Comparison of Deer Censusing Methods in A Tropical Dry Forest.
Comparison of Deer Censusing Methods in A Tropical Dry Forest.
Comparison of Deer Censusing Methods in A Tropical Dry Forest.
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Tropicaldeer censusing
Key words census, density, Odocoileus virginianus, tropical deciduous forest, white-tailed deer
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) man- each method for this type of habitat, and (3) select
agement is common in North America (McCullough the most precise method.
1982). In contrast, management of this species in
tropical areas is minimal even when it is an impor-
tant food source or hunting trophy (Leopold 1959, Study area
Mendez 1982). Knowing the number of individuals This study was conducted in the Chamela
in an area as well as the carrying capacity of the Biological Station, which is operated by the
habitat are basic to the management of deer popu- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. The
lations. Nevertheless, there is little information 1,600-ha station is located on the southwest coast in
about density of deer in tropical habitats (Eisenberg the state of Jalisco, Mexico; elevations range from
and Thorington 1973, Eisenberg 1980, Brokx 30-500 m. The region is characterized by irregular
1982). topography. Mean annual temperature is 25?C, with
In 1989, we began studying white-tailed deer in a May through September the hottest months. From
tropical dry forest on the Mexican Pacific Coast. The 1977-1984, temperature maxima and minima were
objective was to learn the dynamics and habitat use 29-32?C and 15-23?C, respectively. Mean annual
of deer in this habitat. We needed a census method precipitation is 748 mm (SD = 119), with 80%of the
that would precisely estimate population in this type rain falling during July-October. Rainfall occurs in
of habitat. Thus, the following objectives were iden- the wet season from July-November; the dry season
tified: (1) compare density estimates from 3 methods is from December-June (Bullock 1986).
(pellet group counts, track counts, and direct count The dominant vegetation is tropical dry forest
of animals on a transect); (2) analyze suitability of (TDF) located on hilly terrain with thin soils. Forest
height varies between 4 and 15 m, has a well-devel- server and the position of the deer was measured
oped understory, and numerous tree species lose (Behrend and Lubeck 1968).
their leaves during the dry season (Lott et al. 1987). Data analysis. Density (Dd, deer/km2) was cal-
Some of the most common trees are botoncillo culated as:
(Cordia alliodora [Ruiz and Pav.] Oken), vara blanca
(Lonchocarpus lanceolatus Benth.), and iguanero Dd D nf(0)
(Caesalpinia eriostachys Benth.).
The station also has semideciduous tropical forest where n is the number of detections, f() is the prob-
(STF) ranging from 10-25 m in height. This forest abilistic function of density at 0 m of perpendicular
type is found along main streams and in protected distance, and L is the total length (km) of transect.
places on deep soils. The most common trees in this To estimatef(0) and the standard error (SE), we used
type of forest are culebro (Astronium graveolens the Fourier series model from the program TRAN-
Jacq.), mojote (Brosimum alicastrum Sw.), and tem- SECT(Burnham et al. 1980). Because low numbers
pisque (Sideroxylon capiri A. DC.). Mangroves of deer were detected monthly on all transects, we
(Rhizophora spp.), palm groves, and thorny sec- pooled observations for various months. We calcu-
ondary scrub surround the station. lated the density for the wet season and the dry sea-
Field work was restricted to the 500 ha of the sta- son for each year. Student's t-test was performed to
tion reserved for research. Over 75% of this area is detect between-season differences. We performed
TDF. Within the TDF are patches of taller trees that an independence test using a 3-dimension contin-
lose leaves later in the dry season. Because these gency table (Sokal and Rohlf 1969) to determine
areas are limited to a few meters on either side of gul- whether there was a relationship among distance
lies, they are not really STF. Therefore, we refer to deer were detected (0-10 m or >10 m), habitat (TDF
them as arroyo vegetation (AV). or STF),and season (dry or wet).
month as a repetition. The normal distribution cal- (Neu et al. 1974). A 1-way analysis of variance
culated for each season fit the data (P < 0.10). (ANOVA)was used to determine if there were differ-
Therefore, standard errors were estimated for this ences in estimates between methods. An a posteri-
distribution (Sokal and Rohlf 1969). Student's t-test ori Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test was per-
was used to determine if there were wet versus dry formed for a multiple comparison among means.
season differences.
Table 1. Variables from 3 deer-census methods during 4 sampling seasons from July 1989-June 1991 in a tropical deciduous forest in
Chamela, Jalisco, Mexico. Wet = July-November, Dry = January-June.
Table 2. Estimated density (D) of white-tailed deer, standard error (SE),and percent coefficient of variation (CV) for the line transect,
track, and pellet group methods for 4 seasons between July 1989 and June 1991 in a tropical deciduous forest in Chamela, Jalisco,
Mexico. Wet = July-November, Dry = January-June.
Line transect 9.6 1.6 16.1 14.9 2.6 17.3 9.0 1.4 15.6 10.6 2.2 21.3
Track 1.4 0.3 20.2 2.0 0.3 14.1 1.3 0.3 22.0 1.7 0.2 11.3
a 6.7 24.7
Pellet group 28.1 3.8 13.5 27.1
Method was not used during this period.
184 Wildlife Society Bulletin 1995, 23(2):180-186
sex, and shape of antlers, were observed in the same area. According to Burnham et al. (1980), 110 km of
place on consecutive days. transect is needed to estimate with a precision of
Assumption 2: "Dailyactivity is restricted to a di- 10%, or 30 km for 20% precision in the same month.
ameter of 1.6 km" (Tyson 1959). The methodology in In small areas such as that studied here, it is not pos-
this study did not allow us to confirm this assumption. sible to establish long transects, so it is necessary to
Variation in the size of home ranges have important replicate over time. Therefore, only 1 estimate/sea-
consequences on the daily movements of deer (Tyson son is possible.
1959). But there is little information about the pattern Low visibility often made it difficult to see ex-
of daily activity and the extent of the home range of actly where the animal was before it fled. For this
this species in tropical dry habitats. reason, during field work it was necessary to
Pellet group method. There are 4 central as- arrange the observations in perpendicular class in-
sumptions in the pellet group count (Eberhardt and tervals. This practice is not recommended
Van Etten 1956). (Burnham et al. 1980).
Assumption 1: "The mean defecation rate of indi- Track method. Track counting has been used as
viduals is 12.7 groups/day." This assumption is the an abundance index (Tyson 1959, Jenkins and
most critical for converting the number of pellet Marchinton 1969, Mooty et al. 1984). However, it has
groups into deer density (Neff 1968). Defecation rate not been used in tropical habitats. In TDF, the appli-
for deer in TDF is not known. cation of this method was relatively simple. Contrary
Assumption 2: "Time of pellet deposition is to results obtained by Harlow and Downing (1967),
known" (Eberhardt and Van Etten 1956). This as- we did not find a day-to-dayvariation in the number
sumption was satisfied because the maximum time of of tracks. At present, the main problem is that the
deposition was known for each transect. variability in daily extent of deer movement and the
Assumption 3: "Pellet groups are correctly identi- size of their home ranges in this type of habitat is not
fied and none are lost from the sampling plots" known. When this is known, we can modify Tyson's
(Eberhardt and Van Etten 1956). Loss of pellet model for application in TDF.
groups was minimal because there was no activity of Pellet count method. This method is widely used
coprophagous beetles during the dry season and the in temperate habitats (Wallmo et al. 1962, Van Etten
plots were inspected by 2-5 people. and Bennett 1965, Neff 1968, Jenkins and
Assumption 4: "Plotsize and shape are efficient for Marchinton 1969). An important factor for convert-
a precise count" (Eberhardtand Van Etten 1956). In ing number of pellet groups to deer density is the
our study, previously analyzed plot form and size defecation rate (Neff 1968). Eberhardt and Van
were used (Smith 1968). Etten's model (1956) uses a mean rate of 12.7
groups/day/deer. However, higher rates have been
Advantages and limitations reported (Rogers 1987, Sawyer et al. 1990).
Line transect methodL The line transect method In TDF, this method can be used only during the
has seldom been used in tropical habitats (Eisenberg dry season when the vegetation allows transects to
and Thorington 1973, Glanz 1982, Karanth and be established. During the wet season, the under-
Sunquist 1992). The main advantage of using LT in story is extremely dense and very difficult to tra-
TDF is that, unlike the track and pellet group meth- verse. Neff (1968) suggested that plots be located
ods, LT does not require specific assumptions about as far away from each other as possible along the
deer biology such as defecation rate or daily move- transect to avoid counting pellets from the same in-
ment in a particulararea. In our study, Fourier series dividuals. In our study area, this was not practical.
might be appropriate for estimating deer density in Establishing a 400-m transect with 40 plots that
TDF because the detection histograms varied among were separated by 10 m required an average of 4
seasons and years. This results from the change in vis- hours of walking by 2 people. Further separation of
ibility through the vegetation seasonally and from the plots increased the time and effort required for
changes in deer activity (Mandujano1992). The main sampling. The critical variable for this method is
difficulties with the LTin TDF are outlined below. the rate of defecation, which is not known for TDF.
The recommended sample size (n > 40, Burnham In our study area as in other places (Neff 1968,
et al. 1980) was not obtained in any month of this Ezcurraand Gallina 1981, Fuller 1991), deer tend to
study because visibility was low along the sides of the defecate in specific sites, normally close to their
roads (<40 m) and the transects were short (<11 km). resting spots. Even though the deer preferred TDF,
Thus, it was not possible to obtain a precise density we believe there was no overestimation in our ex-
estimate in the same month (<10%) for the study trapolation.
Tropical deer censusing * Mandujano and Gallina 185