Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
of the study after conducting an assessment on the actions and programs implemented
3. How satisfied are the women of selected barangays in Batangas City on the
4. What legal measure may be proposed in order to strengthen the safety and
security of women?
answer the given problems in the conduct of study. Descriptive design is defined as a
general procedure employed in the study that has for its chief purpose, the description
of phenomena. The study focused on women who live in the ten barangays selected
with the highest crime rate for violence against women namely Balagtas, Bolbok,
Kumintang Ibaba, Sta. Rita Ilaya, Balete, Malitam, Cuta, Wawa, Libjo and Tingga Itaas.
The researchers will survey 300 respondents. Purposive sampling method was used to
1. Based on the study conducted, 226 or 75 percent of the respondents answered that
they feel unsafe being alone in their community. Also, out of 300 respondents, 164 or 55
percent of the respondents were bombarded by the existence of drugs and physical
harm in their community while lack of external support ranked third in being a risk/threat
2. Most of the actions and programs carried out in the barangays of Batangas City were
coordinated with the Police Offices on Anti - Drug andAnti-Violence against Women with
237 frequency, followed by the strict implementation of the curfew Hours in the
barangay with 235 frequency. The third in ranking acquired a total of 234 frequency and
it was regular patrolling of Barangay Tanod tailed by efficient health services, equipment
and women's supplies of 227 frequency. This is followed by the installation of CCTV
3. From the survey results gathered across from ten selected barangays in Batangas
City, it has a weighted mean average of 2.21 or to being a least satisfied with the
actions and programs implemented. Barangays that shows to have the most number of
unsatisfied women were Wawa, Libjo and Kumintang Ibaba with weighted mean
of physical harm, unsafe areas, existence of drugs or criminal acts and lack of
3. Women in Batangas City's ten selected barangays are less satisfied with the
threats in their area. Wawa, Libjo and Kumintang were the barangays who
cases of violence against women including its prevention and awareness to the
programs implemented.
1. In regards with the risks/threats, the researchers recommended that local authorities
should be observant and vigilant on cases involving the safety of women especially in
their respective barangays. If there are any cases of violence, immediate response is
3. As the study shows that majority of the barangays in the Batangas City were less
recommended that people should be aware of its existence and strict implementation
and support for women must be observed in all circumstances. Awareness to various
actions/programs of the local government units is the key in preventing various conflicts
against women.
4. The researchers upon assessing and knowing that there is a strong stand of violence
and threat present in every barangay and therefore it shall be addressed by legal
measures which will secure the protection of every woman. The researchers