Receipt Inspection NS2A4
Receipt Inspection NS2A4
Receipt Inspection NS2A4
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Receipt Inspection
Revision Number: 1
Effectivity Date: 22/01/2015
Rev Date Description Change Note
0 01/03/13 First online publication
1 22/01/15 Addition of Drill Collar receipt inspection;
Added verification of make and break to Drill Pipe,
HWDP, Drill Stem Subs sections.
The objective of this section is to cover the minimum inspection requirements if a percentage receipt inspec-
tion is required on new drilling components. The recommended percentage is 10% for high quantity items
(50 lengths or more) and 20% for medium quantity (10 to 50 lengths) and 100% for small quantity items.
Where indications or defects are found (as defined in API 5DP), then 100% receipt inspection should be
performed for the inspection method that located the defect(s).
This specification has been added as an optional requirement. However it is highly recommended that
this inspection is carried out. Past history has identified new drilling components which, when tested upon
receipt, did not conform to the Manufacturing Specification Design and Mechanical Properties to which they
were ordered. Manufacturing defects have also been located that should have been rejected at source.
Whenever possible, consideration should be given to third party inspection/surveillance during the man-
ufacturing process as this is the optimum time to highlight non-conformance to specification, rather than
after the material has arrived on location.
Documentation Review
A full review should be carried out on the manufacturing data book to verify conformance to the Manufactur-
ing Specification. Close attention should be paid to mechanical test results conducted during manufacturing
and test frequency. For orders that have been manufactured in accordance with NS-1™, guidelines are given
in the relevant Sub-Specs regarding manufacturer’s documentation requirements.
Drill Pipe
Electromagnetic Inspection/Magnetic Flux Leak Test (MFLT)
1. The pipe body shall be inspected by Electromagnetic Inspection/Magnetic Flux Leak Test (MFLT) as
described in Sub-Spec 008. Due to the problems normally associated with inspecting for longitudinal
mill defects on tool jointed pipe, it is recommended, when possible, to perform full length ultrasonic
inspection in place of MFLT.
(a) Any imperfection that produces a signal as great as the signal received from the reference standard
shall be considered a defect unless it can be removed by grinding. If removal of the imperfection
reduces the thickness remaining at the root of the imperfection to less than 87.5% of the specified
wall thickness the pipe shall be rejected. Any linear or non-linear imperfection having a depth
greater than 12.5% of the specified wall thickness measured from the surface of the pipe shall be
considered a defect.
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Drillstring Inspection Standard
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2. All imperfections between 5% and 12.5% of the nominal pipe wall thickness shall be recorded on the
inspection report.
(a) For drill pipe that has been manufactured to SR-2 (Supplementary Requirement of ISO 11961), all
defects found to be more than 5% of the nominal wall but not more than 12.5% shall be removed
by grinding or the pipe shall be rejected.
3. In many cases, the pipe manufacturer is requested to manufacture the tube bodies to 95% remaining
body wall (RBW) of nominal. When this is the case, full length ultrasonic wall thickness measurement
providing 100% coverage should be performed to verify conformance.
1. The friction weld shall be inspected by shearwave ultrasonic inspection (see Figure 9). The ultrasonic
instrument shall be of the pulse echo type.
2. The probes used in conjunction with the Ultrasonic Flaw detector shall be:
• 0◦ angle – Twin Crystal – 10mm diameter Crystal – 5MHZ frequency compression wave.
• 38◦ angle – Single Crystal – 10mm diameter Crystal – 4MHZ frequency shear wave.
• 45◦ angle – Single Crystal – 10mm diameter Crystal – 4MHZ frequency shear wave.
3. The unit shall be capable of detecting an internal and external notch 5% of nominal wall in depth, 0.04
inch (1 mm) width max. and 1 /2 inch (12.7 mm) length max.
4. The appropriate shearwave probe shall be placed on the reference block, maximise on-screen reflected
signal from the internal notch (half skip) signal to 80% of full screen height, and mark on screen.
Repeat process for external notch (full skip). Join both points by drawing a line on screen. This gives
the primary reference level.
5. The calibration standard shall have the same acoustic properties, and specified wall thickness as the
pipe to be inspected, and shall comply with the radius of curvature of the pipe to be inspected.
6. The OD surface for a distance of 12 inches (30 cm) from the tool joint taper shall be thoroughly cleaned
prior to inspection.
• at start of inspection
• after each 25 lengths
• each time the instrument is turned on
• whenever rejectable readings are encountered
• whenever the instrument or transducer is dropped or otherwise subjected to shock
• whenever the transducer, coaxial cable, operator or material to be inspected is changed
• whenever the validity of the last calibration is questionable
• upon completion of the job
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Drillstring Inspection Standard
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9. The 38◦ shear wave probe shall be used for transverse scanning of the area under examination, and
the 45◦ shear wave probe shall be used for longitudinal scanning of area under examination. Scanning
speed shall not exceed 6 inches (15 cm) per second with a scanning overlap of 10% of probe crystal
diameter. There shall be no indications of planar defects.
1. The pin and box internal upset taper length (MIU) shall be measured with a contour tracing tool and
a paper chart (see Figure 10).
2. The inner pipe surfaces should be visually examined to assure there is no material which would interfere
with the inspection. Two traces per end, each 180◦ apart, shall be performed. With the aid of the
comparison grid the marked profile shall be measured for the taper length. The taper length (MIU)
shall be the minimum length as specified in the manufacturing specification, with a smooth transition
area where the internal upset taper (MIU) blends with the ID of the drill pipe bore.
(a) Any taper length shorter than the manufacturing specification design or not showing a smooth
transition area shall be cause for rejection. A smooth transition should be defined as per API
“the internal upset configuration on all upset products shall exhibit no sharp corners
or drastic changes of sections, and shall permit a 90◦ hook-type tool to be pulled through
without hangup”.
3. The tolerance for accuracy of reading the profile length should be ± 1 /4 inch (6.4 mm).
1. The pin and box threaded connections shall be dimensionally checked in accordance with API Spec
7-2 and this Standard. For proprietary threads such as the Tenaris, Grant Prideco and VAM®, the
measurements supplied by the manufacturer shall be used.
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1. Both pin and box upset areas shall receive a wet magnetic particle inspection for transverse and longi-
tudinal defects. This shall be performed by AC Yoke, black magnetic ink and white contrast paint in
accordance with Sub-Spec 005.
2. The area to be inspected shall be clean and free from any mill coating.
(a) Any imperfection shall be considered a defect unless it can be removed by grinding. If removal of
the imperfection reduces the thickness remaining at the root of the imperfection to less than 87.5%
of the specified wall thickness, the pipe shall be rejected. Any linear or non-linear imperfection
having a depth greater than 12.5% of the specified wall thickness measured from the surface of
the pipe shall be considered a defect. All imperfections between 5% and 12.5% of the nominal
pipe wall thickness shall be recorded on the inspection report.
(b) For drill pipe that has been manufactured to SR-2 (Supplementary Requirement of ISO 11961) all
defects found to be more than 5 % of the nominal wall but not more than 12.5% shall be removed
by grinding or the pipe shall be rejected.
It is quite common to see small OD transverse indications at this inspection around the area of the upset.
These are normally referred to as “elephant hide” (See Figure 11). Elephant hide is a term given to the OD
appearance of drill pipe and other products which have upset ends.
Upsetting is an operation whereby the pipe ends are heated and then passed through a series of dies and
punches in a machine (an upsetter) in order to thicken the ends and thereby increase the cross sectional area.
This is necessary in drill pipe to maintain a proper strength level after welding tool joints on the end of the
The elephant hide is a wrinkled appearance which occurs on the OD of the upset taper and the adja-
cent tube primarily. As the upsetting occurs, material is gathered and pushed back. The material undergoes
some folding and it is not uncommon to have this wrinkled appearance. The severity of the appearance
varies and may be injurious or inconsequential. This may be determined by inspecting with wet magnetic
particle and an AC Yoke.
Any areas holding powder should be probed to determine if it is a rejectable defect and if so what the
depth is. Depending on the depth of the indications, they may be removed. The easiest to remove is on
the taper of the external upset. If the indications are on the OD of the tube adjacent to the taper, they
may be removed if they do not exceed a depth that would cause the pipe to be thin wall. It is likely that
the indications are over the fadeout of the internal upset and sufficient wall remains to accomplish this. A
minimum OD of 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm) smaller than the minimum allowable API OD should be used as the
cut-off point. This will minimise the appearance effects and still provide a serviceable tube. The combination
of this OD and minimum wall tolerance should be the criteria. The area of removal should be blended to
give a smooth appearance.
It is recommended the manufacturer is informed. If these indications are ignored they will go into ser-
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Drillstring Inspection Standard
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vice and during a regular used inspection may be rejected as service induced defects by the Inspection
1. Hardbanding shall meet with the criteria set out in Sub-Spec 016 of this standard.
2. All joint serial numbers shall be taken from the following locations and be recorded on the inspection
reports. This will allow full traceability to the manufacturing certification.
• Pin Tool Joint : Base of pin connection. Pin tool joint OD, Mill Slot
• Box Tool Joint : Box tool joint OD
• Pipe Body : Heat/Cast Numbers
1. Confirm from available evidence, such as tong marks, phosphate condition or manufacturers stamps
whether make and break has been performed and record on the inspection report.
1. Both pin and box tool joints and connections shall receive a wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspec-
tion for longitudinal and transverse defects. This shall be performed in accordance with Sub-Spec 004
of this Standard.
(a) Any manufacturing flaws detected from this inspection shall be cause for reject.
1. The pin and box connections shall be visually inspected for evidence of corrosion pitting or galling
(from the break-in process).
(a) Any evidence of corrosion pitting, galling or any other form of mechanical damage shall be cause
for rejection.
1. Hardness readings shall be taken with a King Brinell Hardness Tester or equivalent on the pin and box
tool joint OD surface.
2. The prepared surface for hardness measurements shall be mechanically filed, ground, or polished with
abrasive materials so that the impression is made on uniform base material. The surface finish for
hardness testing shall be 32 micro-inch CLA or better.
3. The hardness value shall be the average of two valid readings. Readings are valid when they are within
2 BHN numbers of each other.
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API gives no maximum hardness for tool joints but it is accepted in the industry that a 341 BHN
maximum should be used to ensure good material properties.
1. All joints shall be visually checked for straightness against requirements of ISO 11961.
2. Pipe sizes 4 1 /2 inch and larger shall be checked for straightness by using a straight edge or taut string
(wire). Deviation from straight, or chord height, shall not exceed either of the following:
• 0.2 % of the total length of the pipe measured from shoulder to shoulder.
• 1 /8 inch (3.2 mm) of the 5 ft (1.5 m) length at each end.
Destructive Testing
1. When required (due to the lack of tests during manufacture or low values on tests made), destructive
tests shall be performed on at least one joint of drill pipe. The following tests should be performed as
a minimum, as specified in the relevant NS-1™.
Pipe Body
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Documentation Review
1. A review should be carried out on the manufacturing data book to verify conformance to the Man-
ufacturing Specification. Close attention should be paid to mechanical test results conducted during
manufacturing and test frequency.
2. For orders that have been manufactured in accordance with NS-1™, guidelines are given in the relevant
Sub-Specs regarding manufacturer’s documentation requirements.
• Pin : Base of pin connection. Pin tool joint OD, Mill Slot
• Box : Box tool joint OD or counterbore
• Body : Heat/Cast Numbers
(a) Any manufacturing flaws detected from this inspection shall be cause for reject.
Any evidence of corrosion pitting, galling or any other form of mechanical damage shall be cause
for rejection.
(b) Check the pin connection for evidence of eccentricity. If the bore centre line is eccentric to the
OD by more than 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm), the pipe is rejectable to NS-1™.
(c) Confirm that cold work stamps are present on pin nose and in box counterbore. HWDP with
connections not cold worked shall be rejected.
(d) Connections which have not received anti galling treatment of manganese phosphate or similar in
accordance with API Spec 7-1 shall be rejected.
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Dimensional Inspection
(a) Connections that do not meet the dimensional requirements of Table 12 shall be rejected.
1. Integral HWDP is manufactured from bar stock which is usually bored approximately 15 ft from either
end. This can create a mismatch creating a step in the bore. Visual inspection of bores should be
performed to determine the location of the step to allow UT compression wave to be performed to
determine the size of the step.
1. Wall thickness checks shall be performed at the location of bore mismatch (if any).
(a) If the bore mismatch exceeds 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm), the pipe is identified as reject in accordance
with NS-1™. There is no criterion for eccentricity in API Spec 7-1.
Drill Collars
Documentation Review
1. A review should be carried out on the manufacturing data book to verify conformance to the Man-
ufacturing Specification. Close attention should be paid to mechanical test results conducted during
manufacturing and test frequency.
2. For orders that have been manufactured in accordance with NS-1™, guidelines are given in the relevant
Sub-Specs regarding manufacturer’s documentation requirements.
1. All serial numbers shall be recorded on the inspection reports. This will allow full traceability to the
manufacturing certification.
1. Confirm from available evidence, such as tong marks, phosphate condition or manufacturers stamps
whether make and break has been performed and record on the inspection report.
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Drillstring Inspection Standard
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1. Both pin and box connections shall receive a wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspection for longitu-
dinal and transverse defects. This shall be performed in accordance with Sub-Spec 004.
(a) Any manufacturing flaws detected from this inspection shall be cause for reject.
(b) Check the pin connection for evidence of eccentricity. If the bore centre line is eccentric to the OD
by more than 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm), the pipe is rejectable to NS-1™. There is no API requirement
for low alloy collars.
(c) Confirm that cold work stamps are present on pin nose and in box counterbore. Drill collars with
connections not cold worked shall be rejected.
(d) Connections which have not received anti-galling treatment of manganese phosphate or similar in
accordance with API Spec 7-1 shall be rejected.
Dimensional Inspection
1. Perform dimensional inspection of tool bodies and connections in accordance with Sub-Spec 003.
(a) API connections that do not meet the dimensional requirements of Table 13 shall be rejected.
(b) Proprietary connections that do not conform to the manufacturer’s field or machine drawings shall
be rejected.
(c) Body dimensions shall conform to the requirements of NS-2™ for BSR, API Spec 7-1 and purchase
order requirements.
(d) Elevator and slip dimensions shall conform to the requirements of API SPec 7-1.
(e) Elevator and slip dimensions on drill collars with 18 degree shoulders shall conform to the manu-
facturers dimensional tolerances.
Visual Inspection
2. If the bore centre line is eccentric to the OD by more than 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm), the pipe is rejectable
to NS-1™.
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Drillstring Inspection Standard
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1. A review should be carried out on the manufacturing data book to verify conformance to the Man-
ufacturing Specification. Close attention should be paid to mechanical test results conducted during
manufacturing and test frequency.
2. For orders that have been manufactured in accordance with NS-1™, guidelines are given in the relevant
Sub-Specs regarding manufacturer’s documentation requirements.
1. All serial numbers shall be recorded on the inspection reports. This will allow full traceability to the
manufacturing certification.
1. Confirm from available evidence, such as tong marks, phosphate condition or manufacturers stamps
whether make and break has been performed and record on the inspection report.
1. Both pin and box connections shall receive a wet fluorescent magnetic particle inspection for longitu-
dinal and transverse defects. This shall be performed in accordance with Sub-Spec 004.
(a) Any manufacturing flaws detected from this inspection shall be cause for reject.
(b) Check the pin connection for evidence of eccentricity. If the bore centre line is eccentric to the OD
by more than 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm), the pipe is rejectable to NS-1™. There is no API requirement
for low alloy steel subs.
(c) Confirm that cold work stamps are present on pin nose and in box counterbore. Subs/crossovers
with connections not cold worked shall be rejected.
(d) Connections which have not received anti galling treatment of manganese phosphate or similar in
accordance with API Spec 7-1 shall be rejected.
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Drillstring Inspection Standard
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Dimensional Inspection
1. Perform dimensional inspection of tool bodies and connections in accordance with Sub-Spec 003.
(a) API connections that do not meet the dimensional requirements of Table 13 shall be rejected.
(b) Proprietary connections that do not conform to the manufacturer’s field or machine drawings shall
be rejected.
(c) Body dimensions shall conform to the requirements of NS-2™ for BSR, API Spec 7-1 and purchase
order requirements. Minimum lengths for new subs conforming to API Spec 7-1 are shown in Table
3. If the bore centre line is eccentric to the OD by more than 1 /16 inch (1.6 mm), the pipe is rejectable
to NS-1™.
Title Description
Sub-Spec 003 Visual and Dimensional Inspections
Sub-Spec 004 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) (Connection)
Sub-Spec 005 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) (Body)
Sub-Spec 008 Electromagnetic Inspection (EMI)
Sub-Spec 016 Hardbanding
Table 12 Used HWDP and Connection Dimensional Acceptance Criteria
Table 13 Used BHA Connection Dimensional Acceptance Criteria
Table 18a Minimum Length for New Drill String Subs
Figure 9 Shearwave Ultrasonic Inspection
Figure 10 MIU Profile Verification
Figure 11 Elephant Hide Seen Under Backlight Inspection
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