Emf Unit I

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OnIT TL Stale HLECTRIC FIELDg TATE VELECTRVCAIRIELOS, Pate khow ar fu fpes of Charges. Ci) Postne Charges Gn Neate Chonges Both Chorges Produceg elechic etd - Whon eyo; the Chagjea 48 moving Produces Querrent . This dives Noginekie fra. Electromagnetic tDaveg axe Reemeey | When An Ctockic Row Couples cath a eee | Roid . Hagmette Parone “Motdsica? wan ehoctromag atic Waves ave PerPendiaulas to each other and fo | the direction of the wave. James Clark maxwet 2 Hotaxen Hertz aro bdo Stenkstg .cdhe Ctudied hoo Otdarcriiarete woaveltare:i-Gmmediana nee Fase Hons dypitei: E Eteteac ewe Direction of the Pave ave Tho “elecroragnetic Waves travetg with q Velocity ©P 899,000 km Pex Second Galeaty of shy Our Costh hag a Ciraumfrence of othout Yo 200k, And So an EM Waveg braves 1 b Himes — ovpun the Globe ft one Second. -5 A SGalas quantity has magnitude only, oF tt lg of rail thak Gan be -degefoog by | SimPle number. Shamples . Mags, density Pressure , yolume ebe., Vactor :- —> A vector ene has both magnitude & directing —> Examples: force , velocity , Aceeleration Cke., Flectomagnet’c Waves axe UfSod bo do the Communi Cation between tio Poiocs That Means between Arangmittey 2 Vecetver Section, Here the Situation becomes adiPRark. Boag opkite dong the Communication Boer -Lrangmttler bo recewer Section , Clecromagnette Waveg are Lrangmithed. Here large Number oP variables Oxe tnvolwed. Tn qua S Space vakables aye Trvolved , Becouge of 3 Space Varable the System &3 ven Compten . Fhig SomPleniy Can be Minimize by ebhe Use pf vector Analysts . Advonksas of vector Analysis: | Fb Gaves Eme > TH Gres a” Cteay rey of Physica daw. SCalay duct | Dot Product]: Te W dened ag the Product of tho itude oP a, the magnitude of B and Lhe Cosine oP tthe Smatloy angie betwen ther . A-B = 1OL-IB) Cogeng AR B=B-A Voctor Prduct [ Gross Produc]. ag the Product of she This ‘dened Magnitude oP A, che Magnitude oF & -Aang Sine of the angle belwees thom . | AXB = ph [Bl -SinQng- a OxB > -Bxe ) 7 | omk vector:- | > Tes reagnitude % lvoays tentley, >A Unit veockor has a clita - ko indiate Whe ditvection, ah ————— vector = Regine x divection ° P op - lapl.op Untt vector = Vector Magnitude of Vector: Anboduction te G-odinate Systome. anboduction te G-ordinate Systems: aa, ovthcgona -vidinahe YWgtonn Oxigis. There aro & Co-cidincite ystems meas Ufed , \. Caxtesial Reckanputay eee 2 Cbina cal Co-ordinate Gistoms (4,4, 27° 3. Spheval Co-ordinate Syskomg, (v.06) a _Contesian Gr Rectangular Go-cidinate Suche yO = 3 Systems are mutually pecpenkrcedlas to Lach other. ~> Thee Qe g axis X42. > My ang are horzontal Wis gz ax Vel Axtg, > These Ehree axig meet at a Poing Coste g AS Ain. dy 4) fa Be Cdn, gragetde) a got d8y 2 dedz 3 A%— Smath abfforential Length ta X direction, dy — Smatt deferential erg 19 4 divection, dz Gall cb forenkial Lengtn tn Z Breekion ee an , af ao = untk Vectors ta ithe dnections oe yer. differential Susace + AS. = a dz ds, - dydz te 48, - du.dz GY ak, = dudz %, dg = da dy. de dud cb | diPferentiat Fong das a der hedge de. ai Poventiat Volume : dy = chy. Dok Product ; af sah ah =ad. a= 1 a Onn.) 94 de =e. ah <0, a tag ot $Ay. ay Ay. OF =Biads Ba) 4 By af BoB = Av Bucy By tizBy Cogs Products. ‘ i. 7 ae x a =a2 ws = eas dura acy | of <= -2 Roe Goad ady | Utes =m | | Pip or DI f 23 = An.an Ay .aty taza : = Byam +8y.0% £8.42 Cte Gk ON Aw Ay Rae Qe By Be ‘AXB > of 2pi a 4 GD cadindrreal — O-ordanate System : (r,4,2) Cercular -Adinake a Throe Surkace ane Per pends Cotas ky Gach other. —+ This iy Feitar to the Cartesian Co-ndinate System Bu the Cartesian Co-cidinake Wem, Vieore 2. Plane Suifaeo Used. Lp Afindvea! 2 Plano, Grfaca Rb W Cobndaeat Suikace - | > Congider a trfindar Gufarce having wadtus 7’, i Lae ptr hz | >- AZimuthal Angle —> unit vertos af a3 Qi. 7 difPecnkial Volume dvd dé de Ai PRerentiat Subrco. ds, <5 dbde C2 = Gn skank?) C= di-de {$= Grabeab) dg -Tdedd Cre Gnasbane)) ARecongat Length ks -de.of + 1d, a9 4 dz.a Dek — Product > Az bya +P4.08 x0, a8 BoB al + BRad tBe.a8 BP B= W-by 404. Bg, the-Be Cregg Pardurct: BxB=| ay af at Ay 6 Bo By Ba Be. Cartesian to Gyindrrcel Co-ordinake Westewd vile vere, CD Petot. {ky Pofok Convergiens Per Oy.2) =o &, 42) ha jee. P= boa! (ue Be matted Heese (iY Veckor Convergions-CAx, y-A2? goloe.n4, Pa) Bp] _ [Cosh Sinp 6] (An “| T \-Sinp C08 || . ew Fee Ces8 = Sing = Ay fy Sing cos all a % As ° ° ’ Az. u ————___— [G50 Sphorcat Co-Grdinate ystems Cy &b) 7 O-> Colatitude Ofve~m © 2G2¢ % Oe tA difRerential velume dy = ¥ Sto .chedo lf AsPPerontal Dergin de = tr.a9+1do oder theds di PRerential SurPace dS=78ine. dads Ag, = Sine dy dg 85 - red [oer Product : Gee aa oy ay =o ateay | Wp ag= a 28 = | A= Ar. Gr te. ad hag, Ba Bah + ead 139 ap ABR Ay-By the Bo LAG By. Cross Product A 8 \ A A : = Gy Xda = OG : se A A 4 Fy XAg = - ay =a ye ee af xd, =-8 na A n- Oy xay = 8 oe = dt Ay ds «hy. ct Ay. = Br.af + Be da t Ba A A DxB= | a Oe ag Av Ae Ag By Be: Be Conversion between Cartesian & Spheraal :- “Ch 4,29 - (v6, 6) gi a). Point 6 Point ConverSion :- +S ironed : @= bail (TEE) y-bod (Yh) N= 7 Bind Cosh - OF V8iIN@. Sing | Zoy Co8e. 5). vector Conversion : An .Py, Ae) —>@y. Ae Ag) Ay Sine. Coss SirO-Gnb og, An Ag.| = |@8a.cosh COSO-Ging Ki Ay Ab = Sog Cog a) Lag (Ay Ae Ag) 9 Ga, By, Ao) Ay Ge-Cogh — (0SE-LO8h_ Sing | A, Ay | = | SineSinb @[email protected]§ — Casg]] Aa 3 Ag Cose_ “Sine ° Rae Tntveduction fe Pine, Suaco and Volume foteavalgs- W Volume nkograt bs Consider a Veockor Dn olton e. Then the Volume Antegratign of F es aus Ap eee dv — differential Volume . Lor Cantesan ~Co- ordinake Sugben Avs didycda SS Fone dey de. GW fine Tokeal :- CorSider a S@alar Panels ve Then Khe Aine Tokegration of dis Hisauer Qn Ase dono bed by, fydd AS ~ di Pereniar Length, ve Cartesian Co-ordinake SYgtom dhs d duty eas J vor Da ah thy af ade, wy Sux Pace Tne egrat s : Congider G vector Runclion’ a the Sure Tee 2 Totgraktes Ls Aven ba, fen ds — differential Surface . | Del__ operator (a), The det operator , oven v,ts the vector afforertial operator - dn Cartesian Coordinates, |v Z The operator ws vaefl to deleeeng , 1. The Yradrent Ra Scaler ¥, wet “5 vy 2 Divergence o a yack -> vA 3. Cont Of avechy —5 7x A im tap |acian oko Kala -s vv 2 GQ) Gradient -0f % SGlars(Regutk wit be a veckn), a -Covtasan f..Cofindwcar | Sprekel | pe ft ! ! | ve v \ - { X8ine bs \ | v ¥ | Or Me e Ge y é | z 6 ce Z. posters al é on. ae | a} | 4 ae : Ad 4 ey 2 | . A | @ a | Oz ay Lhe Ayadront of a Scala, fie Gradient —s VAN Vetbor that represents both the Hagnt bade jeres OP the Havin 3 A Pepe z- . wv SPace take of tes va ii cn, ey A A aS Ne ie Oe fi pOtotrhy legs ep Ba5 For 2Xaewpie , Coindtcal Co-ordinate Systom , A Vve OV . ag BY 4 dz ev oY o¢ oe GW Divergence of a vectn:-~CResutt coi be a Satay), [The Divergence of he Vector -Plux densi densi, D 1g the | @UrPtoro 00 Pum Pom a Gma Aloswey Quilece Pov unit Volume ag -the Volume Shrinks abe Zeno, vipa do-ds | WN =| Greneat — A 43 - hy 2+ 2 | . oe 2 (bs hgAr) veAz) +2 2 out pe Lham Ple> Cartesian -Ordinate Systems. S _ Pe. VA> Kathe Ayt $2 On (iZ) Cunt oP R vector C Regus will bea Veen), “The Crycutation oP a Yeckor Rad Around a Closed Path ds Ae ou oe | Oa VOC wy - ha Feralas gh ks dened as, | Cunt PAs Mo GA-db Asso O8n . | Exampie , the Sphere! Va = Gn Laplacian Exampie , Contegian he ea ee hhh | 9 2 BA We “Bs hy, nor betes Pate G-ordtnake AWscom, \ a yas ¥ Sine gk par. (2— 2D ee oY aoe oh Ay TAe YSino-Ag AP a Sealer: CReguy wit be a Sdauad), Pore Le Spell eB Co-ordinate Ryton, eT Oy Pat ee oz ia) Divergence Hoover :- "He Ynkeqral oP the” normal ComPoncnt o? ony vector fetd over a Cloged > . Surface te Gar to the ‘otegyal oP the divergance of Ehts _vookr Rota Lhvoughouk Me Volume Ontlesed Joy Hot Closed Surface. Tk By algo Called ag Crass - 0 Strog rade, Lee §a-&- SDs 3 Vv Shoke'S Theorem: 3 the Sukels -Eheovem alates the Line faboomar tp o Swlace Treeral. wy the Line there) Of BR Around a Closed path £ te ual fo the itera’ of Qt of Z Over dhe open Qux face 8 enUlosed My dhe Chesed spath ga d= JS@xad-d5 3 s Coulomb!s Law :- feo a a SS as The ree beboeen seo Poin, Choro. i Propowienat bo the Product of Charges and rg Seve Propercionat to the Square of distance between Lhom. & @ te Qe c= kk. Qi Ox Rr ke Le ANG e= 66, GP 221.) 228 3 ReBsex ig? eh } Qa ee Aires) pr Fs Fore tm Neaton, Q Qo > Point eae tr Cortomb's . as Pov thivi by of Na Clem. & +> Relative Pormi ah S | Coulomb's tans th vector yen: The Roree §3 a Voctor Quantity = G5t2 or 7 ag Qe | ; A Fat ie Qo = i | T= kA RO \ i _ A hoe ke aa ieee rep Wa ath 8/ Rie Se Ra) ee Gis oe = 1S OTe Re (mR. At PE Pee) wy. Ancaple of ppg tion:-{o0 Ce Reig a eee Point Charges: qe States that the tobal r2suttant Bud aba Point 18a vactor Sum of phe Lndividuat ComPonane Bord ak thak Point. E> Eipt Bape +Enp 2 Y cds A, Qy gs | ES ANG a AE BE Rep es a eer | Fa te Oe ‘A | > one RE Re + SR + Re | | ie Rep a | Ei Glgee: = > gh | | ANG, © aay Rep Gn el Point Charges Rmp —+ Distance bebween Potar Chagogmep, Rap 3 Uett Vector Lom point m to Powt P Electic Feild Pakengiy:- ae as dohned as the Gree fer unit Charges > Fleaie Reid Tntensiey ts daeked byte. Sas FS vect, &rce Ec +s Poseve best Cnepges. eS & \ ee (Ox poe ) E> ae: a & at EG ‘ Ee aes units of Elecite Raia Panay E- fore ww) arg () E %% Algo meagured 10 Why. elecwe Rad Trtensty due to Deke Ch Congder (00 print Sane Qe, Pok Castegian Co-ordinake of @ Oz & & (urg,,2), co S54 an RES a ee am & a ANG, * REG es Ra {Ria} (Rok! R= as +9042. am Raz 0g ):08 42.45 Raz -R = (x ah + yah 2G) CH % +: + z,.0) Re = Gu aay-go 4 zat Be) = J Qe agg FG 2" Ras Gown ots goad G24) JEONG eae a ) etwbe 2 ATG GG Suen) JORG ges By = he Ade -ayhe-23) oe: ra BS GELS ™, Me isZ =o * © = ki Xan+ O-B+z.a2 Ee ae ee CMP 2p a . Neo _ HUE” 4 Sho alifferant, oe Oh: digs bution ae iS ). Poine Orage dissbution Se Boe Oh diab bution 3). Sure Charme dish bution 4+) Volume Charge di gts beter T. Eectse fled of an tolette Line Charges *” -% tne Chage da be ak pelos 0% tet Yepregant a Point Charge da. das dia pdz. f- Line Chage dongle 1 ae Cha: nndang alcuer Wits Gall Sameny “ 2 Eloehic Reid due Conttnuows Tene A863 buh : Hreetie E Gah + bah) Gay 2 a3 Re wa -Z@ 5 l= SAS R= pay + " fe Bp rateze ae TE a am or. 1 hme ae F- @. ee Tee RE 4 - Rs ae dag noes vat -raz = de : nie rz) T= da. Got _zaS) ATE Cv 42PP- cla preset 09 pho Pogiave 2 ag Present o bhe Smatk Charge z-axis. This Same chen omer Zang, 8° do Z- Cordponant Larn fee Can Coble . p= a0 “ot ae ome AB 5 dé + fide. Ra Sy AT Ge da R.dz f= a of dz (af Sy WREAD Z=tkank | Z>-w, Le-7 dz =v8eet dt Zorro, 3m, see Te ES ee sweh. TBF b de ay Ae Cet [ Gtatteaty > ue hineall= =P Ged” -? geet Th E = 5 fbb de 9. Sy NTE Rot: i = =p. Jay pe -% Bar eee ae Ww Me . 2? ‘i Ae Seg Jest Ab 2. tay ote mgr Y BIG? ay es Sh. 2 te ah [Sp > Raf goqy-Sol-y Tae “Wh” Hea a oy ) +d) js ce ar x ZZ tae Axe E=; mgt (cylindrical coordinates) Jen, B. cectte Raa of an Bate ine Chemo: U To Rotte Aine Choge., dhe Janrts of Toeegatios ea -Z & Z IngtoadeP -xboo, 1. prectte Ferd on the Avis of Unilermy Chesgiod Civ Cuter Drge:. Go = Find the face on a Point Charge 'g' Socatod at (ohm due o Cone oP Surlrco Charge donsity QR Une. yey diskBeuked over the Grey ABSC . T40,Z=0. Lt qt (o.0,h) = (op,h? alr, 6,0) The Bbaus dise ¥s Placed to Z=0 plane. Point Charge 9 ig ak 0,014) = Cog, h) Sma Point Chaa*Placeg om the dec de Cy $10) ~ R C+ Hap. , Ro = $49 thas Paz RR, > OAp thas ~va? phy alll ? | ve - e 7 ae = ” ™ ees Rises faye ope Ct wee eat x er a biStE 34H een te Coutomss Lao,” } dp= A&L oh 3 dad sa Re Tra ETRE The disc 4g Placed in z=0 Plane. A > hozontal ComPoren, .2.Qh > vertical Component: Ever hefzatal Comporont fs having OFual ComPonant Ab OPPke Side, while - Tgp se Ger ane a.d Brad. a = See se Sic Paco Chao density Q- Total Charge SuPace Aven | - A® Fa as. dg= dg i dp = ede he ATE. Cpe ghe dise %s Placed tn Zoo Plane. ds= Tdx.dp a da= Rds AG = .t- drag dp = 4 fsrdrag had Ate ye a ae pS 9 ..-di-dG,h. aD fate Cape . —_ f Ir Fe ae ee a og Fe V-dhad Or Peay ae vo Ga. S.: G yahet 3 gra T SO) ee t= One. ht Aas Ta =e FS aetne =e : - ae Cea ee ATS oe ef cs xe hs 2 fnoas ab Pee = pe oe baa ee Ge) Ba S2aeh, 3h a) xh : Ga. *] EF ee ais athe A& E> —2-feh aol laae 2g wz (FE Ge Eth \ a K ae Seer Ws - = ie fe |e “Je = “— yee relry 15 | Flect8c Froid due to Infinite Wsfowrly Chesed Shoot; Consider Aq inBrtte Swe awa tm the xy Plane. 4,0) dg = Rr Oz), Bi 414,67 Rab = Gr ah 4-4) dk +@-o0aE | R= -rahyzal VBE Ar res a ee ~r1ah rz yah az : Pf de = de oo a. eu Gs 2ye dae 4s.ds Ago ok Ag Cans ffrdsica Os-vid nate Yong ag = fg Ydledg dE- fs.v.dr.dg Cat +z) Qh ~ hoon bal Crm Ponenl-, QS — verre, Conpsent , cohile Integrating hoszente | Component Oe Cxrcanes 2 +~>o soy 28% You bs ce we @ § ode ANG {2 ay = ty. z das fee a eo a cae +o ey atse= Ye See Gon RR, he eg, Zz a aa, [4 #. au za a bane. | iz] = A869 () E y) thes equation Foc E ak psint p a (ee the x4 Plane) \r => “ S Coomm the YF) Electke Salar Potontfal :— Gian Chere @ ee Congider now that we are usa Another best Charge @, near &. Shan whhe. QaG) 18 exeneg on Chaage Go. The atic of Rrce to the fest oye ae oe ag the etecete fora Whengity E=E & peti Scena 0 —xK — ee bv ES Euan rs e X Distance Wow 2 Fore Chosge have. do = Ptabe & @, Aw = Babu @ gy. = LOOE done 18 pean és Choe Q = Taste Chav By 7 Nagebdt of Es Raz Distance moved ty By. Toutes _ Wolk x maker Couto ~ inekes Youles — volts. Coulomb Z Relatlen betocon E and V = dv at A yt 2 + de @ a. ok nee dL= drat oh Ay tale a dave — Edt ae (Ew OEY Baba). Che abdy a a O20 Wendy de oe 8O dv Fy 0O= v ar Bend aes Ent +E. +ke.as Si Ex Fy 2 Value fn akove Cjuation E- “Be ade & oy roe asf a as = [2 Potenttar dure to _tnfinite Us Ramey Chong ae 4 “4 gs CE ducto infrite ive Charge), ater AL = dialer db. dhasz a3 (tybrdsar @crdtonte Seow als =< dz. ais (a= Se oe Ste fe OG. dy 0} “= af .af=\ : ' i Vege “eae > “ft [tor Vee = oe an on = Bh. [ante oa) e = Volks | Case (i Pobenticn due to oteckte cipole :- rz Consider @FhoReal Co-ordireite Sysver. +@ Charme fs placed at (0,0, 4), -& Chasqe fe Placed at (0,0,-4) Jets. TATGR Potentiat due lo t& ak Point PS, Viz ay ee, nas Potential duc ip -@ a Paice SO ~ FG Re Nia Mila Vae = eG = Dts 2 AUER, FRE, Ra. te (i> ae) pone pig in th xy Plane. Rak Case (i) Potat Pw R ~ Ron Aaa Point Charges R2R ls bo Gach othen. bu gk. RoR = AsO . ve A _,/ dower Ave RR heR vr Q -( dese oir es h. Fleckac Flux densi, Fleck e Put re denote by ‘Works a Saray Rar. “the density of Qtockse Rune 4g Calley as eecote Ron density. Tet Vetter Reig C5) v= “eaiy atictectric merle, Congider one Concent®e &Phore Ravin A Yadtus ‘a The, Sphere Cengists of a Charro. 4@. anothe, Pree Fang wacibir ik qroces< Flux density = Elect ie Fag, Qukico aren ; Gt avyaz . p eve . Aqe® Rolaktonghip hetrooan BD LE. a = d ec ei ee oe Mee ps EQ = Te a D= QE Ge G8 Se 6L6 & ~ Powmrttsvity of Roo Space (8-854 45! Fle) oo Caleta part wey, ol the mesium Gas), Grauus'g baa: Place Rox Pasha Trough Ctwaed AuiPaco Ie Susu to Ue totay Chargo Onciacad by that Guface. Ye @ CCouteme's) Cowal Axe : 3 of ; wees Che dy= CRorma) ConPonent Of b) 5 dy, = Deoge -dg p-R= Pe cae D-f -Bdsesa ay D-de : a ye §D as= @. s Anication of Gusts jdads- The Giausgg leuo ts US fp dotemne dhe are ncioged ov the Bun passing rough Je Coded Qui Pace. cose fick Change (Free he's Laid), ai! 4 ae 4 dg = €de) ds =VScade dé. ap YS SG #) (sine .de uf af) C4 Ag Sines) — 1 Sina. do dd a Y= £. ice = $y CP B08 debe af) oe: « Ro. aT a SRR). st00 8.44, 649 : orp.af'=) Re i ae ee ° : Le : ¢. Uae ae = ary Swede dg ver es a ed = a @T--) (cost ~Qcego) J = & 7 ae G7) =a Y-@. Gs0 Gi) Br¥inte Line Charge: Line Charge (Q)) 3} CO Side SorRacog GD TOP Sy face @ Rotlon Qu face Qe Bdde¢ Gd L4G ag. te é & = Q = 3G des Closed Bnface Tntegiatlion & Le dee £ btlonn be Bettye Qe gos Fides B= D.af a3 sd§ dz. a} Q= PO ab) Cvdd dz as) Sides osm dé.dz) Qf.a ai. Qz g Dr.dédz, See Q= = aah fa = [age] Qe ML. WM rA®D = a eee uv aseli) Maria) ble “flos, conduhy) dg =a dbdz Oe $0 a dbdz. Ss 2), FL J S450 de aa =e ty Sap = cfg.ar wor Q = Wak, + o:@ DIL MW = Malt Dr = ats = at, ae po Ol, . ae 2 E 40.0, nN Tie. 7.

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