Quality Manual: Subject: Procedure For PFMEA
Quality Manual: Subject: Procedure For PFMEA
Quality Manual: Subject: Procedure For PFMEA
Rev. No.:
SEI Subject: Procedure for PFMEA Eff. Date:
Page: 1 of 3
1. Objectives
To establish a PFMEA procedure for manufacturing process FMEA. (The team should agree on
an evaluation criteria and ranking system, which is consists, even if modified for individual
process analysis.)
2. Scope
All processes and activities of the PFMEA.
3. Responsibility
4. Review mechanism of PFMEA
The PFMEA to be review under following circumstances:
Change in customer specifications (Engineering changes)
Process Changes.
Customer line rejection /field rejection.
In-house rejection.
In usual conditions once / year.
5. For each function, identify all the ways failure could happen. These are potential
failure modes. If necessary, go back and rewrite the function with more detail to be
sure the failure modes show a loss of that function.
6. For each failure mode, identify all the consequences on the system, related
systems, process, related processes, product, service, customer or regulations. These
are potential effects of failure. Ask, “What does the customer experience because of
this failure? What happens when this failure occurs?”
7. Determine how serious each effect is. This is the severity rating, or S. Severity is
usually rated on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is insignificant and 10 is catastrophic. If
a failure mode has more than one effect, write on the FMEA table only the highest
severity rating for that failure mode.
8. For each failure mode, determine all the potential root causes. Use tools classified
as cause analysis tool, as well as the best knowledge and experience of the team. List
all possible causes for each failure mode on the FMEA form.
9. For each cause, determine the occurrence rating, or O. This rating estimates the
probability of failure occurring for that reason during the lifetime of your scope.
Occurrence is usually rated on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is extremely unlikely and
10 is inevitable. On the FMEA table, list the occurrence rating for each cause.
10. For each cause, identify current process controls. These are tests, procedures or
mechanisms that you now have in place to keep failures from reaching the customer.
These controls might prevent the cause from happening, reduce the likelihood that it
will happen or detect failure after the cause has already happened but before the
customer is affected.
11. For each control, determine the detection rating, or D. This rating estimates how
well the controls can detect either the cause or its failure mode after they have
happened but before the customer is affected. Detection is usually rated on a scale
from 1 to 10, where 1 means the control is absolutely certain to detect the problem
and 10 means the control is certain not to detect the problem (or no control exists). On
the FMEA table, list the detection rating for each cause.
12. (Optional for most industries) Is this failure mode associated with a critical
characteristic? (Critical characteristics are measurements or indicators that reflect
safety or compliance with government regulations and need special controls.) If so, a
column labeled “Classification” receives a Y or N to show whether special controls are
needed. Usually, critical characteristics have a severity of 9 or 10 and occurrence and
detection ratings above 3.
13. Calculate the risk priority number, or RPN, which equals S × O × D. Also calculate
Criticality by multiplying severity by occurrence, S × O. These numbers provide
guidance for ranking potential failures in the order they should be addressed.
14. Identify recommended actions. These actions may be design or process changes to
lower severity or occurrence. They may be additional controls to improve detection.
Also note who is responsible for the actions and target completion dates.
Issued By Approved By
Quality Manual Doc. No.:
Rev. No.:
SEI Subject: Procedure for PFMEA Eff. Date:
Page: 3 of 3
15. As actions are completed, note results and the date on the FMEA form. Also, note
new S, O or D ratings and new RPNs.
16. If RPN >90 RPN, that case we will take the recommended action.
17. If severity ≥8, that case we will take the recommended action.
18. If detection ≥8, that case we will take the recommended action.
7. Records
S.No. Name Format No.
01 PFMEA F/PD/04
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