kroepeck
34. Loligo sp. (Squid) x x x
35. Acetes sp. (Tiny shrimp) x x x x kroepeck

24 Development of Fish Products

Smoking most common defects in local canned sardines

Fish smoking is believed to be introduced are:
into the Philippines by the Chinese. This a) Mislabelling — contents are not the same
method preserves the fish, enhances its flavour as those stated on the label.
and improves its appearance. The method is
simple and may not require expensive b) Fish are not processed immediately after
machinery. The raw materials are locally avail­ thawing, resulting in off odours and mushy
able and the products are widely accepted. The texture of products.
total production of smoked fish in 1982 was c) Proportion of solids to sauce is not within
455.6 mt valued at ₱ 6,367,802 (BFAR, 1982) the required proportion of 60/40.
of which 46% was marketed locally and 54%
was exported (Mendoza, 1986). Exports were d) Cans are defective. Fracture on can seams
mainly smoked tuna and milkfish. occurs due to too tight pressure on the
rollers. Cans are sometimes dented.
Fish smoking is not practiced throughout
the country and many coastal areas prefer to Considerable attention should be given to
dry or ferment excess fish than to smoke them this industry to improve product quality to
(Mendoza, 1986). Six of 12 regions of the enable it to be more competitive in the export
country process smoked fish (Macalincag and market and at the same time satisfying the
Payofelin, 1982); they are Central Luzon demands of the local consumers.
(Region 3), Tagalog Province (4), Bicol Region
(5), Central Visayas (6), Negros Oriental (7) Freezing
and Southern Mindanao (9). Milkfish is Freezing is a big help to the fish processing
smoked either whole, split, boneless and soft- industry in two ways. It provides efficient pre­
boned and is sold locally while smoked-dried servation and storage of the catch for future
tuna (katsuobushi) is mainly for export to processing and caters to the needs of the export
Japan. of frozen fish such as tuna, shrimp, and other
Some fish sold in Metro Manila come
mostly from Salinas, Navotas and Mercedes, A majority of Filipinos have strong prefer­
the former source being preferred in Metro ence for fresh fish to frozen ones because of the
Manila (Mendoza, 1986). undesirable freezing procedures in some estab­
lishments which result in sub-standard
Due to non-uniformity in the processing frozen products. Contact plate freezers are
method, smoked fish show varying degrees of widely used while air blast freezers are
product quality, shelf-life and acceptability. employed only by a few exporters.
3. New Fish Processing Methods Manufacture of Minced Fish Products
Fish Canning Fish balls are the most popular among the
minced fish products. It is prepared from
Canning has grown to a certain degree. A white meat species which is seasoned with
number of canning factories are now operating sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate and
in Metro Manila and in some provinces. At pre­ starches as thickening agents. However, most
sent there are 30 fish canning plants in the plants engaged in the industry lack education
country 21 of which are operating in Metro on proper sanitation and flies appear to be a
Manila while the rest are located in other pro­ major problem in the processing area. Products
vinces. However, operation still vary from are sold locally. This industry may absorb trash
excellent to poor; that is from high degree of fishes and market surpluses including fresh
technological sophistication to primitive water species.
manual operations. The most commonly used
species are those utilized by the fish curing Studies are now being done by BFAR to
industry such as milkfish, sardines and maximise the utilization of by-catch such as
mackerel which poses a problem on the raw croakers, lizardfish and sharks into com­
material supply during some time of the year. minuted forms, and extruded as breaded pro­
Other raw materials like shrimps, squid and ducts. Fish balls are popular products and are
crabmeat still need to be tapped. Assessments now sold almost everywhere. Fish quekiam and
made by BFAR technologists showed that the fish burger are now being promoted in the
Country Report: Philippines 25

market. By-catch are also good raw materials the catch is abundant. However, the product is
for the manufacture of other fishery products consumed locally only.
like fish salami, fish noodles, kroepeck, fish
sticks and others. With appropriate processing Processing of Boiled-Dried Fish
technology, by-catch can become an important This is a new product; the technology was
potential source of protein for human con­ introduced by the Japanese. Small species like
sumption. slipmouth (Leiognathus sp./ locally known as
“sapsap”, and anchovies Stolephorus commer­
Shellfish Processing sonii are manufactured into boiled-dried
Processing of shellfish is confined mainly to products. The fish are boiled in a concentrated
the more popular crustaceans and molluscs. brine solution and dried under the sun. This
Shrimps and prawns, because of their high methods preserves the product and enables the
market value are mostly exported in fresh, processors to market them in areas where they
frozen or chilled forms; similarly with lobster are in demand.
tail and crabmeat. Dried shrimp, crabmeat and 4. Other Fishery Products and
tiny shrimps (Acetes sp.) are also exported to By-Products
Japan, U.S.A. and other countries. Molluscs
like abalone, mudsnail, mussels, oysters, These are generally produced by small-scale
cuttlefish, squid, octopus and arkshell are also factories, and the product are either consumed
exported in their live or processed forms such as within the locality where the product is pro­
dried, salted and frozen/chilled. Processing duced, and for the export market, both for
technologies for shellfishes have been direct human consumption and for industrial
developed but most of them are exported either purposes.
because of high export demand and abundance
Utilization of By-Catch
in catch or because they have no local demand
at all. However, considering the present avail­ Trash fish landed as by-catch comprises as
ability of appropriate technologies, utilization much as 50% of the total marine commercial
or other potential species shows promising catch in most ASEAN countries (CIDA, 1985).
prospect. Most of them are now sold at relatively low
prices for reduction to fishmeal, fish sauce/
Bangus Deboning paste processing or for consumption by low-
The changing tastes of consumers and their income groups.
demands for improved acceptability of bangus,
a bony fish, gave rise to the milkfish deboning Fishmeal Processing
industry. This industry caters for the institu­ Fishmeal production also depends to some
tional markets such hotels and restaurants extent on by-catch in addition to the fish scraps
which have gained popularity in their broiled and wastes in processing, particularly from the
fish products (inihaw). It also caters to the fish canning industry where such wastes consti­
demand of Filipino communities abroad who tute approximately 40% of the raw materials.
have marked preference for convenience items. In the frozen food industry, the waste materials
Today, this industry generates employment and constitute 80% of live crabs and 30% of
adds to the foreign currency earnings through shrimps (PCARRD, 1982). Rejects in dried and
exports. The product is exported in frozen, smoked fish and fish offals from filleting are
marinated, dried and smoked forms. also absorbed by the fishmeal industry. How­
ever, there is a need to improve the processing
Manufacture of Boiled Tuna techniques in fishmeal production as its quality
(Sinaing na Tulingan) is believed to be inferior to imported meals.
The industry is a lucrative business in the Nevertheless, our importation of fishmeal was
Tagalog Region. It utilizes frigate tuna, bullet drastically reduced from 24,621 mt
tuna and eastern little tuna. The process or (₱25,232,047) in 1980 to 4,816 mt
boiling the fish with salt enables the fishermen/ (₱ 30,712,389) in 1984 (Fisheries Statistics,
producers to sell the product to other areas 1984).
where the demand is high without the risk of
spoiling the fish as it keeps for 4-7 days at Shark Liver Oil Extraction
room temperature. The technology is now Shark fishing for squalene oil started in
being promoted especially in areas where Cagayan in 1980. The extraction of oil from
26 Development of Fish Products

shark liver was practiced during this year when 5. Lack of proper coordination among
there was high demand of shark oil in Japan agencies and other institutions involved in
and France. The process is crude because the fishery industry resulting in gaps and
of the inavailability of appropriate processing duplication of some functions while neg­
equipment. The total oil production from lecting other important areas.
January to May 1986 was 5.4 mt. The price is 6. Lack of government funds to carry out
₱ 7,000.00 per drum weighing 180 kg. The pro­ effectively and efficiently the much needed
ductive areas for shark fishing are Babuyan extension service and other forms of tech­
Channel and Pacific Ocean. There are two nical assistance that the industry needs.
operators engaged in the business which are both
located at Aparri, Cagayan.
Government Programs and
Problems Facing The Fish Projects
Processing Industry
The government through the Bureau of
The fish processing industry is bugged by Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
many problems which are either industrial, implements the Fish & Fishery Products Utili­
socio-economic, institutional or political in sation Project under the Expanded Fish Pro­
nature. Nevertheless, inspite of them the duction Program. This program is implemented
industry continues to grow and it has gone a hand-in-hand with other programs and projects
few steps ahead towards its full development. of other research and development institutions.
The various problems of the fish processing The programs aim primarily at promoting
industry are summarized below: import substitution and expanding fishery
exports. To realize these objectives, the follow­
1. Huge losses in value of fish and fishery ing activities are being undertaken.
products due to poor handling practices,
sanitation and hygiene which results in Research
inadequate supply of raw materials for pro­ To maximize the utilization of fish and
cessing and inferior quality of fishery fishery products, research studies directly con­
products. This is also attributed to lack of cerned with converting the once non-utilized
adequate facilities necessary for handling, fish species and other minor sea products are
processing and distribution. being conducted. Studies on the improvement
2. Poor hygiene and sanitation and non-stan­ of handling and processing techniques of tradi­
dardized procedures encourage insect tional products to suit consumers’ demands are
infestation of cured products and non-uni­ likewise being done.
formity of product quality. Extension Service
3. Slow transfer of new technologies and Results or research studies in fish handling,
strong resistance to new techniques due processing and utilization are disseminated
to lack of proper education and train­ through lectures, demonstrations, seminar/
ing on proper fish handling, processing and workshops and technical information services
quality-consciousness among the fish pro­ in order to encourage the processors to adopt
cessors. The lack of facilities and equip­ new technologies and the private investors to
ment needed for extension and technology engage in fish processing industry. Such
dissemination also hinders technology medium of technology transfer helps promote
transfer. Thus, the processors still cling to import substitution and develop export pro­
the traditional methods which are in most ducts and at the same time upgrade the quality
cases crude and sub-standard resulting in of fish and fishery products.
either poor quality or product rejects. Product Development
4. Lack of capital limits the processors’ Corollary to research activities, studies on
ability to expand their business and explore producing other products that could be derived
the utilization and processing of other and developed from various fish and fishery
fishery resources. Thus, most operations products are being undertaken. Likewise, tradi­
are confined mainly to traditional process­ tional processing methods are improved by
ing methods good for small to medium- applying appropriate technology and using
scale operations. suitable processing equipment. Available tech-
Country Report: Philippines 27

nologies and new ones are verified and pilot 2. Provision of trained fish inspection staff to
scale production of fishery products are being advise and provide quality control
undertaken. guidance in the regions.

Training 3.. Appropriation of sufficient funds for re­

search and development projects to sup­
Training courses and seminars/workshops port the fish processing industry.
are conducted for interested parties by the staff
of the Fisheries Extension Division and the 4. Expansion of fish inspection and quality
Fisheries Utilization Division of BFAR. The control laboratories in the regions as
former conducts training courses on improved a show-window to the industry where
fisheries extension methodologies for trainers appropriate fish processing technologies
and extension officers while the latter conducts may be demonstrated.
training on fish handling and processing for
operators. A one-week training course on fish
handling and processing is an on-going project BFAR expanded fish production program. 1986. Q.C.
of the BFAR through the Fisheries Utilization
BFAR updated fish processing industry profiles by Region
Division where proper fish handling and pro­ 1986 (Unpublished Report).
cessing methods are taught to housewives, pro­ CIDA. 1986. Draft consolidated report of consultants. 5th
cessors, businessmen, students and industrial­ PSC Meeting of the ASEAN-Canada FPHTP. CIDA
ists. This serves as a medium of technology 11-13 November. Manila.
transfer to disseminate the technology to the Fisheries statistics of the Philippines 1984. BFAR/Q.C.
industry. Training courses on fish handling and
Guevara, G. Evangelista, A. and Camu, C. 1986. The tradi­
processing are given to upgrade the skills of the tional fish processing industry in the Philippines.
technologists and extension officers and make Seminar Workshop in Fish Processing Technology,
them more effective in their jobs. Other ASEAN-Canada, 8-10 September. Jakarta, Indone­
academic and research institutions implement sia.
similar trainings. Guevara, G, Matias, V. and dela Pene, P. 1973. Fish fer­
mentation with the use of papain. The Philippine
Journal of Fisheries. Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic
Recommendations For Further Resources (10): 30-35.
Development of The Industry Guevera G. and Saturnino, M. 1982. The Banera as a
returnable fish container in the Philippines. Fisheries
1. Implement an intensive educational infor­ Newsletter. Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic R e s o u rces
mation and technology dissemination (12): 63-76.
program nationwide designed to: INFOFISH. 1982. Dried fish: An Asian staple food. James,
D. The production and storage of dried fish.
a. effect technology transfer on product Malaysia, Universiti Pertanian, Malaysia: 23.
development and improvement. Kamari, A. and Sayers J.C.A. 1979. The use of standard
b. demonstrate proper handling, hygiene, returnable fish containers in ASEAN countries.
sanitation and standard processing Sydney. Australia, NMHB: 63-73.
procedures. Macalincag-Lagua, N. and Payofelin, P. 1982. Fish pro­
cessing industry profile. Fisheries Newsletter. BFAR.
c. encourage quality-consciousness in fish Q.C. (11) No. 1:25-56.
processing. This may include print Macalincag-Lagua, N. & Sagun, R.B. 1979. Incentives for
media, TV and radio programs, train­ the export of fish & fishery products. Fisheries News­
ing courses and workshops. letter. (14): 7-12.

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