CH 8 Switching Network Multiple Choice Questions and Answers MCQ PDF Data Communication and Networking PDF

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All the Multiple Choice Question and Answer (MCQs) have been
compiled from the books of Data Communication and Networking
by The well known author behrouz A forouzan.

his Data Communication and Networking – Switching Network
multiple choice based
ased Questions and Answers (MCQ) PDF cover
the below lists of topic.

1. Switching methods Multiple Choice Question and Answer

2. circuit switching Multiple Choice Question and Answer
3. packet
acket switching Multiple Choice Question and Answer
4. message switching Multiple Choice Question and Answer
5. Space-division
division switch , Time-division
Time switches Multiple
Choice Question and Answer.

Practice now to sharpen your concept.

1. Traditionally, _____ methods of switching have been

A. four
B. three
C. five
D. six

2. We can divide today's networks into ____ broad

A. four
B. three
C. five
D. two
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3. Packet-switched networks can also be divided into

______subcategories: virtual-circuit networks and datagram
A. four
B. three
C. two
D. five

4. A ________ network is made of a set of switches

connected by physical links, in which each link is divided
into n channels.
A. line-switched
B. frame-switched
C. circuit-switched
D. none of the above

5. Circuit switching takes place at the ________ layer.

A. data line
B. physical
C. network
D. transport

6. In _______, the resources need to be reserved during the

setup phase; the resources remain dedicated for the entire
duration of data transfer phase until the teardown phase.
A. datagram
ram switching
B. circuit switching
C. frame switching
D. none of the above

7. In _________, there is no resource allocation for a packet.

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A. datagram switching
B. circuit switching
C. frame switching
D. none of the above

8. In _________, resources are allocated on demand.

A. datagram switching
B. circuit switching
C. frame switching
D. none of the above

9. In __________, each packet is treated independently of all

A. datagram switching
B. circuit switching
C. frame switching
D. none of the above

10. In _______ there are no setup or teardown phases.

A. datagram switching
B. circuit switching
C. frame switching
D. none of the above

Answer key for MCQ SET-

Q-1 Correct Answer :three
Q-2 Correct Answer :three
Q-3 Correct Answer :two
Q-4 Correct Answer :circuit-switched
Q-5 Correct Answer :physical
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Q-6 Correct Answer :circuit switching

Q-7 Correct Answer :datagram switching
Q-8 Correct Answer :datagram switching
Q-9 Correct Answer :datagram switching
Q-10 Correct Answer :datagram switching

Switching Network multiple choice questions and answers MCQ


1. A _________ network is a cross between a circuit

network and a datagram network. It has some characteristics
of both.
A. virtual-circuit
B. packet-switched
C. frame-switched
D. none of the above

2. We can say that a packet switch has _______ types of

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. none of the above

3. The simplest type of switching fabric is the ______ switch

A. crosspoint
B. crossbar
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4. A ________ switch is a multistage switch with

microswitches at each stage that route the packets based on
the output port represented as a binary string
A. crossbar
C. banyan
D. none of the above

5. In a banyan switch, for 8 inputs and 8 outputs, we have

_____ stages
A. 8
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

6. In a banyan switch, for 8 inputs and 8 outputs, we have

_____ microswitches at each stage.
A. 8
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

7. A ________ switch combines space-division and time-

division technologies to take advantage of the best of both.
D. none of the above
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8. The most popular technology in time-division switching is

called the _________
D. none of the above

9. Based on the Clos criteria, if N = 200, then n must be equal

to or greater than ____
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40

10. Based on the Clos criteria, if N = 200, then k must be

equal to or greater than ____
A. 21
B. 19
C. 31
D. 41

Answer key for MCQ SET-

Q-1 Correct Answer :virtual-circuit
Q-2 Correct Answer :four
Q-3 Correct Answer :crossbar
Q-4 Correct Answer :banyan
Q-5 Correct Answer :3
Q-6 Correct Answer :4
Q-7 Correct Answer :TST
Q-8 Correct Answer :TSI
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Q-9 Correct Answer :10

Q-10 Correct Answer :19

Switching Network multiple choice questions and answers MCQ


1. Based on the Clos criteria, if N = 200, then the minimum

number of crosspoints is greater than or equal to _______
A. 15,200
B. 18,000
C. 42,000
D. 20,000

2. In a one-stage space division switch, if N = 200, the

number of crosspoints is ______
A. 10,000
B. 20,000
C. 40,000
D. 30,000

3. In a three-stage space division switch, if N = 200, the

number of crosspoints is ______
A. 40,000
B. greater than 40,000
C. less than 40,000
D. greater than 100,000

4. A ________ switch combines crossbar switches in several

(normally three) stages
A. multistage
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B. multiple crossbar
C. multiple path
D. none of the above

5. In _______ switching, the paths in the circuit are separated

from one another spatially
A. time-division
B. space-division
C. two-dimensional
D. three-dimensional

6. A switched WAN is normally implemented as a _______

A. virtual-circuit
B. datagram
C. circuit-switched
D. none of the above

7. In a ________ network, two types of addressing are

involved: global and local
A. virtual-circuit
B. datagram
C. circuit-switched
D. none of the above

8. The network layer in the Internet is designed as a

__________ network
A. virtual-circuit
B. datagram
C. circuit-switched
D. none of the above
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9. A switch in a datagram network uses a routing table that is

based on the ______ address
A. source
B. destination
C. local
D. none of the above

10. The _______ address in the header of a packet in a

datagram network normally remains the same during the
entire journey of the packet
A. source
B. destination
C. local
D. none of the above

Answer key for MCQ SET-

Q-1 Correct Answer :15,200
Q-2 Correct Answer :40,000
Q-3 Correct Answer :less than 40,000
Q-4 Correct Answer :multistage
Q-5 Correct Answer :space-division
Q-6 Correct Answer :virtual-circuit
Q-7 Correct Answer :virtual-circuit
Q-8 Correct Answer :datagram
Q-9 Correct Answer :destination
Q-10 Correct Answer :destination

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