Improving Driver Experience by Eliminating Squeak & Rattle Noise
Improving Driver Experience by Eliminating Squeak & Rattle Noise
Improving Driver Experience by Eliminating Squeak & Rattle Noise
Altair Solution experience squeak and rattle noise, the formed from the experienced engineering
• S&R prevention using CAE result is a feeling that the product has a teams of SAAB Automobile. The company’s
• Deployment and training for SnRD general lack of overall quality. To avoid vision is to shape mobility for a more
this negative perception, today’s vehicle sustainable future through the development
manufacturers are putting considerable of mobility services that provide a more
• Rapid identification of risk areas
• Accelerated development time efforts into ensuring that these problems engaging electric vehicle (EV) experience. In
• Reduced need for prototypes do not occur. cooperation with its Chinese shareholders,
NEVS is establishing a production and R&D
joint ventures in the Tianjin Binhai High- attributes are evaluated using finite element issue could be tackled with simulation. To
tech Zone in Tianjin, as well as a brand models for a range of investigations, but the perform the project, Altair ProductDesign
experience center in Beijing. team had not yet used simulation strategies worked on site alongside NEVS Interior
to predict squeak and rattle issues. Simulation Team to implement Altair’s
Thanks to the team’s experience of Squeak and Rattle Director (SnRD).
developing vehicles in the Saab Automobile Implementing the Squeak & Rattle
era, NEVS are highly knowledgeable Director at NEVS The SnRD is a comprehensive set of services
regarding the use of simulation technologies Due to a long-standing relationship with and software automations that rapidly
to lead the design process. Interior Altair and its HyperWorks suite of simulation identify and analyze design alternatives to
development falls under the responsibility solutions, NEVS approached Altair eliminate the root causes of squeak and
of the Interior Simulation Team where all ProductDesign to see if the interior quality rattle in assemblies. With customization from
Design variants evaluation - SnRD Automatic Comparison for Rattle Interfaces from GD&T as an input for the Squeak & Rattle Director
& Squeak Simulation Results
Old generation Saab 9-3 cockpit module SnRD visualization of S&R risk zones in new design cockpit
Altair ProductDesign, the solution provides the Altair ProductDesign team to perform continuously relied on due to the relative
a semi-automated approach to determine root cause analysis to highlight the critical silence from an electrical powertrain. The
relative component displacements in the interfaces and connections within the interior SnRD has been able to help NEVS identify
time domain that can lead to undesired structure. S&R risk zones without physical prototypes,
noise in the interior of NEVS vehicle. and provide valuable inputs to eradicate
Detailed investigations of the relative those risk areas to arrive at a more robust
The first stage in the project was to build displacement profiles for dynamic behavior design.
a base model that could be used for could be documented, enabling the team
squeak and rattle (S&R) risk analysis as a to identify critical frequencies and find the NEVS can now explore the effect of
reference for the existing performance of optimum balance between global and local different deviations that could result from
the initial design. Geometric dimensioning stiffnesses. the manufactured parts through sensitivity
and tolerancing (GD&T) data was used to studies such as the effect of different
perform the initial evaluation stage along Component level optimization studies were material properties, tolerance chains and
with worst case scenario and sine sweep performed to guide the design team in different road loads. The required models
loading conditions. The risk areas identified discovering efficient methods of improving are rapidly built and set up for analysis, with
at this early stage were communicated back the stiffness of key structures. Finally, the results automatically post-processed,
to the design team and a series of design detailed reports were produced for NEVS’ all while providing access to powerful
recommendations could be proposed to the Interior Simulation Team to guide the and intelligent optimization technologies
project team. refinement of the different component as that identify improvements throughout
well as dimensioning any problematic gaps. the structure. The reduced requirement
The model geometry was updated based on NEVS’ electric vehicle focus created new for prototype products has provided
these suggestions, incorporating any new problems for its Interior Simulation Team. opportunities to save significant cost and
materials that were identified as potentially time throughout the development program.
having a positive effect of S&R performance. Accelerating the Development Process
Find out more at:
New GD&T data was implemented in the While Minimizing Cost
model and a further risk analysis was Traditionally the sound of the combustion
performed with the results compared to the engine masks out a lot of the rattling and
baseline model. Comparing the results of the squeaking noises that reach the driver’s
initial design to the updated model allowed ear, but this is not something that can be
About Altair
Altair is focused on the development and broad application of simulation
technology to synthesize and optimize designs, processes and decisions
for improved business performance. Privately held with more than 2,600
employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA and operates
more than 45 offices throughout 20 countries. Today, Altair serves more
than 5,000 corporate clients across broad industry segments.
About HyperWorks
HyperWorks is an enterprise simulation solution for rapid design
exploration and decision-making. As one of the most comprehensive,
open-architecture CAE solutions in the industry, HyperWorks includes
best-in-class modeling, analysis, visualization and data management
solutions for linear, nonlinear, structural optimization, fluid-structure
interaction, and multi-body dynamics applications.
Altair Engineering, Inc., World Headquarters: 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083-2031 USA
Phone: +1.248.614.2400 • Fax: +1.248.614.2411 • • [email protected]
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