Development and Validation of A HPTLC Method For Rivaroxaban in Human Plasma For A Pharmacokinetic Study
Development and Validation of A HPTLC Method For Rivaroxaban in Human Plasma For A Pharmacokinetic Study
Development and Validation of A HPTLC Method For Rivaroxaban in Human Plasma For A Pharmacokinetic Study
Shukla et al.: Validated HPTLC method for determination of Rivaroxaban in human plasma
The present study is concerned with the development and validation of a bioanalytical method for
estimation of rivaroxaban in human plasma using high performance thin layer chromatography. The
chromatographic separation was achieved on pre-coated silica gel 60F254 thin layer chromatography plate
using toluene:ethylacetate:methanol (6:3:1, % v/v/v) as a mobile phase. Detection was carried out at 284 nm.
A compact spot was obtained with an Rf value of 0.44±0.02. The linearity was found over the concentration
range of 25-125 ng/band in human plasma. The relative standard deviation for repeatability of sample
application and sample measurement was 0.60 and 1.65 %, respectively. The relative standard deviation
for intraday and interday precisions was in the range of 1.37 to 1.85 % and 1.03 to 2.77 %, respectively.
The limit of quantitation was 8.00 ng/band and the limit of detection was 2.64 ng/band. Percent recovery
of rivaroxaban was in the range of 66.95-69.03%. This method was applied to a pharmacokinetic study
of rivaroxaban. The Cmax and tmax for test and marketed formulation were found to be 63.83 and 47.3 ng/
ml and 3 and 4 h respectively. The area under the curve0-t for test and marketed formulation were found
to be 290 and 219.0 ng/ml.h, respectively. The t1/2 for test and marketed formulation was found to be 6.87
and 6.64 h.
Method validation:
Extraction of rivaroxaban from plasma: Healthy, Adult Wistar female rats (200–230 g) were
obtained from the Central Animal House, Maliba
Five hundred microlitres of plasma was transferred Pharmacy College. The animals were housed at
into a centrifuge tube and spiked with fixed aliquots of temperature 27±2º, humidity 55 %, 12-h light/12-h
working standard solution of rivaroxaban and vortexed, dark cycle and had free access to food and drinking
3 ml of acetonitrile was added and sonicated for water up to the time of experimentation in normal
10 min. The above solution was centrifuged for 15 min acrylic cages. The animals were acclimatized to the
at 1000 rpm. The supernatant was transferred to a 5-ml laboratory environment 1 week before the experiment.
volumetric flask volume made up with acetonitrile and The experiments protocol described in the present
filtered through a 0.22 µm syringe filter. study was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics
Committee (IAEC, Protocol No. MPC/IAEC/06 /2018)
Preparation of calibration curve:
and conducted according to the Committee for the
Aliquot 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 μl of the working Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on
standard solution (50 μg/ml) of rivaroxaban were spiked Animals (CPCSEA) guidelines. Five tablets of Xeralto
316 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences March-April 2020
of the strength 10 mg were crushed and 8 ml of 1% of 0.44±0.02. (fig. 2). Chromatogram of blank plasma
CMC was added to prepare a suspension. The prepared was run to check any interference. Comparison of the
suspension was administered to rats by oral route. spectra scanned at s, m and e positions of individual
bands showed a high degree of correlation (>0.9994),
Blood collection and preparation of plasma sample which confirmed purity of the corresponding bands.
for Pharmacokinetic studies:
Calibration curve of rivaroxaban from plasma was
After administration of rivaroxaban to the rats, blood obtained by plotting peak area versus concentration
was collected by retro-orbital technique at 0, 1, 2, 3, over the range of 25 to 125 ng/band. The calibration
4, 5, 6, 12 and 24 h time intervals. One ml of blood curve was found to be linear with a correlation
was drawn into vacutainer tubes containing 1.8 mg of coefficient of 0.9954. 3D chromatogram is shown in
EDTA. The vacutainer tubes were inverted 10 times to fig. 3. Calibration data is shown in Table 1. RSD for
mix blood and the anticoagulant, centrifuged at 2000 to repeatability of measurement and repeatability of
3000 rpm for 15 min and the supernatant was separated. sample application was found to be 0.60 and 1.65 %,
Protein precipitation technique was used to prepare respectively, which ensured precision of spotter device.
plasma sample for analysis. Aliquots of 0.5 ml was RSD for intra-day and inter-day precision was found in
taken from plasma samples collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the range of 1.37-1.85 and 1.03-2.77 %, respectively.
6, 12 and 24 h. To this, 3ml of acetonitrile was added These results indicated that the method is reproducible
and vortexed, the sample was sonicated for 10 min and could be used for estimating rivaroxaban in plasma.
and centrifuged for 15 min at 1000 rpm. Supernatant
The minimum detectable concentration in terms of
was transferred to a 5-ml volumetric flask diluted to LOD and the minimum quantifiable concentration
the mark with acetonitrile, filtered through a 0.22 µl in terms of LOQ were found to be 2.64 and
syringe filter and 25 µl of the filtrate was applied to the 8.00 ng/band, respectively, which indicated good
TLC plate. sensitivity of the method. The accuracy of the method
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in terms of extraction efficiency was determined for
rivaroxaban from plasma and % recovery was found
Numerous initial trials were carried out with toluene, to be in the range of 66.95 to 69.03 % (Table 2).
methanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform and modifiers glacial Robustness of the method was determined by changing
acetic acid and triethylamine to determine their effect on mobile phase composition, mobile phase volume,
drug migration. After these trials, various combinations saturation time, wavelength and scanning speed. The
of solvents, toluene:methanol:triethylamine, % RSD was found in the range of 1.32-1.67, which
chloroform:methanol:glacial acetic acid,
toluene:methanol, toluene:ethyl acetate:methanol TABLE: 1 CALIBRATION DATA FOR RIVAROXA-
were tried in various proportions. Better results were BAN IN PLASMA
obtained in toluene:ethyl acetate:methanol in the ratio Amount (ng/band) Peak area (Mean±SD, n=5) % RSD
of 6:3:1, where sharp peak was observed with an Rf of 25 617.0±15.2 2.46
50 1025.9±23.9 2.32
75 1439.6± 26.0 1.81
Comparison of chromatograms of standard rivaroxaban 100 1776.3±21.6 1.21
and rivaroxaban from plasma showed identical Rf values 125 2080.3±37.2 1.78