Notes On The Control of An Aircraft With Throttle Only

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Notes on the Control of an Aircraft with Throttle Only

There are a few (rare) examples of flight control system failures that left aircraft with
no elevator control. In these cases, pilots have attempted to control the vertical position
of the aircraft using thrust changes only. This turns out to be very hard to do, because the
resulting dynamics are hard for a pilot to control. Below, we derive the dynamics of an
aircraft under those conditions. To simplify the problem, we use the phugoid approxima­
In the phugoid approximation, the aircraft is treated as a point mass, and the pitching
dynamics of the aircraft are ignored. Furthermore, only the motion of the aircraft in the
vertical plane (the longitudinal motions) are considered. The states of the aircraft are then

h = altitude of aircraft

v = velocity of aircraft (1)

γ = flight path angle of aircraft

The flight path angle of the aircraft is the angle of the velocity vector with respect to
horizontal, with a positive γ indicating that the velocity vector is above the horizon.
The dynamics of the aircraft can be fairly easily derived, using only Newton’s laws,
and a little aerodynamics. First, find ḣ, the rate of change of the altitude. ḣ is determined
completely by kinematics, so that
ḣ = v sin γ (2)

Next, v̇ is the rate of change of the velocity vector, which is the acceleration of the aircraft
in the direction of the velocity vector, so that

T − D mg sin γ T −D
v̇ = − = − g sin γ (3)
m m m

where T is the thrust, D is the drag, m is the mass of the airplane, and g is the acceleration
due to gravity. Finally, we must find γ̇, the rate of change of the flight path angle. This one
is a little tricky, because we have essentially defined a non­inertial coordinate frame for
the aircraft. It turns out that γ̇ is the acceleration perpendicular to the flight path, divided
by the aircraft velocity, so that

L mg cos γ L g cos γ
γ̇ = − = − (4)
mv mv mv v

To complete the modeling, we need to model the aerodynamics of the aircraft. In the

phugoid approximation, it is assumed that the coefficients of lift and drag (CL and CD )
are constant. Then Equation (3) becomes

T − 21 ρv 2 SCD
v̇ = − g sin γ (5)
where S is the reference wing area of the airplane. We can simplify this last equation a bit
by defining the drag at the nominal flight condition as

D0 = ρv02 SCD (6)

Then Equation (5) becomes

T D0 v 2
v̇ = − − g sin γ (7)
m m v02
Similarly, Equation (4) becomes

L0 v 2 g cos γ L0 v g cos γ
γ̇ = 2
− = 2
− (8)
mv v0 v m v0 v
But in equilibrium flight, the nominal lift L0 must equal the weight of the aircraft, mg.
v g cos γ
γ̇ = g 2 − (9)
v0 v
Collecting these together, we have the nonlinear equations that describe the motion of the

ḣ = v sin γ (10)
T D0 v 2
v̇ = − − g sin γ (11)
m m v02
v g cos γ
γ̇ = g 2 − (12)
v0 v

The next step is to linearize the equations of motion about the equilibrium flight con­
dition. In equilibrium flight,

L0 = mg (13)

T0 = D0 = (14)
(Lo /D0 )

γ0 = 0 (15)

We consider small perturbations about the nominal, so that, for example, v = v0 + δv,
where δv is the perturbation in velocity. In general, a nonlinear function f (x) can be
linearized about a nominal point x0 by using the Taylor series expansion

f (x) = f (x0 + δx) ≈ f (x0 ) + f � (x0 )δx (16)

if the perturbations are small. For our equation, we obtain

ḣ = δḣ = v sin γ ≈ v0 δγ (17)

T0 + δT D0 (v0 + δv)2 1 2D0
v̇ = δv̇ = − 2
− g sin γ ≈ δT − δv − g δγ (18)
m m v0 m mv0

v0 + δv g cos γ 2g
γ̇ = δγ̇ = g 2
− ≈ δv (19)
v0 v0 + δv v02

The equations above can be expressed in matrix form as

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
δḣ 0 0 v0 δh 0
⎥ ⎢ 2gD0
⎣ δv̇ ⎦
⎢ 0 − −g ⎦

m1 ⎦

⎥ ⎣
δv ⎥ (20)
⎢ ⎢ ⎥

v L
0 0 ⎦
2g ˙
δγ̇ 0
0 δγ 0

The equation above can be Laplace transformed to obtain

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
H(s) 0 0 v0 H(s) 0
⎥ ⎢ 2gD0
⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥

0 − v0 L0 −g ⎦

V (s)


m ⎦
T (s)

V (s) ⎦
⎢ (21)
⎢ ⎥
Γ(s) 0 v2
0 Γ(s) 0

where we have ignored the initial condition terms, since they should all be zero. Solving
for H(s) in terms of T (s) yields

2g 1
H(s) = T (s) (22)
mv0 s (s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 )

where the natural frequency of the phugoid mode is

√ g
ωn = 2 (23)
and the damping ratio is

ζ=√ (24)
2(L0 /D0 )

Consider an aircraft cruising at 250 knots (about 129 m/s), with a lift­to­drag ratio of
15. Then the natural frequency is
√ g
ωn = 2 = 0.108 rad/s = 0.0171 Hz (25)

and the damping ratio is

ζ=√ = 0.047 (26)
2(L0 /D0 )
Therefore, the transfer function of the system is

2g 1
G(s) = (27)
mv0 s (s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 )

Suppose the pilot attempts to increase the altitude a little by increasing the throttle
momentarily, and then returning the throttle back to the nominal position. The response
to this input is essentially the impulse response, if the time of the input is very short
compared to the response time of the system. The impulse response of the system (nor­
malized by the factor of mv 0
), is shown in Figure 1. Note that the application of throttle
causes a lightly­damped oscillation, called the phugoid mode. In this case, the period of the
phugoid mode is about 1 minute. The period of the phugoid mode depends only on the
velocity of the aircraft, so every airplane flying at 250 knots will have a similar response.
So the pilot does succeed in changing the altitude of the aiorplane is stable flight, but in
the process, induces an oscillation that persists for nearly 10 minutes.



Normalized input response, g(t)







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time, t (sec)

Figure 1: Impulse response of aircraft.

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