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The Robotics approach takes into account the

Robotics for increasing popularity of Computer Science

and the learning by doing (Schank, Berman, &
Learning Macpherson, 1999) approach to solve
complex problems and use computers
By Dennis Toh, Ravintharan and Matthew Lim meaningfully in learning (Barron & Darling-
(Woodlands Ring Secondary School) Hammond, 2008; Jonassen, Howland, Marra,
Wee Loo Kang, Matthew Ong & Crismond, 2008). In Singapore, teachers and
(Educational Technology Division, MOE)
students in Woodlands Ring Secondary and
What Rulang Primary have incorporated robotics to
varying extents into formal and informal
Teaching Robotics is about empowering curricula. In addition, other less expensive
students to create and configure robotics robotics tools can be used, depending on the
devices and program computers to nurture in curriculum or different requirements at
students the skill sets necessary to play an international competitions.
active role in society.
From idea to working prototype.
Engage your students in practical,
open-ended engineering challenges
and problem solving.
The two main pedagogical learning
approaches that have taken root in Robotics
are learning- by-doing and constructionism
(Papert & Harel, 1991).

Figure 1. Example of a wheeled Vex robot. Photo from How

Woodlands Ring Secondary.

The robot in Figure 1 focuses on the design of Formal Curriculum Infusion

scaffolds and physical assembly methods,
coupled with a computer logic program to
make that makes it move or behave in a very
precise (remote controlled or autonomous)
manner. This enables students to investigate,
explore and refine the program to affect the
Figure 2. Example of a solar car built by students. Photo from
robots. Woodlands Ring Secondary.

Robotics education typically requires

differentiated design and implementation to
suit students with different learning needs
and at different grade levels. In Rulang
Primary, robotics was infused meaningfully
into every primary level to varying extents
across subjects such as English STELLAR
resources, Maths, Science, Art and Music, in

order to suit the syllabus. In Woodlands Ring Learning
Secondary, solar car building (Figure 2), the Framework
VEX Robotics education programme (Figure
3), and electronic projects give students
opportunities to learn curriculum objectives
by solving hands-on problems in Mathematics
and Science (Figure 4), while building life skills
like effective collaboration and teamwork.

Figure 5. Woodlands Ring Secondary’s Constructivism based

Education-Learning Framework

A customised school-based learning

framework (Figure 45) guides teachers,
students and parents to better craft learning
experiences (Wee, 2012). Examples are
Figure 3. Students working on a 10 week 2-hourly programme Woodlands Ring Secondary’s Active-Social-
to build robots under the Vex Robotics education programme.
Photo from Woodlands Ring Secondary. Concrete-Reflective Cycle and Rulang Primary
School’s S.P.A.C.E. (Scenario, Perceiving the
Problem, Asking Questions, Collaborative
Learning and Evaluating).


Key partners in the Robotics programme

include the Singapore Polytechnic Young
Engineer’s Club and schools with Robotics
programme which create opportunities for
Figure 4. Students building the robot may be strategically students to enhance students’ creative
engaged in formal curriculum learning through customised thinking as they overcome challenges.
worksheets with applied Mathematics and Science. Students
apply concepts learnt in Mathematics and Science to build better
robots. Photo from Woodlands Ring Secondary.

Informal Learning Opportunities

Talent development programme can hone

students’ skills through opportunities to
participate in national or international
competitions. Such informal learning exposes
students to more advanced programming, In the next section, we take a look at how
construction, building techniques, and can Woodlands Ring Secondary has designed an
also improve students’ presentation skills. introductory robotics lesson to develop
students’ creativity and problem-solving skills.

Lesson Plan

DURATION: 120 minutes SUBJECT: Design and Technology

LEVEL: Sec 1 Express TOPIC: Applied Learning Programme –

Robotics Education

At end of the lesson package, pupils should be able to:

 Develop basic process skills in problem-solving such as identifying the problem, comparing &
contrasting ideas, discussing solutions, deciding on the best solution.


ICT Materials and Resources

VEX resources Forms 1-3

PowerPoint slides


Materials &
Time Procedures Pedagogies Used

20 mins Introduction Collaborative learning PowerPoint Slides

 Ensure class is informed about their
groupings one week earlier.
 Place team resources and files on
the tables prior to start of lesson.
 Invite all students to be seated
according to their designated
groups and tables.
 Establish movement routines.
 Introduce the programme:
 Problem solving loop & Bloom’s
 VEX standard set
 Sessions & Schedule
 Routines & Expectations
 The first 4 Thinking Skills

45 mins Lesson Development Experiential learning Form 1
 Roles Assignment: Get each group to (1 set/team)
assign a Leader, Manager, Engineer &
and Scribe among themselves.

Inform students that the skills they
should acquire through the process are:
 Identifying the problem
 Comparing & contrasting ideas
 Discussing solutions
 Deciding on the best solution PowerPoint Slides
 Guiding questions: Form 2
 Why is there a need to do roles & (1 set/team)
responsibilities allocation?
 What are the
advantages/disadvantages of
solving problems as a group?

 Introduction to parts of the challenge
 Inform students there are 4 new
thinking skills they should acquire
through the game competition:
 Compare & Contrast and
 Organize & Classify (Toolbox)

These skills will be assessed through a

Form 3
given worksheet (Form 3)

 Consolidate the learning by conducting

a short discussion with the class.

25 mins Consolidation Experiential learning Visualiser
Teacher to demonstrate and allow
students to experience handling the
robotics tools:
 Handling of Allen Keys
 Screw, Kep Nut, Bearing Flat
 Collar & Axle

Note: In this segment, the teacher

could focus on tightening skills

Allow students sufficient time to

practice handling the tools on their

Teacher to monitor how students are

handling the tools and provide
necessary support where necessary.

30 mins Closure Reflective learning Papers, Camera

 Recap that skills they should have
learnt include:
 Identify, Discuss, Decide and
 Compare & Contrast and Organise
& Classify.
 Take team photos with names

Robots Alive! iterations of designs. At times, the main
challenge lies not in the problem-solving, but
Robots are capable of amazing things. Some the problem-finding.” Identifying the source
are able to fly like insects, clean homes, of the problem where the robot needs to be
detonate bombs and even explore distant fixed is as important, if not more, than finding
planets. At Woodlands Ring Secondary School, a solution itself.
an ambitious plan has been put in place to
prepare students to create some of their very
own robots. Here, the focus is not on the
robots but their creators – the students.

Robotics in Woodlands Ring Secondary School

is about providing a highly engaging and
practical learning experience to develop
students’ 21st century skills (Lemke, 2002).
These include working in teams, being self-
directed (Knowles, 1975) in their learning, and
concerned about the environment.

Figure 6. Vex Robot built to pick up items and drop them at

designated places via remote control. Photo from Woodlands
Ring Secondary.
Figure 7. Students’ solar car with appropriate design for speed,
The journey begins in Secondary 1, where gear ratio power, direction of travel and balance. Photo from
Woodlands Ring Secondary.
students learn problem-solving and critical
thinking skills as they design a robot in teams. The journey continues in Secondary 2, where
For 20 hours, students engage in practical Robotics is infused into the Design and
tasks which include designing, building, Technology curriculum. Over the course of 30
programming and testing(Brown, 2008). For hours, students design a solar energy-
many students, it can prove to be delightfully powered car and attempt to make it move as
challenging to build a moving vehicle from quickly as possible. This not only raises
scratch to perform a series of elaborate important technical questions about kinetic
manoeuvres, which include picking up items energy and friction but encourages students
and dropping them in designated places. to think about larger global issues like
Through these tasks, students learn how to alternative sources of clean energy. These
think systematically and analytically to solve a teachable moments are peppered throughout
problem. Mr Matthew Lim, Senior Teacher in the programme and students are provided
Robotics Education shared, “There’s a lot of multiple opportunities to transfer their
brainstorming, sketching, programming and learning to practical scenarios. One particular

student noted that, “Some of the lessons can On top of this extensive programme which is
be applied in our daily lives, and also in infused into the Secondary 1, 2 and 3
Mathematics and Science.” curricula, students are attracted to join one of
the most sought after co-curricular activities
At the end of the project, an exciting in the school: The Robotics Club. In this club,
competition is organized where the fastest students design remote-controlled robots that
race cars from each class go head-to-head in can move in multiple directions, lift objects,
an inter-class solar car racing competition.
and crush soda cans. Some of these robots
The top three winners from this competition even include gravity-defying gliders that soar
are selected to represent Woodlands Ring high above the school building and motion-
Secondary School at the National Solar Prix
sensing robots that play soccer with each
Challenge. Needless to say, this motivates the
students tremendously to do their best.

For students who are truly passionate about

Robotics, the journey does not end in
Secondary 2. In the third tier of the Robotics
programme, students undertake a more
elaborate electronics project in Secondary 3.
This builds on their knowledge and skills from
the previous projects and encourages
students to appreciate electronics behind
complex robots. They learnt to use
multimeters, soldering and desoldering tools
to construct sensor circuits. With these skills, Figure 9. Toby (centre) and friends taking a victory photo after
completing a Vex Robotics Programme. Photo from Woodlands
students are able to design and build different Ring Secondary.
functional robots, thereby discovering new
knowledge through their creative imagination
(Shanmugaratnam, 2002).

Figure 8. Student flying a remote-controlled aeroplane- Figure 10. Enterprising students showcasing their talent and
motorized glider during co-curricular activity. Photo from drive in their newly designed Vex robots. Photo from
Woodlands Ring Secondary. Woodlands Ring Secondary.

Despite all the inspiring creations, Woodlands Learning by doing. In C. M. Reigeluth
Ring Secondary School is careful to keep the (Ed.), Instructional-design theories
focus on the creator. Whether learners are and models: A new paradigm of
instructional theory, Vol. II. (pp. 161-
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their CCA, the key focus is on developing Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
critical thinking, collaborative skills, and Shanmugaratnam, T. (2002). IT in learning:
concern about the environment. Toby, a Preparing for a different future.
Secondary 1 student, summed it up nicely Paper presented at the ITOPIA,
when he said, “Robotics enables you to learn Singapore, Suntec City, SICEC, Hall
life skills (Plomp, 2011).” 601, Level 6.
Wee, Loo Kang. (2012). One-dimensional
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its design ideas for productive
Barron, B., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2008). experiential learning. Physics
Teaching for meaningful learning Education, 47(3), 301.
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Jossey-Bass, San Francisco Retrieved
Brown, T. (2008). Design thinking. Harvard
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Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.
Knowles, MS. (1975). Self-directed learning:
Cambridge, The Adult Education
Lemke, Cheryl. (2002). enGauge 21st Century
Skills: Digital Literacies for a Digital
Age. In N. I. L. North Central Regional
Educational Lab (Ed.). Los Angeles C.
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Plomp, Tjeerd. (2011, June 12 – 14, 2011).
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