Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsi PDF
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsi PDF
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsi PDF
Abstract: Maintenance is a set of organised activities that are carried out in order to keep an item in its best
operational condition with minimum cost acquired. Predictive maintenance (PdM) is one of the maintenance
program that recommends maintenance decisions based on the information collected through condition
monitoring techniques, statistical process control or equipment performance for the purpose of early detection
and elimination of equipment defects that could lead to unplanned downtime of machinery or unnecessary
expenditures. Particularly Gears and rolling element bearings are critical elements in rotating machinery, so
predictive maintenance is often applied to them. Fault signals of gearboxes or rolling-element bearings are non-
stationary. This paper concludes with a brief discussion on current practices of PDM methodologies such as
vibration analysis and Acoustic Emission analysis, which are widely used as they offers a complimentary tool
for health monitoring or assessment of gears in rotating machineries.
Keywords:Acoustic emission, Data mining, Signal processing, Vibration Analysis
The ever growing need to condition monitor a gear box, which plays a significant role as a machine
element and finds its usage in wide variety of domestic and industrial application, especially in power
transmission system, has promoted research in designing and implementing a rapid and accurate valuation of
non-destructive techniques so as to prevent performance degradation of machinery or even catastrophic failure
of the same. It is a well noticed fact that fault in a machine can be well noticed by the kind of noise it makes and
same can be detected from its vibration. The ability to monitor the condition of machines in operating condition
is one of major breakthrough in this area of research which is referred as "predictive" maintenance. The method
can vitalize continuously operating plant such as the power generating and chemical industries, and can also be
of considerable use in development of various machines. The present paper is a general discussion of the
different analysis techniques which have been and can be applied in vibration signature analysis as well as in
acoustic emission.
Gears and gearboxes are generally substantially made for high performance and reliability. However,
problems do occur, and many are caused by static as well as dynamic reasons. Static causes which comprises of
manufacturing defects and setting up errors, which can be observed even when the object is still whereas
dynamic errors are those which can only be detected if either the object or the viewpoint is moving. Vibration
signature analysis and Acoustic emission are the most popular techniques for gear fault diagnostics. In a
machine under operation, vibration is always present. The levels of vibration usually increase with deterioration
in the condition of the machine. 52 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission
Incorrect design Poor choice of bearing type or - Low load carrying capacity
sizefor required operation. or low speed rating
Thermal Large temperature difference - It causes the bearings to
instability builds up lose internal clearance and
become pre-loaded which
results in increase in heat
Manufacturing or setting up Leads to premature pitting,
Misalignment errors, elastic deflection of - cage wear and finally
component under load , thermal failure.
Formation of minute crack
Fatigue damage Material fatigue after - propagated
certain running
Faulty Excessive pre loading and - Noise running
installation misalignment
The above defects are common in rotating gears. Vibration and acoustic emission are two important
parameters which must be taken into consideration while examining a machine or its parts for defects. Both
the techniques have their own importance in different working conditions. Various sensors records vibration
signatures and acoustic emissions [1].
Acoustic Oil
Methods of analysis emission Analysis Vibration SPM meter
Misalignment X
Gear damage X X X
Mechanical looseness X X
Mechanical rubbing X X X
Noise X X
Cracking X X 53 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission 54 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission
The process flow of the two techniques mentioned above can be summarized as follows: 55 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission
The principal advantage of the method is that the repetitive nature of the vibration signals is clearly
displaced as peaks in the frequency spectrum at the frequency where the repetition takes place.A frequency
domain representation can also include information on the phase shift that must be applied to each sinusoid in
order to be able to recombine the frequency components to recover the original time signal.
If adiscrete time signal x (t) represents a sampled periodic function with period T, the Fourier series
expansion of x (t) can be obtained from the Fourier integral
𝑋 𝑓 = 𝑥 𝑡 𝑒 ^−𝑖2𝜋𝑓𝑡 𝑑𝑡
Where f represents discrete equally spaced frequencies being multiples of the reciprocal of the period
T.The power spectrum P(f)can be defined as the magnitude or power obtained from the Fourier integral and can
beobtained by:
P( f ) = E[X( f )X*( f )]
Spectra Analysis provides frequency domain amplitude in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration
or phase. Auto-spectrum or power spectrum is a similarity measurement in the frequency domain; the 57 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission
amplitudes are expressed as the square of their magnitudes. Cross-spectrum is a similarity measurement of two
functions in the frequency domain.
Cepstrum analysis proves to be advantageous as the periodic harmonics, which are commonly
experienced in gearboxes, can be detected even when they are covered within a high background noise.
Cepstrum analysis may not work when more than two signals have been convolved in time domain.
CheeKeongTan,PhilIrving,DavidMba studied the prognosis of gear life using AE technique by
allowing natural pitting of spur gears.In their test they monitored vibration,AE and SOA throughout the test
period to correlate it to the natural degradation of the gear box.They found that based on the analysis of rms
levels AE is more sensitive than the either of the rest[8].
Tim Toutountzakis,CheeKeong Tan and David Mba applied the AE technique to seeded gear fault
detection and investigated the effectiveness of AE for gear defect identification and also its difficulties[9].
Bispectrumis yet another technique which is mainly employed to detect gear fault and have an edge over Fourier
transform as cited by Zheng et al.., 2002that fourier transform is based on the assumption that the vibration
signals are stationary. This bispectrum analysis has been proven to be effective in this situation. It can capture
characteristic frequency, identify the phasic information and express nonlinear advantages (Huang et al., 2006).
Liu et al. (2008) used the bispectrum and 1(1/2)-dimension spectrum to diagnose a gearbox with various pitting
faults. They concluded that bispectral analysis was very sensitive to the gear faults.
Fu et al. (2009) applied the bispectrum technique to the gear wear fault detection and identification and
Zhang (2006) to the gear crack fault diagnosis. Their studies showed that the bispectrum could be used as a
diagnostic tool for gear faults detection.
The Short Time Fourier Transform of a signal x( t ) using a window function g( t ) is defined as
M ORLET WAVELET TRANSFORM :A continuous function in both the time domain and the frequency
domain is called the mother wavelet. The main purpose of the mother wavelet is to provide a source function to
generate the daughter wavelets which are simply the translated and scaled versions of the mother wavelet.
DISCRETE WAVELET :In numerical analysis and functional analysis, a discrete wavelet
transform (DWT) is any wavelet transform for which the wavelets are discretely sampled. As with other wavelet
transforms, a key advantage it has over Fourier transforms is temporal resolution: it captures both frequency and
location information (location in time).They are of two types:
(a)Haar wavelets
(b)Daubechies wavelets 58 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission
K.Umezawa,T.Ajima and H.Houjoh diagnosed the extent of pitting fatigue on the basis of a frequency
fluctuating analyzing method. The results obtained by them are by pitting fatigue increased, the fluctuation
become stronger and the F/V output increased. This increases correlates with the number of load cycles by using
AE techniques [11]. 59 | Page
Assessment of Gearbox Fault DetectionUsing Vibration Signal Analysis and Acoustic Emission
analysis(PCA).It was found that compared to BPNN C4.5 extracts knowledge quickly from the testing and is
even superior to neural networks[21].
There are several other techniques like nearest neighbor method that classifies each record in a dataset
based on a combination of the classes of the k record(s) most similar to it in a historical dataset. Data
visualization is a visual interpretation of complex relationship in multidimensional data. It makes use of
graphics tools to illustrate data relationships. Yaguo Lei and Ming J. Zuo used a two stage feature selection and
weighting technique(TFSWT) via Eucledian distance evaluation technique(EDET) to select sensitive features
and remove fault unrelated features. They used a weighted K nearest neighbor(WKNN) classification algorithm
to identify the egar crack levels. The resolutionshowed that this method had higher identification accuracy[22].
In this review paper the various types of defects related to gear boxes have been discussed. It was
clearly stated that vibration signature analysis and acoustic emission are two very efficient techniques for
early fault detection. Vibration signature analysis is used for detect major defects whereas acoustic analysis is
used to detect very minute cracks occurring in the gear box. Various signal processing techniques were
discussed. The importance of wavelet transformation has also been mentioned which is now a day‟s widely
used for feature extraction as waves associated to the gear boxes are non stationary nature. Various other
data mining techniques have been mentioned for a clear understanding of feature extraction. Relevant
research work carried out related to each have been discussed in brief.
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