ASMCMD Quick Reference Guide

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University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

High School of Business Administration ARC

Business Information Technology

ASMCMD & oracleasm

Quick Reference Guide

ASMCMD> help
asmcmd [-p] [command]

The environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID determine the

instance to which the program connects, and ASMCMD establishes a bequeath
connection to it, in the same manner as a SQLPLUS / AS SYSDBA. The user
must be a member of the SYSDBA group.

Specifying the -p option allows the current directory to be displayed in the

command prompt, like so:


[command] specifies one of the following commands, along with its parameters.

Type "help [command]" to get help on a specific ASMCMD command.

cd Changement de répertoire
du Affiche l’espace disque utilisé par les fichiers du répertoire
find Trouve les chemins absolus de tous les patterns dans un répertoire
help Affiche l’aide
ls Liste le contenu du répertoire
lsct Liste tous les clients ASM et leurs attributs
lsdg Liste les diskgroup et affiche leurs détails
mkalias Crée un alias pour un fichier
mkdir Crée un répertoire
pwd Affiche le chemin absolu où l’on se trouve
rm Supprime un répertoire ou un fichier. Attention à l’option –r
rmalias Supprime un alias. Attention à l’option -r


cd <dir>

Change the current directory to <dir>.

du [-H] [dir]

Display total space used for files located recursively under [dir], similar to "du -s"
under UNIX; default is the current directory. Two values are returned, both in
units of megabytes. The first value does not take into account mirroring of the
diskgroup while the second does. For instance, if a file occupies 100 MB of
space, then it actually takes up 200 MB of space on a normal redundancy
diskgroup and 300 MB of space on a high redundancy diskgroup.

[dir] can also contain wildcards.

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University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
High School of Business Administration ARC
Business Information Technology

The -H flag suppresses the column headers from the output.

find [-t <type>] <dir> <pattern>

Find the absolute paths of all occurrences of <pattern> under <dir>. <pattern>
can be a directory and may include wildcards. <dir> may also include
wildcards. Note that directory names in the results have the "/" suffix to
clarify their identity.

The -t option allows searching by file type. For instance, one can search for all
the control files at once. <type> must be one of the valid values in

help [command]

If [command] is specified, then help returns its syntax as well as an explanation

of its parameters. Otherwise, help returns a list of all commands, in addition to
the asmcmd invocation syntax.

ls [-lsdrtLaH] [name]

List [name] or its contents alphabetically if [name] refers to a directory. [name]

can contain the wildcard "*" and is the current directory if unspecified.
Directory names in the display list have the "/" suffix to clarify their identity.
The first two optional flags specify how much information is displayed for each
file, in the following manner:

(no flag) V$ASM_ALIAS.NAME



If the user specifies both flags, then the command shows an union of their
attributes, with duplicates removed.

If an entry in the list is an user-defined alias or a directory, then -l displays only

the V$ASM_ALIAS attributes, and -s shows only the alias name and its size, which
is zero because it is negligible. Moreover, the displayed name contains a suffix
that is in the form of an arrow pointing to the absolute path of the system-
created filename it references:

t_db1.f => +diskgroupName/DBName/DATAFILE/SYSTEM.256.1

See the -L option below for an exception to this rule.

The remaining flags have the following meanings:

-d If an argument is a directory, list only its name

(not its contents).

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University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
High School of Business Administration ARC
Business Information Technology

-r Reverse the sorting order.

-t Sort by time stamp (latest first) instead of by name.

-L If an argument is an user alias, display information on the

file it references.

-a If an argument is a system-created filename, show the

location of its user-defined alias, if any.

-H Suppress the column header information, so that scripting is


Note that "ls +" would return information on all diskgroups, including whether
they are mounted.

Not all possible file attributes or disk group attributes are included.
To view the complete set of attributes for a file or a disk group, query the

lsct [-H] [group]

List all clients and their attributes from V$ASM_CLIENT. If group is specified, then
return only information on that group.

The -H flag suppresses the column headers from the output.

lsdg [-H] [group]

List all diskgroups and their attributes from V$ASM_DISKGROUP. If [group] is

specified, then return only information on that group. The command also informs
the user if a rebalance is currently under way for a diskgroup.

The -H flag suppresses the column headers from the output.

Not all possible disk group attributes are included. To view the complete set of
attributes for a disk group, query the V$ASM_DISKGROUP view.

mkalias <filename> <alias>

Create the specified <alias> for the <filename>. A user-defined alias must reside
in the same diskgroup as the system-created filename, and only one user-defined
alias is permitted per file. The SQL equivalent is ALTER DISKGROUP <dg_name>
ADD ALIAS <alias> FOR <filename>.

mkdir <dir1 dir2 . . .>

Create directories <dir1 dir2 . . .>. This command is equivalent to ALTER

DISKGROUP <dg_name> ADD DIRECTORY <dir1, dir2, . . .> in SQL. A directory
cannot be created in the root directory "+".

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University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
High School of Business Administration ARC
Business Information Technology


Display the absolute path of the ASMCMD current directory. Note that this current
directory is not to be confused with the current directory maintained by the
operating system, if any.

rm [-rf] <name1 name2 . . .>

If <nameN> is an empty directory, then rm removes it. It is equivalent to ALTER

DISKGROUP <dg_name> DROP DIRECTORY <name1, name2, . . .> in SQL. Note
that rm cannot remove system-created or non-empty directories. Otherwise,
rm treats <nameN> as files and deletes them, removing both system-created
filenames and user-defined aliases.
It is equivalent to
ALTER DISKGROUP <dg_name> DROP FILE <name1, name2, . . .> in SQL.

If using a wildcard, then rm deletes all matches with the exception of system-
created directories and non-empty directories.

If using the -r flag, then all entries under the specified <nameN> are deleted
recursively. Note that rm does not specifically issue the DROP DIRECTORY SQL
command to drop system-created directories. However, these are removed
automatically by ASM once they are empty.

If using the -r flag or wildcard matching, then rm prompts the user to confirm the
deletion before proceeding, unless the user also specifies the -f flag.

Warning! Removing an user-defined alias removes the system-created filename

as well, and vice versa. This rule applies even when you use wildcard or the -r
option! The wildcard needs to match only one of the two, and both are deleted.
For -r, only one of the two needs to be under the directory to be deleted, and
both are deleted.

For instance, if you have an user-defined alias "+dg/dir1/file.alias" that points to

"+dg/ORCL/DATAFILE/System.256.1", doing a "rm -r +dg1/dir1" will remove
System.256.1 as well, even though it is not technically under "+dg/dir1".

rmalias [-r] <alias1 dir1 alias2 dir2 . . .>

Delete the specified user-defined aliases, while preserving the files and their
system-created filenames. The SQL equivalent is ALTER DISKGROUP <dg_name>
DROP ALIAS <alias>. Note that if the -r flag is specified, then rmalias uses
ALTER DISKGROUP <dg_name> DROP DIRECTORY <dir> FORCE to delete a
user-defined directory recursively. This action also removes all user-defined
subdirectories and user-defined aliases beneath it. System-created filenames and
system-created directories cannot be removed this way.

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University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
High School of Business Administration ARC
Business Information Technology


/etc/init.d/oracleasm {start | stop | restart | enable | disable | configure |

createdisk | deletedisk | querydisk | listdisks |
scandisks | status}

start démarre les driver ASM

stop stop les driver ASM
restart redémarre les driver ASM
configure configure la librairie de driver ASM
createdisk createdisk VOL1 /dev/hda7 crée un disque ASM nommé VOL1
deletedisk deletedisk VOL1 supprime un disque ASM
querydisk querydisk VOL1 affiche les informations d’un disque ASM
listdisks liste tous les disques ASM
scandisks scan les disques ASM
status affiche le statut des driver ASM

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