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Proceso Electolítico Yodo

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United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 4,584,071

Bissot (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 22, 1986

54 PROCESS FOR ELECTROLYSIS OF BRINE 2,982,608 5/1961 Clement ............................... 204/98
WITH ODIDE IMPURITIES 3,660,261 5/1972 Wright et al.. o
4,038,365 7/1977 Patil et al......
75 Inventor: Thomas C. Bissot, Newark, Del. 4,060,465 11/1977 Yokota et al.
v 4,116,781 9/1978 Dorio et al. ......
(73) Assignee: &ompany,
I. DuPWE NSDel.and
Wilmington, 4,155,820 11/1979
4,176,022 5/1979 Ogawa et al......
Darlington ...
4,202,743 5/1980 Oda et al. ......
21 Appl. No.: 690,481 4,207,152 6/1980 Kadija et al...
22, PCT Filed: Mar. 30, 1983 4,483,754 11/1984 Shiroki .................................. 204/98
86 PCT No.: PCT/US83/00445 Primary Examiner-John F. Niebling
S371 Date: Oct. 30,
Wvy 1984. Assistant Examiner-Terryence Chapman
S 102(e) Date: Oct. 30, 1984 57 ABSTRACT
NO. w 84/03904 There is disclosed a process for producing chlorine and
(87). PCT Pub. No.: wos4/03 an alkali metal hydroxide from brines containing solu
PCT Pub. Date: Oct. 11, 1984 ble, iodine-containing salts by the electrolysis of aque
51) Int. Cl. ........................... C25B 1/16 C25B 1/26 ous alkali metal chloride in an electrolytic cell compris
52 U.S. Cl. ...................................... 204/98; 204/128; ing an anode compartment and a cathode compartment
210/683 separated by a fluorocarbon cation exchange membrane
58) Field of Search ................... 204/98, 128; 210/683 and in which the alkali metal chloride fed to the anode
f compartment contains not more than 1 ppm, preferably
(56) References Cited not more than 0.4 ppm of soluble iodine-containing
l,051,984 2/1913 Cameron ............................. 204/128
1,843,127 2/1932 Girvin ................................. 204/128 4. Claims, No Drawings
salts, such as sodium iodide or sodium iodate, methods
are known in the art for removing these iodine-contain
IODIDE IMPURITIES ing salts. A useful reference is Kirk-Othmer, "Encyclo
pedia of Chemical Technology", 3rd Edition, volume
5 13, pp. 649-677, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 1981. Other
INVENTION methods for removing iodide from brine are taught in
This invention relates to the electrolysis of aqueous "Ultrapurity-Methods and Techniques' edited by Mor
alkali metal chloride solutions, using a fluorinated mem ris Zief and Robert Speights, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New
brane between the anode and cathode. In particular, it 10
York, N.Y., 1972. In the event that very pure brine free
relates to such a process in which the ionic iodide or from soluble iodine-containing salts is also available, a
iodate content of the anolyte feed is maintained below 1 brine solution containing less than 1 ppm soluble, io
ppm. dine-containing salts can be prepared by mixing the
Iodine, when present in brine, is generally in the form brine containing more than 1 ppm of the iodine-contain
of sodium iodide. Many sources of brine contain less 15 ing impurity with sufficient of the very pure brine to
than 1 ppm iodine, but higher levels are found in brine reduce the level of iodine-containing salts to 1 ppm or
associated with oil and gas fields and in salt deposited below in the mixed brine.
from sea water. Sea water contains about 35,000 ppm In laboratory electrolysis using brine with added
total salts and 0.05 ppm iodine which is equivalent to sodium iodide, iodine accumulated to greater than 10
approximately 0.5 ppm iodine in concentrated brine mg/dm in test membranes, and caustic current effi
solutions. Further, iodine can be concentrated in certain 20 ciency was reduced by greater than 5% after 2 weeks of
seaweeds, which may explain the observation that some operation at 100 ppm iodide in the brine. At 10 ppm
salt deposits from prehistoric seas contain up to 100-200 iodide in the brine, most membranes showed reduced
ppm iodine. High iodine content has been reported for current efficiency and iodine contents of about 2
brines in Michigan, Oklahoma, Louisiana, California mg/dm after 2-3 weeks of operation. At 1 ppm iodide,
and Japan. 25
current efficiency was unchanged after 4 weeks, but the
There has now been discovered an improved electro iodine level in the membranes indicated that perfor
lytic process for the production of chlorine and an alkali mance problems would develop with continued opera
metal hydroxide containing soluble, iodine-containing
salts and employing an electrolytic cell comprising an tion. Decreased current efficiency was observed only
anode compartment containing an anode and aqueous 30 with membranes which had accumulated 1 mg/dm2 or
alkali metal chloride and a cathode compartment con more of iodine. All of these tests were made while pro
taining a cathode and aqueous alkali metal hydroxide ducing 32% caustic by electrolysis of brine.
separated by a fluorocarbon cation-exchange membrane The iodine deposit in the membrane was identified by
containing at least one of the types of cation exchange X-ray diffraction as sodium paraperiodate, Na3H2O6.
groups selected from carboxyl cation-exchange groups 35 While our invention is not to be construed to be limited
and sulfonyl cation-exchange groups and through thereby, we believe that the chlorine present in the
which an electrical current is passed at a current density anode chamber oxidizes iodide (and other iodine-con
in the range of 20 to 80 A/dm2, preferably 30 to 50 taining ions) to iodate, Sodium iodate is only partially
A/dm2 while continuously adding concentrated alkali dissociated in brine, and a portion is carried along with
metal chloride free from harmful levels of alkaline earth the water accompanying sodium ions as they pass
salts and iron or other heavy metal salts to the anode through the cation exchange membrane (electroosmo
compartment and continuously removing chlorine and sis). As the iodate reaches the zone of increased alkalin
depleted anolyte solution from the anode compartment ity near the cathode face of the membrane it is oxidized
and continuously adding water or dilute alkali metal to a periodate, probably by hypochlorite, and precipi
hydroxide to the cathode compartment and continu 45 tates as the alkali-insoluble trisodium paraperiodate.
ously removing alkalimetal hydroxide having a concen Disodium and trisodium paraperiodates are among the
tration maintained at a value between 20% and 45% by most insoluble sodium salts known and were considered
weight, preferably between 25% and 35% by weight in the early literature as a method for the quantitative
from the cathode compartment, in which the improve gravimetric analysis of sodium ion.
ment comprises maintaining the concentration of solu 50 Our experiments included reinforced and unrein
ble iodine-containing salts in the concentrated alkali forced perfluorocarbon membranes in both zero gap
metal chloride added to the anode compartment at a and finite gap membrane cells. Similar results were
concentration not higher than 1 ppm, preferably not obtained with a membrane containing only carboxyl
higher than 0.4 ppm. groups and bimembranes with a layer of carboxyl poly
Particularly preferred for use in the above process are 55 mer next to the catholyte and a layer of sulfonyl poly
perfluorinated membranes, especially bimembranes mer next to the anolyte.
having a layer containing carboxyl groups facing the The membranes used in the instant invention are of
catholyte and a layer containing sulfonyl groups facing types known in the art. These include fluorinated poly
the anolyte. Current efficiencies above 90% can readily. mers with pendant side chains containing carboxylic
be obtained and maintained for long periods of time, acid groups and/or sulfonic acid groups, or their deriv
that is for two or more years, by operating according to atives.
this process. The process is particularly useful commer The carboxylic polymers with which the present
cially for preparing concentrated caustic soda (NaOH) invention is concerned have a fluorinated hydrocarbon
from sodium chloride brine but can also be applied to backbone chain to which are attached the functional
the commercial production of potassium hydroxide 65 groups or pendant side chains which in turn carry the
from potassium chloride solution. functional groups. When the polymer is in melt-fabrica- .
In the event that the raw brines available naturally ble form, the pendant side chains can contain, for exam
contain more than 1 ppm of soluble, iodine-containing ple,
Z t

groups wherein Z is For CF3, t is 1 to 12, and W is wherein R?is F, Cl, CF2Cl or a C1 to Coperfluoroalkyl
-COOR or -CN, wherein R is lower alkyl. Prefera radical, and X is For Cl, preferably F. Ordinarily, the
bly, the functional group in the side chains of the poly side chains will contain -OCF2CF2CF2SO2X or
mer will be present in terminal -OCF2CF2SO2F groups, preferably the latter. The
O term "fluorinated polymer" carries the same meaning as
OCF W employed above in reference to carboxylate polymers.
For use in chloralkali membranes, perfluorinated co
Z t polymers are preferred.
Polymers containing the side chain
groups whereint is 1 to 3. 15
By "fluorinated polymer" is meant a polymer in
which, after loss of any R group by hydrolysis to ion -OCFFO-(CF)-SO2F,
exchange form, the number of Fatoms is at least 90% of CF3
the total number of F, H and Cl atoms in the polymer. 20
For chloralkali cells, perfluorinated polymers are pre where k is 0 or 1 and j is 3, 4, or 5, may be used. These
ferred, though the R in any COOR groups need not be arePolymers
described in British 2,053,902A.
containing the side chain -CF2CF2SO2X
fluorinated because it is lost during hydrolysis. are described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,718,627.
Polymers containing
Preferred polymers contain the side chain

CF CF3 -oCFF-ocFarsox
Y Rf
side chains, in which m is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, are disclosed in 30 where R?, Y, and X are as defined above and r is 1, 2, or
. . U.S. Pat. No. 3,852,326. 3, and are described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,282,875. Espe
Polymers containing -(CF2). COOR side chains, cially preferred are copolymers containing the side
. . where p is 1 to 18, are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. chain
Polymers containing 35
Z Polymerization can be carried out by the methods
described in the above references. Especially useful is
side chains, where Z and R have the meaning defined solution polymerization using ClF2CCFCl2 solvent and
above and m is 0, 1, or 2 (preferably 1) are disclosed in (CF3CF2COO-)-2 initiator. Polymerization can also be
U.S. Pat. No. 4,267,364. carried out by aqueous granular polymerization as in
Polymers containing terminal -O(CF2), W groups, U.S. Pat. No. 2,393,967, or aqueous dispersion polymer
where W is as defined above and v is from 2 to 12, are
45 ization as in U.S. Pat. No. 2,559,752 followed by coagul
lation as in U.S. Pat. No. 2,593,583.
preferred. They are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. The copolymers used in the layers described herein
3,641,104, 4,178,218, 4,116,888, British 2,053,902A, EP should be of high enough molecular weight to produce
41737 and British 1,518,387. These groups may be part films which are self-supporting in both the melt-fabrica
of 50 ble precursor form and in the hydrolyzed ion exchange
A fluorinated or perfluorinated copolymer which
contains different types of functional groups can also be
used in making the membrane of the invention. For
55 example, a terpolymer prepared from a nonfunctional
side chains, where Y=F or CF3 or CF2Cl. Especially monomer, a carboxyl monomer, and additionally a sul
preferred are polymers containing such side chains fonyl monomer, can be prepared and used as the mem
where v is 2, which are described in U.S. Pat. No. brane or as one of the film components in making the
4,138,426 and S. Afr. 78/002225, and where v is 3, membrane.
which are described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,065,366. Among It is further possible to use as the membrane or as one
these polymers, those with m = 1 and Y = CF3 are most of the component films of the membrane a film which is
preferred. a blend of two or more polymers. For example, a blend
The above references described how to make these of a polymer having sulfonyl groups in melt-fabricable
polymers. form with a polymer having carboxyl groups in melt
The sulfonyl polymers with which the present inven
65 fabricable form can be prepared and used as one of the
component films of the membrane of this invention.
tion is concerned are fluorinated polymers with side It is additionally possible and in fact preferred to use
chains containing the group a laminar film as the membrane or as one of the compo
nent films in making the membrane. For example, a have the best resistance to heat and chemicals. The
membrane having at least one layer of a copolymer fibers used in the support fabrics may be monofilaments
having sulfonyl groups in melt-fabricable form and a or multifilament yarns. They may be of ordinary round
layer of a copolymer having carboxyl groups in melt cross-section or may have specialized cross-sections.
fabricable form, such as made by coextrusion, can also Oblong or rectangular cross-sections, if suitably ori
be used as the membrane or as one of the component ented to the membrane, make it possible to get more
films in making the membrane of the invention. Such a reinforcing action with a thinner overall membrane. It
laminated structure may be referred to in this applica may be desirable to use soluble or degradable fibers,
tion as a bimembrane. Preparation of bimembranes is such as rayon or paper, along with the fluorocarbon
described in Japanese laid-open application number 10 fibers, or in place of the fluorocarbon fibers. Care
K52/36589. should be taken, however, not to have the soluble or
The customary way to specify the structural compo degradable fibers extend from one surface to the other,
sition of films or membranes in this field of art is to or the non-porous membrane will become a porous
specify the polymer composition, ion-exchange capac diaphragm and, in the case of a chloralkali cell, the
ity or its reciprocal, equivalent weight, and thickness of 15 caustic will contain too much salt. Even with a cloth or
the polymer films in melt-fabricable form, from which mesh of fluorocarbon fibers, it is preferred not to have
the membrane is fabricated. This is done because the the cloth penetrate the surface of the membrane on the
measured thickness varies depending on whether the cathode side. The fabric employed may be calendered
membrane is dry or swollen with water or an electro before lamination to reduce its thickness. In a bimem
lyte, and even on the ionic species and ionic strength of 20 brane, the fabric may be in the sulfonate or carboxylate
the electrolyte, even though the amount of polymer layer or both, but is more often in the sulfonate layer,
remains constant. which is usually thicker. In place of fabric, non-woven
For use in ion exchange applications and in cells, for fibrils can be used.
example a chloralkali cell for electrolysis of brine, the The membrane or bimembrane may be used flat in
membrane should have all of the functional groups 25 various known filter press cells, or may be shaped
converted to ionizable functional groups. Ordinarily around an electrode. The latter is especially useful
and preferably these will be sulfonic acid and carbox when it is desired to convert an existing diaphragm cell
ylic acid groups, or preferably alkali metal salts thereof. to a membrane cell in order to make better quality caus
Such conversion is ordinarily and conveniently accom tic.
plished by hydrolysis with acid or base, such that the 30 New or used membranes may be swelled with polar
various functional groups described above in relation to solvents (such as lower alcohols or esters, tetrahydrofu
the melt-fabricable polymers are converted respectively ran, or chloroform) and then dried, preferably between
to the free acids or the alkali metal or ammonium salts flat plates, to improve their electrtolytic performance.
thereof. Such hydrolysis can be carried out with an Before mounting in commerical cell support frames,
aqueous solution of a mineral acid or an alkali metal 35 which may be 1-3 meters on a side, the membrane may
hydroxide. Base hydrolysis is preferred as it is faster and be swelled so that it will not wrinkle after it is clamped
more complete. Use of hot solutions, such as near the in the frame and exposed to electrolytic fluids. Among
boiling point of the solution, is preferred for rapid hy the swelling agents that can be used are water, brine,
drolysis. The time required for hydrolysis increases caustic, lower alcohols, glycols, and mixtures thereof.
with the thickness of the structure. It is also of advan Potassium hydroxide is made in the chloralkali cell
tage to include a water-miscible organic compound when the anolyte is potassium chloride.
such as dimethyl sulfoxide in the hydrolysis bath, to The cell can have two or three compartments, or
swell the membrane to increase the rate of hydrolysis. even more. If three or more compartments are used, the
Membranes usually have an overall thickness of membrane is commonly used next to the cathode com
50-250 micrometers, especially 125-200 micrometers. 45 partment, and the other dividers may be porous dia
The ion-exchange capacity of the carboxylate polymer phragms or membranes based on polymers having pen
is in the range of 0.7-1.4 meq/g, preferably 0.8-1.2 dant side-chains with terminal -CF2-SO3ion ex
meq/g dry resin, with lower ion-exchange capacities change groups only. However, the membrane may be
providing more dilute caustic during operation of a next to the anolyte.
chlor-alkali cell at maximum current efficiency. The 50 Bipolar or monopolar cells can be used. In ordinary
ion-exchange capacity of the sulfonate polymer is in the use, the carboxylate side of the membrane will face the
range of 0.5-1.5 meq/g, preferably 0.7-1.2 meq/g dry cathode. One can use (n) cells in series, with anolyte
eS. flowing from cell () to cell (n) and catholyte flowing
The membrane may be unreinforced, but for dimen from cell (n) to cell (). All these cells may use identical
sional stability and greater notched tear resistance, it is 55 membranes or different membranes may be used in
common to use a reinforcing material. It is customary to different cells. Membranes using only polymers having
use a fabric made of a fluorocarbon resin such as poly pendant side chains with terminal-CF2-SO3 groups
tetrafluoroethylene or a copolymer of tetrafluoroethyl may be used in cell (n) and possibly others near it. Cell
ene with hexafluoropropylene (Teflon (R) FEP fluoro (n) may be two or more cells in parallel.
carbon resin) or with perfluoro-(propyl vinyl ether) The membrane may be disposed horizontally or verti
Teflon (R) PFA fluorocarbon resin). These may be cally in the cell, or at any angle from the vertical. . .
woven into fabric using various weaves, such as the Any of the conventional electrodes or electrode con
plain weave, basket weave, leno weave, or others. Rela figurations may be used. The anode for a chlor-alkali
tively open weaves are favorable in that electrical resis cell should be resistant to corrosion by brine and chlo
tance is lower. Porous sheet such as disclosed in U.S. 65 rine, resistant to erosion, and preferably may contain an
Pat. No. 3,962,153 may be used as a support. Other electrocatalyst to minimize chlorine overvoltage. The
perhalogenated polymers such as polychlorotrifluoro well-known dimensionally stable anode is among those
ethylene may also be used, but perfluorinated supports . that are suitable. A suitable base metal is titanium, and
the electrocatalysts include reduced platinum group brane or attached to or pressed against a porous layer,
metal oxides (such as Ru, etc) singly or in mixtures, which is in turn attached to or pressed against the mem
optionally admixed with a reduced oxide of Ti, Ta, Cb, brane.
Zr, Hf, V, Pt, or Ir. They may be heat treated for stabil An oxygen cathode can be used, in which oxygen is
ity. supplied to the cathode and substantially no hydrogen is
The anode may be a "zero-gap' anode, against which evolved, with the result being lower cell voltage. The
the membrane is urged and which anode is permeable to oxygen may be supplied either by bubbling through the
both liquids and gases. The anode may be kept a small catholyte and against the cathode, or by feeding oxy
distance from the membrane by the use of a spacer, gen-containing gas through a porous inlet tube which
against which the membrane is urged by a small hydrau 10 also serves as cathode and is coated with electrocata
lic head on the other side of the membrane. The spacer lyst.
may be made of a plastic which is resistant to the chemi It has long been known that in the electrolysis of
cals in the anolyte, such as polytetrafluoroethylene, brine to make chlorine and caustic, it is desirable to use
ethylene/tetrafluoroethylene copolymer, or polychlo NaCl of low Ca and Mg content (Kobe, Inorganic Pro
rotrifluoroethylene. It is desirable that the spacer or 15 cess Industries, MacMillian, 1948, p. 130; Rogers' In
electrode should have open vertical channels or dustrial Chemistry, Van Nostrand, 1942, p. 362). This is
grooves to facilitate the evolution of the anode gas. stated for electrolysis in general, for diaphragm elec
Whether or not there is a spacer, it may be desirable to trolysis, for mercury electrolysis, and for membrane
have the anode openings slanted so the gas is carried electrolysis (Water Pollution Control Research Series
away from the membrane and anolyte circulation past 20 "Hypochlorite Generator for Treatment of Combined
the membrane is maximized. This effect can be aug Sewer Overflows,' 1972, U.S. Environmental Protec
mented by using downcomers for anolyte which has tion Agency, pp. 60-61). It was also well known how to
been lifted by the rising gas bubbles. The anode may be remove hardness from sodium chloride solutions to
a screen or perforated plate or powder which is par very low levels. Heavy metals like iron and mercury
tially embedded in the anode surface layer of the 25 should also be substantially removed. Some of the con
bimembrane. In this case, the current may be supplied to
the anode by current distributors which contact the taminants in make-up brine can be removed by passing
anode at numerous closely-spaced points. The anode the brine through a diaphragm cell before it is fed to the
may be a porous catalytic anode attached to or pressed membrane cell system. Further hardness reductions can
against the membrane or attached to or pressed against 30 be achieved by passing the brine through a chelate ion
a porous layer, which is in turn attached to or pressed exchanger, preferably one containing -NHCH2COOH
against the membrane. groups, or a phosphate may be added to the brine to
The cathode for a chloralkali cell should be resistant precipitate insoluble salts.
to corrosion by the catholyte, resistant to erosion, and Brine fed to the cell is usually close to the saturation
preferably may contain an electrocatalyst to minimize 35 concentration, but lower brine concentration is accept
hydrogen overvoltage. The cathode may be mild steel, able. Brine leaving the anolyte chamber may be as low
... nickel, or stainless steel, for example, and the electrocat as about 2% by weight NaCl, but is more often 10-15
"talyst may be platinum black, palladium, gold, spinels, wt % NaCl, or even higher.
to manganese, cobalt, nickel, Raney nickel, reduced plati Because a bimembrane has lower electrical resistance
num group metal oxides, or alpha-iron. than an all-carboxylate membrane, it can be operated at
The cathode may be a "zero-gap' cathode, against lower voltage or higher current density. Good long
which the membrane is urged and which cathode is term results have been obtained at 30-50 A/dm2, and
permeable to both liquids and gases. The cathode may short runs have operated successfully at still higher
be kept a small distance from the membrane by the use current density.
of a spacer, against which the membrane is urged by a 45 It is desirable to acidify the anolyte to minimize the
small hydraulic head on the other side of the membrane. formation of oxygen and chlorate at the anode.
In the case of a three-compartment cell, both men Overacidification of a bimembrane is not as serious an
branes may be urged against electrodes or spacers by a error in the case of a bimembrane as in the case of an
hydraulic head on the center compartment. The spacer all-carboxylate membrane, because the -CF2SO3H
may be made of a plastic which is resistant to the chemi 50 group is a stronger acid than the -CF2COOH group,
cals in the catholyte, such as polytetrafluoroethylene, and the sulfonate form, -CF2SO3, resists conversion
ethylene/tetrafluoroethylene resin, or polychlorotriflu to the acid form by overacidification more strongly
oroethylene. It is desirable that the cathode spacer or than does the carboxylate ion form. The free acids are
electrode have open vertical channels or grooves to to be avoided because they increase membrane voltage.
facilitate the evolution of the cathode gas, which is 55 Anolyte acidity is normally adjusted to a value in the
hydrogen in many cell processes. Whether or not there range of pH 1-5 by addition of hydrochloric acid or
is a spacer, it may be desirable to have the cathode hydrogen chloride to the recycle brine. Recycle brine
openings slanted so the gas is carried away from the may be concentrated by addition of solid salt and/or by
membrane and catholyte flow past the membrane is evaporating or distilling water from the stream.
maximized. This effect may be augmented by using 60 While membrane cells are frequently operated at
downcomers for catholyte which has been lifted by approximately atmospheric pressure, there can be ad
rising gas bubbles. The cathode may be a screen or vantages to operating them at elevated pressure. While
perforated plate or powder which is partially embedded direct current is ordinarily used in membrane cells, one
in the cathode surface layer of the bimembrane. In this can also use pulsed direct current or half-wave AC or
case, the current may be supplied to the cathode by 65 rectified AC or DC with a square wave.
current distributors which contact the cathode at num Chloro-alkali synthesis is normally carried out at
berous closely-spaced points. The cathode may be a about 70°-100° C. The catholyte can be kept 5'-20
porous cathode, attached to or pressed against the mem cooler than the anolyte temperature.
EXAMPLE 1. anode compartment containing an anode and aqueous
alkali metal chloride and a cathode compartment con
A ion exchange membrane cell was set up having an taining a cathode and aqueous alkali metal hydroxide,
electrode active area of 45 cm2. The zero-gap cell had a said compartments being separated by a fluorocarbon
DSA anode made of a RuO2-TiO2 mixture coated on cation-exchange membrane containing at least one of
titanium expanded metal mesh and a Raney nickel acti the types of cation-exchange groups selected from car
vated nickel cathode. The ion exchange membrane was boxyl cation exchange groups and sulfonyl cation ex
a hydrolyzed unsupported bimembrane made from 38 change groups and through which an electrical current
microns of a CF2=CF2/CF2=CFOCF2CFCF is passed at a current density in the range of 20 to 80
3)OCF2CF2COOCH3 copolymer having ion exchange 10 A/dm while continuously adding concentrated alkali
capacity of 0.95 meq/g and 100 microns of a metal chloride free from harmful levels of alkali earth
copolymer having ion exchange capacity of 0.93 meq/g. salts, iron and other heavy metal salts to the anode
Asbestos paper was placed between the cathode and the depleted anolyte and continuously removing chlorine and
ion exchange membrane as a hydrogen bubble release 15 and continuouslysolution from the anode compartment
layer. The cell was started while feeding purified, hydroxide to the cathodewateradding or dilute alkali metal
compartment and continu
saturated brine containing no detectable iodide. This cell ously removing alkalimetal hydroxide having
was operated at 3.1 KA/m, 90' C., 32% NaOH,200 g/1 tration maintained at a value between 20% anda concen 45% by
NaCl in anolyte; water was fed to the catholyte cham
ber, sat. brine was fed to the anolyte chamber; there was 20 weight from the cathode compartment, the improve
no recirculation of the electrolyte. After two days the ment which comprises using a concentrated alkali metal
feed was changed to an iodide-contaminated saturated chloride salts of
having a concentration of iodine-containing
not higher than 1 ppm.
brine containing 100 ppm iodide which was prepared by 2. A process according to claim 1 in which the mem
adding the calculated amount of sodium iodide to io brane is perfluorinated and contains both carboxyl and
dide-free brine. Initially the current efficiency was 96%, 25 sulfonyl ion-exchange groups and in which process
but after 10 days it had declined to 83%. Upon removal
from the cell the membrane was examined by scanning the anode compartment sodium chloride is continuously added to
electron microscope. Deposits of an iodine-containing and sodium hydroxide is con
impurity were found in the cathode face of the mem tinuously removed from the cathode compartment.
brane resulting in holes and pits in the cathode surface 30 at 3.a current
A process according to claim 1 which is operated
density between 30 and 50 A/dm2 and in
of the membrane. This damage caused by the iodide
impurities severely reduced the useful life of the ion which process the membrane is a perfluorinated bimem-.
exchange membrane. brane having a layer containing carboxyl groups facing
the catholyte and a layer containing sulfonyl groups
EXAMPLE 2. 35 facing the anolyte and in which process the alkali metal
Example 1 was repeated except that the feed brine chloride added to the anode compartment is sodium
contained 10 ppm iodide. After 13 days of operation the chloride and the concentration of soluble iodine-con
current efficiency had declined from 94% to 89%, and taining salts in the concentrated sodium chloride contin
... examination showed iodide deposits in the cathode face. uously added to the anode compartment is not higher
EXAMPLE 3 than 0.4 ppm.
4. In a process for the electrolysis of an aqueous solu
... Example 1 was repeated except that the feed brine tion of sodium chloride derived from raw material salt
contained 1 ppm iodide. Initially the current efficiency containing iodine compounds wherein an electric cur
was 94%; after 43 days of operation it had not declined. rent is passed through said solution in an electrolytic
Examination detected only traces of iodide and no dam 45 cell separated into an anode chamber and a cathode
age to the membrane. chamber by a cation exchange membrane, the improve
I claim: ment which comprises reducing the content of iodine in
1. In an electrolytic process for the production of the aqueous sodium chloride solution charged into the
chlorine and an alkali metal hydroxide from alkali metal anode chamber to a content not higher than 1 ppm prior
chloride brines containing soluble, iodine-containing 50 to electrolysis.
salts and employing an electrolytic cell comprising an k . . k e k



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