Flow Simulator: Fluid System Solution

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Flow Simulator

Fluid System Solution

GE's Flow Simulator is an integrated flow, heat transfer, and combustion design software that enables multidisciplinary
engineering simulations to optimize machine design.

Benefits & optimization. The three-dimensional

Flow Simulator allows you to study how design environment gives users the ability
Product Highlights
systems will behave in the real world, where to overlay/integrate the network model with
fluid is the driving factor. System simulation 3D CAD. Ability to integrate customer's own
• Multidisciplinary fluid, thermal, and IP and element formulations seamlessly
relays the overall effect of changing specific
combustion analyses capabilities properties on components, allowing clients utilizing Python scripting. An integration with
to extensively examine all possible variations excel allows for automating the creation of
• Mixed Fidelity 1D-3D CFD
in the design and optimization of systems. the flow/thermal network models based on
Simulations the design configurations.
Flow Simulator was created to push the
 dvanced rotating cavity boundaries of design to drive better Flow Network Modeling
system module outcomes, guided by the principle that An extended library of preconfigured
more informed decisions lead to superior elements and components leveraging a
• Simulation of extremly large products.
large set of publicly-available experimental
fluid systems
data for pressure drop and heat transfer
Through advanced fluid simulations, users
• Transient missions can instantly examine and predict future characteristics.

• Result analysis feature outcomes with complete confidence and

optimal efficiency. Thermal Network Modeling
A resistor-capacitor based solver with
lumped masses simulates conduction,
Features convection, and radiation modes of heat
Learn more: Inuitive Interface transfer. This is fully coupled to the flow
altairhyperworks.com/flowsimulator Flow Simulator has a modern Qt/Qt-web solver for steady state and transient
based single interface for pre, post, solve, conjugate heat transfer analysis capabilities.
Low fidelity 3D-CFD model Flow Simulator model of Coupled Flow and Thermal Network
of a converging nozzle Gas-turbine Combustor model of a Heat Exchager

Control System Module Automotive About Altair

Includes proportional integral derivative (PID) Flow Simulator can be used in the Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) is focused on the
controllers, feedforward, and mission that Automotive industry for vehicle thermal development and broad application of
can be integrated with flow/heat transfer management systems, fuel systems, simulation technology to synthesize and
model to optimize the simulated-machine exhaust systems and HVAC system modeling. optimize designs, processes and decisions
operation during cycle/mission analysis. for improved business performance. With
more than 2,000 employees, Altair is
Optimization Module headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA and
Monte Carlo, Optimal Latin Hypercube, operates 69 offices throughout 24 countries.
N-factorial analyses are provided to quickly Altair serves more than 5,000 corporate
explore the entire design space within a clients across broad industry segments.
3D modeling environment; an analytical
model can be parametrized based on
flow configuration, shape, dimension, and
"Flow Simulator is the single,
thermal characteristics to achieve an optimal unified fluid system design tool/
cost-benefit design. platform for GE Aviation's Thermal
System design, Combustion, Lube/
Industry Applications Energy fuel systems, and externals teams.
Flow Simulator is the only system level CFD In the energy sector, it can be used to It is rooted in decades of practical
predict the turbomachinery aerothermal
tool used within GE across multiple business usage and experience, with
for secondary system cooling, component
units with more than 1,000 users. cooling, combustor design and optimization, aerospace-quality level validation
fuel/lube systems, and power plant piping and verification."
Turbomachinery network and thermal management.
Flow Simulator can be used to predict the The software can also be used for renewable
wind turbines aerothermal design and Tim Stone
turbomachinery aerothermal of engine
optimization and electrical generator Chief Consulting Engineer
sealing systems, structures cooling,
cooling and thermal management. Oil & gas Component Design
rotating cavity systems, component cooling, industry engineers can utilize Flow Simulator GE Aviation
combustor design and optimization, fuel/ for turbomachinery aero derivatives and
lube systems, and thermal management centrifugal compressors secondary system
through the sever harsh working conditions cooling, component cooling, fuel/lube
of long transient flight missions. systems, and thermal management.

Altair Engineering, Inc., World Headquarters 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083-2031 USA • (P) +1.248.614.2400 • (F) +1.248.614.2411 • www.altair.com • [email protected]


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