Lesson 1 Nutrition Education

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LESSON Nutrition
1 Education

• Introduction to Nutrition
• Nutritional Status of Filipino Adolescent
• Nutrients
• Important Nutrients needed by the body as you
undergo changes during adolescence.
• Nutrition and Lifestyle Disease
• Nutritional Problem of an adolescents
• Different types of eating disorder

• Explain the health and nutrition concerns of

• Identify the characteristics , signs and symptoms of
• Show ways to prevent malnutrition
• Discuss the relationship between nutrition and
common lifestyle disease
• Differentiate the diff. types of eating disorder
• Why are adolescents undernourished?
• What are the negative effects of malnutrition
among adolescents?
• Why is adolescent nutrition important?
• Is the area of health that focuses on making
food choices that will promote growth and
development and will reduce the risk of
diseases and illnesses.
• Good nutrition is dependent on the
combination of food that provides the various
nutrients on a daily basis.

• What will happen if we eat too much or too

The best time to establish proper health and
nutrition practices and behaviours is during

Adolescence - is a period of transition between

childhood to adulthood.
How does proper nutrition help during
adolescence stage?
• Predict the possible effects of overweight and
underweight issues to student’s lives.
• Why are adolescents undernourished?
What are the nutrition concerns of
• Skipping breakfast
• Poor selection of foods eaten during
• Poor snacking
• Practice the fad diets to lose weight
• Eating disorders
Why are adolescents undernourished?
• Poor eating habits
• Poor food choices and intakes because of peers and
• Too conscious of the kinds and amounts of food they
• School canteens or cafeterias serve less nutritious
• Low intake of iron and Vitamin C-rich foods
• Skipping breakfast and poor meals
What are negative effects of
malnutrition among adolescents?
• Delay in growth and development
• Poor performance in school
• Being sluggish and gets tired easily
• Delay in the development of secondary sexual
• Poor nutrition in adulthood
• The formula for BMI is:

Weight in pounds x 703

(height in inches)²
Weight in kilograms
(height in meters)²
Weight in kilograms
(height in meters)²
Weight in pounds x 703
(height in inches)²

BMI Weight Status

Below 18.5 Underweight

18.5 - 24.9 Normal

25 - 29.9 Overweight

30.0 + Obese

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