The document contains a table with proportional depth, velocity, and discharge values for various depths from 0.01 to 0.99 of the total depth. It notes that proportional depths from 0.86 onwards would create discharges greater than full bore flow and should be avoided in design.
The document contains a table with proportional depth, velocity, and discharge values for various depths from 0.01 to 0.99 of the total depth. It notes that proportional depths from 0.86 onwards would create discharges greater than full bore flow and should be avoided in design.
The document contains a table with proportional depth, velocity, and discharge values for various depths from 0.01 to 0.99 of the total depth. It notes that proportional depths from 0.86 onwards would create discharges greater than full bore flow and should be avoided in design.
The document contains a table with proportional depth, velocity, and discharge values for various depths from 0.01 to 0.99 of the total depth. It notes that proportional depths from 0.86 onwards would create discharges greater than full bore flow and should be avoided in design.
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