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Link-to-column connections in steel eccentrically braced frames must sustain large moments and shear forces to support link rotation.
Recent studies showed that link-to-column connections are prone to failure at low drift levels due to their susceptibility to fracture at
the link flange-to-column connections. The most promising method to overcome this problem is to utilize reduced beam section in
link, in order to keep away stress concentration from the link ends. In this investigation, the application of reduced beam section in
long link beams is studied experimentally. Two full-scale specimens with different reduced beam section locations are constructed and
tested under cyclic loading. In one specimen, reduced beam section is placed at both ends of the link beam; and in the other specimen,
reduced beam section is solely placed at the link end which is near the column. The results show that both specimens have satisfied
the seismic code requirements for the link inelastic rotation, which in turn leads to improvement in seismic performance.
cyclic behavior, eccentrically braced frames, long link-to-column connection, reduced link section
0:5bbf ł a ł 0:75bbf
0:65d ł b ł 0:85d
0:1bbf ł c ł 0:25bbf
of the specimens presented in this study), the distance applied quasi-statically in displacement-controlled
of RBS center from the beam end to the beam length mode of the actuator by low rate to identify the beha-
((a + b=2)=L) should be limited to 0.25. This ratio is vior of the connection during the load cycles and
approximately equal to 0.127 in the specimens adopted record all the deformations and probable events.
in the experimental tests. Therefore, they satisfy the
abacus obtained in the above-mentioned publication.
As said, the yielding behavior of EBF links is gov- Test results
erned by r (the normalized link length). In the both As noted earlier, incremental cyclic static loading is
specimens, link beam section is designed with IPE300 applied on the specimens and results are presented
with r = 3:02 and therefore the behavior of link is herein. The hysteresis during the displacement-
dominated by flexural yielding. controlled testing for both specimens is shown in
Figure 6 shows the details of two specimens of RLS Figures 7 and 8, which plots link shear versus elastic
to column connection. In these specimens, link beam is and inelastic rotations. It is apparent from this figure
directly connected to the column through complete that the 2SIDE-RLS reached the 5% link total rota-
joint penetration welds of link flanges to column tion and 3% link inelastic rotation without any failure
flange. The link web is also connected to the column
in the vicinity of welds or at the RLS region. The
flange using fillet welds. Weld access hole has been
inelastic rotation, g p , is evaluated by removing the
considered according to The Provisions requirements
contributions of elastic response from the link rota-
as shown in Figure 6(g). In the 1SIDE-RLS specimen,
tion, g. Due to multiple degrees of freedom in the test
stiffeners are used on both sides of link web within the
setup, some pinching phenomena can be seen in the
distance of 1.5bf from the end far from the column
cyclic response of specimens (Figures 7 and 8). The
where RBS is not placed. Note that these stiffeners are
specimen 1SIDE-RLS reached the 7% link total rota-
in addition to the stiffeners used for RBS end. Table 2
tion and 3% link inelastic rotation without any failure
lists the specifications of both specimens.
in the vicinity of welds or at the RLS region. It is
worthwhile to note that due to limitations of the actua-
Material properties tor, the maximum drift of 7% is applied to the speci-
men. According to The Provision, specimen 1SIDE-
Table 3 lists the mechanical properties of the link sec-
RLS achieved 5% link total rotation and 3% link plas-
tions, determined based on tension coupons sampled
tic rotation.
from the edges of the flange, and mid-depth of the
The acceptance criteria for links are defined in The
web. The average of the modulus of elasticity was cal-
Provisions based on inelastic rotation. The Provisions
culated to be about 206 GPa.
specify that the flexural yielding links should be capa-
ble of an inelastic rotation of 0.02 rad. The inelastic
Loading protocol rotation capacity of the link specimens is defined per
The loading protocol which is used in this study fol- The Provisions, as the maximum level of inelastic rota-
lows the protocol outlined in The Provisions. This tion sustained for at least one full cycle of loading prior
loading protocol presented in Table 4. However, due to the link shear strength drops below the nominal link
to limitations of actuator, the maximum rotation of shear strength. The target inelastic rotation of 0.03 rad
7% is imposed to the specimens. The loading is was exceeded by 50%. Therefore, the link-to-column
connection of both specimens satisfied the performance
requirements of The Provisions.
Table 1. Reduced link section dimension.
Specimens Column Beam Doubler plate thickness (mm) Continuity plate thickness (mm) Stiffener thickness (mm)
Figure 6. Details of specimens: (a) 2SIDE-RLS, (b) 1SIDE-RLS, (c) link beam properties of specimen 2SIDE-RLS, (d) link beam
properties of specimen 1SIDE-RLS, (e) details of RLS from link top view-Specimen 1SIDE-RLS (in cm), (f) details of RLS from link top
view-Specimen 2SIDE-RLS (in cm), and (g) dimension of weld access hole (in mm).
Naserifar and Danesh 801
Table 3. Link section properties. rotation, the yielding is initiated in the beam flanges
after a minor flaking within the reduced section region,
Fy (Mpa) Fu (Mpa) Elongation (%) as seen in Figure 9, and extended to the entire reduced
region at the end of 2% story drift and 3% drift.
Web 282.0 416.7 27.7
Flange 271.8 411.4 29.3 Figure 10 shows the RLS region of the 2SIDE-RLS
at the end of the test. This RLS is the one near the col-
umn. Yielding of RLS is evidenced by flaking of the
whitewash. Also, local buckling can be seen in the link
Table 4. Cyclic loading protocol. flange at RLS region. Initiation of web local buckling
in the RLS induces flange local buckling followed by
Amplitude: g (rad) Number of cycles
strength degradation in the specimen and reduced
0.00375 6 demand on the panel zone. Finally, 2SIDE-RLS speci-
0.005 6 men failed due to fractures at the fillet welds connect-
0.0075 6 ing the link flanges to the end plate in the beginning of
0.01 6
0.015 4
cycle 7% of loading as is seen in Figure 11. This failure
0.02 2 is considered an artifact of the test setup, as the link
0.03 2 end connection used for the specimen was not repre-
0.04 1 sentative of conventional link end connection used in
0.05 1 actual EBFs. Significant yielding is visible inside the
0.07 1
0.09 1 link reduced section panels. Yielding in RLS region at
0.11 1 the link end opposite to the column is shown in
Figure 12. As be seen from this figure and obvious
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
-100 -100
-200 -200
-300 -300
-400 -400
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 9. Yielding at the RLS region, specimen 2SIDE-RLS at (a) 1.5%, (b) 2%, and (c) 3% drift.
Figure 12. RLS region near the link end opposite to the
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